Hurtful Regret ff {Completed}

By Uglydork_26

122K 2.7K 446

A normal cold girl, who is always controlled by her mother gets into the hurtful situation of "Forced Marriag... More

Epilogue β™₯β™₯β™₯

13th <Ending> :'(

9.3K 180 80
By Uglydork_26

Yn P.O.V

Its been a week. Until now, we still dont know what to do. Hoshi oppa and his gang is now having a meeting on weather set her free or do what is suppose to do with people who doesnt pay.



I wouldnt want that to happen, but i will never ever betray him. My dad? Well, he's been calling me and i dont know what to tell him. So, i remained silent. I started acting cold to Somi aswell, and i dont care about her now. What I cared about is her not to die because if anyone kmew that im involved with this, my dad's reputation is for sure going to be ruined. I dont want that to happen ofc.

So now, while they are in a meeting, i tried feeding this girl simply because I dont want her to starve to death. After all this mess, i dont wanna be with Jungkook anymore. Yes i love him, but he doesnt love me. He love Tzuyu and i want everyone to be at peace now. Or, atleast i could. I worry alot about dad. What is happening to him now? Did he ate?

Somi: Yahh Woman!

Yn: Nae? *cold*

Somi: I need water.

Yn: Ill get it upstairs. *still cold*

Somi: Hurry up. You dont want me dead right? *smile evilly*

Yn: What's wrong with you? *curious but cold*

Somi: Nothin'. *still has the smile*

Yn: I'll go no--

When i turned around, i told her ill be going to get it now but everything suddenly went black and all i heard was "YN!"

I woke up in...

My bed? What happened? Where is Hoshi?

Well, dont get me wrong. My bed here in Hoshi's house not in Jungkook or My parent's house.

I turned around and... i saw Woozi on the floor with a bruised arm. I didnt want to wake him up as I know something bad happened downstairs. I slowly pick him up and gentky put him in my bed. I tucked him under my blanket and hurried downstairs. There i saw everything in chaos. And... there is Hoshi oppa being pushed by Somi who is holding his gun. I rushed there hoping to beat her up and get the gun. But i stoped half way when oppa said no. I obeyed him, thinking maybe he has a plan. I dont know what to do. Then i thought of something.

Call Jungkook.

Wait, where are the others?! Seventeen oppas... Where are you?!

He is the only one who is close to his sister and because Somi seemed to be... unstoppable. 

I quickly got my phone from my pocket and called Jungkook.
It took me like 4 to 5 rings before he answered. When he answered his phone already, i quickly spoke.

Yn: Jungkook!

Jungkook : Yn?

Yn: Yes its me... i need your help! Come to this address quickly and help me with your sister. Ill explain later. Hurry up! Bring an ambulance too! *Enter address xD*

Jungkook: O-ok... ill be there in 10 mins.

I quickly hunged up. I went down there and did what i have to. Save oppa.

I grabbed Somi's hand and took the gun away. She was shocked for a second but was ok afterwards.

Somi: Oh! The bitch finally woke up! I was waiting for you!

Yn: Oh really? Sorry i didnt really wanna see you. Sorry not sorry.

Some: You son of a--

Yn: Correction, Daughter.

Somi: Aishhh!!! GO DIE BITCH!

Yn: Back to you. *cold*

She ran towards me and grabbed my hair. I was shocked but choose to fight back. Fight for your lifueeee yn.

Thanks to Hoshi oppa, i escapped her grip in my hair. I was hurt, but this is nothing compare on how i was hurt inside. Just... just do what you have to do Yn.

But she again attacked me and punched me hard. She did this and i did nothing.  I dont want dad's reputation ruined.  What if Jungkook came and i was beating her up? No no, i cant risk that. I will never.

But as i was zooming out, she did the a big mistake that she will see until forever.

She picked a gun up from the floor and shoot the ceiling. But instead, she shoot a screw who was supposed to hold the ceiling's furniture. It was a sharp one and i saw it's almost falling on Oppa. As I dont want Oppa to get hurt, so i pushed him away and the sharp furniture landed on me. Straight to my stomach. I looked around feeling the burning sensation in my tummy and found it also landed on Somi. As much as I wanna help her i couldnt. If i move, the sharp edge which is stuck in her leg will be pushed deeper her leg and will possibly cut her leg. I didnt move knowing she might get more hurt. She kept on shouting while oppa tried to get help. He called the ambulance and that's when Jungkook and the Ambulance came. He came to my side and tried to lift it up but i shouted.


Jungkook: W-what?

Somi: Oppa! Help me! Look what they did!

He looked at her and hurriedly held her hand.

I then noticed the rest of his friends are here, shocked, scared, angry and... sad? But i stoped looking around when my vision got blurred.

Jungkook: What is going on?!

Yn: Just pull the thing away from her. Before she lost more blood.



Yn: *low voice* Please, dont argue with me now. Just fucking do it!

It took me alot of effort to shout the last part of my sentence. Why? The part which is stuck in my tummy is the one with Rust on it. It's also the sharper part and im so proud of myself that after a very long time, i did something good in my life. I saved two people that are important in my life. Hoshi oppa--- my bestfriend and Somi, my sister-in-law.  Tears streamed down my face and everyone noticed it. But everytime If breath, it hurts me more.

Should i give up? Well, like i can do something else.

Jungkook: Yn...

Hoshi: But babe...

Jungkook look at him. Well, to explain that... since he is my Childhood bestfriend, i allowed him to call me any name he wants and same goes for me.

Yn: But before that, Im sorry Somi but... Oppa, *looks at Hoshi*
Can i call appa for the last time?

Hoshi: Yah! This isnt the last time you brat... you will live, ok?

Yn: O-oppa... Everyone know that i will not survive.

Somi : Ofcourse! Cuz' you're weak.

Hoshi: *ignores Somi* Fine, ill call uncle.

Jungkook: appa... knew?

Taehyung : This isnt the right time for your jelousy idiot.

Hoshi ringed my dad and he luckily answered quickly.

Dad: Hoshi! Long time no talk... where are you?

Hoshi: Uncle... Y-yn... She needs to talk to you...

He said while tearing up.

Dad: YN?! YN!

Yn: D-dad...

Dad: Yn? What's wrong hunny? Why is your voice like that? What happened? Where are you?!

Yn: Dad, I love you... sorry if your reputation might be ruined because of me. Im so sorry... B-bye...

I ended that call.

Hoshi: Y-yn...

Yn: Oppa, remeber this ok? The money is in my card. And some in my passbook. I have a little savings and all in all, it will fulfill the money you needed since day 1. Im sorry... im sorry all of this has to happen because of me.

Somi: Seriously,  i told you... Im richer than you Yn. Dont show off. I dont need you to pay for what i owed him.

Hoshi: No need Yn...

Yn: The password is My and Your birthday... all accounts. You will see everything you need in my phone. Ive prepared it. No turning back oppa. You promised.

Hoshi: Bu--

YN: Oppa, No buts. I love you all. Tell your friends that. I will miss your food and hugs. Also your jokes.

Jimin: Yn... Dont say anything the bleeding will get worse.

Yn: Jimin-ahh... No worries, it will be finished soon. Even if let's say, the get me outta here... The rust already poisoned my insides. There will be no cure for that. Ill be dying soon. But remember everyone... I love you. Now, Jungkook... pls listen to me.

Jungkook: Yes Yn. Tell me.

Yn: After this. Tell my dad its all my fault cause it is really mine.
If it wasnt for me, Somi will not be here, and no one is having a hard time. Sorry... Its all my fault ok? Hoshi oppa and his gang is innocent. Dont blame them. They neede to work. Ill take it all. Pls... *I held his hand, tears streaming down my cheecks* Pls...

Jungkook: Y-yes... ill tell them.

Yn: *smile* Thanks. Now, please call the ambulance, Somi needs help.

Somi: U-unnie...

Yn: *Smile* Sorry. I caused you trouble.

She was speechless. But then I remebered something.

Yn: Oh and Hoshi oppa... You know our code names right?

Hoshi: Y-yes...

Yn: Your code name is the password. Pls also... call Rosé and atleast say bye. Tell her i love her and the necklace she wanted long time ago is hidden in the dress she bouught me last time. The- the red one. Tell her to get it no matter what. It will be a symbol that i atleast had someone who cared about me before you came, and before i died. Tell her to get that. Pls?

Hoshi: Yes babe. *smile*

But hoseok interrupted.

Hoseok : Yn... you said call the ambulance. Here are the nurses and donctors from the ambulance.

I smiled at him and closed my eyes.

Yn: Thanks Hoseok-oppa. But, the doctors... please help them remove this thing now. Somi... she might loose alot of blood. She might have a critical condition by now. Help her now please... im fine...

Yoongi: You sure Yn?

Yn: *Another sweet smile* Ofc. But i heard you and The rest are making music? If that's true, pls make a song dedicated for me and play it when my body is already cremated. Hoshi oppa, remeber the firefly place? There where i sat when im lonely?

Hoshi: nae.

Yn: Free me there after the cremation. Well, not actually. Not until the song is made. For the last time... i just wanna feel loved and cherished. Pls invite the 2 other people who will complete our group oppa. Tell them, i forgive them already. Also Eomma. Tell her... I hope i made her proud. Atleast one time... that's all....
Now, remove this.

They sadly tried to remove the thing out of Somi's leg, and... put the weight on me. I yelled so loud but didnt forget to tell them to not worry about my yells. After i knew it was out of Somi's leg already, they came to me and tried to remove the thing in me. But i stopped them.

Yn: Pls... no... it will hurt more. It will surely scratch my insides and it will be my end. Pls let me die slowly. I dont want any pain anymore. Pls...

All of them: O-ok...

Yn: While i still can breath, please... oppa... call IU unnie...

Hoshi: O-ok...

He ringed her once and she answered.

IU: Hello? Who's this?

Yn: U-unnie...

IU: Y-yn? Is that you?

Yn: It is. * i chuckled but felt ghe pain more* Unnie... Are you alright? How are you and Eunwoo Oppa?

IU: Do you still hate us?

Yn: No, unnie... i fogive you. I just called to tell you that, i love you both. I hope you live happily with eachother. Dont mind me, just think im invisible. I still love you both. Remeber that. I will miss you. And please, come to the forest... where i would always sit when im sad. The firefly place? Hoshi oppa will tell you when. But until that time, we will not see each other again. Bye...

I closed my eyes tightly and let the pain take over me. The effort i tried used just to sound fine killed me inside. Now, i feel tired. Maybe i need to sleep now. Im sure, by now... Somi is in the hospital already. And now... Goodbye world. I love the people here especially the man holding my hand. My man. My husband.  My world. Please, let him live his life to the fullest. I love you all... remeber that.......

And i finally lost my consciousness. From there, i know this is finally the end. End of all my sufferings, Sorrows, pain. Everything. 





So, thanks for reading this book. I cried while writing this and i hope you too. I did my best in this one. Thanks for everything and i hope you support my other books too. Pls vote and comment what you think about this book.

Luv Y'all!  Muahhh♥♥♥



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