Hidden Power

By Jinx_It

250 19 9

Girls Rex's age don't usually have what she has.... Now what they are... Come find out More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

46 3 2
By Jinx_It

It was a stormy day. All I heard was Papa's music, it shook the whole house. Rain smacked my window. I was lying in bed reading my book "Burning Blue", it was the normal sob story, a depressed girl who cuts. I got bored and walked downstairs smelling smoke. I wasn't worried it was probably just Papa smoking a cigarette. Sure enough he was on the couch, cig in hand.

Aggravated, I turned off the music, snatched his cigarette out of his hand and tossed it out the window.

"Ay! What do you think your doing Rex?!" He yelled

"Stoppin' you from dyin' that's what!" I yelled back "I'm tired of all the cigarettes! You're not just killing ya'self Pa! You're killing me, Mama, JoJo, and the dog!"

He glared daggers at me, but I wasn't backing down. I'm sick and tired of him. For sixteen years, my whole life, all he's cared about were those cigarettes. Not me, not Mama, not my big brother Josef, or our new pup Paws. All day everyday it's all cigs and I'm tired of it... Of him.

"All you've ever cared about were cigarettes! And you know what?! I'm sick and tired of it! I'm sick of you!" Tears were threatening to expose themselves but I held them back.

He looked hurt and angry. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"No" I held up a hand "Not another word..." I ran upstairs to my room, switched on my TV and turned it up. An oldies American movie was on. Slavery I think. They were holding up the flag and holding down a black man. I changed the channel. I have enough racism in my family. No, we aren't racist but I'm the only person with dark skin. My mom doesn't look black, my step-dad is white, and my big brother is both but looks white.

My phone rang. My ringtone is so happy and cheery it's weird.

I answered "Hello?"

"Hey hey hey!" It was my best friend Mike. He's gay.

"Not much... How 'bout you boo?"

He ignored my question "Girl what's up wit you?!"


"Yo Paps again" not a question. A flat out fact

"You bet"

"Ight I'm coming over" He hung up

I went to Mamas room to let her know Mikie was coming over.

"That's fine Rex.." She said in her usual exhausted tone "Make sure you get your father out of the house though... You know how he is"

"Ok Mama" Papa hates homosexuals. So whenever Mikie comes over I have to get him out of the house.

I head downstairs and tell Papa we need wood for the fireplace.

"What we need wood for? It's summer" he replied

"Yeah and it's supposed to rain tonight and no way am I getting cold" I flip my light-blue and purple hair and glared a cold stare at him. My glares can get anyone moving.

"Uh..." He swallowed "OK Rex. I'll be back in a couple hours."

"Take your time"

He sent a sad glance my way and left. Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door. I look out the window and see Mikie's Lamborghini. One thing about Mike- he's crazy rich.

I opened the door and without so much as a "hello" he walked in and hugged me. I hugged him back and started to cry as he stroked my hair.

"Aw T-Rex don't cry... Dinosaurs aren't supposed to cry" he teased

I laughed "Ah shut up you idiot" I sniffed and stepped out of Mikie's hug.

At first glance, and well every glance after, you could never guess Mike was homosexual. With that well muscled body, cool clothes, his wicked awesome car, and adorable face you'd guess he's straight.

Mikie wants the world to think he's straight. I'm the only person besides Mama that knows he's gay. His cover is, you guessed, me. Outside of my house and his, I'm his girlfriend. Nothing extreme, just hugging and hand holding and the occasional kiss on the cheek. It makes sense cause we are always together, it's the perfect cover for him. I get some benefits too.... I get major street cred for having the cutest, and the richest guy in school as my boyfriend.

We head upstairs to my room,laid down on my bed and watched TV. Mike didn't say a word about Papa. He knows the drill, talk gossip, and eat the 3 pound bag of candy he always brings with him.

The door to my room opened and in stepped my big brother Josef.

"Hey JoJo" I said

"Sup" he said as he plopped down next to me and grabbed a Snickers.

"Not much, just watching TV and eating candy." Mikie said

"Mind if I join?"

"Join in brother" Mikie and I said together.

We watched TV for a couple hours before Papa called and said he was on his way back, I looked out the window and saw that it stopped raining.

"Ah well, guess you better get going" JoJo said

Mikie and I stared at him in shock.

"You know?!" We said in usion

"Well duh, y'all aren't exactly quite"

"Does Papa know?" I asked

"No, and no way am I telling him. I see how happy you are with Mike. I wouldn't do that to my baby sister"

I hugged him "Thanks JoJo... Your the best"

"No problem little sis" he hugged me back "Now how bout we all head to the mall. I want some food"

"Let's go" Mikie said

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