Tangled in Love

By MGthewriter

25.5K 2.1K 792

She's right next to me on my bed, the girl whom I had been trying to impress in my entire vacation, I know fo... More

Authors note
Chapter 1: Introduction or an explanation.
Chapter 2: Adventure or Drama.
Chapter 3: Coincidence or Destiny.
Chapter 4: Vacation or A New Job.
Chapter 5: Stalking or Spying.
Chapter 6: Accepted or Invited.
Chapter 7: A Gathering or A Rescue!
Chapter 8: Friend or A Girlfriend.
Chapter 9: Truth or Dare!!
Chapter 10: Jealousy or Infatuation.
Chapter 11: A Date or A Punishment!
Chapter 12: A Goodbye or The End.
Chapter 13 : An Actor or a Liar!!
Chapter 14: Head or The Boss.
Chapter 15: Do or Die.
Chapter 16: Trick or Treat!
Chapter 17: Surprise or a Tragedy.
Chapter 18: Fake or Original.
Chapter 19: Dream or A Reality!
Chapter 20: Heart or Mind!!
Chapter 21: Betrayer or a Cheater!
Chapter 22: Bold or Old?
Chapter 23: In or Out?
Chapter 24: A Gift or Kidnap.
Chapter 25: Sweet or bitter.
Chapter 26: Hallucinating or An Enemy?
Chapter 27: Revenge or Punishment!
Chapter 28: Special or Unforgettable?
Chapter 29: An End or A Beginning!
Chapter 30 : Past or Present.
Chapter 31 : Journey or Distance.
Chapter 32 : Style or Charm!
Chapters 33 : Insane or Greedy?
Chapter 34 : Not trustworthy or Cursed!!
Chapter 35: Trouble or A Puzzle.
Chapter 36: Interesting or Breathtaking.
Chapter 37: Unpredictable or Unavoidable?
Chapter 38: Dangerous or a Magician.
Chapter 39: Lost or Crazy?
Chapter 40: Right or Wrong?
Chapter 41: Good or bad!
Chapter 42: Beauty or Soul.
Chapter 43: Playing or Ignoring.
Chapter 44: Cure or Drug
Chapter 45: Lifeguard or cheerleader.
Chapter 46: Decision or a Promise
Chapter 47: Rules or Desires
Chapter 48: Clueless or Senseless
Chapter 49: Fantasies or Restless
Chapter 50: Trap or a Crap.
Chapter 51: Fair or Stray
Chapter 52: Breathless or Speechless?
Chapter 53: Reject or Praise.
Chapter 54: Misery or a Miracle.
Chapter 55: A Yes or A Memory
Chapter 56: Hatred or Pain
Chapter 57: Life or Death?
Chapter 58: Daddy or Fighter.
Chapter 59: Dance or Chance
Chapter 60: Over or Shattered
Chapter 61: Cupid or Demon!
Chapter 62: Sinner or A Disguise.
Chapter 63: Last or Never
Chapter 64: Shadow or Cursed
Chapter 65: Loathe or Love.
Chapter 66: Ghost or A Nightmare!
Chapter 67: Sinful or Mistake.
Chapter 68: Price or Bombshell?
Chapter 69: Torture or Antique.
Chapter 70: Deal or Devil.
Chapter 71: Drowning or Savior.
Chapter 72: Hero or Villan.
Chapter73: Sharing or Feelings!
Chapter 74: Healed or Wounded.
Chapter 75: Farewell or Love?
Chapter 76: Deeds or Prayers!

Chapter 77: Cave or Getaway.

153 7 0
By MGthewriter

"No one is good in taking my pictures the way you do"

"If you can't see her with other another guy then why did you let her go...why Omair?"

"You are not a bad omen because you have been nothing but my lucky charm..."

"You are the only one who knows when I am truly happy and when I am not, you are the only one who knows the difference between my real and fake smile"

"You are scared someone like Sid might come to hurt me but I am not scared anymore because I know my love will always come for me and save me... you are my fighter... my hero"

"If meeting you and falling in love with you is meant to face your enemies and suffer from their wrath then I would happily accept it...

"...because your love is enough to heal every wound given by them..."

"I must have done a good deed to be loved by you..."

"I know you are upset with me and you should be because it took me so long to understand you and the things you did for me"

"You have the right to stay angry with me and not to forgive me because I have been nothing but ungrateful to yo..."

It felt so surreal having her back in my life and yesterday spending a day with Mayaan felt like I was dreaming the whole time because the things she said and those sweet and adorable gestures of her kept surprising me every time. I couldn't get over the things she said and now waking up knowing she is under the same roof as I am is the best feeling in the world. I tossed the sheets to the side and jumped out of the bed - I did my morning routine even though it was afternoon. I know being the host I should wake up early in the morning but I couldn't sleep the whole night thinking about Mayaan staying upstairs in my room and sleeping on my bed. Her fantasies kept me awake till dawn and then I fell asleep;

Man, I was acting just like a teenage boy just by having her back in my life...

I thought silently after taking a long shower.
I dried my hair with the towel and changed into a pair of dark jeans with a white tank top - I was about to close the buttons of my black button-down shirt when I realized that it was awfully silent in the house. I went towards the lounge in the hope of finding Mayaan sitting there but she wasn't there. I rushed towards the kitchen by calling out her name but she wasn't there - I tried to take deep breathes to calm my mind;

"Maybe shes still sleeping upstairs..."

I walked towards the stairs thinking about my stupid decision of saying her to sleep in the room upstairs because I wanted her to feel comfortable and most importantly I didn't want to rush things in our relationship by pushing her to share the same bed with me but now I was regretting my decision of letting her sleep alone. I stepped inside the bedroom and found the bed empty like no one ever slept on it and the room was clean too. I called out her name again but no answer as I walked towards the en suite bathroom door feeling my heart explode thinking of the worst scenario but as I opened the door it was empty;

It seems you have been hallucinating the girl... tsk... tsk... poor you...miss her that much han... well it appears as you got fooled by your own God damn heart,

Says the evil inner voice with mockery inside my head.
I felt my head spinning thinking about yesterday's events;

"It was imaginary Mayaan the entire day I can't believe that... because my heart knows she was here for real... maybe she is in the library..."

I said to myself;

maybe she got bored of you and left you or who knows she got kidnapped by your enemies...

Said the inner voice inside my head pitifully.
I shook my head to stop the evil voice inside my head before I lose my sanity as I rushed out of the room;

"Mayaan... where are you..."

I called out loudly while my voice echoed in the empty mansion. I hurriedly descended the stairs while dialing the undercover bodyguards whom I have hired to protect her. I was about run towards the library when I heard someone knocking the main door loudly - I disconnected the call and I rushed and opened the gigantic door and found the person behind my chaotic morning. She was standing with a black faux fur hat while her dark silky hair laid open on her shoulders and she looked like a doll standing in the snow wearing a double-breasted red frock coat over black stockings with Duck Lace Boots. She looked like a porcelain doll with her cheeks pink and her lips cherry red while the tip of her nose was pink too - she looked breathtakingly beautiful and at that moment it occurred to me that yesterday wasn't a dream or my imagination. Mayaan was here for real and the thought filled my heart with love. I hugged her taking her by a complete surprise but soon she wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in the crook of my neck;

"I missed you... it feels so good to be in your arms"

She mumbled against my neck.
I felt a shiver ran down my spine when I felt her cold lips against my skin but soon my thoughts were interrupted when she spoke;

"Omair as much as I love to be in your arms but it is freezing out here..."

She complained from the weather because I almost forgot that we were standing outside in the heavy snowfall but Mayaan has no idea when she is around me the weather has no effect on me. I pulled her inside the house and took her towards my secret place - she didn't protest and walked obediently with me. As we reached our destination I received a back from the security team. I let go of Mayaan's hand and answered the call - I explained the team that I got worried when I couldn't find her in my house but now she was here with me. They said she went to meet someone at The Plaza hotel in the V.I.P suite which is booked under someone name which soon will be found and we will send you the information. I was taken back by the information but soon I ended the call but I ignored the question which was planning to rise.  I shook my head and turned to look at the lady behind my thoughts - she was standing there where I left her but now she had taken off the jacket including the faux fur hat. I realized she is wearing red velvet Mini-Fit and Flared dress with full sleeves. She was tying her in a ponytail revealing her beautiful neck but something caught my eyes and it was the pendant I had given her years ago. She is still wearing it - I walked towards when she was done with tying her hair in a graceful ponytail. I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my forehead on her shoulder as I pulled her closer;

"Not you seeing you in the room scared the hell out of me and I called the team to find out about you but before I could you came,


I said as I pull back to look her face with saying;

"Please never disappear on me like that... in these few minutes I thought I might die if you didn't appear because my mind kept thinking of worst scenarios even though he is behind the bars but I couldn't stop my mind from worrying about you"

I pleaded as I gently cupped her face.
Mayaan leans on my palm while her eyes shimmered with tears;

"I promise it will never happen again.."

She said softly as she stood on her toes and planted a kiss on my cheek.
I took that as an opportunity and hugged her.

One thing is for sure... I could never stay mad at this girl in my arms...


Its been almost five days since Mayaan is living with me, in these days she never got disappeared. Later I received a text from the security team that she went to meet my brothers at the Plaza Hotel. I never asked her why she went neither she explained - every time I wanted to ask her the reason behind her visit to them but stopped myself from doing. During these days we made choco chip cookies together and she was surprised that I knew how to bake them, she had no idea my hobbies had changed and that I don't drink coffee anymore because she didn't like it and since the day I left for tours I had started drinking tea instead of coffee while my hobbies changed because in my spare time I paint, bake cookies, and do art and craft things. Mayaan was stunned when she saw the paintings I have painted and the art and craft stuff but above all, she was shocked when she saw the library. That entire day we spent in the library, she asked me about my favorite books and which one of them were her favorites but Mayaan surprised me when I found out that the girl who hated coffee had stopped drinking tea because I liked coffee. In these years unknowingly we had swapped habits, Mayaan has become a black coffee drinker, she watches chick lit movies, loves to go for hiking but I was astonished at the revelation that she has taken a photography course to take pictures just the way I used to do and she showed me her techniques of taking pictures. I loved the way she talked animatedly about everything and listened to me when I talked but most of the time I was the one listening to her talk because, to be honest, I was in awe and I loved it when she absentmindedly intertwined our fingers together or played with the hem of my shirt. Mayaan never hesitated to express her feelings and every day she showed how wonderful my life could be with her.

I had wasted all these years to show Mayaan, my love, so, during these few days, I took the opportunity of taking her on Dates because I knew she has never been on dates besides the one I took her to and with the help of my security team we went out in disguise so no one could recognize us. I took her to a movie date, dinner date at one of the finest restaurant in New York, and dance date at home. Every date brought us more close to each other and tonight was the New Year eve and she wanted to take me out on a date which is a surprise and just the thought kept me wondering what has she planned for our date?

Mayaan explained to me that the rumors about her being in relationship with the actor were all a lie and when I asked her how did she know I would be here she said;

"I had no idea you would be here, the only reason I came here because I wanted to spend a few days in your room and the news about you disappearing sacred me so I came back looking for you because I had to confess something I never got the chance to do..."

Her words echoed in my ears as I turned to face the lady snuggled up with me on the bed. Her dark silky har sprawled on the pillow like silk ribbon while her skin glowed under sun rays, even in her simple pj's she knocked the breath out of my lungs. She stirred as I slowly tucked a few strings of her hair behind her ear, I gently cupped her face as I leaned in and kissed her forehead while I softly caressed the apple of her cheek and her words echoed in my ears;

Will you always stay the same caring one and possessive one about me?

"I will always care about you and be the possessive lover because you are my world and the most important person in my life..."

I whispered against her forehead while her words echoed again;

I wish to claim all of his love and kisses.

"You are the only one who has every right on me, you claim every single fiber in me and kisses are all yours they were never meant to be for others, sweetheart!" 

I mumbled while my thumb caressed her lower lip, I lowered my head and left a chastise kiss on her soft pink lips meantime Mayaan's question echoed in my ear when she placed her palm over my chest and asked something she was unaware of from the very beginning; 

Can I owe it forever

"You took the ownership from the moment you stepped in my life, you own my heart because it only beats for you and I feel it come to life when he sees you"

I said lowly as I took her hand and placed her palm on my chest.

On my request, she agreed to share the bed but every night she says of not cuddling up with me but in the morning I find ourselves legs tangled while my arms wrapped around her tiny waist and her head is resting on my shoulder and just like every day today we are in the same position and the best part is that Mayaan said she wants to share a blanket with me and at that moment I was over the moon when she laid next to me and we ended up talking till the sunrise. My thoughts were interrupted when the lady in my arms buried her face in the crook of my neck turning my stomach into knots. Her hot breath fanning my neck was increasing my heartbeat - she had no idea the effect of her closeness on me. I took deep breathes to calm my racing heart but it did the opposite because her sweet scent filled my lungs and it was enough to drive me crazy but when Mayaan slowly moved away from me, I looked at her she was bitting her lower lip and it seemed she was embarrassed,

God, how could I stay away from her when she looks so innocent yet tempting at the same time...

I gently pulled her in my arms by saying; 

"Good morning Beautiful"

I said as I kissed her forehead;

"Good morning... I am sorry for ending up again like that"

Mayaan said as she shyly lowered her gaze.
I pulled her close and cuddled with her making her gasp;

"Don't be sorry because somehow I pull you in my arms and we end up cuddling with each other and let me tell you a secret when you were here you stayed in my room and shared a bed with me because you thought we are married, during those few days I got used to by sleeping with you in my arms and when you left I couldn't sleep alone anymore... but thanks to you now I have the most peaceful nights of sleep only because I have you back where you should have been years ago"

I said slowly waiting for her reaction.
Mayaan turns to face me and now we were face to face but she was still in my arms;

"In all these years I always had nightmares but the night when Tim brought me to see you for the first time - that night I had a peaceful sleep when I fell asleep on the bed next to you while Maddy was in my arms but I don't know when he left our bed and I ended up in your arms. Even though you were injured but you held me tightly and for some unknown reason I felt safe in your arms. It was the first time I didn't have a nightmare and had the most peaceful sleep of my life"

Mayaan confessed while she gently cupped my jaw and she was slowly caressing my chin with the pad of her thumb. I had no idea she used to have nightmares every night till today but soon my thoughts came to a halt when she spoke again;

"I know it may sound clingy but when I am close to you I feel safe, I never thought that I would ever say this but I love the feeling of being in your arms while your luring scent calms my mind... I tried to keep distance but I couldn't, it's like I am addicted to you... it's like you are the answer to my every unsolved question and the moment I realized I need you like a human needs oxygen I couldn't stay a day without you..."

Mayaan said with teary eyes.
Her confession surprised me - I felt my heart filled with the warmth of her love and I knew the perfect way to show her my love. I kissed her slowly and tenderly pouring my love and yearning for her because tonight after our date I had some big plans for our future. 


"Mayaan how long do I have to walk blindfolded, I didn't know my princess had naughty plans for a date night..."

I teased Mayaan as she kept guiding me to descend the stairs carefully;

"For your kind information, I have no such plans"

She said hotly and too quickly. I couldn't help but chuckle because I could imagine her face turning into a crimson shade. 

Mayaan was taking me for her surprise date, she wanted me to change into Tuxedo while she was in a black mermaid gown with Sabrina neckline which was embedded with black crystals. Her hair tied in a tight low bun with the smooth center-parted top while she had done a minimal make-up which enhanced her beauty but now I was getting curious because I started to feel like we were in the middle of a room and it was pin-drop silence but soon Mayaan stopped me and I felt her hand slipping away from my hold;


I called out her name but no response I abruptly removed the blindfold and found myself in darkness. I was about to call her again when the lights flashed open and the voices of confetti blasting echoed;


I was shocked more than surprise as I saw the faces standing in front of me saying surprise in unison. It was my family, my parents, my siblings, my aunts with their husband and kids and Mayaan's both parents were here with their spouse and kids even my old friends including Tim with his wife Eva and some of our very close relatives were standing there. The entire hall was decorated with crystals chandeliers hanging and flowers with pillar and container candles - the theme was golden, white and creme colors. I couldn't believe these people were here but most importantly how couldn't I knew a party preparation was happening in my house. I don't know how to face these people because its been years since I have seen them and I don't know what they might expect from me because I have disappointed many people in my life especially my loving parents but soon my thoughts came to a halt when I felt a soft hand interlacing our fingers together. I looked down at the hand and found the lady behind it -  I felt my nerves calm down instantly when Mayaan gently squeezed my hand and rewarded me with her beautiful smile. We approached my parents first who were waiting for us with teary eyes and as I reached them mother engulfed me in her motherly hug but I was stunned. Mayaan slowly let go my hand and nudged me to  wrap my arms around my mother, I felt I might choke when my mother spoke;

"I have missed you, my son..." 

She said as she slowly pulled back and cupped my face and kissed my cheek;

"I have missed you, mom..." 

I said with blinking away the tears. I took my mom's hand and kissed the back f her both hands and hugged her meantime my dad came and stood in front of me with my both brothers next to him. I slowly pulled back from mom and looked at him - he stepped forward towards me;

"It seems you only missed your mother..."

He said while tears shimmered in his eyes as he pulled me in a hug.
It took me by surprise but soon I hugged my father and said the words I have been dying to say him;

"I missed your warning and teasing dad... God... I missed you so much I thought you would never wish to see me, dad...  please forgive me because I haven't been good son...  I am sorry, dad"

I said but my voice came out shaky.
Dad pulled back and cleared the tears from his face;

"You have nothing to be sorry my because you have been nothing but an honor to our family, we are proud of you, I am proud of you my son..."

Dad said as he tapped on my shoulder proudly.
I was confused because as far as I knew I hadn't done anything but I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my father speaking;

"You saved Mayaan, brought your brothers back to home and most importantly you won that girl's heart with your love and by being a true gentleman... you have no idea how proud we all are for the things you have done for Mayaan and you keep doing every day for her safety"

Dad said proudly while my brothers and my mom nod their head in agreement soon Jawahir with her husband Zain joined. My elder sister was over the moon when she found that Mayaan and I were back together from the moment she knew. I met everyone one by one and each one of them pulled me in a hug with teary eyes and each one said how proud they are for the things I have been doing for Mayaan. It confused me how did they know about the things I did for my love. My aunts congratulated me for winning back the girl with a golden heart and they appalled me when they said we are waiting for the wedding invitation. I met every guest but I kept glancing towards the person behind this marvelous idea - she was talking animatedly with Tim and his wife Eva while Juana was in her arms and Maddy stood next to her and kept asking her about something. 

She is there in front of me but I couldn't bear the distance only if it is a few feet away but before going towards her I had to meet her parents because I need their permission for something I have planned besides I haven't officially met Mayaan's father;

"Finally, the man behind my daughter's stolen heart is here"

Said, Mr. Ahmed firmly as he stood with his wife and sons.
I took a deep breath to calm my nerves because their gaze was fixed on me like they could read my mind;

"I apologize for not introducing myself properly. I am Omair Al Ghithaini and like you say, if I have been capable of stealing her heart then, believe me, sir, she has stolen my heart from the moment she stepped in my life"

I said calmly as I shook Mr. Ahmed's hand while inside I was a nervous wreck because it was my only chance to make a good impression on Mayaan's father. Her brother Ayaan winked at me showing thumbs up while Mike smirks but the younger one in them Marwan looked curiously at me. I kept the poker look on my face meantime Mayaan's stepmom speaks;

"You don't have to apologize, dear, we understand back then the situation was different and it's not your fault but we are happy that issues are solved between you and our daughter... I must say you are truly just the way Mayaan said"

She said cheerfully.
I smiled and Mr. Ahmed tapped on my shoulder;

"The day my daughter informed me that a man was fighting for her I knew he is the only one who could keep her happy and tonight meeting you proves that I was right"

He stated proudly.
I felt my heart filled with pride at the thought that Mayaan's father thought me as the perfect match for her daughter. I knew this was the right moment to ask the question I have been waiting to ask him;

"Mr. Ahmed can I talk with you and your wife in private"

I said cautiously as I looked at the older couple, both of them nodded their head with a suspicious look on their faces.


 I turned the knob and locked the door of my study room as the last person enters the room. It was my dad;

"I must say after my study room I like yours..."

Dad said in a matter of factly way.
I shook my head at his comment but let it pass because now was not the time to compete about whose study room is the best. I turned to face the people who hold a very special and important place in my and Mayaan's life. The ladies were seated on the couch while Mr. Ahmed and my father were seated on an armchair opposite each other and Mr. Jaber was leaning on my desk with his arms folded on his broad chest. I took a deep breath and sat down in front of our parents;

"I Love Mayaan and I need all of your permission to marry her because each one of you has played a very important part in bringing her in my life and for that, I will forever be thankful to you Mr. Ahmed and Mrs. Aaida"

I said slowly as I looked at her biological parents, just like Mrs. Aaida my mom and  Arwa had tears in their eyes. Mr. Ahmed smiled as he looked at my father than towards me;

"You have my permission from the moment I knew you were fighting for my daughter"

He proclaimed.
Mrs. Aaida nods her head with clearing the tears from her cheeks;

"I knew you were the one from the moment you stood in front of me and defended her... you have my permission, my dear" 

She said with a smile while mom gently squeezed her hand.
I looked at my parents they both nod their head in agreement even Mayaan's step-mom nods her head with showing thumbs up. I smiled and looked at the man who was quite the entire time Saif. I stood up and walked towards him;

"You know everything about our relationship more than anyone in this room and because of you, Mayaan started to believe in love, your love for her mom lit the hope in her heart that she could find true love too. Even though her parents have given me permission to marry her but I need your permission because you were the first person who knew I was in love with her before I had realized... will you Mr. Jaber give me the permission to marry your daughter and I promise to keep her happy, safe and fulfill all of the promises I made to her" 

I said as I assured Saif who looked intrigued but soon he smiled and tapped my shoulder as he pulled me in a hug while the ladies sighed in relief while my father and Mayaan's father congratulated each other but meantime Saif said something I wasn't expecting;

"It's a yes son but if this time she sheds a single tear of pain caused by you then trust me you will find yourself in big trouble... its a warning" 

He said lowly close to my ear and pulled back with a smile which clearly said I am dead serious. I nodded my head and shook Saif's hand;

"I promise that day will never come" 

I reassured him.

I explained every one what I had planned and I needed Saif's help to start the plan. He agreed happily - we were discussing the plan meantime someone knocks the door and after a while, I heard Mayaan's voice. Before unlocking the door I explained what they had to do, I unlocked the door to counter Mayaan with a frown on her beautiful face;

"My dear, Jadlaan and Uncle Saleh are here and have you seen our parents?"

She asked worriedly.
I opened the door further so she could see they were here. She blushed when she saw all of them were looking at us with admiration in their eyes. I hold her hand and gestured for her to step inside the room meantime our parents stood up and left the room one by one giving us a knowing look. Saif even winked before leaving, it confused Mayaan even further - I shut the door behind us with locking it and wrapped my arms around her as I buried my face in the crook of her neck;

"God... I am going to miss you so badly"

I mumbled against her ear and kissed her earlobe making her gasp.
Mayaan tried to pull back but I didn't let her go as I tightened my hold around her waist;

"Omair, why would you miss me I am here... I am not going anywhere, honey"

She tried to assure me and does she knows that I love it when she uses endearments whenever she talks with me;

"I love the way you use endearments to call me but you are leaving Mayaan because..."

"No, I am not leaving and why would you say that Omair" 

She cut off me as she pulled back with worry in those pretty eyes.
I gently cupped her cheek;

"Your mom Mrs. Aaida wants to spend time with you before leaving, so, she wants you to stay with her in Manhattan for a few days... your parents have been worried about you Mayaan they want to spend time with you, sweetheart and when they asked I couldn't say No to them"

I said carefully looking at her face while caressing her chin with the back of my thumb.
She started biting her lower lip - she does this when she is confused but I couldn't stop myself from admiring her. She nods her head slowly - I smile at the success of my first step in my plan. I was pulled out of my train of thoughts when I felt Mayaan's soft lips against my cheek - her lips lingered more than usual. She slowly pulled back with teary eyes;

"It's strange but I am already missing you"

She confessed innocently and at that moment I knew I couldn't wait any longer for her to be mine. I thought as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in a hug,

All I need is patience to pass the few upcoming days without her to have her forever... 


Next is the last chapter.
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