Falling For The Enemy

By noodlepans

63.9K 681 96

I can't believe I lost that bet. 6 months as my sworn enemy's slave, how'll I survive? Especially, when my sw... More

Chapter 1- The Bet
Chapter 2
Chapter 3- It's On
Chapter 4- Carried Home By Liam Payne
Chapter 5- There Is Weird In The Air
Chapter 6-Leaving Home To Be A Slave. Fun.
Chapter 7-Inside The Life Of One Direction
Chapter 8-Kara's back
Chapter 9
Chapter 10-Management's Plan
Chapter 11
Chapter 12-I Really Want To Kiss You
Chapter 13-Telling Liam
Chapter 14-Maybe I Need Anger Management...
Chapter 15-The Leprechaun Lives On!
Chapter 16-The Master Plan! Mwahahaha!
Chapter 18-Pancakes and Carrots
Chapter 19-Lover, Enemy, Savior
Chapter 20-Who You Calling a Hoe?
Chapter 21-We Make Up And We Break Up All The Time
Chapter 22
Chapter 23-Let Me Manage You
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26-Why Is Life So Complicated?
Chapter 27
Chapter 28-Last Chapter

Chapter 17-Life Sucks

1.7K 17 3
By noodlepans

Kyna's POV

I was getting a smoothie for Niall.

Niall has been avoiding me for the past few days. Aside from ordering me around, he completely ignored me. Weirdo. At least I got the pics from that genius Harry. He got some pictures of me and Niall when we were in school together. And, he cropped the pictures he took in Ireland to just Niall and I. I sent them to that guy, so that's settled. Yay!

Kara came out of nowhere, "Hi."

"Why are you here?"

"I'm getting Liam a milkshake," she smirked. My jaw clenched. We were both handed our milkshakes.

"Well bye." she was almost at the door, "Oh and I almost forgot. Niall lied to you, you know?"


"He wasn't planning a wedding. I still can't believe I fell for that story. He got hit by a car, and was in a coma. The other boys were told not to tell you. I thought you guys were friends?" she shrugged, before walking out.


I was in the pool. Swimming always cleared my mind. Niall came in.

"Hi!" I called. He gave a small wave. Weird. I swam over to him. "Why have you been avoiding me? And why did you lie to me?"

He froze. "What do you mean?"

"You were in a coma, not planning your cousin's wedding."

"How did you know?"

"So it's true. Why didn't you want me to know?"

"Because, I didn't want you to visit me. You would've cried all over the place. It would've been embarrassing for me," he answered.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, you're such a baby when it comes to these things. I don't want to be embarrassed because of you."

"Why are you being like this? I thought we were friends?" I said unsurely.

"Well you thought wrong. You're just here to be my slave, not to be my friend. Go get me a iced mocha frappucino, and leave me alone."

"I thought you changed, but I guess I was wrong. You're still just the same bastard that I always hated. You want be like this, fine. I hate you Niall Horan, and I always will. I'll go get your coffee now," I tried climbing out, but my hands were shaking too much. He helped lift me up.

"Don't touch me," I spat, before storming off.

I went to the hotel's coffee shop. A girl approched me. I remembered what happened last time I went to get a coffee.

"Pleasedon'thitme," I said quickly.

"Why would I hit you? I just want to know where the boys are," she said.


"You're Liam's girlfriend, which means they're in this hotel, too."

"Ah, you're smart. I can't tell you what room they're in, but Niall's in the pool. I think Zayn and Harry are in the fitness center," I told her. "Please tell me you're not a crazy fangirl, or they'll kill me."

"I'll try and contain my fangirling then, thanks!" she said running off. Nice girl.

"Here's your coffee," the cashier said.



"Here's your coffee, don't worry, I didn't spit in it too much," I said, placing it by the pool.

"Look, if I hurt your feelings, sorry," he said.

"I don't give a fuck Niall," I snapped, walking out.

I ran up to the hotel room. By that time, I was full on crying. Why am I crying because of him? He didn't even mean anything to me.

Don't lie to yourself, you were practically in love with him.

"Fucking hell," I muttered. There on the bed were Kara and Liam, practically naked.

"Kyna, it's not-"

"What it looks like? Then what is it like? You of all people should know how it feels to be cheated on. Hypocrite much?"

"Have you been crying?" he asked, walking up to me, examining my eyes. I slapped him, hard. He looked stunned.

"It's none of your business, just continue with what you were doing," I snapped. "Oh, by the way, Kara, you can have him. I don't need scum in my life anyways," I said, storming off.

I knocked on Louis' door. "Louis' not here right now," I heard him say. I choked up a laugh.

"Louis' it's me," I said.

"Kyna! Are you okay?" he quickly opened the door. "What's wrong babe?"

"Niall he-and Liam-Kara-they were," I said, breaking down. He embraced me.

"Shhh, tell me what happened later. Just cry for now, let it all out," he said me hugging me tighter.

"I love you Lou. Promise you won't hurt me like everyone else," I sobbed into his shirt.

"I would never," he whispered, kissing me on my head.


I told him everything. "Why are you so upset about Niall though?" he asked.

"I don't know!"

"Did you by any chance, like him?" he asked.

"I don't know. He was so sweet to me these past few weeks. I did like him a lot. Tell anyone and die Tomlinson!"

"So, you like Niall while you loved Liam?" he asked.


"I knew you liked Niall! Zayn owes me 20 pounds!" he fist pumped. "Sorry, that was inconsiderate." I laughed.

"Tell me the truth, what are you more upset about?" he asked.

"To be totally honest, I kind of expected the Liam and Kara thing, so I'm not as upset as I would be. I totally didn't expect the Niall thing, and I really liked him," I whispered.

"So Niall?" I nodded.

"Give me your upsetness rates," he said.

"Liam 8900. Niall It's over 9000!" I told him.

"First, Dragonball Z quote, me likey," he high-fived me. "Second, I'll help you run away back to Ireland," he offered.

"I can't. We made a bet, I lost, I can't just say I'm not doing it anymore, and leave for personal reasons," I pursed my lips.

"You are a honorable woman," he nodded in approval.

"Why, thank you," I grinned, flipping my hair. He hugged me again.

"Are you going to be okay now?" he asked.

"I think so, thanks Lou. This is so different from the regular Louis," I laughed.

"Tell anyone and die McCarthy!" he gave me a stern look, then burst out laughing.

"Let's go get some food; I'm hungry," I told him.

"You really are like Niall. But, whatever, let's go," he said, slinging an arm around me.

Niall's POV

I was curled up in a ball crying in the locker rooms. I let the girl I love think I hate her, and now she hates me. And, why did I do all this? Just so I wouldn't be humiliated because the kiss to her was nothing, but it meant everything to me? That I thought she actually liked me after the kiss?

No, I also needed to distance myself from her. She was my best friend's girlfriend! I can't keep falling for her. If I keep loving her, I'll just hurt more and more everytime I see her.

I can't believe I'm being so selfish. I'm hurting her because I don't want to be hurt. Why was life so complicated?


29 minutes past the date I said I would update. Sorreh :(

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY LEE JUNG SHIN! It ended 29 minutes ago. (He's the bassist for CNBlue. Only my favorite band ever!)

Song on Side-I will Forget by CN Blue. Written/composed by my beautiful Burning (JongHyun) <3

Pic on Side- Shirtless Louis. I've found that out of all the boys, there are the most shirtless pics of Harry. Oh Harry.

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