Billionaires brides (jungkook...

By Salvisingh

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what happened when a billionaires forced to marry a normal college girl. ~~I hate you ~~~ ~~~thanks for the... More

part 1
part 2
part 3 (first meeting)
part 4
part 5
part 6(accident)
part 7
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
Part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25 (special 😘)
new cover

part 8πŸ˜…πŸ˜šπŸ˜š

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By Salvisingh

Grandpa and taeyon entered  a big. Room.

Grandpa in cold tone: sit down

Taehyon:y---y--yes grandpa..

Grandpa:from when we're you too dating.

Taeyon:t--two y--years..

Grandpa:why are you shtturing .

Taeyon :s-sorry grandpa.

Grandpa: so what do you do.

Taeyon :i am a model and a student.

Grandpa:what do you know about jungkook.

Taeyon:hmmm I --he is very good and love me very much.

Why do you love him.

Taeyon:he is rich and everyone wants him. I mean he is so handsome. Who ever will marry him she will be a celebrity.

Grandpa:do you love him.
Taeyon:yes .

Grandpa : did jungkooks want to marry you.
Taeyon:yes of course he is so ever to marry me.

Grandpa: are you sure.


Grandpa:such a confident lire.

Taeyon:w what??

Grandpa:tell the truth why do you with jungkook and two days ago he was telling me he don't want to get married and now he has a girlfriend.
And your relationship is of two years but jungkook was in abroad for higher knowledge about business .2years ago.

Taeyon :n--!no grandpa I am telling truth.

Grandpa  coldest tone:truth!!!!

Taeyon:i--- I-- w--was on cont---ract girlfriend of jung--kook, but I love him surely.

Grandpa :getout!!!!!!  Now!!!

Taeyon run out crying.

Grandpa come out  .

Jungkook:why did she run away grandpa is everything  OK.


Jungkook:what happened Grandpa

Grandpa :i was not expecting this from you, I gave you warning before.

Jungkook:i don't understand grandpa.

Grandpa: I am talking about your fake girlfriend and contract.

You know I am so proud of you all three but I am very disappointed in you. And now I don't have any choice.
Now I will find a new girl for you and your engagement will be in 1 week.

Jungkook:but grandpa I don't want to marry a girl which I didn't know.

Grandpa:till you don't say  yes for marriage I will not talk to you.

Jungkook:but grandpa---

Grandpa went in side

Jungkook went out in frustration and anger.

Jimin and Taehyungs  were shouting at him. 

Jungkook speeded his car fast and  stop near lake.


Jimin and Taehyungs were calling him continuely.

Jungkook :what is it Taehyungs.

Taehyungs :come back idote we will sit and talk. Where are you.

Jungkook:leave me alone just this one OK.

Jungkook cut the call.

~~~In club ~~~

Jungkook was setting in club and drinking alcohol.

He was totally drunk but he was drinking more.
There were tears in his eye.
His grandpa is not talking to him because of the silly  mistak.
But he also dont want to get married.

Some girl approx him.

Girl:hello handsome. Bad day you!

Jungkook:looked up and smirk.

Girl: want to have some fun.

Jungkook pulled her roughly and kissed her.

Girl smiled and said
Girl :lets continue somewere private.

Jungkook nodded and both went somewhere in club.


Next day

Jimin :till now Jungkook is not here.

Taehyungs :don't worry he will be fine

Jimin and  Taehyungs and grandpa all  were eating there food in silence.

Grandpa : were is jungkook.

Jimin and Taehyungs look at each other and then at grandpa.

Jimin :we don't know.
Grandpa :what do you mean you don't know.

Taehyungs :he was not home yesterday.

Grandpa :cough!!

Taehyungs pass him water.
Grandpa stands up and walk to his room.

Taehyungs :grandpa your food.

Grandpa :i am not hungry.

Jimin:grandpa and jungkook both are stubborn.

Taehyungs :i am worried about grandpa more because he is not well and skipping food is not good for his health.

Jimin :we should talk to jungkook.

Taehyungs :ok.

Jimin and Taehyungs were talking to each other when Souhyung entered.

Taehyungs :Souhyung what are you doing here.

Souhyung  : grandpa called me.


Souhyung :dont know.
Jimin :maid will take you to him.

Souhyung bow to both of them and went ahead.


Jungkook entered inside the house his clothes and hair was messy.

Taehyungs :  you look like rage pikers jungkook.

Jungkook : shut up.

Jimin:are you drunk. You smell bad.

Jungkook : a little. Where is grandpa.

Jimin :we will talk about that later first go freshens up first.

Taehyungs kept his hand on his nose.

Jungkook kept anger look to him and went to his room.


Souhyung  was heading out with sad face.

Taehyungs :what happen Souhyung why are you sad what did you talk about. 

Souhyung :well nothing much but grandpa told me not to tell anyone.  Till right time comes.

Taehyungs : OK then by.

Souhyung :by.


Jungkook came down getting ready.

Jimin :now you look like a CEO.

Taehyungs :where were you.


Jimin:dont tell me you slept there.


Taehyungs :here we were so worried and you were having fun.

Jungkook:where is grandpa.

Grandpa  entered.


Grandpa infomercial him and went out.

Jungkook sign and went to his office.

Taehyungs tried to stop him but jungkook went out.


Souhyung  : wae I want to tell you something.

Wae:   what??

Souhyung : I will be leaving this house soon.

Wae: what why??

Souhyung to tell you this.

Wae :ya something  is suspicious what are you hiding.
And you are acting weird and sad.

What up with you.

Souhyung :i am getting married.

Wae:oh OK..

Wae : are you serious, are you dumb ,how can you ?you just graduated!!? and you don't have boyfriend ????!!!!

Souhyung :wae calm down.

Don't shouting.

Wae:spill everything.

Souhyung :i am getting married to Jeon jungkook.

Wae:want the CEO!!!
Are you serious.

Souhyung :today grandpa called me and told that he is searching for a good and beautiful bride for jungkook and then he said  that I am good for him.
When I said no I can't married him.

He told me that he is growing old and he wish for me to married him

Wae:bit it is forced you don't love him.  He just emotionally blackmail you.

Souhyung  : what can I do.

Wae : hug her and you have a very big heart my girl.  They both cried as they will misses each other.

It's been 3day grandpa is ignoring jungkook and not haveing his medicine properly and Jimin and Taehyungs are requesting jungkooks to agree on this.

Jungkook went in grandpa room.

Grandpa was setting on his sofa and reading his book.

Jungkook:grandpa can I come in.

Grandpa didn't say anything.

Jungkook:i am sorry grandpa please eat your medicine and food.

Grandpa::so you agree.

Jungkook :yes grandpa I agree with your  decision.

Grandpa happy tone: are you serious I mean I am so happy thankyou so much son I will  call your bridesmaids Tommrow and I know you will like her.

Jungkook:tou have found one.

Grandpa  :yes and best one.

Jungkook nodded and went out.

Jimin and Taehyungs :what happened.

Jimin:how it went.

Jungkook:good he is happy now.

Jimin and Taehyungs hug jungkook.

jungkook hug him with a sad smile and went out.

Jimin : it's really hard to spend whole life with a person you don't love.

Taehyungs :I Dont think so because the girl is Chearfull and beautful.

I am worried about her because I can't say that after her married to him. It will be same or not.

Jimin widen his eye.

Jimin :do you know who the girl is.

Taehyungs :i think so.

Jimin:tell me.

Taehyungs :i am not sure.
Jimin: just tell me.
Taehyungs  no I won't tell.

Taehyungs started running and Jimin started chasing  him.

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