Eyes on You

By lmmfan882

24.7K 767 424

Sequel to Eye of the Hurricane. Three years later, Isabel is a handful and Lin and Pippa's marriage is in j... More



502 19 2
By lmmfan882

After dropping Ellie off at preschool I made a quick stop at the store to get more prenatal vitamins and a couple other things, I went to the hospital to be with Luna. Isabel was probably still home and I couldn't handle seeing her again. I got that she was in a tough position but suggesting we let Luna's attacker go was unfathomable.

Lin and I were staying with Luna at the hospital in shifts so we could both get some time away to take care of other things. Lin was worried about my stress levels and how it could affect the babies. That made me worry even more.

I made my way to the hospital and found Lin sitting next to Luna's bed, playing Uno.  She slapped a card down on the table and laughed.  Lin rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically as he drew four cards from the deck.

"So mean," he teased her, rearranging his cards, which made her giggle more.  I quietly set my bag down and took a seat, wanting to just rest for a few moments.  Between my pregnancy, Ellie, and this mess between Luna, Isabel, and the Latin Kings, I was exhausted.  I was about at my limit.

"Uno!" Luna announced cheerfully, holding her single card proudly in her hand.

"Ugghhh...." Lin complained, drawing a card.  Luna then set her last card on the pile and cheered in victory.  "Cheater."

"I do not cheat!" she laughed, pushing his shoulder as he gathered up the cards.  Lin chuckled and turned to look at me.

"Hey, Pips," he greeted me.

"Hey," I answered back tiredly.

"You okay?" he asked, letting the cards drum on the table.

"Yeah.  Just tired," I told him, letting my fingers rest on my temple.  I let out a slow breath through my mouth as Lin stood up to stretch.  As he joked around with Luna I felt a pain deep in my belly.  I winced and let out a little whimper.  Lin must have noticed the look on my face because he came over and sat next to me.

"You sure you're okay?" he asked softly.

"I just had a pain," I told him.  "Almost like labor."

He looked at me, concerned, as I put a hand on my belly.  "Did it just start?"

"Yes," another pain shot through me.  More intense this time.  I let in a sharp breath.  "Oww."

"I'll get a nurse," he decided, and was quickly on his feet.  I concentrated on breathing slowly as Lin flagged down a nurse.  Soon, they had wheeled in a wheelchair and I was being transferred over.  I felt angry when I saw that Lin was following me.  Someone needed to be with Luna.  Why did this have to be happening now?

"Lin, stay with Luna," I called to him.

"Nope," he told me, jogging to catch up.  "The nurses are with her.  I wanna make sure you're okay."

I groaned and knew there was no point arguing.  I was taken down a flight and wheeled into an exam room.  A nurse started taking my vitals and I was hooked up to a machine that was measuring the babies' heartbeats.  It showed their heart rates were slightly elevated.

"Pippa?" one of the nurses called to me as I was laying down on the bed.

"Mmmm?" I answered, eyes closed, trying not to focus on the pain.

"Have you had any bleeding during your pregnancy so far?" she asked me.

"No," I said as an IV was inserted into my wrist.  Lin stood by, looking worried.  I didn't want this.  I wanted this situation to stop.

"You're having a bit of vaginal bleeding," she informed me.  "And the babies' heart rates are elevated.  We're gonna give you some medication to calm you all down, okay?"

"Okay," I said.

"Just focus on breathing," she told me.  There was a flurry of activity around me and suddenly I was petrified.  I looked over at Lin, who looked equally terrified.  I wanted to hold his hand desperately, but there were too many people around me working.

"You're okay," he called to me.  "Take some deep breaths."

I nodded and closed my eyes, focusing on breathing in through my nose, out through my mouth.  Sooner or later, I blacked out.


When I came to, I was aware of some beeping sounds.  My eyes were bleary as I came to, feeling groggy.  I glanced over and saw Lin thumbing around on his phone.  I groaned, and he was instantly at my side.

"Pip," he sounded relieved.  He took my hand and looked down at me, concerned.

"The babies?" I croaked.

"They're fine," he assured me, enveloping my hand with his other.  "They stopped the bleeding and their heart rates are back to normal."

I felt a wave of relief, like I could actually rest peacefully now.  I closed my eyes and Lin leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"The doctor says you'll be just fine, but you need some bedrest," he reported.  "You got too stressed and started having contractions, and your blood pressure was high."

I breathed out, letting my hand rest on my belly.  I didn't care about me right now.  I just wanted my babies to be okay.

"Do you need anything?" he asked gently.

"Some water?" I asked, my eyes still adjusting to the light.  He left my side to get some ice water and returned moments later.  I gratefully sipped from the straw.  "How's Luna?"

"She's fine," he said.  "Still recovering well.  She should come home tomorrow."

I nodded and passed him my cup as I relaxed some more.  He squeezed my hand and looked at me, concerned.  It brought tears to my eyes.

"I'm sorry," I croaked out, trying to control my emotions but failing miserable.

"Sweetheart, why?" he asked softly.

"I almost lost the babies," I sobbed, putting my hands up to my face in shame.

"Hey," he protested gently.  "This was not your fault.  You just got a little stressed.  It happens.  Don't beat yourself up about it.  We just need to get rid of some of your stress.  The babies are fine and Luna's fine.

Lin pressed another kiss to my forehead and scooted up a chair. He just held my hand as I laid back and tried to rest.

As I laid there, it occurred to me that a lot of this family's well-being depended on one person: Isabel. Her choices, which were decidedly difficult, could put our family in more danger. I wasn't sure I knew the answer but I silently wished that she'd be able to make the right decision.

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