"Are You Still Addicted?" Boo...

By RaveHaynes

221K 6.7K 5.3K

A few years have passed since Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin have gotten married. The love they have for one another i... More

"Are You Still Addicted?"
"The Tie That Binds."
"Follow Me Duckling!"
"The Water Is Too Hot!"
"Where Are My Headphones?!"
"My Father, Your Father."
"Great To See You Friend!"
"Dinner Is Served Cold."
"Adorable Little Hands."
"Sexy New Client."
"Wanting, Needing, Waiting."
"A Penny For Your Thoughts."
"The Subject Of Children."
"The Search For A New Home."
"The Movie Star Has Returned!"
"Yang Meng"
"A Troublesome Meeting."
"A Mini Vacation At The Bar."
"Dr. Lee"
"The Devil Within."
"Dinner With Mom, Again?"
"Charity For The Bold!"
"Moving Day!"
"Good News."
"Help Us, Dr. Lee!"
"Jiang Yifei"
"Sweet and Sour."
"Moon Cakes And Kisses." (Short)
"Nurse Zang."
"Wedding Dress."
"Dark Thoughts."
"Fun Things To Do."
"One Month."
"Tong Tian."
"You'll Need New Bras!"
"Those Eight Long Years."
"Traditional Love"
"The Procession."
"Will You Marry Me?"
"Husband and Wife."
"Month Two."
"Quality Time"
"Aunty Zhou's Advice."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part One."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part Two."
"One Scared Fish. One Worried Fish."
"Kiss Me."
"Month Three, With Gu Hai The Wicked."
"Gu Yang Visits."
"Gu Yang's Wishful Thinking."
"The Bodyguards."
"Work In Progress."
"How Can I Be Okay?"
"Rain And Thunder."
"Xiaoping Attacks Gu Hai."
"Seeing Ghosts And Stars."
"Be Still My Heart."
"Sweet Like Custard."
"Bad News."
"Hungry Eyes."
"Romeo And His Lovers."
"So Blessed."
"Month Four."
"Scared Me To Death!"
"Day One In Thailand!"
"The Grand Scheme."
"Let Me Go!"
"Higher Than The Heavens Above."
"Two Missing?"
"Silent Screams."
"The Search Continues."
"The Second Kick."
"I Want To Know!"
"The Comfort Of His Arms."
"Shi Hui."
"Swimming In The Hot And Cold."
"Walking On A Thin Line."
"Next To You"
"Lost For Words."
"Saved By Our Friend."


3.2K 112 72
By RaveHaynes

The next morning, a maid that happened to be walking by their room suddenly felt the need to call the police. Two different screams were heard, one after the next.
Gu Hai had swiftly kicked You Qi off of the bed first.
"Are you expecting a thrashing this morning?!" He yelled, "You dare sleep next to my wife!"
The second kick was to Yang Meng, who, because of his light weight, had flown off of the bed and much farther across the room.
"And you, you encourage too much!" Gu Hai had said to him, pointing a finger as if to mark him for death.
Both You Qi and Yang Meng were left rubbing their wounds. Gu Hai then threw pillows at them with such force, wind kicked up around their heads.
Bai LuoYin awoke because of the commotion, saying, "Gu Hai, we were all drunk, leave them alone!"
Gu Hai huffed like an ancient dragon. He had awoken first and had wanted to make love to his wife when he spotted these two. You Qi had snuggled close to Bai LuoYin, right up under his arm, and Yang Meng was buried next to him, his arm wrapped around You Qi. Annoyed, this was his reaction.
After, You Qi and Yang Meng went back to their rooms, still rubbing their sore asses.
Later that day, they all enjoyed lunch together. You Qi and Yang Meng was used to Gu Hai's temper, so they didn't ever harbor any bad feelings towards him. Gu Hai would go as far as ending the world for Bai LuoYin, so it was normal behavior.
They did a few shopping and even visited China Town.
"This can't compare to the food back home." You Qi commented, eating some noodles.
Everyone nodded in agreement. The next place they visited was the Statue of Liberty, then, Times Square. It was fun and they took lots of pictures.
Gu Hai recieved an email notification on his cell and he quickly opened it up. It was from a doctor at a surrogacy agency. He had a meeting the day they would arrive home. This made him so happy that he grabbed Bai LuoYin and planted a sweet kiss on his lips!
"What was that for?" Bai LuoYin asked, curious, but smiling.
Gu Hai shook his head and bit into his food, especially enjoying it now that it was coated with his lover's lips.
Yang Meng and You Qi were in awe. They admired how much courage Gu Hai had to kiss in public.
Later that night they celebrated Yang Meng's birthday. You Qi had ordered the biggest cake he could find. It was extremely huge, with white flowers and cream frosting.
Yang Meng was brought to tears. This was truly the best celebration he had ever had in his entire life.
"Thank you all so much for this birthday," Yang Meng sniffed, tears falling from his eyes, "this was the most fun I've ever had in my life."
You Qi, Bai LuoYin, and even Gu Hai wrapped their arms around him. The embrace was warm and full of love. You Qi swiftly wiped away the tears that had surfaced, not wanting to show anyone he had been brought to tears, before they pulled away.
The next morning they boarded their flight back home. On the plane they adored the pictures they had taken, scanning through their favorites so that they could post them on social media.
When they had landed, Gu Hai told Bai LuoYin he had an important meeting to attend to. They dropped their belongings at home and Gu Hai was off to meet the doctor who specialized in surrogacy.

Dr. Lee was a tall man with glasses. He stood well over six feet tall and was very handsome. His dark hair was cut in a heavy crop style and his scrubs were a faded blue. He smiled at Gu Hai as they both took their seats on a comfy couch.
Gu Hai gazed around the room. There were pictures of Dr. Lee and his family hung throughout the office. A picture of a boy and girl was perched next to a huge bookshelf. A picture of the doctor and his wife sat on the coffee table.
"How can we help you?" The good doctor asked, flashing his pearly whites at him.
"I see that you are a family man." Gu Hai said.
Dr. Lee nodded, saying, "Yes, we were lucky to have our children. We also used surrogate mothers. Are you interested in what we have to offer?" 
Gu Hai nodded.
"Is this your first time?" Dr. Lee asked.
Gu Hai nodded again.
"Well, we should talk about if surrogacy is the right choice for you." Dr. Lee said, "This process can be very emotional. It is a huge commitment for both parties."
"I understand. We are both willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen." Gu Hai said. It was true, in his heart, he knew that he was ready. He only had to try and convince Bai LuoYin.
"This is a major decision, have you done any research?" Dr. Lee eyed him curiously.
"I have, the internet was very helpful." Gu Hai admitted.
Dr. Lee chuckled, then said, "It is, but it doesn't give you all of the information you need."
The doctor spoke to Gu Hai for quite a while. It was well over an hour after they had finished. Dr. Lee even scheduled an appointment for next week, same time. This should be enough time to talk to Bai LuoYin, Gu Hai thought to himself. When he left the doctor's office, he had become even more eager than before. His drive home was used to daydream about all the love he had to share. The more he invested in having a child, the more he wanted one. He only hoped that Bai LuoYin would feel the same.
The doctor had informed him that there were many ways to have a surrogate mother carry their child. One option was that a family member could volunteer to carry the child on Bai LuoYin's side of the family. That way, the child would be blood related to them even if Gu Hai decided to use his sperm. This didn't sit well with Gu Hai though. As he drove, he burst into laughter, thinking about Bai LuoYin in a pregnant state. If a male could have carried a child, would Bai LuoYin agree to do it? How funny he would have looked being pregnant. This image warmed Gu Hai's heart.
Another option they had was an egg donor. This also didn't set well with Gu Hai. He was left thinking about what the mother was like. What if this person was evil at heart? How would their child turn out? Would he or she have health problems growing up? The mental state of a child was important. Would he or she turn out to be a murderer?!
As he pulled into his parking space, his cell phone went off. It was Bai LuoYin, so he answered quickly.
"Where are you?" He asked.
"I just pulled into the parking space." Gu Hai said.
"Let's go out to eat." Bai LuoYin suggested.

You Qi sat in his hotel room going over the event's of the weekend. It had been fun. He was glad that Yang Meng enjoyed himself.
His chef was preparing dinner in the kitchen so he sat down to observe. He watched as the chef's hands moved skillfully, cutting vegetables, slicing meat. It was amazing to watch this guy.
"Do you have anyone special?" You Qi blurted out.
The chef looked up at him surprised. "Yes, why do you ask sir?" He asked.
You Qi felt like chatting. His feelings for Yang Meng continued to grow. Each day spent with this silly guy made him more determined to have him in his life.
"How did you get her to fall in love with you?" You Qi asked.
The chef half laughed and said, "I didn't have to do much. It was more of a mutual feeling. Our eyes locked and from there it grew through dating and spending time together."
"Really?" You Qi said, propping his chin up on the counter top with his arm.
The chef nodded.
"I'm still in love with Yang Meng, but I don't know if he still loves me." You Qi admitted.
The chef had been employed by You Qi for quite some time, so he knew about their relationship. Most mornings he used to bring breakfast in bed to them. He saw pounds of flesh, even saw them fully naked once. He heard conversations between them that no one else heard. He even heard moans once. But this guy was loyal, anything he knew never escaped his lips. The media had once tried to bribe him, but he was an honest man. He had refused the money and even gave the scum bag a piece of his mind. There was no honor if men could be easily bought.
The chef stopped what he was doing and thoughtfully looked at his boss. He had been there that dreadful day they had broken up. It was sad, and very emotional.
"It takes two to make a relationship work sir. It is a huge commitment. Are you sure you're willing to put your heart on the chopping block again?"
You Qi half smiled and said, "I can't help but love him. Even though I found out that he had cheated, I still loved him. I think the heart wants what the heart wants."
The chef nodded, saying, "I understand."
"Love is hard." You Qi said, sounding depressed a little.
"Well dinner is almost finished, that should cheer you up!" The chef said, waving his spoon in the air at him.

Yang Meng was thankful. He lay in bed with his head propped up. One arm under his head, the other holding up his phone. He scrolled through his pictures and was in a great mood. He swiped his finger to the left to reveal a picture of Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai. They both looked so happy. Gu Hai was pulling Bai LuoYin into a tight embrace as they posed. The image brought a warm feeling to Yang Meng's heart. He went to the next picture and stopped. It was of You Qi. He was standing near a restaurant sign, waving at the camera.
Yang Meng felt a sudden sadness creep into his soul. Memories of his past flooded his mind.
"Do you love her?" You Qi had asked him, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Yang Meng's heart had been beating fast, his palms were sweaty, and he had the beginning of tears.
You Qi had caught them in the city, at a restaurant, nicely dressed, and embracing each other. He had followed them in his limo. He even stood outside of the restaurant until they had both finished eating. When Yang Meng and she exited the building, You Qi was there. He had stood with a blank look upon his face. He was void of any emotion. His heart had been shattered into billions of pieces.
The look on Yang Meng's face was of shock and then guilt. But You Qi hadn't questioned him. He simply walked away after they had locked eyes for that horrible moment in time.
When Yang Meng had finally arrived at You Qi's home that night, he was sitting in the livingroom, alone, in the dark.
For a while they hadn't spoken. The silence was torture.
"I think I do, love her." Yang Meng had whispered his answer into the dark room.
Those words alone had burned You Qi. It had felt as if he were punched in the chest with every word.
"What about my love for you?" You Qi had asked.
"I don't know, I'm confused about how I feel for you." Yang Meng had said, as he took a seat near him on the couch.
Deep inside of You Qi, a rage bubbled. It ripped his insides and scarred his face. He had turned to Yang Meng with fire in his eyes. But it was quickly doused once he saw the tears fall from Yang Meng's eyes.
Yang Meng had cried, he had cried for nearly half an hour. After he had settled down, the guilt that he felt washed over him in waves. He had stood up from the couch and went to retrieve his things. He had left You Qi's apartment with a promise. He would never ask for anything ever again. He knew that he had betrayed You Qi's love.
You Qi didn't even try to stop him from leaving. Because his heart was broken, he had stayed to himself. When the front door had finally closed, his tears fell endlessly. He knew he had tricked Yang Meng into loving him. He knew that Yang Meng had liked women also. As he sat crying and feeling hurt, he tried to tell himself that he should have known better. But something deep down inside said to him, Yang Meng had grown to love him. Was he wrong? Was their love false? Even though he had deceived Yang Meng, what they felt for each other in that short time meant something. Didn't it?
Yang Meng turned his phone off. A tear fell from his eye. He had fallen in love with You Qi. But he knew that his feelings were just as real for the woman he had fallen in love with. Things didn't work out between him and her, but he knew what he had felt was real. He thought to himself, could he still love You Qi?
He could see that You Qi had feelings for him still. He wasn't blind. It showed in everything that he did for him. The phone calls, the fancy dinners, the birthday celebration.
Could he still love this man even after all the hurt that he had put him through? Yang Meng knew it wasn't fair to lead him on if he wasn't sure. He could see the love behind You Qi's eyes. The way he pined for him was more than his heart could take. The guilt was eating at his very life. But he couldn't take back what he did. He would never be ashamed of loving someone. It didn't matter if it was a man or a woman.

Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai entered their home, bellies filled, smiles on their faces, and love in their hearts. Gu Hai brushed past Bai LuoYin, quickly grabbing his hand and laughing.
Bai LuoYin frowned. What had gotten into this guy tonight? He thought to himself. He couldn't help but laugh also as he was pulled all the way to their bedroom.
"Close your eyes." Gu Hai instructed as he made Bai LuoYin stand in front of the bed.
Bai LuoYin gave him a puzzled look, then he did as he was told.
"No peeking!" Gu Hai warned.
"Ok!" Bai LuoYin shot back.
Gu Hai rummaged through his things and pulled out a familiar object. This thing was named, son. He walked up to his wife and gently placed it in the palms of his hands.
"Open." Gu Hai said softly.
Bai LuoYin looked down at the thing in his hands. He recognized it to be the donkey he had gotten for Gu Hai. He looked up at him puzzled. Why did Gu Hai give him this silly thing?
Gu Hai bent down a little so that he were eye level with Bai LuoYin. He looked deep into his wife's eyes and said, "Do you see how well I've kept our child? Wouldn't you say that I'm a good father? No broken pieces, the color hasn't faded, and I haven't even done anything inappropriate with it."
Bai LuoYin laughed. He turned the donkey around in his hands, inspecting the condition of it. It was true, surprisingly, Gu Hai had kept it in very good condition. He nodded and tried to hand it back to Gu Hai. But he gently pressed it to Bai LuoYin's chest and leaned in close, as if he were embracing both him and the donkey at the same time.
Gu Hai pressed his forehead to Bai LuoYin's and closed his eyes as he spoke his next words. "I love you and our son now and forever."
Bai LuoYin felt the love wash over him. It made him close his eyes and he took a deep breath in. He agreed with a slight nod.
"I'll always live for you Bai LuoYin." Gu Hai said softly and then kissed his lips gently. It sent pleasure coursing through their bodies. "What do you think about giving donkey a baby brother or sister?"
Bai LuoYin looked up into his eyes with total surprise. He blinked at Gu Hai, wondering if he had heard his words correctly.
"Baby?" Bai LuoYin asked, frowning.
Gu Hai nodded, "A baby. Do you think we could have children?"
Bai LuoYin felt as if he wanted to cry, but was also scared. Deep inside he had mixed emotions. He thought Gu Hai didn't want children. This was truly a overwhelming topic.
"You're saying that you want to have a child?" Bai LuoYin asked.
Gu Hai cupped his cheek in the palm of his hand and nodded. His eyes glossed. He wanted Bai LuoYin to say yes so badly.
"Y-yes!" Bai LuoYin said, as if the answer was stifling to get out.
Gu Hai quickly pulled him into a tight embrace and covered him with kisses. He kissed his lips, cheeks, eyes, forehead, and neck. Then they sealed it with tongue. It was magical. It felt as if a halo had surrounded their bodies as the love they had for one another grew to epic proportions. Now that they were on the same page. It was time to start growing their happy family. A little Gu Hai or Bai LuoYin.

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