My Bully, My Mate (Book 1) {C...

By deans_bf

119K 2.6K 320

*Re-edited* Nathan, a not so normal werewolf gets bullied a lot. He is basically the laugh of the school and... More

My Bully
Exes and... Oh
Q&A time!
Book 2 is soon
First Chapter is out!


5.1K 136 18
By deans_bf

*2022 edited*

I slid down the stairs but surprisingly it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I made it inside of a well lit room and looked around. I saw something move in the corner of my eye and turn towards it to see a large dark grey wolf jump out and tackle me.

It growled at me but I wasn't scared just slightly surprised. It's orange eyes stared into my light brown eyes at the time. It sniffed around me and it's eyes widened. It quickly got off me and bowed down.

I didn't know why it did. At least I don't think I know why but it didn't faze me. I stood up and walked through a long hallway. Eventually another set of stairs came up and my stomach pains were starting to come back.

"Why fucking me?"

I whispered but it echoed around the open area. I went up the stairs while also ignoring the approaching pain that was about to go through my body.


I made it to the top of the steps only to see a large forest of trees. I was slightly disappointed but only because I expected a building of some sort.

I looked around and Jake's scent was getting closer. His scent stopped near a tree. I was confused until a heard shuffling behind it.

"Why did you follow me? How did you get past the guard?"

"Okay first, 'hello to you too'. Second, I want to talk. Third, he just backed off of me.

He came from behind the tree and stepped towards me. His arms were crossed and he looked annoyed.

"You shouldn't be here, there is a lot of wild wolves out here"

My eyes widen at my realization

"Wild? We aren't in town?!"

"No we aren't, that's why I'm saying 'You shouldn't be here'!"

"Well sorry if I wanted to chase after the man who made me angry and just caused the biggest scene ever just to leave town to cool off."

"Yeah well the chase is over, you can go. I'll be back whenever."

"No I'm not going back because this is ending in either two ways. One I find a way to kill you and two we talk it out so that one doesn't happen."


"Good. What's your problem?"

"I have no problem. Frankly I don't see how I'm in the wrong here anyway."

"Are you not listening to yourself? This is the same fucking reason why I avoided you in the first place! You don't think about anyone but yourself, so when you decide to stop acting like all of this is my fault is when we can get this shit together."

I started walking away and when I looked back Jake wasn't following me. Is he really this stuck up? He's lucky I feel like getting away from him instead of what I originally had in mind.

I walked towards the steps but I heard a low growl. I turn around but nothing is there. A familiar scent filled the air and it was surrounding me. I started running towards the stairs but I got pushed to the ground.

"You're mine"

His voice filled my ears and I knew exactly what was going on. Before I could even move, a quick pain shot through my body and I felt myself go limp. I couldn't move but I could still see. His light blue eyes glowing in the dim light of day.

He picked me up and put me over his shoulder. He ran around the trees and through the tunnel I went through, bring me towards the town. I looked around seeing my small shadow slightly bouncing and the distant mansion. We ran right past it and went through a different set of woods.

My finger brushed past multiple pieces of overgrown plant life but I didn't feel it. After what I assume was two minutes he ran down a stone path and I immediately recognize this place as his house.

We entered and he sped walked towards the one place I wanted to forget about. His room.

He threw me on the bed and stared into my eyes while smirking.

"You've always been mine"

He climbed onto the bed and on top of me. He brung kisses to my neck and grinded on me.


Sort of a filler but my other chapter is still in the working process so get ready!

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