By steverogers_mydaddy

43.2K 1.1K 118

Something happens after the events of the storm that affected 5 people in space. Will one of them find what h... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 11

1.3K 43 2
By steverogers_mydaddy

The following day you woke up really early and went directly to the lab to start working to try to find the cure, you were really focused on the work that you didn't notice your dad walking in, "when did I get you this?" Your dad said making you turn to face him and saw that he was holding the teddy bear that Johnny got you, "you didn't" you said trying to get it and looking at him. He made a weird face and you knew where this was going, "if I didn't who did?" Your dad said as you again try to take it from him, but he didn't let you, "c' mon dad just give it to me" you said and he acted like he was going to give it to you but pulled it away, "I will if you tell me who gave it to you?" Tony said still teasing you, "C' mon dad, just give it...fine it was Johnny," you said and your dad gave it to you. Later that day Tony left to SHIELD while you went to the Stark Industry and Reed and Sue were at the lab, "Reed, how close are we to find a cure?" Sue asked Reed with concern, "no way to know. We are working day and night, but without mire test, experiments we are not going to be close" Reed answer, "this isn't just another science project to you is it..?"Sue asked and Reed looks up a little surprised and he opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by Ben, "no freaking way!" Ben says and Reed and Sue rush into the living room, "Ben! What? What's going on?" Reed asks and Ben points to the Tv. There the news reporter was presenting a video of what happened yesterday night with you and Victor, "that explains a lot "Ben said, "The good thing was that Johnny wasn't there 'cause things would have gone wrong" Sue thought. On the Stark's Industries, you were seating on your dad's desk as Pepper was talking with you, "how are things going with the cure?" She asked and you put down the papers you were reading, "I feel that we are close, but still haven't fig-" you were cut by someone entering, "Miss Stark, someone dropped this for you" the girl said bringing some flower arrangements, "thank you" you said as she left and Pepper look at you and smile. You look for the card and find it, "With love from V.V.D " and you rolled your eyes and Pepper's expression changed, "him again?" She said and you nodded. You and Pepper continue to have a conversation, but this time it was about Johnny and she instantly noticed the change in you once she mentioned him. Then the doors got opened revealing Victor standing on the entrance, "well i have to go" Pepper said as she looked at you then at Victor, "Ms. Potts" Victor said as she walked by him and she nodded. The door got close leaving just him and you on the huge office, "i see you got the flowers I sent you" he said as he took a sit infront of you, "thank you, but you need to cut it, Victor, why are you here?" You said looking at him with no emotion on your eyes, "I want to say I'm sorry for what I did yesterday and I want to ask you for your help" he paused, "I'm dying" he said and your facial expression softened, "what do you mean you are dying?" You said still not believing him, "the storm affected me, is killing me. The doctors predicted that I'll have 2 or 3 weeks until I die" he said, "but how do you want me to help you?" You said in a soft tone, "I just need you to be with me when I ask you" he said, it reminds you when your mom got sick and all she wanted was you and your dad with her, "Victor I'll be there for you" you said and grabbed his hand to squish it. He smile as he got up and you stand up to face him, he offered his hand, but you hugged him, "thank you y/n" he said as a mischievous grin appears on his face, but as you break the hug he changes his expression. As he left you to continue to work on the papers that needed to be approved, you called the receptionist and told her if she wanted the flower arrangement and she accepted. As she left Pepper came back, "what did he wanted?" She asked and you started to explain everything when suddenly a knock was heard and soon after the door opened but you couldn't see who got in cause Pepper blocked your view, she turned and you were able to see Johnny enter to your office, both you and Pepper standed up, "Pepper this is Johnny Storm, Johnny this is Pepper Potts" you said and they greeted each other, "I'll see you y/n and pleasure meeting you " Pepper said before walking away, "pleasure meeting you too" Johnny said and she smiled as she closed the door, "a beautiful flower for a beautiful lady" Johnny said as he pulls a red rose from behind his back and you took ut to smell it, then he pulled you closer and kissed you , as from the parking lot Victor was watching you and Johnny making him really angry and jealous so he left. You and Johnny were getting out of the building hand on hand when suddenly as both stepped out flashes of cameras started to blind you, "you two can get out from behind" Pepper said as she saw everything and you mouthed "thank you". Once you and Johnny got where the ride was he gave you a helmet, "i need to protect my precious cargo" he said before his helmet and drove off. It was late and you were working on the lab with Reed and your dad, "we're going to sleep, you coming?" Reed asked, "i just need to save something and I'll go"you said and Reed smile and gave you a pat on the back, "good night" he said as he walked out of the lab, "good night Reed" you answer back. The words of Victor started to go around your head but mainly the part "the storm affected me" then suddenly you had an idea, "if the storm affected them, the storm can take it back", you started to write stuff and see the files that Reed had about the storm, "want me to pull an all nighter with you monkey?" You heard your dad said and you look at him, "no is fine dad, I'll try to finish this fast then go to sleep" you said and your dad gave you his pretty well known "really face", "I promise" you said and he smile and kissed your forehead, "well goodnight monkey!" He said, "goodnight dad!" You said as you started to go back to work. It was about 2 in the morning when Johnny woke up and went to grab water at the kitchen, he saw that the light from certain part of the lab was on. He decided to go to the lab and see if someone was there and yes you were sleeping with your elbow supporting your hand in which you recline your head on to sleep, "cute" he whispered as he took you on his arms and walked to his room. He laid you on his bed, before he lay next to you, holding your waist to pull you closer to him. As you felt the warmth of his body you moved closer to him and placed your head on his chest, he looked down at you and smile thinking how he got so lucky with you.

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