By royal_queenie95

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{ I am going to edit this book soon to make it a lot better for you to read but the edit will take some time... More

Meet The Cast
Chapter One - Coming Home
Chapter Two - A Part of Her
Chapter Three - The Duel
Chapter Four - Hello There
Chapter Five - Nightmare
Chapter Six - I'm Elena
Chapter Seven - The Petrova
Chapter Eight - Not An Option
Chapter Ten - The Beginning of Everything
Chapter Eleven - The Decade Dance
Chapter Twelve - Starting To Care
Chapter Thirteen - 30 Minutes
Chapter Fourteen - Alia
Chapter Fifteen - The Vial
Chapter Sixteen - What have you done?
Chapter Seventeen - You Made Me
Chapter Eighteen - Its My Fault
Chapter Nineteen - Cure For Werewolf Bite
Chapter Twenty - Klaus's Blood
Chapter Twenty One - Sacrifice and Forgiveness
Chapter Twenty Two - Elena's Hope
Chapter Twenty Three - Memphis
Chapter Twenty Four - The Demon
Chapter Twenty Five - Stefan
Chapter Twenty Six - Verbane
Chapter Twenty Seven - Tennessee
Chapter Twenty Eight - You Did What?
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Light to My Darkness
Chapter Thirty - Found You
I'm Sorry
Another Announcement

Chapter Nine - Save The Dance

1K 33 6
By royal_queenie95

Natalia receive a text from Elena the next morning asking to meet up at the Salvatore's house. She says there's something that she wants to talk about with her. Natalia wants Elijah to go with her but he says that he needs to keep on finding any other way that doesn't have anything to do with Elena or her. Elijah kiss her forehead before he vamp-speed out of the mansion.

She grabs her car keys and drove her car to Mystic Grill and order some food to take away considering the fact that there's only pancake mix and blood bags at the Salvatore house and she's starving for actual food. When her food is done, she drove straight to the Salvatore's house and when she arrive, she frowns when she sees both Damon and Stefan were standing outside of the house.

"Hello boys. Why are you out here?" Natalia said as she walks towards them holding her food.

"Elena is signing the house deed. We need to wait outside until she invites us in. The lawyer is still in there." Stefan said.

"Oh. You're giving the house to her?"

"Her own personal safe house." Damon said.

"Hmm, smart."

"Of course it is. Its my idea." Damon said and both Natalia and Stefan roll their eyes at him.

"Is that your food. I buy some groceries this morning, if you're hungry, just grab anything you want." Stefan said.

"You did? You didn't have to, but thank you." Natalia said smiling at him.

"The fact that you didn't drink any blood and didn't turn gray still confuse me." Natalia was about to say something to Damon but she stops when Elena open the door with Bonnie standing beside her and they all look at the lawyer as he leaves.

"Thank you, Mr.Henry." Elena said and she smiles when she sees Natalia.

"Hey Natalia." Elena said as she hugs her.

"Hey there great umm, whatever our relationship is." Natalia said as she hugs Elena and walk inside the house standing beside Bonnie.

"Wait. She didn't invite you in yet." Damon said as they all look at her with confusion.

"Oh. I don't need to be invited in."

"And we both still need to." Stefan said as he look at Elena.

"Stefan. Would you like to come inside my house?" Elena ask with a wide smile on her face.

"I would love to. Thank you." Stefan said before he enters the house and give Elena a peck on the lips and walk inside the house followed by Bonnie and Natalia.

"Oh, I wouldn't invite that guy if I were you. He screams bad decisions." Natalia said and both Stefan and Bonnie laugh as they walk into the living room and sits on the couch. She then open her bag of food and eat some chicken tenders just at the same time Elena walks into the living room with Damon.

"What! I told you he screams bad decisions." Natalia said as she shakes her head at Elena and she laugh at her. Bonnie gives Elena her jacket and she thanks her.

"Wait, where are you going?" Stefan ask.

"To school." Elena answer.

"Huh?" Stefan look at Elena with confusion.

"No, no, no. We didn't create a safe house for you to leave it." Damon said as Natalia keep eating her chicken tenders while watching the drama in front of her.

"Yeah, guys, Klaus is out there. We know that." Stefan said.

"Right. But where? No one knows. Look, I really appreciate what you guys are doing. And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I'll be safe here, but I'm not going to be a prisoner." Elena said trying to make them understand.

"Your way, Elena." Damon said, giving up on trying to stop her.

"Don't worry, I'm ready. If he shows his face, I can take him. Know how." Bonnie said with confidence in her voice and Natalia raise an eyebrow when she heard what Bonnie said. She didn't know what makes Bonnie think that she's capable of killing Klaus, but she admire her confidence.

"The way I see it, next to Bonnie is the safest place that I can be. Besides, Natalia will be with us." Elena said and it makes Natalia cough really hard as she choke some of the chicken tenders. Stefan vamp-speed towards the kitchen and grab a glass of water for her.

"Thanks. What!?" Natalia said after she gulp down all of the water.

"Yeah. You're coming with us to school. Come on." Elena said as she grab Natalia's hand and pull her out of the house towards the car.

"Wait, um, coming." Stefan said as he follows them.

Stefan was the one that's driving the car and Elena sits on the co-pilot seat while both Natalia and Bonnie sits at the back. Natalia stills doesn't understand why on earth does she has to go to school with them. She has never like high school. That place feels like hell.

"Remind me again, why do I have to go to hell with you guys?" Natalia ask with sarcasm in her voice and the three of them laugh.

"Because Natalia. You are the only one who knows how Klaus looks like." Elena said.

"Well, Elijah know how he looks like. Why does he doesn't have to come?"

"Because, he needs to find another way to kill Klaus remember, besides Elijah said you are very strong, so you could help Bonnie if she needs help." Elena said and it makes Natalia look at Bonnie.

"Bonnie, what's your last name?"

"Bennett." Bonnie answer with a frown on her face as Natalia question was so sudden.

"You are a Bennett witch. That does makes sense."

"What makes sense?" Bonnie ask.

"The Petrova family and the Bennett family has a very long history. Wherever a Petrova goes, there will always be a Bennett witch with them. And the Bennett witch are very loyal, brave and strong. Some of them are a lot stronger than the rest of their family." Natalia smiles at Bonnie and she does the same.

"That explains Elena's and Bonnie's relationship." Stefan said.

"Correct. 10 point for you Stefan." Natalia said and he chuckles while shaking his head at her.

"Do you know any Bennett witch?" Bonnie ask.

"Yeah I do. I sort of know most of them, considering how long I have live. One of my few bestfriend was a Bennett witch. Her name was Naomi. She was very powerful. The most powerful witch in the Bennett family and I have never seen anyone else in the Bennett family that posses the same power as her. Maybe you will surprise me." Natalia said and Bonnie nod while trying to hide her blush.

"We're here." Stefan said and Natalia sighs.

"I hate high school." Natalia said as she walk out of the car.

"Come on." Both Bonnie and Elena grab her hand and pull her inside the school. Natalia mouthed to Stefan to help her, but he just shake his head while raising both of his hand in surrender.

It was History class and the trio tell her that Alaric is the teacher. Natalia remember seeing him at the Salvatore house the night that she attack them and it turns out, he's a vampire hunter. How can a vampire be friends with a vampire hunter. She always thought that her life is messed up, but it turns out, their life is a lot worst than hers.

Caroline greets Natalia and they talk for awhile in the hallway before the school bell rang and they all have to leave for class. Stefan hold Natalia's arm when she makes an attempt to run away and Natalia give him the most adorable pleading eyes with a pout but he wont budge. Instead, he push her from behind while Elena and Bonnie pull her hands and bring her inside the classroom.

Stefan gesture Natalia to sit next to him, while Bonnie sit a seat away from them and so does Elena. Natalia see Elena pull out a poster of the school decade dance and she shake her head vigorously when Elena show it to her and Stefan. Natalia can hear Stefan said no, but Elena didn't give up, so she show it to Bonnie and she said yes.

Elena then look back at Natalia and Stefan with a smirk on her face. Natalia raise an eyebrow at her while Stefan shakes his head. Natalia was about to say something at Elena but she decided not to when Alaric enters the classroom holding a few books on his hand. Natalia smirks thinking that who would have thought that a History teacher has a part-time job as a vampire hunter.

"Hello class. What are we learning today?" Alaric said and he sound and look nervous.

"With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week." Dana said.

"Right, the sixties." Alaric said but he stops when he sees Natalia sitting in front of him. He seems shocked and seeing Alaric expression, Stefan shove Natalia with his elbow and it makes Natalia look at him clearly annoyed at him.

"What?" Natalia said looking at Stefan and he push Natalia's face gently so that she can see Alaric shocked face. Natalia just smiles at him but he didn't return them. He seems mad.

"I think he hates me." Natalia whisper at Stefan.

"Well, you did try to kill him. Give him time." Stefan said and Natalia just nod at him.

"The sixties. I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties, but... actually, they kind of sucked. Except for the Beatles, of course. They made it bearable. Uh, what else was there? The Cuban missile thing, the... we walked on the moon. There was Watergate." Alaric said.

"Watergate was the seventies, Ric. I-I mean, Mr.Saltzman." Elena said and Natalia face palm her forehead while Stefan chuckles and Bonnie just shake her head.

"Right. It all kind of mushes together up here, the sixties, seventies. Thank you, Elena." Alaric said and the lesson continues. Natalia hates history not because of what happened, but because she was there when it happens. She tries really hard to not fall asleep but it doesn't seems to work and Stefan notice that.

"If you want to sleep, just sleep. Alaric wont say a thing." Stefan said.

"This is boring. I already know all this things. And my neck hurts." Natalia said while rubbing her neck.

"Here." Stefan said as he put his hand behind Natalia' head allowing her to sleep without snapping her neck.

"Thank you." Natalia said with a smile and she then take a short nap. But little did they both know, someone is looking at them with hatred, jealousy and anger in their eyes.

It was recess time and Elena bring Natalia to the cafetaria and grab some food for her since Natalia wont stop nagging about how hungry she is. They then walk towards Bonnie and a guy. They seem to be talking about something serious and Natalia shakes her head when she hears their conversation. She knew Bonnie wouldn't be able to kill Klaus.

"Hey Jer. How you doing? This is Natalia. Natalia this is Jeremy my little brother." They shakes hand.

"She's your ancestor?" Jeremy ask.

"Yup." They both said in unison.

"Are you okay at the house alone with John?" Elena ask.

"It's not ideal." Jeremy answer and he gets up.

"You haven't heard from Jenna, have you?" Elena ask.

"It look like she's staying on campus. Look I'm-I'm late for class." Jeremy said before he leaves.

"What's going on?" Elena ask Bonnie.

"I told him he had to dress up tonight and he got all uptight."

"Oh." Elena said and they both laugh except for Natalia because she know why Jeremy is acting like that.

"Hey Elena, there you are. Okay. This is going to sound freaky, but this totally hot guy just asked me to ask you if you're going to the dance tonight." Dana came to their table.

"Tell him she has a boyfriend." Bonnie said.

"And he should walk away or he will die." Natalia said and they all laugh.

"You could at least meet him. He'll be at the dance tonight. Look for him. His name is Klaus." The three of them look at the girl in shock.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Elena ask.

"His name's Klaus. I know the name's stupid, but I swear he's hot." The girl said.

"Where is he? Is he here?" Bonnie ask while they all look around.

"I don't know." The girl answer with confusion on her face.

"She's being compelled." Natalia said.

"But he wants to know if you'll save him the last dance Natalia. He also says that you're his. How cute is that?" The girl said before she leaves them, sitting there in shocked. 

"I am his? Hell no. I am so gonna rip his head off." Natalia said with annoyed face clearly shown on her just now happy face.


Hey guys! The new chapter is up after a very long time of waiting. I'm so sorry for the late update on this chapter. But just like I have always said, I will wait for the last chapter to reach 20 views before I upload a new chapter.

Now, I would like to talk about this chapter. Klaus finally making his first appearance and what do you think will actually happen between Natalia and Klaus? Or what truly happen in the past that made Natalia run away from him?

But all that aside, I just wanna ask you guys, have you watch The Avengers : Endgame? Bloody hell, that movie is amazing! Its an epic movie! I have no words to describe how amazing that movie is and for those who didn't watch it yet, don't worry. I'm not going to give you any spoilers althought you can already see tons of spoiler already being thrown out there. But, just to sum everything up, that movie is AMAZING! It blow my mind, literally. 

Alright, I hope you guys have fun reading this chapter as much as I have fun writing it.

Do vote and leave a comment about what you think of this chapter. I will love to read them.


As usual, always remember to be nice to one another and always treat people with kindness. Also remember to push away all the negativity and suck in all the positivity. Lots of love, Lina. 

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