The Fox Hero

By Thunder_God_Thor

1.1M 21.7K 32.5K

During a raid of a illegal experimentation site, A 6 year old child is found by the heroes, imprisoned in a c... More

Midoriya Izuku - The Origin
Entrance Exam.
Class 1-A
Battle Training
The Normal Days.
USJ Invasion I
USJ Invasion II
I was Tagged.
News of Sports Festival
Sports Festival Commence
The Second Part Of the Festival.
Sports festival Ends
Stain..The Fight with Hero Killer
Starting Of End of Term Exam.
Momo and Izuku Vs All Might.
Boot Camp II
The Villains Invade
The Unwanted Guest.
Explanations and a little game.
The Battle Against All For One.
The Battle Against All For One II
U.A Becomes Boarding School
Liscene Exam..
The Big Three
Internship And Eri

The Boot Camp

29.4K 602 362
By Thunder_God_Thor

Izuku had a serious expression on his face which was difficult to tell because of the mask. He sat across principal Nezu, Detective Tsukauchi, All Might and Lemillion, all of them were currently in All Might's office which was with his sidekick who was currently out on patrol duty.

Lemillion was a student at Yuuei just like him but he was a third year and had a Pro Liscense, he was part of the big three of U.A and had inherited All Might's quirk, One For All. The boy was about 18 to 19 years old with a muscular body and blonde hair slicked back and a cartoon-ish face. His name was Mirio Togata.

Izuku had told everyone of what happened with shigaraki and Tsukauchi said " we know of this already midoriya"

"There's more right" Nezu asked sipping his tea.

"Yes, i half lied when i said that my hand was decayed" izuku said as tsukauchi stood up and shouted slamming his palm on the table "Do you understand what you did! This can be considered a crime"

"Sit down!" Izuku commanded leaking KI and flaring his chakra enough to cause a pressure and make his presence intimidating.

"Midoriya-san, i think that's enough, he understands" nezu said as izuku stopped and noticed not only was Tsukauchi heavily breathing but Lemillion was sweating a little too.

"Now as i was saying, when the portal opened shigaraki was unconscious and my hand was pulled inside along him and that's when it was absolutely destroyed, and i think that the one who did it is him" izuku spoke with a grim tone.

"A-are you sure, young midoriya" all might asked, losing his composure.

Even nezu had put his cup down as izuku said " I am 100% sure, when my hand was inside the portal i heard a deep voice, his voice saying, Forced activation decay, pain bringer, boost, amplifier, deformation and the last one was sonic boom"

A tense atmosphere was made as nezu said "this is troubling indeed, but it's still not enough proof, the multiple quirk can be something else entirely"

"No, it was him" izuku said as he looked into everyone's eyes and continued " i saw his face, it was half visible and from over the mouth there was a black industrialist mask,he also called me something i haven't heard in 8 years"

Nezu looked up at him and asked " what?"

"Subject I.M, he even said we'll meet again soon" izuku said as he gritted his teeth and all might's and nezu's eye widen.

"Now it's confirmed" nezu said as he gazed on the table.

All might nodding clenched his fist as Mirio asked confused " what is this sensei? Who are you talking about? And what is Subject I.M?"

"The one we are talking about is my arch nemesis All For One, the one who uses multiple quirks. Subject I.M on the other hand is-" All Might was cut off as izuku slammed his fist on the table breaking it in two as Nezu thought ' Oh boy'

A heavy KI spread in the room as everyone held their breaths and izuku's eyes bled into red with slits from their previous green color and izuku glared at all might as he said " You have no right to tell anyone that All Might"

"But he needs to know so he could help you" all might said but izuku shouted " I don't need his help! And it is my past, something only i am allowed to tell others and no one else, and if you tell anyone about that, i'll reveal the secrets of One For all"

All Might turned into his muscle form as he glared at izuku saying " You won't tell anyone a thing"

"Then listen carefully, i don't care about nor do i trust the people you trust. I only care and trust the people i know and i will tell them about my past myself and when i know i can tell them, and if you tried to tell anyone, then try with all your might to stop the secrets of One for all from spreading around the entirety of Japan" Izuku shouted at all might and mocked him at the end.

"You try to tell-" All Might began but was cut off by a hollow laugh as izuku said " You really think you can stop me? If i remember correctly only with 4 you were about to die, what will all nine do to you" and a red bubbly cloak started to cover izuku.

All Might turned silent as izuku glared and said " I thought so, you better not tell anyone unless you're okay with your secrets being revealed. The world doesn't revolve around you only, grow up"

"Enough, midoriya-san, lemillion is choking and the detective is unconscious already" Nezu said sweating himself, as the heavy atmosphere vanished and izuku tch'ed as he walked out slamming the door behind him causing the glass to break into multiple pieces.

"Nezu, he-" All Might tried to say but again got cut off as Nezu said " Sorry all might but, i am with midoriya on this. This was your fault, You can't tell others anyone's secret unless you are willing for your own to be exposed, now if you'll excuse me i have some work to do"

All might got up and sighed as he grabbed both mirio and the detective and walked out of the office.

The next day at the class izuku was sitting in his seat, talking with todoroki who was asking about the scar on his hand, he noticed momo still looking at his scar guiltily.

Aizawa then entered as he said " Are you all ready for the trip?"

"Yeah!!" Everyone shouted except for the izuku, katsuki and Shouto.

They all walked out and met with class 1-b as monoma came and mocked " Hey, hey, class 1-A needs supplement lessons? I thought they were superior to us, they have people who failed? Hahahah"

"Scram. You're annoying" Izuku said as he glared into monoma's eyes who watched scared as his eyes turned red with slits and ran back to his class.

Izuku's eye returned to normal as he walked to the bus with Class 1-A behind him as those who failed said "Thank you midoriya"

"It's fine" izuku replied and sat down near the end of the bus along with momo, the bus was slowly filled as izuku looked outside quietly and yawning occasionally.

Momo then asked " Um, midoriya-kun? Are you okay?"

Izuku looked towards her surprised as he asked " What makes you say that?"

"Well, for one you are not lazing around and second you are quiet and looking outside trying to distract yourself" she deduced and he watched her mildly surprised as she explained.

He nodded and said " Yeah, i just had a rough night, was not able to sleep for more than half an hour, so i am not in a good mood"

Momo looked guilty as she took his hand and traced the scar on it as she said " Is it because of this?"

He sighed as he put his other hand on her head and petted it as he said "Didn't i tell you it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself yaoyoruzu-chan"

She looked down but nodded as he yawned and she then asked "Mr.Aizawa! How much time will it take for us to reach our destination?" Aizawa looked at her and saw that everyone wanted to know so he answered.

"If we go at the same speed then 2 hours and if we face traffic then 2 and a half hour or even three." Aizawa answered from his seat as momo nodded and thanked him.

"So midoriya-kun, you can sleep on my sh-shoulder, if you want that is" momo said blushing a little.

"Thank you" izuku said though he was surprised, then he put his head on her shoulder and after a moment fell asleep and momo smiled seeing him sleep and look comfortable.

Two hours later they reached the an empty area where momo woke izuku up and said "midoriya-kun, we are here on rest stop, wake up"

Izuku groaned as he woke up and rubbing his eyes he said " Uh man, and i was having such a nice sleep"

He then yawned as he looked here and there, he only saw a cliff where they were standing and a forest, a huge ass forest. Izuku quickly channeled chakra in his eyes and saw there was some sort of camp but it was too far away.

'Why are they stopping us here? The Camp is miles away...unless' izuku quickly realised what Aizawa was planning and turning to momo he said "You get off the bus, i'll come after drinking water"

Momo nodded as he got out and izuku stayed in the bus for a while before coming out.

"Mr.Aizawa, this isn't a rest stop right? Where class 1-B?" Izuku asked aizawa with narrowed eyes

Aizawa looked at him and admitted "To say there was no ulterior motive would be a lie"

"Hey eraser, long time no see" A feminine voice was heard and everyone turned towards the female.

"With Sparkling eyes, we rock on" the brunette said as another blonde one beside her said " Cute, Cat, Stinger!" And they both made a weird pose as they shouted " The Wild and Wild Pussy Cats!" There was also a  kid standing with them.

"Who the hell are you? Some kind of circus performers?" Izuku questioned as everyone fell down anime style.

The blonde one got up and shouted "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO WE ARE KID!!?"

"yeah, i don't. Should i?" Izuku asked nonchalantly.

"Midoriya-kun, you seriously don't know them?" Momo asked looking afraid of his answer.

"No i don't, who are they?" He asked confused at their reaction.

"Oh my god. He really doesn't know" mina said shocked even todoroki looked shocked.

"Midoriya, they are the wild and wild pussy cats, they're pro heroes. I'm not surprised that you don't know them." Aizawa informed his student.

The brunette turning to aizawa asked "Why are you not surprised?"

"The kid has had no interactions with kids his age for 14 years of his life, this is the first time he has made friends, he's home schooled and was not allowed to go out and he did not even have any interest in becoming a hero until recently so i guess that's to be expected, seeing his situation." Aizawa explained

Class 1-a looked at izuku with pity and honestly izuku hated it, he loathed that look, he never wanted pity but he held it back and said "I am sure we are not here to listen to you talk about my sob story, so please continue"

"Okay, so the place you would be staying at is at the base of this mountain" the brunette pointed to a mountain that was quite far.

"Then why are we stopping here?" Momo asked until her brain began to tell why exactly they were here.

"It's 9:30 right now, if you give it your all then you would reach there by 12" the brunette told them with a dark smile.

The blonde sat on the ground and pushed her palms against it as everyone started to run back.

Izuku sensed the ground shaking as he ran and jumped off the cliff knowing they would be thrown. He stuck to the wall and quickly rushed down and stood as he saw his classmates falling.

He held his arms out and took a few steps back and he caught momo as he said "Got ya" and momo looked at him as she blushed a little and said timidly "um, can you put me down? It's embarrassing" izuku nodding put her down

Everyone else fell and groaned as they stood up and mineta who was holding in his pee ran forward to release it but a beast made of dirt came at him and izuku rushed forward as he shouted "GIANT RASENGAN!!" And slammed it on the beast which exploded.

He then looked forward and said "Looks like you have company"

Everyone looked ahead scared a little except Iida, Bakugo and Todoroki. Izuku took few steps back and that's when momo asked " midoriya-kun?, What do you mean by 'you have company', why didn't you say 'we'?"

Izuku cursed at being caught as he tried to come up with something " Uh, that's uh"

"You are planning on using Hiraishin right?" She whispered to him.

His eye widened and he admitted "Yes, i am" as momo looked down and then smiled at him as she said " You can go"

He looked up shocked as momo said with a small voice " The last time i forced you to do something, it resulted in something bad and i don't want that to happen again, and whenever there is a dangerous situation you get hurt because of me."

Izuku listening to her was growing angry as he grabbed her by the shoulders and said "Listen, yao-no, listen momo, that was not your fault, i told you that it was my own mistake that led to this, you would've forced me to stay but think that something will happen right?"

She nodded still shocked at his behaviour, he then grabbed her wrist and said " Come, let's remove all your doubts, that when i go to a dangerous situation with you, there will be no harm done."

He dragged her with him towards the front as kaminari asked " Hey dude where are you going?"

"Midoriya bro?" Kirishima asked confused

"Hey fox bastard! Where the hell are you going with ponytail?" Bakugo shouted

He stopped a little ahead in the forest and said " Okay, now look"

Izuku formed Chidori in his hand and looked up as he said " This move needs a rainy weather and that's what we have today"

He held his hand above his head and lightning gathered in the sky with everyone watching as izuku said "Come" and the sound of thunder was heard. Then izuku's chidori went straight into the sky and a dragon made of lightning came down and went into the sky with izuku's hand and he said " Begone with the thunderclap! Kirin!!" And brought his hand down as the dragon slammed on the earth and a giant explosion occurred.

Everyone shielded their eyes to get away from the flash of light and when they re-opened their eyes they gapped at what they saw.

The forest was a quarter and a half gone and the beast were destroyed, nothing was left. They all took a few moments to gather their jaws as izuku panted and felt kurama filling the 15 percent of his chakra that was used up.

He then walked to momo and said smugly "Any doubts now?" She shook her head as he asked again "will you blame yourself now?"

She again shook her head and then asked "But, what was that?"

"An old move, i made when i was thirteen but did not use it because of the amount of damage it does" izuku answered her as he said " Well come on let's go everyone"

They all then reached the camp and saw that everyone was looking at them wide eyed.

"Y-you all arrived and in only half an hour" the blonde stuttered.

Aizawa was in shock too and straight away looked at izuku and asked "what did you do?"

"Huh? Hey! why are you singling me out?" Izuku yelled at aizawa

"Because only you are a problem child and we saw lightning strikes, the only one that uses lightning is you and don't say it was kaminari he uses electricity that is yellow." aizawa said as izuku glared at him and aizawa continued " So tell me what you did?"

"I may have destroyed a quarter and half of the forest" Izuku said with a nervous chuckle.

The wild pussy cats gaped at him as they shouted " You what!!"

"Sorry?" Izuku asked sheepishly as aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose and asked " how?"

"I used an old move that i had created, that lightning strike you talked about, originally this move is used differently but today i had help so it was not that big of a problem" Izuku answered as Aizawa just shook his head.

Then kirishima said " We are starving, come on let's eat!"

"Yeah!!" They all shouted until aizawa asked something that was bugging him "Midoriya, i noticed that you left a hiraishin kunai in the bus, so why didn't you use it?"

Everyone stopped and turned towards him curious as izuku glanced at momo who did not meet his eyes and smiled as he said " To prove someone wrong"

Everyone thanked him saying that they are grateful he didn't go or who knows how long it had taken them to clear the forest.

Aizawa nodded and left it at that as Pixie bob, the blonde came forward and said " i noticed you all could use your quirk good, but you four are the best!"

She came dangerously close, as she said "Must be because of the past experience you have, i'm anxious to see what you all become in three years, i call first dibs"

"Sorry, i ain't interested, you can call dibs on them" izuku rejected her on the spot and everyone looked at him wide eyed.

"W-what? And why are you not interested?" She asked as izuku said looking into the sky "i am not insulting you, i am just saying i am not looking for relationship and i doubt i would ever, there are personal reasons for that"

"What!? Midoriya you must be an idiot to reject someone like her, if it was me, i would-" Mineta started but was cut off as izuku said sharply "Unless your name is google, stop acting like you know everything" as he glared at mineta who whimpered.

"Midoriya man, calm down, he's usually like this and you don't get angry then" Kaminari said as he looked at izuku a little shocked.

"it was just a statement not a dick, why take it so hard?" Izuku said coldly as he began walking away and said "I'll eat later,you all can go"

"Woah, what's wrong with him" Mandalay, the brunette said, surprised by the change in attitude.

"When you have a bad childhood, these things tend to happen, cause somethings will always remind you of the past" Todoroki answered wisely

Aizawa rose a brow and said " So you know everything?"

"Yes, he told me" Todoroki answered nodding towards aizawa.

"What are you talking about? Kero" Tsuyu asked as she put her finger to her chin

"Not our place to say, if izuku trusts you, he'll tell you" Todoroki said looking away.

"I'll go after him" Momo said as she ran to catch up to izuku.

While everyone still wondered what todoroki meant and began to eat lunch.

To be continued....

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