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Troy was the youngest one in the family he was only 11 years old but his abilities had long flourished and he... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

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He opened his eyes to find himself in a hospital tied to life monitors. Since the incident with saving the plane he had been highly guarded by the army. He slowly looked around to the room when a pounding headache came from nowhere. He grabbed his head in pain and wished it away. The pain didn’t go away but after a few minutes it was bearable.

“ Devon, Devon where are you?” He called out.

All was quiet and his brother never answered. He slowly lifted himself up feeling a little bit weak and dizzy but he could tell something else was different, he wasn’t to sure but he felt as if his powers had evolved. He sat in the bed looking around wondering where his brother was. As he examined the room he found a T.V hanging from the wall and another bed, vacant nonetheless. As he tried to getting his bearings an older woman entered the room to do her daily check up.

“My dear boy, you’re a wake” She said surprised.

“Welcome back to the world of the living” she tried to be funny but he was in no mood to laugh.

“Where’s my brother” were the first words out of his mouth to her. She didn’t say a word only smiled and offered him some water. She checked his vitals and then informed him that she would be back with a small pitcher of water for him.

“Where is my brother?” he said once more as she walked out.

The guards had overheard that last question but didn’t answer him either. He wanted to get up but he felt to dizzy and weak still. He laid back and watched as life went on from the comfort of a hospital bed. She arrived 5 minutes later with some water and helped him drink it not once answering that question. She informed him that a growing boy such as his self had to eat so she left to bring over a tray of food. A few minutes later a doctor walked in and started speaking to him.

“Hello” the doctor said while looking at the medical charts.

“Where’s my brother?” Troy asked once again.

“Not now my child, we need to see exactly how well you are recovering, what you did was remarkable,” the doctor said.

“My name is Dr. Groverlander” he introduced himself.

“Where did you come from?” the doctor asked.

Troy did not once reply to any of his million questions.

“What’s wrong why won’t you talk?” the Doctor asked.

“Why will you not tell me where my brother is?” Troy insisted.

The doctor became quiet and didn’t say a word. He was unsure if now would be a good time to tell the young boy that his brother was found dead.

“NO” Troy yelled out and began to cry.

“Devon, why” he sobbed.

The doctor didn’t understand, he knew he had not said anything to him but yet the little boy cried. Troy had read the doctor’s thoughts as he sat there, why he couldn’t read the nurses was beyond him but the doctor did spend more time with him.

“Why are you still trying to keep that from me, I have a right to know that my brother’s dead?” Troy said.

“I’m sorry son, but I just felt that it was too early for you to know the truth” The doctor replied.

Troy’s heart was shattered he was too upset to talk about anything else and his eyes hadn’t stopped crying. He was truly alone on an unknown world. The only family now was a young man named Dean, that he had never known of nor did he know how to find him. The doctor patted his leg and informed him that he would give troy a few moments alone to grieve the loss of his brother. He stood up and left the room. As he buried his face into the pillow and bellowed out he started to feel his other powers getting stronger. He felt better more relaxed but most of all, his mind was still on the loss of his only true sibling. 30 minutes had passed and he had slowly stopped crying, now he wanted to know if Lord Lucifer was alive or not. He managed to talk the nurse into bringing him the information he needed. When she had returned back with the newspaper he quickly scanned the section to find out another surprise. He stopped and reread the story again; it was true he couldn’t believe that his brother had died but there was no mention of Lord Lucifer. The newspaper was confusing at first, they were unsure of how this other boy had died but the details were graphic. Pictures had shown his lifeless body lying in the spot where he had came crashing down. Nothing else was really discussed about until the police had informed the living sibling. As he glanced at the other pages trying to be strong he noticed the date, which took him for another surprise. Since the ordeal 3 full weeks had passed.

“Now what am I suppose to do?” he thought to himself.

“How could they have not mentioned psychotic Lord Lucifer but most important what was to become of him” he wondered. A few hours had passed and the General of the Army had found it the right time to confront the young boy.

A knock on the door was all he heard before the General of the Army came in without an invitation.

“Hello lad how are you feeling?” the general tried to sound sympathetic.

Troy didn’t reply but gave him a weird look not knowing what to expect.

“My government and I have a few questions if possible to ask?” he asked Troy.

Troy could picture it now, them wanting to know what had happened and what he was.

“Where are you from?” the general asked.

Troy didn’t utter a word and after a minute the general continued.

“What are you? “What do you want?” The general had asked various questions.

Troy stared him in the eyes the whole time not responding but only reacting in his mind about the last question.

“What I want is to be home with my family, not here. I want my brother to be alive, I want my mom and dad and I don’t want to be here,” He thought to himself.

“Young man it is rude to ignore someone when they are speaking to you” the general interrupted Troy’s daydream.

“I don’t have any reason or nor do I have to answer any of your questions, you can leave now, If you don’t mind I want to be by myself?” Troy snapped back.

The general was taken back he stepped back from where he had been standing and didn’t utter another word. He simply turned around and left. Troy pulled the covers over his body and closed his eyes. He had learned a lot in the little time that he was awake and he wanted to sleep hopefully forever he kept thinking. He rested his little head for another 4 hours before finally being awoken by another nurse informing him it was time to eat again. This new nurse was younger than the other nurse, her scrubs were white with red roses patterned all over them, she had a beautiful smiled and looked as if she had always enjoyed her job. She attended to his every needs to gently, Troy felt as if his own mother was taking care of him and at times he would have to remind himself he was all alone. As she had finished her duties with him she headed for the door when he stopped her.

“Wait please, don’t go, can we please talk?” he asked her.

“Yes anything for you young man” She replied.

He patted the bed but she had pulled up a chair that was in the room.

“What will happen to me?” He first asked her.

“I really don’t know” She replied.

“What is this world like, I’m all alone and I don’t know anything about this world, can you tell me a bit about your world” he asked.

She smiled at him and was amazed at his intelligence.

“Sure why not where shall I begin” she said.

For the next 3 hours non-stop they had spoken covering a lot of information about earth, a lot of it was useful for Troy. In that short time that they had spoken he had grown fond of her and didn’t want her to leave. He informed her that the other older nurse before her was nice but too old. He felt comfortable but most of all felt safe with her. Her cheeks had gone red from blushing from a compliment like that especially from a child. She looked at the time and noticed that her shift had ended 2 hours ago. She stood up thanked him for the interesting conversation and kissed his head.

“Sleep well my boy, I know you have a lot of questions but you will be okay” she softly spoke to him.

He smiled and shuffled his way into the bed and closed his eyes to rest some more. He had decided a while back that he was going to escape the hospital. He had read her mind and knew that he was now the government’s property. This was something that was not going to happen he told himself. As night fell across the sky he waited long into the night before finally making his escape. He crawled out of bed and stood there for a few seconds. He felt well, and ready to escape. As the guards waited on the other side of the door he quietly opened a window to climb out of. When he climbed out he found himself directly outside the window on the ground. He wasted no time and ran off into the darkness stopping in the cover of night before spreading his wings and flying away. He had developed a photographic memory and remembered word for word what the newspaper article had mentioned. Troy was heading towards his brother’s last stand.

“How will I fight Lord Lucifer, where did he go?” Troy asked himself.

The night sky brought forth a chill as the winds pushed thru the open air. The draft felt wonderful on little Troy and the view of the city was marvelous for him. He arrived where his brother had died an hour later. He knelt down and placed his hand where his brother’s body once was. He tried to imagine what his brother had seen, what were the last things he said or did before Lord Lucifer killed him. He stood up and looked around hoping he could find some clue as to what happen to Lord Lucifer. He studied the ground and studied the night sky but no trace.

“Even if I found Lord Lucifer what am I going to do?” he asked himself.

He sat on the ground and stared off into the sky wondering what he was going to do now. After a while it came to him, he could hear his entire family’s voice all at once in union speak to him.

“Continue the fight, it is up to you now to find your brother Dean, this world depends on your braveness son” he heard the voice say.

It was late and he knew that he was unable to do anything else tonight so he decided to find a cozy place to sleep and when the sun rose he would be on his way to finding Dean.

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