One Night Stand with A Billio...

By IwannabGlorious

360K 9.2K 392

"You need to live a little Jessie" My best friend said as she searched through our closet for an outfit to we... More

Girl's Night Out
Taking Him Home
No Peace
Coming Clean
Holding Back the River
Only Want You
The Demand
Breathe Me
Meeting the Ex
Dont fight it
Say Yes

The Climb

16.3K 495 9
By IwannabGlorious

When we made it home from the beach I went directly to my room, passing Go but not collecting my 200 dollars. I opened my bedroom door quickly, seeing my room completely rearranged with baby stuff and cribs and everything I would possibly need for my baby. I walked in slowly taking in how little of space I had for my stuff, but I didn't mind it one bit so if this was how Elijah and my friends thought they would get me to move in with him they were wrong.

"Aw thanks you guys, you didn't have to buy all of this stuff for me" I said turning around to look at them with a smile, knowing they followed me up here. Lia grinned "I had nothing to do with it this time" She said holding her hands up as she walked in and looked around, "Damn your not going to have a lot of room to walk around though, I think I can make some space in my closet for some of the extras" She suggested.

I rolled my eyes knowing Lia had everything to do with this. I smiled at her though. "No its fine Babes I like having everything in arms reach" I told them sitting down on my bed. "So who helped him get everything in here?" I asked watching as all my friends raised their hands sheepishly.

"We think its best for you and our god child if you lived in a bigger place, and we would find a bigger apartment for all of us but we can't afford it" Kristen said sadly "Of course we're gonna basically be living with you guys cause we'll be there every second of the day, but you nor the baby deserves to stay in such a cramped place" She told me walking over to me to sit on the bed beside me. "I promise if he doesn't anything, and I mean anything that makes you think he's going to be abusive in any way you tell us and we'll get you out okay" She said wrapping her arms around me.

Lia and Rya came and sat around me pulling me into a group hug. "We'll beat his arse if he doesn't treat you like a queen" Rya said breaking her silence, I felt the tears come to my face as I hugged my best friends.

"I don't want to leave you guys, we've been together since forever" I said laying my head on Rya's shoulder, "We've been inseparable since high school, I don't know how to be without any of you" I whispered coming clean about why I didn't want to leave.

We literally spent a week at one house together since we met in high School. Each Week we would all just bring our packed bags to each others house. We rotated houses every week so everyone got to see their families. We did that for every week during all of our High school years. Our parents loved it because they could have their date nights and whatever else they wanted to do without having to worry about us not being supervised.

"We know Jessie, but its time for us all to grow up now, and it sucks your the first one to do it because you hating growing up" Lia said softly rubbing my back "But we have to eventually and now that your bringing our favorite baby into the world your forced to and we're going to be right here for you when you need us" She told me kissing my forehead. "So put your big girl draws on and call your baby's father and tell him you'll move in with him" She told me softly. I nodded breathing in deeply before grabbing my phone about to call Elijah, with the girls surrounded me I felt strong enough to give in and do what Nike said and Just do it.

Dialing his number I listened to it ring, when the door bell rung.

"I'll go get it" Rya said standing up and leaving the room to go get the door. When Elijah picked up I breathed in deeply.

"I'll move in with you Elijah" I said quickly before I can change my mind.

"Good sweetheart now come open the door for me" He said his voice deep like he had been running.

"Rya's coming" I said not even bothering to ask him why he was outside in the first place.

I hung up the phone and sighed "he's outside" I said standing up, the girls stood up with me and followed me out of the room. I spotted Elijah coming up the stairs towards me with a smile.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked him "I can still change my mind" I said crossing my arms hating that he looked like he had on his face like he just won a million bucks. "And it wasn't your little trick that got me to change my mind" I said

He chuckled "Yeah well I can still smile" He said stopping in front of me to look in my room. "When do you want to start packing?" He asked me rubbing my belly.

I let him because he was the baby's father, "Saturday" I answered slowly today was only Wednesday and I had work and school work to finish before I could get distracted by moving.

He nodded leaning down to kiss my forehead. I backed away from him "don't start getting lovey Elijah we're not in a relationship, just co parenting in the same house" I said pointing my finger at him. "Which means rules to this"

He chuckled holding up his hands, "Fine fine what rules" He asked me leaning against the wall.

"One no kissing, or touching me unless I say so" I said "Well apart from my stomach I guess" I added before moving on.

"Second I want my own bedroom, preferably with enough room I can have the baby's crib and all of his or her things" I said using my hands as I talked.

"Three, we're not dating so you can't control anything I do, meaning if I want to go out on a date you can't stop me" I said "And you of course can do whatever you want to, its your house anyways" She said

"Four, just remember those three rules" I told him.

He shook his head "I agree with the first two but the third one I have a problem" He said "I don't want you going on dates with anyone when your pregnant with my child Jessie" He said "We don't have to be dating for me to be concerned"

"Don't worry Elijah, Jessie doesn't date or go out so you don't have to worry" Rya said passing by us to go to her room. Shutting the door behind her.

I glared at them both before looking at Elijah "Well its my rules and if you don't agree with them I can stay here" I told him crossing my arms.

"Fine but I have to meet the guy first" He said giving in to her rules.

I nodded with a smile "Good now I'm going to go take a shower" I said going back in my room.

"Can I join you?" He asked me with a grin I flicked him off before shutting my bedroom door in his face.


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