Heart (Depth Sequel)


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Cairo's just been told to retire. Why? What caused this? How will this affect the rest of her life? More



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Cairo's POV

"You ready to go Princess?" I ask my beautiful wife.

"No." Lindsey says then kisses me passionately. "Now I am." She says with a smirk.

"Oh you're defiantly getting it tonight." I say then squeeze her butt.

"Sounds good to me...But really we do need to go so we can get good seats. "

I nod and take Lindsey's hand and lead her out to the car and open her door letting her get in then shut the door and get in my side. We make the quick drive to the high school gymnasium then walk in and sit in the front row and watch Isabella warm up before her first varsity volleyball game as a freshman.

"I still find it weird that Bella plays volleyball." Lindsey says as our daughter practices her hitting.

"Yeah. You'd think with two international soccer players as Moms she'd play soccer." I say as Isabella comes over and sits on my lap. "Hey Bella Boo."

"Hi Mama...Hi Mommy" Isabella says.

"Hi Baby. You ready for your first game in high school?" Lindsey asks.

"I think so. This is my last pregame routine I have to do."

"I see you've taken after your Mom's with the headband." I say.

She has a blue and pink intertwined pre-wrap headband

"Well it brought you two luck so I thought maybe it could help me."

"Please you don't need luck. You're a Horan and Horan's kick ass."

"BELLA" Scarlett yells then motions for Isabella to come down to the court.

Isabella goes to leave, but I grab her wrist making her turn back towards her mother and I.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I ask.

Isabella smiles then kisses Lindsey's cheek then kisses my cheek.

"Okay you can go kick butt now."

Isabella then goes down to the locker room with the rest of the team.

"Look who it is." I hear a voice from next to me say which causes me to look toward the voice.

"Well hello Heath family." I say then Lindsey and I hug Tobin and Christen.

"How are you two?" Tobin asks.

"Great. How are you guys?" Lindsey says.

"We're doing good. Kinda nervous for Scarlett." Christen says

When Isabella was 2 Tobin and Christen adopted a baby girl the same age as Isabella. Weirdly the little girl didn't have a name so they named her Scarlett. Ever since Isabella and Scarlett were introduced they have been best friends.

"I still can't believe how quickly they've grown up." Lindsey says.

"Yeah...fuck we're old." Tobin says.

"Speak for yourself." Christen says.

"You're still as beautiful as the day I met you." Tobin says and kisses her wife.

"You're even more beautiful than the day I met you." I whisper to Lindsey.

"How?" Lindsey whisper's back.

"I'll show you later tonight." I say and kiss her weak spot.

"So Cairo how's business going." Christen asks.

"It's going good. We're still working with US Soccer on removing the turf fields."

"That's good."

"Yeah...how's the Yoga studio?"

Not surprisingly Christen owns a yoga studio.

"It's going great. We get more and more members each month."

"That's awesome." Lindsey says right before some music starts playing.

Isabella's team comes out of their locker room and they have a team huddle then Isabella and Scarlett go onto the court with the other four starters.

"I didn't know Bella was a starter." Lindsey says.

"Me either." I say as the opposing high school serves.

The first two sets went well for Isabella and her team and they won 25-18 and 25-21. The third set was going great until the gym was filled with a blood curdling scream. It takes me a minute to realize what happened, but my motherly instincts kick in when I see my daughter writhing on the ground in pain grasping at her knee. Lindsey and I both jump out of our seats and race to the floor.

As we are about to get down to the floor we are stopped by a school administrator.

"Ma'am you can't be down here." He says.

"Move asshole that's my daughter." I say.

I then shove him out of the way and we sprint to our daughter and I get on my knees above her head and Lindsey kneels by her shoulder and grabs one of Isabella's hands

"Mama it hurts" Isabella says while crying.

"I know babygirl, but I need you to calm down so the trainers can look at you okay?"

"MOMMY" Isabella screams as the trainers move her knee for some fucking reason.

"I'm here sweetheart." Lindsey says then kisses our daughter on the forehead. "I'm here. Just squeeze my hand when it hurts."

Isabella then lets out another scream that breaks my heart. I want to scream and yell at the trainers, but my daughter is more important.

"Isabella just focus on me okay?" I say then cup her face and look at her tear stained face. "You know you've got your mother's gorgeous eyes. They're going to make people fall hard for you when you start dating when you reach 25."

"What?" Isabella says and giggles a bit.

"Um more like when you reach 35." Lindsey says and she smiles at me knowing I'm trying to distract Isabella from the pain.

"Mommy" Isabella groans.

"Fine..." Lindsey groans playfully. "You can date when you're 30." Isabella now rolls her eyes playfully making Lindsey and I laugh.

"Okay we need to get Bella to the training room to look at this further." The trainer says.

Lindsey and I both grab a hand and help her up as the trainer steadies her knee. I lean down to whisper in Isabella's ear when she is upright.

"I would carry you off the court, but I don't want to hurt your knee anymore. So...you are going to wrap an arm around me and put all your weight on me and you and I will walk off this court together. You keep your head held high so this team knows that the minute you comeback you are going to become the best damn volleyball player in the country okay?" I say. 

Isabella nods and then wraps her arm around me and we walk off the court and both sets of fans applaud.

We make our way to the training room and lay Isabella on a table. A couple minutes later Scarlett comes bursting into the room and runs over and hugs her best friend. I then hear sniffling coming from beside me and I look and see Lindsey trying to hold her self together. I look back over at our daughter who is lying on her back and I look at Scarlett and I nod at Lindsey then nod at the door. Scarlett understands and nods so I take Lindsey out of the room and once the door shuts she burst into tears as I wrap her in my arms.

"It's not fair. She's such a good kid." Lindsey says into my shirt.

"I know baby. We can't protect her from everything though. You and I just need to be her shoulder to cry on and her light in the darkness."

"How are you so calm right now?" Lindsey asks.

"You were strong for me when I got hurt so I'm trying to be strong for Isabella, but the moment we are alone I probably will burst into tears."

"Mrs. and Mrs. H they need you." Scarlett says and we walk back into the room. We both go immediately and kiss our daughters forehead then stand by and listen to the head AT.

"So it looks like an ACL tear, but it will need an MRI to be sure. My husband is an orthopedic surgeon and he said bring her to the hospital and he will evaluate her." The head trainer says.

"Be honest...it's bad isn't it?" Isabella asks.

"I'm afraid so Bella." The AT says and Isabella starts crying so Lindsey goes and comforts our daughter and I look at my daughters best friend.

"Scarlett come with me." I say and take her outside the room.

"Yes Mama C?" Scarlett says once we are outside the training room

"I need you to go get Isabella's stuff and then go ask your Mom's if you can come with us."


"Scarlett, Isabella needs you right now and I know you won't be able to sleep tonight knowing she is in pain so go tell your Mom's that you are coming with us to the hospital and are staying the night tonight okay?"

"Okay." Scarlett says then hugs me tightly.

Turns out we both needed a hug.

Scarlett runs off to the locker room and I walk back into the training room and see Isabella sitting up being consoled by Lindsey. I go and sit behind Isabella and wrap her in my arms.

"You know there is at least one good thing that is going to come out of this." I say.

"What's that?" Isabella asks.

"The three of us get to have a movie and tv show marathon." I say and I see Isabella smile.

"Like the good old days."

"And lots of ice cream and junk food." Lindsey says and the three of us laugh.

A minute later Scarlett walks in and I notice Isabella's whole mood changed. She is a lot happier now. I look at Lindsey and see she has a smirk on her face and she looks at me and nods knowing what I'm thinking.

Aww our daughter has a crush on her best friend.

Like mother like daughter. 

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