Rainbow of Gray (Destiel)

By frick_frack_fandoms

85.8K 5.5K 5.9K

In an AU where everything is black and white until you touch your Soul Mate, Dean Winchester and Castiel Nova... More

Chapter 1: The Wedding
Chapter: Souled
Chapter 3: Denial
Chapter 4: Acceptance
Chapter 5: Friends
Chapter 6: The Coffee Shop
Chapter 7: Drunk
Chapter 8: The Truth
Chapter 9: Family
Chapter 11: Nightmares
Chapter 12: A Leap of Faith

Chapter 10: New Beginnings

6.7K 470 322
By frick_frack_fandoms

Cas stumbled on the sidewalk, the blood from where Zach had kicked him earlier was dripping into his left eye, making it hard to see. Not to mention that that is already swollen from the second punch he’d received. The biting wind dove straight through his shirt and he shivered, trying to identify his surroundings.

He’d been wandering for about half an hour. When his brother kicked him out, he was numb for a good part of it. He just couldn’t get it through his head that Zach could have done such a cruel thing. His older brother may have shared some arguments in the past, not all merely verbal, but it had been so long ago. The notion of him doing it again betrayed everything they had built over the last decade.

He’d past by a few people here and there, each looking mildly concerned about his bruised face. Though none ever stopped him. Why would they anyway? Blood running down his forehead, a sad look lining his eyes. No sane person would willingly try to get involved in whatever is happening in his messed up life.

Castiel couldn’t stop thinking of Anna. Of how he had silently pleaded for her help and she ignored him, turning away. No doubt, she was at home, kneeling in front of the antique cross that was nailed into her wall. Probably asking why she had gotten stuck with such an idiot for a brother.

Cas was pulled out of his train of thought when he turned onto a street he recognized. Even in the darkness of the night, he could still make out an apartment complex at the end of the block.

Dean’s complex.

Cas knew he shouldn’t. He didn’t exactly know if they were on gone terms or not, but what he did know is that Lisa wasn’t going to be happy to see him.

Castiel became worried when he noticed darkness beginning to stain the outer edges of his vision. He needed help, and quickly if he didn’t want to pass out right here in the middle of the dimly-lit sidewalk. His legs found themselves moving toward the small complex, trying to blink away the little black dots that were clouding his mind.

He made his way across the parking lot, limping a bit. He reached the double doors in more time than he would have liked to admit and was just hoping it was warm inside. Wrapping his hand around the doorknob, he shakily pulled them open, sighing as heated air warmed his body. The receptionist did a double take when she looked up from her magazine, unsure of what to do with the bleeding man walking across the room towards the elevator.

He looked over at her stunned face. She was a young woman, clearly someone who didn’t have time to worry about him. He immediately decided he was too tired for an explanation. “Don’t ask,” Cas mumbled, shifting his gaze away from the stunned blonde and back to the elevator as he pressed the OPEN button. She blinked once and shook her head slowly, muttering under breath about needing a raise. She leafed through her magazine once more as the elevator shuddered open. He climbed inside and jammed his thumb into the floor number he remembered had Dean’s room on it.

When the metal doors slid shut and the receptionist out of sight, he groaned and leaned against the back wall of the enclosed case. Every breath became labored as the bruises from Zachariah’s kicks started to ache. The elevator began to drift slowly upward and jerked to a stop. The doors puttered open and he lurched himself off the wall, nearly falling over from the next wave of dizziness.

He spotted Dean’s room and made his way across the hall. After a lot of stumbling and some occasional gasping, he was finally close enough slam the palm of his hand onto the doorbell. Cas didn’t look to see if he actually rang it or not, he was too busy collapsing against the stone wall and sliding down onto the floor. He laid leaned his head back so that the wall supported it and closed his eyes.

Dean jerked awake at the melodic ring of the doorbell. He looked around and realized he’d fallen asleep, yet again, during one of Lisa’s favorite rom-coms. Occasionally, she’d force him to watch one of these even when she knows he hates them. Today had been one of those days unfortunately.

He rubbed the last of the sleep out of his eyes and looked over at Lisa, who appeared to be fully immersed in this crap she calls entertainment. It’s as if she hadn’t even heard the doorbell ring.

“I’ll get it,” Dean grumbled as he left his comfortable position on the couch. The cold hardwood floor bit his feet when they hit the floor. He noticed something odd as he was closing his hand around the metal knob: the room was steadily growing brighter.

But that means…

Dean pulled the door open in one swift motion and didn’t see anything at first. But when he looked down, his heart twisted inside his chest.

Sitting there against the wall, bruised and bloodied, was a half-conscious Castiel. He quickly sank to his knees and reached his hand out to Cas, hovering it a few inches from his face, afraid that even touching him in his fragile state would hurt him.

He exhaled a sigh of relief when Cas’ eyes fluttered open and he lowered his hand. Cas focused his gaze on Dean and tried to force a small smile. “Hey,” he rasped, his voice small. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m not feeling so hot.”

Dean cracked a grin. Of course Cas would try to lighten the somber mood. “Yeah, I noticed,” he chuckled, putting his arms under Cas’ legs and back. “Come on, we’ve got to get you help,” Dean said as he lifted him up gently. He held Cas against him, making sure he was comfortable in his arms. This time, it was easier carrying him, unlike last night where he was practically a dead, giggling weight in his arms. Now, Cas put his arms around Dean’s neck and lightly rested his head against his shoulder, not even saying a word as he carried him into the living room.

Dean braced himself for Lisa’s onslaught as he rounded the corner and walked into the room where she was engrossed in that stupid movie. He knew she wasn’t going to be happy.

He was right.

Lisa’s eyes widened when she turned to Dean…and Cas. The smile melted off her face and was replaced with a look of rage. “What the hell is he doing here?” she seethed, turning off the TV and giving them her full attention.

Dean lowered Cas onto the couch and set him down carefully, making sure he was comfortable. Cas was quiet under Lisa’s unforgiving glare and stared down at his hands.

Dean stole one last glance down at the broken man before switching his gaze to his glowering girlfriend, stunned at her harsh tone. “Lisa, he showed up here, bloody and bruised. What did you expect me to do? Can’t you see he’s hurt?” “He gestured to Cas, who looked like he was trying to do his best to blend in with the couch.

She rolled her eyes at his explanation as if it meant nothing to her. “Ok, so take him to a hospital, call an ambulance. He’s not our problem.”

Dean was speechless. When had his girlfriend gotten so heartless? So cruel? He didn’t know how to respond to the ice in her voice. Turns out, he didn’t have to.

“Dean, she’s right. I wasn’t thinking when I came here.” Cas spoke up, trying to lift himself up from the couch. He winced in pain, moving his hand to his head as spots danced before his eyes.

Dean immediately moved to his side and gently pushed him back onto the couch. Cas tried to protest but he silenced him with a glare. “You’re staying here. I can take care of the bruises and cuts for you,” he insisted. Dean turned back to Lisa who looked like she was going to explode.

“Well, if he’s staying, then I’m leaving. For good.” She stared into his eyes, waiting for him to stop her.

Only be didn’t.

“You know what? Fine. You’ve been different ever since I told you I was Souled. You don’t even trust me anymore!” Every day, it’s like you’re expecting me to walk out. You’re always glaring at me, making me feel guilty about nothing! And I’m done with it!”

Lisa stepped back, slightly stunned at his sudden defiance. She clearly wasn’t used to him talking back to her like this.

 Finally, she regained her composure. “Fine! Then I guess we’re done!” she yelled, storming off to their bedroom. She turned around and looked Dean straight in the eyes, a new edge to her voice that Dean hadn’t heard earlier, “Don’t think I’ll ever forget this.” Five minutes later, she had a suitcase packed with a few days’ worth of clothes and was shrugging on her coat. She was about to leave when Dean said something that made her stop in her tracks.

“Oh, and before you go, I know you haven’t been taking your meds Lisa. Did you honestly think I wouldn’t notice?”

She whipped around angrily, standing in the hallway. “What I do with my medication is none of your business. Not anymore.” And with that, she turned away and threw open the door, stalking out and slamming it behind her.

The apartment was silent for a few moments until Cas spoke in a quiet voice, “I didn’t mean for this to happen. I’m sorry Dean.” Cas had no idea what he was thinking, springing his problems onto Dean with no warning. Now, he and his girlfriend are no longer together and it was all his fault.

Dean walked over and sat next to him, a comforting smile playing on his lips. “Hey, Cas. It’s ok, Lisa’s been a real bitch lately anyway. I…just needed a little help seeing it.” Dean looked into those blue for just a few seconds longer before turning away. “Alright,” he said, getting up and walking towards the bathroom. “Let’s take care of those injuries.”

He pushed into the small bathroom and bent down to open the cabinet below the sink. After rummaging around for a moment, he found the first aid kit tucked away in the corner. He grabbed it and shut the cabinets, walking back toward Cas.

Dean knelt in front of him and opened the box, sorting through supplies. He examined Cas’ wounds and ran into the kitchen to grab a rag, run some water over it, and came back to Cas. He placed his hand on the other man’s shoulder to steady him as he used the other to press the damp rag to Cas’ forehead.

Castiel winced when the cool water touched his cut. After a few dabs, the stinging pain turned into a dull ache and he let Dean wipe away the rest of the blood that had dripped into his eye. It was a bit hard to think, what with Dean so close, his hands on him…

Dean’s voice jarred him out of his thoughts, “Well, your head isn’t as bad I thought, so you won’t need stitches,” he explained, setting the cloth back down and grabbing an anti-infection spray from the kit. “This’ll sting a little,” Dean warned.

Cas nodded and Dean sprayed some of the stuff into the small cut. Castiel felt a faint sting that lasted for a few seconds before Dean wiped the excess off his forehead.

“So…are you going to tell me what happened?” he asked, cleaning up the last of the blood on his face.

Cas looked away before deciding to tell Dean what happened. “Well…I came home with Anna, who was absolutely pissed. I went to my room and sometime while I was in there, she told our older brother Zach, how and who I’d gotten Souled to.” He paused before continuing. “I…came out of room and before I knew what was happening, he was beating the shit out of me.”

Dean’s hand froze above Cas’ eyebrow, slightly stunned. He didn’t speak. He only lowered the rag and set it in his lap, staring at him with disbelieving green eyes.

“He called me a faggot,” Cas continued. “And when I tried to defend you, he kicked me some more. Then he grabbed my arm and tossed me out. Told me I can’t come back.” Cas closed his eyes, reliving the still fresh memory was almost enough make him shudder.

“Yeah so, I wandered around for a while, found myself at your complex…well you know what happened next.” Cas looked at Dean who’s expression was a mixture of anger, sadness, and something else…sympathy?

“Cas…I’m so sorry. I didn’t know your family would react like that.” Dean couldn’t help but blame himself for all of this. If he would have just stayed away from Castiel like he was supposed to, Cas would be with his family, unbruised. Instead he was here, in pain and homeless.

“It’s not your fault Dean. My brother just has a temper, that’s all.” Cas looked down, as if he was ashamed of his flesh and blood.

Dean’s anger flared up even more. No one should have hurt Cas, especially not over something as worthless as him. “No, and you shouldn’t have stood up for me either. That wasn’t worth risking getting yourself hurt!” Dean remembered that Cas had also been kicked pretty hard and kept holding his stomach when he moved. “Hey, you need to let me look at that bruise, seems like it’s hurting you pretty badly.

Cas blushed but said nothing. With Dean’s help, they started out slowly, gripping the hem of the shirt and gently pulling it up. Cas winced a little when he moved to get it over his arms but otherwise stayed quiet.

Dean tossed the shirt aside and was finally able to see the bruise that had already taken shape on his lower left abdomen. “Damn…” he muttered, staring at the damaged skin. It was green and blue, soon to be purple tomorrow, and looked horrible. Dean brushed his fingers along it to see if it hurt and the affect was immediate. Cas curled away from his touch, afraid that the slightest brush from his fingers would bring him pain.

“Cas…why’d you have to try and defend me…?” he asked under his breath. Cas didn’t reply, only looked away. Dean sighed and stood up, putting back the supplies in the box before shutting it and setting it on the coffee table. He got up and stretched, realizing how tired he was. A quick glance at his watch told him it was nearly midnight and he wanted some sleep. “Ok, since you have nowhere to go, you’ll sleep here until we find you a place.”

“Dean, I’ve already intruded on your life enough as is. I don’t need you to waste your time on me,” Cas protested.

Dean rolled his eyes and bent down to help Castiel up off the couch and into standing position. “You’re not going anywhere. I’ll take the couch, you’ll take the bed. It’s that simple.” He steadied Cas, who was finally able to walk without the nausea threatening to pull him under, and led him toward his bedroom.

Cas realized this wasn’t a fight he was going to win and gave up on returning a feeble protest. “Thank you, Dean. You really don’t have to do this,” he said, pulling back the sheets and climbing into bed. He looked over at Dean who was standing in the doorway.

“Yes, I do. Now go to sleep and we’ll see how you feel in the morning, ok?”

“Ok,” Cas replied as he watched Dean flip the light switch, plunging the room into darkness. “Goodnight Dean.” He settled his head into the fluffy pillow and inhaled deeply, faintly noting that it smell exactly like Dean.

The last the he heard was a soft, “Goodnight Cas,” before he drifted of to sleep.

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