Prashant Modi

By GEECLnews

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Prashant Modi and his contribution to GEECL growth

Great Eastern Energy Corporation Limited (GEECL) and Prashant Modi

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By GEECLnews

Great Eastern Energy Corporation Limited (GEECL) and Prashant Modi

 Great  Eastern Energy Corporation Limited was the first Indian Company to be recorded on the UK Stock Market. The spearheading venture to concentrate methane gas from West Bengal coal-bunk squares started in 2007. Until that time, no other Indian organization had endeavored this. Prashant Modi joined the organization in 1996 and has administered the operation. Prashant Modi is the organization President and Officer accountable for operations.

Production Profile: Coal Bed Methane

As indicated by Prashant Modi Coal Bed Methane (CBM) is farmable for a long time. This demonstrates a decently reasonable vitality source. After a moderate begin, with decently low generation, there is a top in the sum Prashant Modi GEECL being created. The sum being cultivated will begin to drop after pretty nearly 25-30 years.

Prashant Modi's generation is conservative, when contrasted with a percentage of the choices being utilized within the locale. Once well known heater oil for instance, is more lavish than CBM and dirtier to utilize. There are breaking points to what extent individuals can utilize such energies on the grounds that they are so unclean. CBM be that as it may, is greatly clean to use, as it contains 97 for every penny methane.


Prashant Modi, consented to an arrangement with Indian Oil in 2007. This permitted the organization to start enlarging their circulation organize by building a pipeline to administration different districts in West Bengal. Gas was likewise sold from a few of Indian Oil's petrol stations.

The main wells were set up in Raniganj and generation was trial right away. About whether, the procedure was consummated. At first, there were just a few modern organizations being supplied with the gas. The interest for practical vitality in India keeps on growwing. Extraordinary Eastern has arrangements to increase generation of Coal Bed Methane to supply the interest.

When approach to do this, has been by eagerly gaining more coal-couch hinders for penetrating. Besides, the organization have broadened the supply system to different regions of West Bengal. Not long from now, a significant part of the diligent work has paid off and GEECL have reveled in impressive budgetary development. Later on, the arrangements are for the organization to keep on growwing, by delivering more CBM and disseminating it to customers. The point is for more squares to be secured and penetrated.

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