More than a Friend (A Newtina...

By ravenpower321

38K 1.1K 1.1K

This book has been written after CoG, so there are SPOILERS. After Grindelwald's attack, Newt and Tina have b... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Very Special A/N

Part 8

1.4K 44 125
By ravenpower321

Should I tell him? Tina thought. But I shouldn't. But I feel like I should. Oh, I don't know!


The new tracking team was great. They had already captured three of Grindelwald's acolytes, though they had gotten no information from them yet. Tina still came home late, but she was in a better mood than when she had been in the spellwork team. Newt certainly noticed. He also noticed she had become more distant. They interacted as they had normally, but she seemed to avoid talking to him as much. It was quite strange. He decided to ask her before he started overthinking it. He found her doing paperwork on the steps in his basement.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, albeit a bit awkwardly. Tina looked up.

"Oh, yes, just busy," she replied, a nonchalant expression on her face.

"I wouldn't want to bother you," Newt said.

"It's fine," she said, and patted the stair next to her, beckoning him to sit down.

"What's all this for?" Newt asked.

"Oh, just some permits, you know, for the other American aurors. Nothing much. Why?" she replied.

"You haven't been yourself lately. Nagini and I were wondering if you were alright. Um, she said you weren't sleeping much," Newt said. Up close, he could see the dark circles under her eyes.

"That. Oh. Well. Um. So." Tina was struggling to say something.

"It's alright, you can tell me anything, Tina," Newt said, gently.

"So, um, there's this guy, Achilles Tolliver, he's working with me now," Tina started.

"Achilles, like your boyfriend?" Newt questioned.

"Oh! Yes. I just didn't, um, want to tell you. That's why I wasn't sleeping as well." She suddenly became very interested in her shoes.

"Why would you not want to tell me? I think it's perfectly fine. If there is someone that makes you happy, I think that's great. We're friends, Tina. It's alright," Newt said.

"I'm sorry," Tina replied.

"You don't have to be sorry." He put his arm around her shoulders. She flinched, then laid her head on his shoulders, as they had done on the first night. 

"Take a break from the paperwork. Everyone can see you're stressed." Newt continued.

"But I'm almost done," she complained.

"Even better. We have something to look forward to, anyway. The Christmas party." 

"Oh, that. When is it?" she asked.

"Two weeks," he said.

"Great. Would it be okay if I introduced you to Achilles?" Tina said, nervously.

"Sure! Why not."

"That's good. I'll tell him." 


"Newt Scamander, the weird famous British guy who wrote the book about beasts?" Achilles asked, shocked.

"Well, I wouldn't say weird. Maybe a little reclusive, but he's a really nice guy. That's why we're friends," Tina said.

"You shouldn't hang out with people like him! Brits have too lenient laws about relationships with No-Majs," he said, still slightly shocked.

"You do realize his older brother is leading this tracking team and is standing over there?" Tina gestured to Theseus.

"Sorry." He didn't seem sorry. Is he just upset that I'm friends with another guy? Tina thought. 

"Well. You're meeting him anyway. You haven't met anyone that I know, not even my sister. I, on the other hand, have met your parents, best friends, and younger twin brothers. So there,"  Tina retorted.

"Fine, just don't make it too long," Achilles sighed. 


Tina knocked on the door of Newt's house. 

"Yes? Oh! Hello Tina, and you must be Mr Tolliver, right?" Achilles nodded, and they shook hands.

"Well, get to know each other, I'll go help with dinner. Jacob's is already starting it." She smiled and briskly walked away. When she was out of earshot, Achilles started talking. His nonchalant expression turned dark. 

"Mr Scamander, what, exactly, are you doing with my girlfriend?" Achilles asked, his voice dripping with venom. 

"What! Huh? I'm not, not doing-" Newt stuttered, a bit took aback by this sudden mood change.

"Save me the time, will ya? Listen here, Brit. She's my girlfriend, and if you do anything with her, if you lay a single finger on her, I will come after you. I am an auror, you know." Achilles smirked. Newt felt a certain feeling, though he couldn't place it. Dread? Possibly. Jealousy? Maybe.  An urge to protect Tina? Yes. Or maybe a combination of all three. 

"Well, if you lay a hand on Tina, I'll have you arrested," Newt said, bravely.

"You're just a magizoologist. What can you do?" Achilles scoffed.

"I may not be, but my brother is an auror, and I suspect he is your boss," Newt replied.

"Well then." Achilles seemed unfazed. Suddenly, Tina came rushing back.

"Dinner is ready," she reported. Achilles stopped glaring at Newt, and Newt tried to look normal by tidying up the coat closet. 

"What's for dinner?" Newt asked.

"Beef stew. Newt, can Achilles stay for dinner?" Tina asked.

"Um, sure. I'll conjure up a chair," Newt answered. He didn't want Achilles in his home, but if it made Tina happy he would be okay with it. It would be selfish not to. 

They had all sat down at the table. It was a little tight, with five people sitting at a table meant for three. It was sort of awkward because Achilles was there. No one was talking. 

"I don't drink much, but I have some gigglewater if you would like," Newt offered up. The response was a unanimous sure, why not, from everyone except Nagini. Nagini didn't drink, and she muttered something about her blood curse or something like that. Newt only took a little. There was a short pause, then they each emitted a high pitched giggle. Nagini, who had never actually seen gigglewater being consumed, was overcome by a fit of giggles, louder than the ones caused by the actual drink. Tina and Achilles both took one more shot each, and then the bottle and the glasses floated off into the cabinet, as if on their own accord. They still didn't talk much, but the drink helped the tension that was surrounding them loosen up a bit. 

Jacob was cleaning up from today's baking and everyone else was in the living room. The thing was, Achilles and Tina got the couch and Nagini and Newt got the armchairs. The couch was normally Newt and Tina's spot. Before Achilles left, he pulled Tina to the side. 

"I still don't like this Newt guy. He's friends with a Maledictus and a No-Maj. I don't think you should be friends with him anymore," Achilles said.

"Achilles, are you crazy? I can't just stop being friends with someone! He's given me a place to stay and has been really kind, so I don't know what you expect me to do!" she whisper-yelled. 

"Oh honey, I didn't mean it like that," Achilles said, sweetly, almost saccharine.

"Yes, you did," Tina retorted.

"Honey, you know what I mean. What if he tries to seduce you or something? The Brits are always up to no good," Achilles said. 

"Oh, come on." Tina rolled her eyes. "Newt would never do that."

"Okay fine. Just give me a kiss before I leave," Achilles said. Tina gave him a quick kiss. He frowned.

"Bye," Tina muttered as he apparated away. 


Hello! I'm still devastated about FB. Why does it have to be this way?! It's so sad. On the other hand, you guys are the best and make me smile, and I really can't say that enough. Before I go I have one final thing to say. Nitwit. Blubber. Oddment. Tweak. Bye!

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