The Fox Hero

By Thunder_God_Thor

1.1M 21.7K 32.5K

During a raid of a illegal experimentation site, A 6 year old child is found by the heroes, imprisoned in a c... More

Midoriya Izuku - The Origin
Entrance Exam.
Class 1-A
Battle Training
The Normal Days.
USJ Invasion I
USJ Invasion II
I was Tagged.
News of Sports Festival
Sports Festival Commence
The Second Part Of the Festival.
Sports festival Ends
Stain..The Fight with Hero Killer
Starting Of End of Term Exam.
Momo and Izuku Vs All Might.
The Boot Camp
Boot Camp II
The Villains Invade
The Unwanted Guest.
Explanations and a little game.
The Battle Against All For One.
The Battle Against All For One II
U.A Becomes Boarding School
Liscene Exam..
The Big Three
Internship And Eri


32.9K 618 1K
By Thunder_God_Thor

Izuku was asleep in his bed when his alarm rang and he tried to dismiss it but, whichever button he would press it would not turn off.

Growing irritated izuku slammed his fist on the alarm clock and breaking it as he shouted " Shut the hell up!!"

And now fully awake izuku sat up and hearing the sound of footsteps, he thought 'Oh boy here she comes'

'She won't be happy, izuku' kurama said and his door slammed open as midnight stood there and seeing his now destroyed alarm clock she shouted "Izuku Midoriya! This is the 10th alarm clock you have broken this month! Do you want me to spend all of my income on buying alarm clock, huh!!"

Izuku gulped as he said " Uh, sorry? This was the last one, promise."

"This better be true or there will be a no more katsudon for a month and your pocket money will be halved. Now get your ass out of the bed!" she warned and shouting the last part she slammed the door shut as she walked off.

'Damn, those are some harsh punishments' Kurama said to izuku

'Yeah, just imagine, no katsudon for a month' izuku said mentally shuddering at the thought.

Izuku then walked to the bathroom to shower and then get ready for school.

After reaching school izuku sat in his seat and could see that everyone was tense and they anticipated the results of their test.

Izuku did his routine if greeting everyone and sat behind momo and seeing her serious he said "Hey, Why are you so serious? Chill we won't fail"

"Um, yes. I know but still, i can't help but be a little nervous" momo answered izuku as she turned to face him and he sighing placed a hand on her shoulder which made her blush a little as he stared in her eyes and said "Yaoyorozu-chan, we beat all might, and if we fail after beating him, i don't think then anyone will pass."

She still blushing, nodded at him and giving him a shy smile she thanked him, that's when he noticed todoroki, stood up as he and todoroki fistbumped and izuku said " So buddy, how's everything going?"

"It's...nice. Endeavor is still a bitch but other than that everything is fine, mom and i are finally bonding and becoming closer, even my sibilings are now bonding with her seeing as i told them that she was not ill" todoroki said with a small smile.

"Yeah, now bow down to the awesome izuku-sama, and be grateful that you are in his presence, the great izuku-sama has personally helped you in your quest for atonement" izuku said joking as todoroki snorted and said " As if"

Both looked at each other and laughed a little as izuku said " Nice seeing you are not tense like them, Shouto"

Todoroki grinning said " Hey izuku, Did you seriously expect me to be scared, even though i teamed up with bakugo, we still were able to work together and defeat Mr.Aizawa"

"Don't forget about me!! Half n half, it was thanks to me that you passed!! And you Fox Bastard, now you'll see me destroying your score in the exam!!" Bakugo shouted but was ignored by todoroki and Izuku said bored "Huh? Did you say something bakugo?"

"You Bastard!! I'll murder you!!" Shouted Bakugo as his curses began

Meanwhile kirishima, Sato, Mina and Kaminari were gloomy, things were grim for them as they had lost in their exam, but sero was trying to comfort them which was obviously not working.

"Take your seats!" Aizawa said entering the class.

"About your end of term exams" aizawa began and noticed everyone except a three were anxious.

"Obviously some of you failed the test and as such.......everyone's going to the lodge!" Aizawa announced with a grin.

"What a twist!!!" The four who had failed shouted feeling immense relief, crying.

"There were several of you who failed the practical part, Ashido, Kirishima, Sato, Kaminari and Sero." Aizawa said as they lowered their heads.

"And in the written exam, i am pleased to say there were no failing grades. Midoriya" he said as he turned to izuku who looked up and everyone wondered why he was singled out.

Aizawa seeing he had gained the mentioned person's attention said " Good job, you have improved the most from the dead last position you have the highest score in the written part, exceeding yaoyoruzu's who has the second highest score by 15"

Everyone was shocked and looked at izuku, momo felt proud that she was able to help him get that much score, she wasn't mad in the least.

"I am glad you decided to study, with your condition it would be a waste if you didn't use it" Aizawa said and this got everyone curious.

"What condition, mr.aizawa?" Momo asked suspiciously.

"Midoriya here has photographic memory, he can remember anything just by seeing it once." Aizawa said as everyone's jawdropped

Now momo felt jealous of her 'friend' and not just her almost everyone was jealous and Kaminari said " Man, i thought you were like us, someone weak in studies. But if you have something like that why the hell don't you study"

"Cause i don't like studying, and this photographic memory is not a blessing in my opinion, and that is something you wouldn't all understand" Izuku said and the last part he said with such a cold voice that it caused them to flinch and barely suppress the shiver that run down their spines.

'What does he mean?' Momo thought

"Though, i think he doesn't study because he is like me, very lazy but even without that midoriya is a one in a million genius" Aizawa praised izuku

Izuku looked up confused as aizawa said "Do you remember that i asked you to solve a sheet of questions for me?"

Izuku nodded as aizawa said " That was an IQ test. Everyone here has already got an IQ test and there results are all with me except for you, the highest in class is yaoyorozu's which is 188. Second is Bakugo with 149. And the last is Mineta with 81."

"So? What is mine" izuku asked

"You scored 224 midoriya, your intelligence is close to that of nezu's whose IQ is 288" Aizawa said and the third shock was given to everyone but this time even izuku was shocked.

'Incredible' Momo thought she could feel her admiration for izuku growing after hearing all this.

"Anyways, the thing you all need to know is that those who failed will be forced much harder than the rest cause they need it more" Aizawa warned as he left the class.

After classes were over everyone joined together and Ojiro said " I am glad that everyone is going"

"A week boot camp? now i have to sacrifice some time of cloud watching to actually pack me stuff. What a drag" Izuku said groaning as he read the pamphlet

"I don't have bathing suit. I need to buy one" kaminari said grumbling

"Hey, if tomorrow is off and exam have ended. Why don't we all go shopping?" Hagakure yelled excited.

"That's a great idea" Mina said also excited and everyone started agreeing except bakugo who rudely denied.

Momo nodded enthusiastically, she hadn't gone for shopping in a long time so she wanted to buy some dresses and asscessories for herself as she happily stated "I think that it is indeed a great idea"

And eventually everyone agreed with the idea except for todoroki and Izuku, and everyone turned towards them only to find the seats empty as izuku said " Hey shouto, we are watching the clouds right? It's been some time since we last had peace."

"Yeah, sure. I'll text you when i am coming. Is the location same as last time?" Todoroki asked as he looked at izuku

"Yeah, the same place and be sure to text me" Izuku said lazily waving as he began to walk out.

"Hey wait, will you come tomorrow or not?" Jirou asked the two boys.

"No, shopping is troublesome and besides, i am busy" Izuku said as he yawned

"And what is this thing that got you so 'busy', midoriya-kun" momo asked with a suspicious glare

Izuku gulped as he started " Um, you see, yaoyoruzu-chan, it is personal"

"Really? Is it lazing around watching the clouds, or sleeping in the bed" Momo interrogated and was very pleased when she saw izuku sweat

"Haha, no, that's not, oh! Look at the time i must go, see you later" he said and was about to rush out when momo grabbed his ear and dragged him back.

"There is no way i am letting you laze around, midoriya-kun, so whether you like it or not you are coming, and you better be there or else" she scolded him

'This women's so damn troublesome and annoying' izuku thought with an internal groan.

"You just thought of me as troublesome and annoying, didn't you?" Momo accused as she puffed out her cheeks.

"H-how did you know?" Izuku asked shocked

She did not reply instead turned from him as he laughed a little nervously and said "Okay, i apologize. I am sorry and i will come tomorrow"

She brightened up and looked at izuku with a smile that said 'you fell for it', izuku cursed and thought 'Damn, she played me'

"Todoroki-kun, will you come?" Uraraka asked as she gazed at todoroki

Todoroki shook his head and with a apologetic smile he said " I am sorry but i must decline. I have to visit my mother in the hospital"

"I see, good luck then" Uraraka replied a little disappointed

"Maybe some other time" todoroki said as he patted her head and she brightened up.

The next day, izuku walked to the kiyashi ward shopping mall and looked around until he heard he his name " Midoriya-kun!!"

He looked to his right to see momo and jirou walking towards him waving as he waved back and greeted them and after a little while everyone gathered.

Izuku looked around " So loud and annoying, i wanna go home, Oof!" And said but was cut off at the end as momo hit her elbow in his ribs as she said " you're always like this, why can't you be excited for something?"

Izuku had the idea to tease her as he grabbed her by the waist and brought her close as she 'eep'ed and he leaned down as he said " I am excited about many thing, one of them being..." he trailed off as he leaned towards her lips with kurama shouting inside excitedly ' DO IT KID! DO IT! BECOME A MAN! COME ON!'

momo trembled as izuku released her and laughed as he said " Man that was good!, did you really think i would kiss anyone with a mask on?"

Momo blushed as everyone from their class laughed and kirishima said " Man i thought you would actually do it"

"Nah, i was just teasing her and looks like i was very successful" he said laughing at her red colour

She punched him in the gut as she said "JERK!" and he doubled over as she walked ahead and he wheezed out " I deserved that one"

"Hey! Wait for me!" Izuku said but instantly was swarmed by people as one said " HEY IT'S THE GREEN FLASH!!" And many surrounded him shouting " GREEN FLASH!!" "A SELFIE!!" "AUTOGRAPH SIR!!"

Izuku sweatdropped and to clear the crowd did everything in an instant and breathed heavily once everyone left him and momo who had stopped when the crowd gathered went to his side as she said " Are you alright?"

"I'm Exhausted" izuku said as he then got up and said " well come on, let's go buy the things and then go home. What do you want to buy?" He asked her seeing everyone had went to buy what they needed

"Well, i need to buy some shoes, a bag, clothes and um..private things" she stated with a light blush on her face.

Izuku was confused but then realised and had a little blush too, though it was hidden by his mask as he said "Then i'll walk you to the shoe shop and i'll go ahead to buy weights"

"Okay" she replied as they both walked and eventually reached the shop as izuku said "i'll meet you at the tea shop where everyone is meeting"

"All right" she said as izuku nodding began to walk and felt someone following him as he said ' Kurama'

'Yeah, i know, someone's following you and i think this is the mummy man from Usj' kurama replied seriously

'I see, then i must lead him to a less populated area and give the impression that i am unaware that he is following me' izuku planned

'Yes and be careful' kurama said as izuku nodded.

He walked to a less crowded area of the ward when he heard tomura " Oh it's a yuuei kid! How badass! Give me your signature'

Izuku turned and saw him hiding his face in a hoodie as he came forward and draped his arm over izuku's shoulder and his hand was near izuku's neck.

He then said " You're izuku midoriya right? The one who won the sports festival?"

"Yeah, you're right...shigaraki tomura" izuku said and saw tomura's eye widen; quickly izuku grabbed his arm and pulled him from over his shoulders, slamming him into the hard concrete floor as tomura shouted in pain.

Izuku looked to the people watching, shouted " GET AWAY AND CALL THE POLICE. THIS GUY'S A VILLAIN!!"

Everyone started to run and in moments the area was empty and izuku cracked his knuckles as he said " I don't know why you came here tomura but, i sure as hell know you are not walking away from this place"

"And why is that?" Tomura retorted as he stood up and izuku grinned behind his mask as he said " Because you will be taken from a stretcher!"

Izuku rushed forward barely givimg tomura the time to react and punched him in the face as the villains face turned from the force and izuku punched again from the other hand as a teeth broke and then repeatedly punched tomura from both sides, then kneed him in the gut as tomura doubled over with spit coming out of his mouth.

Izuku then bend his knees and pulled his fist back and gave an uppercut to tomura in the chin with a massive amount of force and was certain he heard a crack. Tomura flew in the air and fell on the floor face first and barely conscious.

"Had enough already?" Izuku said and grabbed tomura from his throat and lifted him up when suddenly a black portal opened and sucked tomura inside along with izuku's hand.

Izuku then heard a deep voice which still haunted him in his nightmares " Forced Activation: Decay...Boost x2...pain bringer x2..deformation...Grind!"

Izuku screamed kneeling due to an immense pain in his hand, it was at this time momo and the others arrived with them screaming "Midoriya-kun/Midori/Midoriya!!!!!"

Izuku pulled back his arm and was met with someone who had a grin on his face and a black industrial mask which covered the right side of his face as it was half on, izuku seeing him was horrified as the man said "We'll meet again soon...subject I.M" he said the last part quietly making sure only izuku heard and izuku's eye widen and then he heard " Sonic Boom!" With that he flew away smashing into a shop as the glass broke and the portal vanished.

After some second izuku came out bleeding over multiple places but when he saw his hand he grimaced as the others looked sick, the girls screamed and some boys mainly kouda and kaminari who emptied their stomach along with Jirou, Hagakure and Mina.

Izuku's hand was now only bones because the meat, skin and blood was gone, even then the bones looked crooked.

Izuku bit back a scream as kurama said 'I'm healing it izuku and i think it will remain crooked'

'That's fine better than no hand at all' izuku said bitterly and saw that his hand was reformed and even then he looked disgusted as there was a giant scar on his palm back and front, looking like it was wrapped around.

He then said 'Hey kurama, what the hell?'

'I don't know but this won't heal' kurama replied sadly

'Great. So fucking great more scars, just what i needed' izuku said sarcastically and kurama said ' I am more worried about your nee-chan'

Izuku paled and thought ' She'll kill me, but more importantly kurama, we need to talk to all might'

'Yeah, tell the old fool about what happened' kurama instructed as izuku nodded and looked as the police arrived and surrounded him.

"I suppose you are the one who fought the villain?" Izuku heard and saw a man with a yellow detective suit.

"Yes, it was me. I am izuku midoriya" izuku replied

"And i am detective tsukauchi, nice to meet you" the detective said as he held his hand out.

Izuku looked at the hand and said " I am sorry, i can't shake your hand, mine is not finished healing yet"

"Oh, i see, but you would have to come with us to give your statement" the detective said as he led izuku towards the car to take his statement

Izuku told them what happened though he lied a little as he said that tomura tried to decay his neck so he acted in self defense.

Izuku was released after around half an hour as he came out and his friends surrounded him asking if he was alright and he told them he was fine and that it was getting late, they should go home with everyone leaving.

Izuku and momo were the only ones left as izuku said with a smile behind his mask "Come yaoyoruzu-chan, i'll walk you home"

She just nodded and they both walked together and izuku was uncomfortable with the silence as he said " Yaoyorozu-chan, why are you so quiet? Is something wrong?"

She stopped abruptly and he was confused until he saw a tear fall down from her eye as he panicked and asked " Is something wrong? Did i do something? Tell me"

She cried as she said " I am sorry, i am so sorry" and izuku was confused as he asked softly "Hey, what happened? Why are you sorry?"

"It's my fault you got hurt and your hand got like that, if i hadn't forced you to come this never would've happened" she said crying.

Izuku's eye softened as he hugged momo, who was wide eyed with tears still falling as he said " This was never your fault yaoyoruzu-chan, this was my own mistake, i should've let go of tomura when the portal opened but i didn't. That's why this happened. This is not your fault"

She hugged him back and after some moments when she stopped crying as he broke the hug and wiped her tears and said "Besides, i am a content in knowing that it happened to me rather than any of you"

Momo looked at him horrified as she shouted "How can you be content! This is no joking matter, midoriya-kun!"

"No, not like that, i am saying that i knew that he was following us and would've gotten anyone among our classmates or even you, imagine that instead of me someone else's hand was turned like that, they would lose their hero career. So i would rather it be me than anyone else" izuku explained to her.

She understood his reasoning and said sadly "But i still don't like that it was you" and izuku sighed and shook his head as they both smiled and momo walked closer to him as she put her head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her, both enjoying each other's company.


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