Klance oneshots

By MarlayB

29 2 0

It's exactly what the title suggests. they are klance oneshots. They will be fluff and anxt. I love Klace. Th... More

Hey Red...


22 2 0
By MarlayB

This takes place before season six. There are trigger warnings, deaths, and tears. You have been warned. 

"Okay everyone you have been working very hard," Allura said after the hours of training they had been doing.

"You may take a break for the rest of the day." Allura then left the room with Coran.

"We should go to this water planet nearby!" Lance said excitedly as he jumped up and down.

"I heard it doesn't have any hostiles so we could go and have some downtime and have some fun for once," Lance said as a somewhat genuine smile appears on his face.

"Yeah, I think it would be fun." Hunk said as he smiled at lance's childishness but soon joined the jumping, but stopped soon after.

"I agree with Hunk and Lance. Let's go have some fun!" Pidge said as she looked to Shiro.

"Okay, team lets go," Shiro said as they left the castle's main room.

They got into their lions and turned on their camouflage. That Pidge just updated to all the lions. Then they made it in two doboshes (minutes). Then everyone landed in an area covered by trees.

"Okay everyone search the area for hostels we'll meet back here in one Varga (hour)," Shiro said.

"Right." Everyone then headed out.

Lance went off into the forest after about 7 doboshes he heard a voice. 'Why does that voice sound so failure? Doesn't matter. I need to take them down.' Lance then went into shadows to prepare to attack.

"Why did Kolivan make me come to a water planet? And why did I agree? Agh lets just get it over with." Keith began as he felt a presence in the forest behind him.

"My scanner said there was no life in the forest." Keith readied his weapon. Then deactivated his mask so he could see better.

"Who's there! I mean you no harm as long as you come out now," Keith stated.

Lance only saw purple, so he thought they were Galra he then tackled them to the ground and they hit the water and he heard a scream. The man then ripped out of his grasp. Lance got ready to attack as he looked up he saw keith.

Keith then stood, jumped out of the water looking to the water. Causing his hood to fall revealing his mullet and tear covered cheeks. 'No no no no, it's not happening.' Keith thought as he looked from the water to see who it was, seeing the all too familiar Lance.

Lance looked up seeing Keith. Lance then looked to Keith's face seeing that it was a lighter tone than usual, Lance also realized that he was breathing really heavily, and shaking. 'What did I do, did I really scare him that badly?' Lance questioned himself.

"Lance why would you... nevermind. I'm leaving." Keith said with a shaky breath. He turned and headed away from Lance.

"Keith wait! What's wrong!?" Lance said as he reached for his hand.

"N-nothing just leave me alone. Go back to the team." Keith said as he pulled his hand away. Lance then ran in front of Keith placing his hands on his shoulders.

"You are part of the team." Lance looked to Keith and made eye contact seeing the pure fear in them. Keith then looked to the ground.

"Keith, what is wrong? I'm here for you." Lance said as he placed his hand under his chin making him look up at him.

"Nothing I'm fine. Please leave I want to be alone." Keith said shaking even more. Trying to get away so that Lance wouldn't have to see him cry. Lance then pulled him into a hug.

"Lance what are you doing? Let go," Keith said but as he did, he subconsciously wrapped his arms around Lance's torso. 'He says he wants me to let go, but then he hugs back.' Lance smirked.

"What was the cause?" Lance asked in a soft tone. Causing Keith to tense at the thought.

"I'm scared," Keith said in a voice lower than a whisper.

"If it's because of me tackling you I'm really sorry," Lance said with a sad tone.

"No, I'm not scared of you, it's the..... Water." Keith said with an embarrassed and scared tone. Lance pulled away. Feeling the cold air rush through his body from losing the heat of Keith's body, Keith was sad from losing Lances touch.

"Why?" Lance said in a concerned tone. Keith kept quiet for a couple of moments. He then felt the need to tell Lance what happened, he then began to tell the story before he even knew what was happening.

"When I was five a girl tried to confess to me, but I told her right away that I'm gay, and she and her friends thought it would be funny to drown me, but when I started to fight back they started kicking and punching me. But right before I lost consciousness I saw my father save me and pull me away from them, after that he took me to the hospital, and I've never gone near water again." Keith said as he looked to the ground.

Lance was surprised that Keith was being so open with his past. But he felt anger towards the girl, surprised that Keith was gay. He let Keith finish once he did there was a pause before Keith spoke again.

"I've never told anyone that story," Keith said with a smile. Lance missed Keith. 'Omg did he just smile! Omg, that is so freaking adorable.' Lance thought.

"I'm really sorry that happened, I'm also glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me." Lance said as he smiled at Keith.

"But you had your dad there to save you," Lance said.

"Yeah.." Keith said in a low, and sad, filled voice. 

"What's with the gloom," Lance asked.

"After I finally got out of the hospital, some kids at my school learned that I was gay from the same girl that tried to drown and beat me. And they went to my house and lit my favorite plant of fire, but then it spread throughout my house, and my dad was able to save me, but he got pinned by a wooden beam and lost his life." Keith said as a tear slid down his face. Lance saw and raised his hand to Keith's face, wiping it away.

"Keith. I'm glad you told me. And I won't let anything happen to you." Lance said as he looked into Keith violet eyes, and Keith stared into his ocean blue eyes.

"That's imposable, I have to go back to the blades and you, have to go back to Voltron," Keith said in a sad tone, looking away from Lance.

"You can come back," Lance said. Looking to Keith and stepping closer to him.

"Lance I can't, I'll only be a burden, and I left because you.." Keith stopped himself.

"Keith you left because of me!?" Lance said in a scared and sad tone.

"No, it's just you thought you didn't belong there, but you do. And with Shiro back, he took my place easily, and he's a better leader than me." Keith rambled as he saw the sad look on Lance's face.

"Keith, you left because of what I said?" Lance said with a different tone. Not sad, but not happy. Confused.

"Lance it's not like that! It's just I care, and I didn't want you to feel like that, you are so important to me... I mean the team, and I...They can't lose their sharpshooter. So if me leaving was the only way for you to be happy, I was more than willing to do so. You mean too much to me to not do that for you." Keith spoke everything that came to mind, as he looked to the ocean blue eyes of the man in front of him.

"Keith I... Wait did you just say that you care?" Lance said surprised, by his words.

"Yeah, I guess I did," Keith said in a cautious tone as he looked to the ground away from Lance, not wanting to see how he is going to react.

"Keith," Lance said as he placed his hand under Keith's chin lifting it as to make him look at him. Once he does, he began again.

"Keith I care about you to. You are the only person that makes me feel heard, makes me feel important, you're the only person that listened, yeah we bickered, but everyone does. I want you to come back Because it's not the same without you. Once you left, I felt alone, I mean yeah everyone else was there but they aren't you Keith. I want you to come back because I care about you so much I can't put it into words." Lance ranted and ranted, Keith was just standing there listening like he always did when Lance spoke. At that moment Lance knew exactly what he needed to do to show Keith what he meant.

"Keith words may not be enough to show you how much I care, but actions will," Lance said as he leaned forward and placed his lips on Keith's, Lance felt Keith gasp, and tense, but he soon felt Keith relax and kiss back. They kissed for a couple more moments. They pulled apart for necessary air. The moment they did, Keith felt his heart flutter, Lance was actually smiling, an actual smile. It made Keith smile which was rare for him. Lance saw the smile causing a storm to rage within his stomach, Keith's smile made him overfill with joy. Once they stopped fawning over each other, Lance began to speak.

"Keith will you please come back with me," Lance asked as he looked to Keith.

"I'd love to Lance," Keith said as he pulled Lance down into a passionate kiss. It was short lived as they heard a rustling in the bushes next to them. Keith readied his sword and spun standing in a fighting stance. Keith's eyes glowed yellow and fang grew from his mouth. Lance was surprised but found it cute in a way, only would he think that for Keith.

"Show yourself!" Keith said in an aggressive tone. The next thing they see is Hunk jumping out from behind a tree with his hands up. Keith sighed, and put his sword away, and his eyes and fangs retreated. Hunk sighed in relief. Once he did he then walked over to Lance, and began to speak.

"So you finally told him, after all these years, huh?" Hunk said in a sassy tone. Keith looked at them, with a red blush across his cheeks, as Lance had a crimson face.

"Hunk!" Lance whined.

"What I'm just saying the truth. Plus, now we have our emo back. Im just kidding Keith, you are a sweet and cool person." Hunk said in a friendly tone.

"Thank you Hunk but could you leave me and Lance alone for a little while, please," Keith said in a kind tone that Hunk was not used to hearing.

"Yeah! Of course." Hunk then went off in the direction of the others, to tell them that Lance will be along in a bit, that he was thinking.

"Lance was Hunk telling the truth?" Keith asked as he still faced away from Lance. Lance then walked up to Keith.

"Yeah, he was," Lance said the truth, no use in lying. Keith then turned around and hugged Lance, he hasn't hugged anyone in a couple of years not even Shiro his older brother. Lance was surprised.

"Thank you, Lance," Keith said in a soft and loving voice. Once he does, it sends shivers down Lances spine. He pulls away and pulls Lance into another passionate kiss. Once they broke apart, they went to the others and told them what happened, and how they are a couple, that Keith was coming back. Everyone was happy, and the castle was full of a happy Lance once again, now that his lighthouse was back. 

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