She's a true Winchester.

By Ibroughtthefandoms

33.9K 671 248

A young hunter, Ari, meets the Winchester brothers on a case. She travels the country with them finding stran... More

She's a True Winchester.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (warning:sexual content.)
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

5.2K 108 9
By Ibroughtthefandoms

       Ari looks at her computer, while drinking her beer alone at the bar. She sets it down on the high table while reading about the mysterious deaths that keep happening around this small town. Weird she thought, still glued to the computer, only taking sips from the beer occasionally. About an hour and a half later a man comes up to her. "Why hello, and who are you?"  a man about six feet tall with a leather jacket across his broad shoulders and a whisky in his right hand suddenly says. "I'm Ari. Nice to meet ya" she says, closing her laptop at the same time. "I'm Dean. And what is a lovely girl like you doing in a smelly, beat up bar like this?" he asks, curiosity clearly in voice. "Nothing much. Just business i have to take care of in this town, but then, I'm out." "hmm, funny. Me too. What business do you have here?" Dean asks with more curiosity. "Ummmm.... you could say 'The Family Business' needs help." "Well you should go probably sleep, you know, rest up for your 'family business'. It's about um," Dean starts, checking his watch for the time, "'bout 1:30 in the morning. You need a ride home?" "I think i can manage, but thank you anyways."Ari declined. "Suit yourself then." Dean says, and gets off the bar stool, and walks out the door.

Ari packed up her computer and notes, left a tip for the waitress and started her three minute walk to her motel. As she got  to the motel, she could hear a vending machine drop a soda. As soon as she entered her room, she changed into a comfy pair of oversized sweats, a dark gray shirt, and put up her hair in a messy bun which was already coming out. she pinned up all her notes to the wall, suspicions and leads as to what is killing these people, to a massive growing web upon the wall. As soon as she touched the bed, she passed out. All the driving from state to state investigating strange things, to leaving the bar at one o'clock in the morning had hit her like a tidal wave of sleepiness and exhaustion.

-------------The Next Day-------------

Ari awoke to a deep unfamiliar voice and a voice that she kind of recognized. Dean. She thought automatically, but couldn't place her finger on the first person talking. She tip toed out of the bed trying to make no noise and peeked out the window. There stood Dean and a taller, but younger looking man with him. "Dean, you and I both know that its not an Arachnes. Bobby said so, remember?" "Sammy, what else could it be? We fought these things once before, they show the same traits ad an Arachnes, so it must be an Arachnes." Sammy? So that's his name, but how do they even know what an Arachnes is? Are they hunters too? iv'e never even heard of a 'Sammy and Dean' from other hunters down at the Roadhouse. (The roadhouse is a bar and restaurant where Ellen, Jo, and Ash all work and own. It's a common place for hunters to go because Ellen's husband was a hunter, so the other hunters feel safe and can talk freely about what jobs they are doing) Ari got dressed with a simple pair of skinny jeans, a loose fitted Jack Daniels shirt, and a dark grey jacket. She got her laptop on her bag, with a handy knife in the pocket of the bag, a gun tucked in the waistband of her jeans, collected her phone, a bottle of water and extra notes needed or this case. Today, was extreme research day. She needed to go to the library and figure out what creature this could be, and how to kill it so she could go immediately to the Roadhouse and ask Ellen some questions. Ari couldn't just call her because she knew Ellen can lie easier through the phone than face to face. 

She hoped in her car and drove to the local library. As she went to park, she saw a 67' Chevy Impala in the parking lot, just shining in all it's glory. She missed riding in the front seat with her dad as they would drive to baseball games, or ice cream. She missed the sound of the casets playing softly throughout the car. Getting so lost in the thought of her dad, she missed Dean looking at her. "She's a beaut, isn't she?" he asked. "Yeah. It looks like the one my dad owned. Even has the scratch on the side of the door, right below the handle. You know, I should've taken you up on that ride yesterday. I would've loved to ride in this." "Why don't you? We could take a quick ride right now." Dean offered with a slight smirk playing on his face. "Maybe another time. I need to do research." Ari said, with just a hint of sadness in her voice. "Maybe another time then. Sorry you couldn't ride in my baby. She probably wouldv'e liked you." Dean said, chuckling a little.

Ari went inside, still thinking of the impala and not realizing she was about to walk into a large man. "Woah sorry there. My fault, i wasn't paying attention." Sam said, dropping all of his papers at once, scattering them on the floor like mice. "Here, I'll help you with that." Ari said, picking up the loose papers. She read a few that said things like, 'Windigo' or 'Crocotta'. Those are all creatures I've heard of before. Never got the pleasure to kill one though. Ari thought in her head. "Well, here you go. And sorry about that." Ari said shyly. "Thank you, and no problem." Sam replied smiling , and walked out the library door.

Wait a second....Croctta! That's it. Thank you Sam, you rock. Ari thought, without realizing that Sam and Dean could be hunting this thing down too. Ari raced to the back of the library to where the computers where and searched Crocotta. 

Crocottas can mimic any person's voice to lure their victims out so they can feed. They feed on human souls. Usually they hide in forests for days on end attempting to lure people in. But as technology came to be, they felt no need to hide. Crocottas like to live in filth.
Their main catch line is: Come To Me.

Powers & Abilities:
★ Can mimic human voice
★ Like most monsters. Crocotta's can take human form by shape shifting into a human.
★ Crocotta can drain the soul of any human they kill.
★ They have super strength and speed.
★ They have a longer life span than humans.

★ Sharp objects.

"Looks like i'm killing an evil son-of-a bitch tonight." Ari grinned and said as she collected all her papers and exited the library.


Hey guys! hope you liked chap one. This was super fun to write lol.

Dean is my favorite character in Supernatural.

Hi Ari! I hope you like the first chapter.

I hope i can write like at least 10 chaps of this story.

I am wrapped in my Batman blanket and my feet are really warm.


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