Hired (L.H, Luke Hemmings)

By Suckmyirwin

421K 8.5K 4.4K

"Have you even considered going out with a celeb?" "I mean, I guess I have." "How a... More

My Name Is
Car Radio
Luke's Girlfriend
They Look Like A Real Couple!
I Like You
Aaron & Sam
I've Got This
First Night Of Tour
Why Don't You?
She's In A Skirt
I'm Done
It's Your Choice
Evil Bitch Who's Making Me Date Satan
Thanks For Pretending With Me
My Weakness
Your Mother Is Terrifying
Why Now?
Haliee, What Is That?
Haliee Danielle
Danielle Elisabeth
Blair Olivia
Alexa Ashen
Wait... Really?
Will You Post A Picture To Twitter
Merry Christmas!
Drunk Beaching
To New Beginnings
Surprise B*tch
Big Brother
Broken computer
Writers Block:/
Bridesmaid Dresses
Tour Starts Again
Reunited/Bridesmaid Dresses Pt2
Girlfriend Interview
Sleepy Luke
New computer
Back On Tour
Decided For Us
Takeout Today, Love
Modeling 2.0
He Shaved?! Ugh.
I Dont Want a Dog- I Need One
Her Hair Is Purple?!
Hey Hey Haliee
Welcome Jack
CALcium Is Shit
To Dani/Bye Tour
Bye 'Hired':(


15.2K 314 302
By Suckmyirwin

CHAPTER 3: Haliee's Pov:

I'm still staring out the 2 hours later, I haven't moved, I haven't changed the song. It's around 6:30 AM and somebody walks from the bunks, I don't look but they sit in front of me. They remove my headphones, I still don't move.

"Twenty One Pilots, yeah?" It's Luke, I can tell because his voice is deeper than the others. "Car Radio was the song, wasn't it?"

I shrug, not moving. He places the headphones back on my ears, hearing the music again. I don't know if he went back, stayed, went to the back, I still don't know because I didn't move.

Luke's Pov: 

Don't get me wrong, Hailee is gorgeous and she looks so cute in her glasses, but the fact that management is making me date a girl for publicity is... Insane. I was rude to Haliee but, I guess it didn't occur to me. I tried to go and talk to her around 6:30 this morning, but she wasn't in her bunk. I went to the front and there she is, sitting on the couch, peering out the window, headphones blasting music that could be heard from the back... If the guys didn't sleep with headphones on that is. I can tell she's listening to Twenty One Pilots- good choice. 

"Haliee?" I ask. She doesn't answer. I think she can't hear me so I take off her headphones but she doesn't budge.

"Twenty One Pilots, yeah?" I ask, but she sits still. "Car Radio was the song, wasn't it? I was listening to that." 

Nothing. I place the headphones back on her ears. I sit on the opposite couch and play my own music, blasting through my headphones. 


I guess I fell asleep because I'm woken up by laughing and screaming, which is a daily occurrence with the guys. I sit up and Haliee is sleeping in the same position she was sitting in last night and\ one of the boys put a blanket over her. I stand up and find the guys in the back playing XBOX.

"Lucas! So have you talked to Haliee?" Cal asks me.

"No." I respond flatly.

"Luke, she's cute. Have you seen her with her glasses? They look like Ashton's old ones! She's adorable, she's quiet and I'm guessing she's nice." Mike chimes in the conversation. "Talk to her, give her a chance or whatever." 

"I hate you all." I say while walking to the fridge.

"We know!" Ash laughs. Idiots. I open the fridge and grab a water bottle. About an hour or so later Haliee wakes up. She moves her hand from beneath her chin and pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She's actually really cute in her glasses and what she's wearing; a band shirt and leggings- which make her ass look great, just saying. She's short compared to me, I'd say somewhere around 5'4. She doesn't say a word to me, just fixes her headphones, puts on a different song, goes to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water. Just as I was about to say something, my phone rings.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Luke, it's Ches. After you reach where you're staying, you and Haliee are going on a public date so fans will get photos and everything will spread." She tells me.

"Okay. Where are we going?" I ask her.

"Just a casual lunch and walk around the area a bit."

"Okay." I say flatly, I so don't want this.

"Don't be so negative about it! I'll see you later." and she hangs up. Lovely.

"Haliee?" I stand and sit in front of her. She takes off her handphones and looks at me.

"We're going on a 'date' today, I guess." I tell her. She nods and puts her headphones back on. She hasn't said anything since VERY early this morning.



We've reached the hotel and where the boys are preforming tonight and I'm supposed to go on a 'date' with Luke. Sylists are coming to get me ready. I hear a knock at my door and I guess it's them. I open the door and see three women; one with wavy, lilac hair, one with red hair and one with bright pink hair.

"I'm Lou, you're Haliee right?" the one with Lilac hair asks.

"That's me. Nice to meet you." I say giving them a small smile.

"I'm Jenna!" the one with pink hair says.

"Alex." The one with red hair says smiling.

"Come on in!" I say opening the door wider. They come in, bringing suitcases with them. 

"Sit! Lets get her gorgeous for Lucas!" Lou says. I sit on a chair and they get to work.


"Okay, done. Change into this!" Alex says. I go to the restroom to change and i see myself; champagne eyeshadow on my eyes, making my bright green eyes stand out, eyeliner, mascara and a berry lipstick. I'm surprised they got me to look decent. I change into the high-waisted black shorts, white crop top and my black vans they gave me. I look okay, surprisingly. The lipstick is the main feature with all the black and white. I walk out and they all smile widely.

"WE DID GOOD!" Jenna jumps up and down. I got a text from Luke saying he's outside. 

"Well, thank you all. Luke's outside." I thank them and walk to the door. Luke is on his phone until I open the door.

"Hi..." I quietly say.

"Hey, you look pretty." He says smiling at me... A lot different than last night.

"Thanks. Where are we going?" I ask.

"Lunch and walking around. Hand holding I guess." He says, grabbing my hand. We walk to the back door and run into the car before people trample us. We reach a cute café a few minutes later. He grabs my hand again and intertwines them before getting out of the car. We sit in a booth ordering sandwiches and coffees. 

"Since we're basically going everywhere together, tell me about yourself." Luke says sitting back.

"I'm 20, from Minnesota originally, I love music, I like photography, I like the beach, iced coffee all year round, black skinny jeans, they made me wear shorts, I hate them... I don't know, I'm not that interesting." I say pushing my straightened hair behind my ears. "What about you?"

(A/N: They're both 20 in this. The thought of Lucas being 20 makes me vomit, cry and die all at the same time.)

"I'm 20, from Australia, I also love music- otherwise I wouldn't be in a band, I like the beach, just not the sand, I play guitar, iced coffee is the best thing ever and I also enjoy black skinny jeans."

"Well, Lucas, I guess we're not all that different." I say taking a sip of my Nirvana steamed iced coffee.

"I guess not. Sorry I was such a dick to you." He says taking a bite of his sandwich.

"It's okay, I understand why you'd be upset about having some ugly whore come and be your girlfriend." I say giving a small laugh.

"You're not ugly, and about the whore part, I wouldn't know about you yet." 

"I wouldn't know if you're a whore either."

"Well, I for one am not a whore... Well maybe, I don't know." Luke says sarcastically.

"I'm a whore, I admit it." I say matching the sarcasm in his voice.

"Good to know I'm dating a whore."

"Good to know that you know, you're dating a whore." 

"Luke?" a girl comes up behind Luke. He turns around smiling.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" He says with a large smile.

"Can I please have a picture? I love you and the rest of 5SOS." a girl probably around 14-15ish.

"Of course!"

"I can take that." I offer.

"Thank you so much!" she says handing me her phone. I take a couple of pictures. "Thank you so much. If you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

"I'm Haliee." I smile at her.

"She's my girlfriend." Luke says to the girl, smiling big.

"Oh, well you seem very nice. Nice meeting you Luke!" She says walking off. After she's far enough she starts jumping up and down, I giggle. We finish up our food and coffees and then walk around the area.

"Hi, can I please have a picture?" A girl comes up to us smiling wide. 

"Sure!" one picture turns into two, than three, than fifteen. Suddenly we're surrounded by tons of screaming girls. Luke suddenly grabs my waist so i'm not pushed into the crowd.






"WHY IS HE WITH SOMEBODY LIKE HER?" Comments thrown everywhere.

"EXCUSE ME! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO ASK YOU ALL TO LEAVE LUKE AND HALIEE ALONE PLEASE." A big man comes pushing the girls away from us- not pushing, just shooing.

"Come on, Hale." Luke says grabbing my hand and quickly walking away.

"We'll this 'ugly whore' is going to blow up on twitter hardcore, woo!" I say.

"Don't listen to them, most are nice but some can get jealous." Luke says before I start receiving a call.

"Sorry, Luke. Hello?"

"Congrats! You and Luke are at a go! Your relationship is trending all over twitter, pictures everywhere. You should be picked up in about five minutes at the Cafe you were dropped off at. See you soon." Chessie says to me.

"Well... That was Chessie, she said we're all over twitter, pictures everywhere and we're 'at a go'" I say quoting her words.

"Let me check." Luke pulls out his phone. He opens twitter to a spam of pictures; us. We are in fact, trending number one worldwide. "Well at least there good pictures."

"HA, HA, very funny. We're being picked up in five at the cafe. We should head back." 


We are back at the hotel, I open the door to find Ashton laying on my bed on his phone.

"How'd you get in my room?" I ask.

"Well hello to you too." He looks up from his phone towards me.

"Again, how did you get in here?" I say, taking off my shoes.

"The room mergers was open. How'd the date go? Was Luke nice? I saw pictures on twitter."

"It wasn't a date and Luke was very nice. I got called an 'dirty whore', 'slut' it was fabulous." I laugh.

"Well watch out America, we've got Haliee, the dirty whore over here!" Ashton says jokingly. 

"You know it!" I say posing. 

"HALIEE'S A DIRTY WHORE! HALIEE'S A DIRTY WHORE!" Ashton chants. I start laughing as Ashton continues the chant. I hear a knock at the door, I go answer it, while Ashton continues the chant. It's Luke.

"WHOEVER IS AT THE DOOR, HALIEE IS A DIRTY WHORE!" Ashton laughs. "That rhymed."

"What the hell is he talking about?" Luke asks entering my room.


"Yes, I heard from next door, Ash." He says sitting on the chair next to the bed. The merger door opens, Calum and Michael walk through.

"Why is Haliee a dirty whore?" Calum asks. Ashton and I start cracking up in laughter.

"I still don't get it. Anyways, how was today? I saw pictures all over twitter." Michael says.

"Didn't you hear? I got called a dirty whore and Ashton thinks it's the funniest thing ever." I giggle. Ashton opens an app and faces it toward all of us.

"Before I keek, Luke and Hale act all coupleish." Ashton says. I sit on Lukes lap, leaning into his chest.

"Hi guys, how ya doin'? Well here we have America's dirtiest whore ever." Ashton speaks and we all start laughing. "ANYWAYS! NOBODY CAN CALL HALIEE A DIRTY WHORE OTHER THAN US BOYS! But, yeah. Love you guys, byeee!" 

"That was fantastic." I say, falling to that floor, laying on my back.




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