Unraveling » Stiles Stilinski

By SaskiaRose

253K 7.9K 1.8K

❝I wish that I didn't wake up with amnesia, so I could remember all the stupid little things❞ Who was she? N... More

❦ Chapter One ❦
❦ Chapter Two ❦
❦ Chapter Three ❦
❦ Chapter Four ❦
❦ Chapter Five ❦
❦ Chapter Six ❦
❦ Chapter Seven ❦
❦ Chapter Eight ❦
❦ Chapter Nine ❦
❦ Chapter Eleven ❦
❦ Chapter Twelve ❦
❦ Chapter Thirteen ❦
❦ Chapter Fourteen❦
❦ Chapter Fifteen❦

❦ Chapter Ten ❦

13K 414 37
By SaskiaRose

*Disclaimer; I do not own Teen Wolf. Only Opal and my own plot.*

❦ Chapter Ten ❦ 


"Is that even a language?" Stiles asked unhelpfully as we stared at the laptop screen. We were flicking through the Argent family's bestiary and none of it seemed to be in English. Not to mention it was freezing cold and I was standing uncomfortably in the school parking lot in only my underwear.

"Stiles, give me your freaking jumper," I demanded. His eyes flickered to my body for a split second before meeting my eyes, his face reddening as he realized I caught him checking me out. Stiles shrugged out of his school lacrosse jumper and draped it around my shoulders, his fingers lightly brushing my skin. I blushed slightly and pulled the jumper closer to me, finding comfort in its warmth.

Scott ignored our exchange and continued scrolling through the pages. "How are we supposed to figure out what this thing is?" Scott questioned rather annoyed.

It took a moment for Scott to process after rescuing us from the pool that I had seen him in his wolf form and he was even more surprised to see that I was pissed off more than shocked. I had snapped at him saying, "As if you could keep something like this from me. I thought we were supposed to be friends."

Scott had apologized and told me Stiles would fill me in on absolutely everything later tonight. I'd grudgingly agreed, even though I wasn't sure why Scott couldn't just tell me everything there and then. I did want to take a hot shower and drink some hot chocolate before anyone told me anything more, so I guessed it would be better being let in on everything tonight rather than now... with me being in my underwear and everything.

"It's called a kanima," Derek voice came from behind us. The three of us turned around to see Derek and Erica striding up to us with guarded expressions.

"Kanima." I repeated stupidly. What the hell was a Kanima?

"You knew this the whole time." Stiles stated irritated.

"No," Derek admitted, "only when it was confused by its' reflection."

"It doesn't know what it is," Scott said catching on. I, on the other hand, was still hella confused.

"Or who," Derek finished.

"Well what else do you know?" Stiles asked Derek. He seemed pretty infuriated and pissed off, but tried to keep his face neutral and calm.

"Just stories. Rumours."

"But it's like us?" Scott asked.

Derek nodded, "A shape-shifter, yes, but it's not right. It's like a..."

"An Abomination," Stiles said looking straight at Derek. He nodded again.

"How the hell are we supposed to kill it?" I whispered to Stiles as Derek focused on my neck

"What's that?" Derek asked pointing at the back of my neck. I moved my hand to clutch it, feeling the almost surgical cut on my neck.

"It's nothing." I dismissed with the wave of my hand. He eyed me suspiciously before he and Erica turned to leave.

"Derek," Scott said making them pause, "we need to work together on this. Maybe even tell the Argents."

"You trust them?" Derek scoffed.

Scott seethed. "Nobody trusts anyone, that's the problem. While we're hear arguing who's on what side, something stronger, scarier and faster than any of us and it's killing people! And we don't even know anything about it!"

"I know one thing. When I find it, I'm gonna kill it."

I don't think anyone knew how relaxing a bubble bath could be after a horrible day I had just had. Almost drowning, twice, finding out that supernatural things actually exist and one of my friends is a freaking werewolf, another one of my friends is a werewolf hunter, and now Boyd is apparently a werewolf too. I had actually so been looking forward to the friendship Boyd and I had started to develop, but now him joining Derek's 'pack' or something has just ruined it for me.

"Opal. Hurry up!" Stiles said yelling through the door.

I sighed and stood up from the bathtub, letting the lukewarm water slide down my skin. I quickly stepped out of the bathtub and grabbed the fluffy black towel I had placed next to the bath before I got in. Wrapping the towel around my body, I quickly walked back to my room shutting the door behind me and fell back onto my bed. I was completely exhausted.

I close my eyes for a moment, relishing in the soft comfy mattress before groaning and picking myself up. Just as I was about to drop my towel Stiles barged in.

"So you wanted me to tell you all the-"

"Stiles!" I screamed loudly. He looked up and his face flushed completely red.

"W-What are you d-doing?" He stuttered awkwardly.

I glowered at him. "What the hell does it look like?" I said gesturing to the towel covering my body. I could tell Stiles tried pretty hard to keep his eyes on my face, but temptation won over and his eyes traveled to my barely covered frame.

I couldn't even describe how I felt. It was sort of a mixed in combination of anger , embarrassment and... arousal?

My face felt like it caught on flames and I slapped myself in the face for thinking that. What in the world was I thinking? Aroused? Please, it was only Stiles.

"Did you really just slap yourself?" Stiles asked me in a baffled tone. I pinched the bridge of my nose and breathed inwards deeply.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked him annoyed.

He swallowed and adjusted the collar on his shirt. "I was going to fill you in on everything.."

"While I was naked?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"It's not like I knew you were," Stiles argued stubbornly.

I sighed and sat on the end of my bed. "There's something called knocking, Stiles. Maybe you should start doing it sometime." He nodded with his eyes still cast to floor. "Now get out. I'll meet you downstairs in a couple of minutes."

Stiles nodded and turned for the door when I shot up and grabbed his arm. He looked at me, confusion clouding his features. I swallowed uncomfortably and said "I understand that you're not used to having a girl around the house since it's just been you and your dad for years. I know that it's a big change for you and your dad, but I appreciate everything you both have done for me. You understand that, right?"

He gave me a soft smile. "Of course I do. I'll be waiting downstairs." Stiles said as he left the room, quietly closing the door behind him.

I caught up with Stiles and Scott in the hallway at school the next morning. I had honestly just wanted to stay at home and digest everything Stiles' had explained to me, but of course the guy himself dragged me out of bed and told me to get ready for school otherwise he would get Scott to wolf-out on me. I agreed but only on the terms of him making me some pancakes. Stiles did what I requested.

"All right, I only found one thing online called the Kanima. It's a were-jaguar from South America that goes after murderers." Stiles explained to Scott. I stood on the other side of the teen wolf as we ventured down the 'exciting' school hallway.

"That thing was not a jaguar," Scott stated gripping the straps of his backpack.

"And I'm not exactly a murderer, am I?" I cut in slinging an arm around Scott's shoulders.

"But you guys did see it kill somebody, which is probably why it tried to kill you, and is still trying to kill you and it probably won't stop until you both are dead." Scott said. Stiles and I stopped in our tracks and watched as Scott continued walking, not noticing we had stopped.

"He is joking, right?" I asked Stiles as we made eye contact. He licked his lips and glared at the back of Scott's head.

"You know, sometimes I really begin to question this 'friendship'," Stiles said following after Scott with an annoyed look in his eyes. I shrugged and quickly followed after them. We entered Coach Finstocks's classroom. We sit down together in the middle row and pull out our notebooks. I noticed Lydia's ex-boyfriend Jackson walk in and sit in the only available chair that was directly behind Scott.

I thought absolutely nothing of him until he opened his mouth. "Hey, testicle left and right. What the hell is a Kanima?" My mouth dropped open in surprise as I turned to him so fast that I almost got whiplash. Stiles and Scott shared a look together before also spinning on their chair to face Jackson. How in God's name did he know about the Kanima?

Finstock slammed a book of his onto his desk, grabbing everyone's full attention. "All right, listen up. A quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you, like McCall, might want to start their own study groups, because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult... I'm not even too sure I could pass it. Okay, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question. Who's got it, huh?" A quarter of the room put their hands up to volunteer, including Lydia. Coach pointed at one of the students. "Come on, let's go buddy." 

Right after Coach had his back facing us, the three of us turned to face Jackson again. "He knows?" I hissed at Stiles. The kid ignored me and kept his focus on the Jackass who dumped Lydia.

"Paralyzed from the neck down. Do you have any idea what that feels like?" Jackson said leaning forward on his desk with a glare in his eyes.

Stiles nodded, "I'm familiar with the sensation." My eyes flickered back to him for a second. I bet he was thinking about that night at the mechanics garage. I remembered how helpless he looked as he lay motionless on the ground, and how I tried to protect him.

"Wait, why would Derek test you?" Scott asked confused, "Why would he think that its you?"

Jackson gave another glare at Scott. "How should I know?"

"Wait, do they think it's Lydia?" I cut in loudly.

Jackson's eyes shot to me. "I don't know, all I heard was her name and something about chemistry." Jackson's face then turned confused. "Wait a second, who the hell are you?"

I grinned and held out my hand, "Hi, I'm Opal. A friend of the amazing girl you broke up with for no reason." I glanced at the back of the classroom where Lydia sat. My eyebrows furrowed. I hadn't showed up last night at Lydia's when I promised her I would. I shot her a text last night telling her how sorry I was that I couldn't make it and that we could have a marathon tonight after school instead, but she hadn't taken the time to answer me back yet. It worried me at how angry she might be.

"Well aren't you a little -"

"Jackson!" Coach yelled loudly. A little squeak erupted from my mouth as I jumped from the Coach's loud voice. I slapped a hand over my mouth to cover it. That was one of the most embarrassing sounds I had ever made. "Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?"

"U-Um," Jackson stuttered before speaking up, "- just an undying admiration for my coach."

"That's really kind of you," Coach said in a normal voice. "NOW SHUT UP! SHUT IT!" He yelled at him. I flinched but still kept my hand covering my mouth. "Anybody else?" Coach asked in a much calmer tone, before walking away from us.

Scott harshly grabbed Stiles' arm. "How do we know it's not her?"

"Because I looked into the eyes of that thing, okay? And what I saw was pure evil." Stiles whispered back. "And when I look into Lydia's eyes, I only see fifty percent evil. All right, maybe sixty. You know, but no more than fourty on a good day." That's a horrible argument.

I gave Stiles a punch in the arm. "One, Lydia has no percentage of evil when I look into her eyes. Only the personality of a queen. And two, there is no way in hell that Lydia is the Kanima. I will not refrain my statement."

"Stiles, that isn't a good argument." Scott said speaking what was on my mind.

Stiles sighed in defeat. "I know."

"And Opal, you can't prove that it isn't her." Scott said turning to me.

I crossed my arms in defiance. "You also can't prove that it is her, either." The sound of whimpering broke me out of my stubbornness and I turned my body to face the front. Lydia stood with her back to us and chalk in her hand, scribbling the same thing over and over on the board. I squinted my eyes to get a better look at the words she was writing. It didn't make sense, it didn't even look like English.

I stood up from my chair and studied it a bit closer. If you were smart enough and looked at it long enough, you could tell that it read 'SOMEONE HELP ME' if you read it backwards. I slowly walked towards Lydia, putting my hand on her shoulder. "Lydia?" She didn't respond and only began to sob even louder. "Lydia!" I said a bit louder. She snapped out of her daze and dropped the chalk onto the ground.

Her eyes dart around the room with confusion laced onto her face and her eyes brimmed with tears.

Coach picked up the chalk from the ground and held it up. "Okay then, anybody else want to try answering? This time in English?" He asked and the whole class laughed.

I tugged Lydia closer to me, wishing that I could block out the mocking laughs. "Are you okay?" I asked softly. Her eyes snapped to mine, fear seemed to be the only emotion in her eyes.

"I'm fine." She said looking at the board herself. "I'm fine."


Thank you guys so much for getting this to 13,000 reads! I want to hand you all your own personal Stiles!
Question; How did you like the sexual tension between Opal and Stiles?
Dedication; to @FallingIsTheBestPart for the comment - 'Okay, it's a little immature, but's she's in her underwear and some sexually frustrated awkward Stiles would be nice. And funny. x)'. She's the one who gave me the idea for the towel scene for Opal and Stiles. :)

Okay, I honestly need a better cover than the one I have now. I can't make a book cover at all, JUST LOOK AT HOW HORRIBLE THIS ONE IT IS! There are so many professional looking covers out there atm, mine looks like horse dung. If you aren't interested yet, wait, I HAVE A PRIZE!

The winner gets a follow, dedication and I will WILLINGLY read any one or all of their stories. Any other participants' covers will be used as banners and will also get dedications.

So if you're interested just private message me and yeah! Please participate! I will LOVE you!

~ SaskiaRose xxo

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