Aurora Skies || Stray Kids Au

By Marksonily

114K 5.8K 2.2K

COMPLETED Aurora Academy houses some of the brightest and strongest Magic users in the whole world, together... More

0 | Aurora Skies
1 | Going Crazy
2 | Aurora
3 | Bad Dream
4 | Nobody Knows
5 | School Life
6 | Foolish Love
7 | Blue
8 | Awkward Silence
9 | I Like You
10 | Beautiful
11 | Lonely
12 | Now or Never
13 | Runaway
14 | Stigma
15 | Lost
16 | Danger
17 | All In
18 | Fear
19 | Tell Me Yes or No
20 | Save Me
21 | Out of My Mind
22 | Follow Me
24 | Power
25 | Trespass
26 | Bang Bang Bang
27 | I'm Not Afraid
28 | Action
29 | Miracle
30 | Just Right
31 | Epilogue
Thank You

23 | Enough

2.1K 142 61
By Marksonily

Seojoon and Changbin were discussing who should be chosen to head into the forest to investigate when Seojoon got a knock on his door. Assuming it was just Minho and Jisung back from their chat with Chan, Seojoon diligently opened it to an abjuration teacher, who didn't look very pleased. Instructed to follow, the five boys wordlessly obeyed, following the teacher all the way to his office, where they met up with Minho and Jisung.

The group's eyes fall on the green book dropped on the teacher's desk. Guilt pits in Minho and Jisung's stomachs, knowing it was them who brought the group down. The sight of the book makes Seojoon come to the realization that his investigation is going to be shut down, and before they managed to even make a dent.

Jackson isn't mad at the group but concerned about how far he thought they might take this. His personal goal is to keep the students in this school safe, but when he comes across plans like these, he feels he may have failed. There is a reason the Headmaster wanted students to stay out of the investigation of a missing Lee Felix. It has the potential to be dangerous, and he didn't want to put anyone in harm. So, Jackson is going to make sure he sticks with the Headmaster's orders.

The abjuration teacher feels incredibly lucky that he caught them when he did, they had dug up some information but didn't go far enough to put any of themselves in danger. Now, Jackson can shut it down and make sure that none of the students get hurt.

"Where did you get this?" Jackson asks, pointing to the book on his desk.

A few glances are exchanged by the students before Changbin steps forward and speaks.

"I found it under Felix's bed when I was helping Hyunjin look for something in his room," the conjurer explains. He may have lied a little bit, but seeing as what they are in trouble for, Changbin doesn't find it necessary to mention that he stayed the night in a room that wasn't his.

"Do you know who wrote the notes?" Jackson asks.

Changbin shakes his head, "no, we thought it was Chan, but he denies ever writing them."

Jackson nods to show his understanding. He sees where they thought it could have been Chan, though he doesn't believe it was him who wrote them. There are a lot of pieces that still need to be put together, so Jackson is hoping one of his colleagues can use the information brought to him by these students.

"I understand the want to help," Jackson says, "Felix is your friend, but you need to understand that you can't help. This is as far as you go, it is too dangerous for you guys to keep digging around where you shouldn't be. I am encouraging you to put an end to your own investigation and allow the staff to look for him."

The look on the students face's drop and Jackson can tell they are disappointed. Unfortunately, he can't give the students everything they want, there are rules everyone must follow. When it comes to the student's safety, Jackson is very strict about everyone following the rules, so though he hates seeing the gloomy faces of the students, he knows it is the best thing for them.

"Trust us that we will find him, so please stop putting yourselves in positions you can't handle, it is too dangerous for you guys to continue your own search for him." Jackson moves so he can open his office door, signaling that this meeting is coming to an end and the students can leave.

Seojoon is the first to leave, leading the rest of the group out of Jackson's office. Although he is upset that his investigation got shut down, the diviner tries to not let it get to him. He may not be able to physically search for Felix, but that doesn't mean he can't try and unlock the puzzle mentally.

The teacher tells them all goodbye, waiting for them to be completely out of the hall before grabbing the book off his desk and hurrying the opposite way that the students went. A few doors down is Jaebum's office and without knocking the abjurer barges right in. The headteacher looks up from his work, shooting Jackson a questioning gaze.

On any other occasion, Jackson would have respected Jaebum's space, knowing how much the diviner hates unannounced guests in his personal space. However, this is urgent, and Jackson is willing to face the repercussions later, but right now this information needs to be shared with the headteacher.

"I just caught a couple of the students with this," Jackson informs, handing over the book and the note to Jaebum so he could look at it, making sure to tell him about the note written on the back cover.

"What is this?" Jaebum questions, looking over both notes.

"They were found with Lee Felix's things; it seems that someone was trying to direct him towards the portal to the miscreant world with this book." Jackson moves to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of Jaebum's desk, waiting for the teacher to be finished examining the book and the two notes.

"Well if they were trying to help, they weren't very good at it," Jaebum states, "this book gives false directions, this location in the book is nowhere near the actual location of the portal..."

Jaebum trails off, thinking about the evidence in front of him.

"Unless that is what they were trying to do all along," the headteacher adds.

Without another word, Jaebum rises from his desk, grabbing the book and note before leaving. Jackson, not knowing what else to do, follows behind the headteacher, trying to keep pace with his long strides. The abjurer chooses not to question Jaebum's actions, figuring that he knows what he is doing and is walking with a purpose.

The two teacher's end up outside the Headmaster's office, telling the secretary that they need to see him immediately. They hop up, quickly slipping into the office to inform the Headmaster about his guests. With little time to waste, the secretary returns from the room allowing them into the Headmaster's office, no further questions asked.

Jaebum approaches the Headmaster's desk, placing the book right in front of him.

"You need to look at this."


Hyunjin and Changbin are back in the younger's room, laying with their backs planted on the floor. After being sent out of Jackson's office, Seojoon wandered off mumbling to himself, while Jeongin followed him. Minho, Jisung, and Seungmin all left together, leaving Hyunjin and Changbin alone. They made the decision to head back to Hyunjin's dorm, allowing Changbin to grab the belongings he had left there.

Changbin hadn't planned on staying, but when he returned, Sunwoo wasn't there and Hyunjin invited him to stay. The two talked for a bit before they ended up laying on the floor sharing random stories to diffuse the tension. Things are still awkward, but their random storytelling is helping to keep their minds off it.

When there is a break with the talking, things become very awkward quickly, both boys are searching their minds for something to say, but each is coming up blank. At least blank with everything other than the compliment that Changbin had randomly delivered to Hyunjin last night.

The thought of it makes Hyunjin blush, and he can only hope Changbin's gaze is fixated somewhere other than him since he'd only be more embarrassed to know he was looking. Hyunjin hears a deep sigh leave Changbin, but he keeps his gaze up, still feeling the heat on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night," Changbin speaks, breaking the silence between the two, "it sort of slipped and I know we barely know each other, so I didn't mean it--well I meant it, but I didn't mean for you to hear it and I feel really dumb and--"

"Changbin, it's okay," Hyunjin says, unconsciously grabbing at the older's hand to get him to stop talking.

The older turns to look at Hyunjin, who is already staring back at him.

"You didn't make me feel fact, I think you're beautiful too," Hyunjin mumbles the last bit of it, his cheeks deepening with red.


Hyunjin nods, pulling his hand away from Changbin as he sits up. He brings both his hands up to his face, as the heat increases. He tries to subtly fan his cheeks hoping that the color will decrease, so it won't be as embarrassing for him to look at Changbin.

The older sits up, crossing his legs, waiting for Hyunjin to looks at him. When the younger, doesn't, a weird sense of shame washes over him and he debates whether he should continue this conversation. As much as, Changbin would love to sit here and compliment Hyunjin all day, tell the younger how much he likes him, there is one problem that he must bring up. Something that could either keep Hyunjin here or scare him far away.

"Is it weird to like two people at once," Changbin asks, his eyes dropping to his lap. There shouldn't be any shame in it, but Changbin feels vulnerable admitting something so personal. By admitting, it creates a weird feeling throughout his body, and Changbin can confidently say that he does not like this feeling.

"No," Hyunjin answers, "...I think I do as well."

Changbin looks up, seeing a sweet, caring smile on Hyunjin's face. The older assumes that they are on the same page, but he wants to ask in order to be positive.

"I find you and Felix fascinating, but it feels wrong liking the both of you," Changbin tells him.

Hyunjin boldly, intertwines their hands together, looking at Changbin deeply in the eyes before speaking.

"I don't think there is anything wrong about it, as long as, you aren't hurting anyone and the people you like are comfortable, then it doesn't matter what the world thinks. I like you and I like Felix, now that I know you're okay, the only person we have to worry about is Felix." Hyunjin gives Changbin's hand a reassuring squeeze, as the older's eyes light up.

The words delivered by Hyunjin sparks a sense of confidence in the older, he now feels like is feeling are okay and he shouldn't be ashamed. Although he isn't sure he is comfortable with sharing this with others, at least until they talk to Felix, he still feels right being with Hyunjin. The sense of belonging strikes him with the younger, much as it did with Felix. Changbin wonders if the feeling will be even more fulfilling when it is the three of them together.

"I'm worried about him," Changbin states.

Hyunjin nods in agreement, knowing who Changbin is referring to, "so am I."

"Do you think we could have found him?" Changbin asks, "if we weren't caught and continued on, do you think we could have been successful?"

"I want to believe that we could have," Hyunjin responds, "but there is no way of telling whether or not we could have."

Changbin nods, the two falling back into silence. They should be happy, they both share each other's feelings, but they aren't. A big piece is missing and neither of them knows if it will ever return to them. Felix came crashing into their lives and then suddenly he was gone, neither of them got time to process what they felt with the younger boy, and it has left them with many questions and confusing feelings. They both want him here, but he isn't, and it pains the two boys.

They are left with fear and confusion, left with no information on Felix's wellbeing. Hope is all they can have, hope that Felix is safe, hope that he is happy where he is, hope that maybe one day he will return. Although the hope isn't enough to bring him back, it is what they have and it is what they have to hold onto, because they may be the only ones with any hope left that Felix will be okay.


Word Count: 2,047
-Take a shot every time I say the word dangerous.

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