Billionaires brides (jungkook...

By Salvisingh

508K 13K 2.7K

what happened when a billionaires forced to marry a normal college girl. ~~I hate you ~~~ ~~~thanks for the... More

part 1
part 2
part 3 (first meeting)
part 5
part 6(accident)
part 7
part 8๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ˜š
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
Part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25 (special ๐Ÿ˜˜)
new cover

part 4

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By Salvisingh

Next day

Grandpa:today is Sunday I am going out tell the boys that I will be back at night.

Maid :yes sir

Jimin jungkooks and Taehyungs were in garden ,because it's nice weather .

Taehyungs laying down in garden.

Jimin drinking his coffee

talking on his phone.

Taehyungs : it's peaceful in hear.
Weather is beautiful.

Jimin: except this coconut head boy shouting on his phone disturbing this peasefull environment.

Jungkook: ya I am not coconut head.
Taehyung : ha ha ha ha 😂
Jimin and jungkook glared at him

Taehyungs : so why were you upset yesterday jimin.

Jungkook:oh yes I almost forgot.

Jimin:about that.

Yesterday I told my mom about my girlfriend.

Taehyungs :you mean soon to be girlfriend.

Jimin:no I mean my official girlfriend.
Jungkook:oh you asked her out great.
That happy new.

Jimin: ya you two let me explain. Keep your mouth shut.

So my mom was really happy when I told her that I have girlfriends and when I told her that she is from poor family she scolding me and started insult her. Then we have a big fight.

Taehyungs :thats sad I mean I also fought with my mom.

Jungkook :your mom was right you she have a girlfriend with you standard.

Jimin:ya shut up I love her, you also don't start.

Jungkook :ok OK sorry. Taehyungs why did you fought.

Taehyungs :my parents were forcing me to get married so I immediately said no.

Jungkook:same here bro. Father called me and told me he is searching for some girl for me.

Taehyungs :arrange marriage. !!!!

Jimin:that suck!!!

Taehyungs :well I can choose my wife though.
Jungkook:you are lucky man.

Jimin:let talk to grandpa

Taehyung and jungkook :ya let get any idea.

Grandpa was in meeting hall with jimin jungkook and Taehyungs parents. And with there butler.

Grandpa:was setting in middle end of table and family were surrening the table.

Grandpa have straight face and serious look .

The parents was shouting at each other .
Grandpa :shut up!!!!

The hall room went silent.

Grandpa:i know there marriage is important but they should have the right to choose there wife.

Jungkook and Jimin parents :no we will decide there life and there wife.

Grandpa:jimin has girlfriend and I will meet her to see if she is good enough for him or not.
And for jungkook I know he will choose right girl.

Jungkook parents:but appa--

Grandpa:if jungkook fail to choose his wife then I will choose the right one.

The meeting is over.

Grandpa went home, he entered the house and then all three boys approach him.

Taehyungs :grandpa what happened why are you so tired.

Grandpa:just family meeting nothing else I am tired son I will talk to you another time OK.

Jungkook :ok grandpa.

Next day.

Grandpa was setting in dinning room with his sons.

Taehyungs :so what's up grandpa why did you call so early.

Grandpa:jimin I want to meet your girlfriend.
Jimin :grandpa I want to talk to you about something.
Grandpa:what it is some.
Jimin Taehyungs and jungkook explain the entire talk and conversation about parent.

Grandpa:i have a solution

Jimin Taehyungs and look what!! Really grandpa you are best.

Grandpa :yesterday meeting was on this.

Jungkook and Taehyungs select a wife for your self and get engaged with her with in two weeks or I have to choose a wife for you.

And for Jimin I want to meet your girlfriend.

Jimin jungkooks and Taehyungs :ok

Jungkook office ~~~~

Jungkook was thinking hard about were to get a wife.

His pa entered and gave his pile of paper work so he started working.

Jimin office~~~

Jimin : grandpa are you sure about this you really want to meet her.

Grandpa :jimin why are you so nervous I mean I am just meeting her not going to kill her.

We're is she by the way.

Jimin:she is coming.

Jimin girlfriend


Yuna:hello sir I am yuna Jimin girlfriend.

Grandpa:hello dear come sit let's have talk.

Yuna sat down

Grandpa:so I heard your parents are working here in this company.

Yuna :yes sir.

Grandpa:why so formal just call me grandpa.

Yuna :ok grandpa.

Grandpa :jimin leave I will have a chat with your girlfriend.

Jimin:grandpa I will also chat with you--

Grandpa:you will leave or not.
Jimin:ok grandpa.

Jimin went out side the office.

And call Taehyungs and jungkook on conference call.

Jungkook and Taehyungs :what is it you know I have lot of work it's Monday bro.

Jimin: guys grandpa is talking to yuna
I am really nervous.

Jungkook:dont be bro.

Taehyung :lisyen I will talk to you at night club this xxxxxxxx
Come there now leave me for work by.

Jungkook :i am also going.

Jimin:these donkey are of no use.

After an hour grandpa call Jimin.

Jimin :so grandpa what is you decisions.

Grandpa:i am sorry kid but I have to search a new wife for you I think she is not capable for you.

Jimin :but grandpa I love her. And I am not going to marry any other girl.

Grandpa :my decisions is finally.

And you yuna don't come near him from now on.

Grandpa was about to leave the office e then he turn around and started laughing.

Both yuna and Jimin look at him with confused look and then jiminsat down placing a hand on his chest.

Jimin:grandpa you nearly killed me with your joke.

Grandpa :i am sorry son but your reaction is crazy.

Yuna was sobbing because of the shock..

And then jiminsat held her and kissed her forehead and said.

Jimin:grandpa has approved you idiot.

Grandpa :i am sorry kids but you are really beautiful and smart you are best for my jimin.

Grandpa :i will start preparing for engagement.

Jimin: really grandpa Thankyou.

Taehyungs office~~~

Taehyung was doing some paperwork
Hara came in.

Hara:sir you have a meeting in few minutes.

Taehyung was starting at hara and then
Taehyungs :will you be my girlfriend.

Hara: what sir!!

Taehyungs :are you deaf will you be my girlfriend.

Hara :why??

Taehyungs : why what you know I have very good plan.

OK so you will be my girlfriend for like 3months ok and after word we will see what happens.

Sara:why I won't be your girlfriend.

Taehyungs :its an order you have to follow that it not get lost.

Hara went out. ~~

~~Night club~~


Taehyungs and jungkook was waiting for Jimin.

Jimin : I have great news guys.
Jungkook :what the hell man why so late.

Jimin :shut up you know my engagement will be in 1week.

Tae and look :what!!

Jimin:yes grandpa approved of yuna.

And that why I took her for shopping.

Taehyungs :i am happy for you bro.

Jungkook :i am shocked bro.

Is that really true.

Taehyungs :well I have an idea for me and jungkook.

Jungkook :what??

Taehyungs : contract !!

Jungkook :you mean contract girlfriend.

Taehyungs :bingo.

Jimin:you both are dumb you know if any one will know about this you will be in mess.

Taehyungs :no one will know bro.

Well I have already got a girl and I asked her out.
Jungkook:who is she.

Taehyungs :my pa
Jungkook:and she agree.

Taehyungs :no but she doesn't have any other choice.

Jungkook. Then I will find one for myself..(. Smirk!! )

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