Good Girls Are Bad Girls {Seq...

By Marslstar

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"Good girls are bad girls who havent been caught!" Autumn...Styles? Yup! 17 Year old Autumn is the one and o... More

Forget What You Thought
The Boys Are Back
A Day Of Meetings
I Won't Give Up
Feeling Alive
Does He Know?
Without You?
Come Back
Everythings Changed
Who Really Are You?
Here We Go Again...
The Drug In Me Is You
End Up Here
Caught Red Handed
It's In The Past
Don't Freak Out
The Past Always Comes Back
I Just Love To Hate You

It Should Only Get Better From Here

155 5 0
By Marslstar

Hello everyone! How are you guys?? This chapter is super long like a lot longer than usual so I hope you like it!! It was supposed to be longer but I had to cut it because of how long it really would've been. XD sorry guys!! But the next chapter will be up sooner I promise! :3 I love you guys and hope you're all having a great day/life :3

Thanks again for editing my shit Julia you're awesome. (I actually hate her ;) ) k bye



My heart skipped, "Woah woah what?"

"Yeah the Sydney auditions are in three days..." Autumn pointed out and Luke ran from his guitar towards the computer located across the room.

He began typing furiously and we all waited for him to say something, "She's right," Luke muttered.

Autumn rolled her eyes, "Told you!" She laughed a little and Michael held a weak smile. I just kind of looked between the two of them; I don't see how they work...I just don't get it.

Luke switched off the computer and ran back to us, "So we really need to practice!" He exclaimed and Michael cleared his throat, "What?"

"Or we could wait till next yea-" Michael started but I put my hand up and he responded with a sigh. "Fine, no need to sass me Calum." He chuckled and I began plucking at my bass. Luke joined in and Ashton started a familiar beat, Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade. We haven't really practiced this song very much but the harmonies in it were practically written for us to sing. "You want to do this song?" Michael asked and all three of the girls in the room were practically glowing.

"Do it!" Abigail chirped and Autumn glared at her in the beginning but then smiled. Melody was just looking at Luke with such a bright and proud smile. "You guys could totally do it! It would be beautiful!"

"I agree!" Melody chimed in.

Autumn nodded, "Seriously I love that song! It was like my childhood!" She laughed loudly and the other girls agreed.

"Same!" Abigail exclaimed and Autumn continued to smile but Melody's big smile slightly fell.

Ashton looked past his drum set at the one boy in the room, "What do you think Cam?"

Camden looked kind of shocked he was being included but he half smirked half smiled, "Well I think you should do it, it's such a classic song so if you do it at least decently I know at least my dad would love it, Harry too."

"Do you guys know which One Direction member is working the Sydney auditions?" I asked and both Camden and Autumn shrugged.

"If we did know I don't think we would be allowed to tell you," Camden explained, "It could give you guys an advantage or something who knows."

"That makes sense." Melody nodded then looked back at Luke, "Alright so how about you guys start practicing??"

The band nodded and we began playing the song we've decided to audition with.

*=*=*=*=*TWO DAYS LATER*=*=*=*=*

"You guys have gotten a lot better!" Melody exclaimed from the couch in Ashton's basement.

"Yeah with only two full days of practice you guys really have come through, I think." Abigail announced, and Autumn nodded showing that she agreed with her.

"I can't wait to hear it when Michael gets back." Autumn smiled, "I'm glad he's getting help and stuff..."

Luke nodded adjusting his flannel unbuttoning the top three buttons, "Agreed."

We are waiting on Michael to come back from his second therapy session so we can have our last practice before we go to auditions tomorrow. "Not gonna lie I'm really nervous for tomorrow." Ashton laughed awkwardly playing with the bandana he was wearing. "If you think about it, this could make or break our career."

I nodded, "I know that's why we should do it! We have a decent enough following on our YouTube channel and stuff so at least we know some people who would vote for us."

"Most people from our genre don't normally do things like this you know." Luke pointed out, "We need to stay true to our band throughout this whole experience."

"That's if we even get on the show..." Ashton frowned.

"You guys will make it!" Abigail exclaimed.

"You think so?" Ashton weakly replied.

"We all know so!" Melody offered her encouragement, and we knew they all believed in us.

We heard Ashton's front door slam and Autumn stood up seeing Michael casually stroll down the stairs. "Afternoon Mikey!" She giggled wrapping her arms around his neck once he got to the bottom of the steps.

He leaned in and kissed her, "Ewwwwww." I smirked and the two love birds pulled away jokingly glaring at me. "So how was your second day of therapy?"

Michael's smile fell, "Worse than the first day why?"

We all frowned; he's says the same things every time we bring it up to him.

'It sucks.' 'I hate it'

But if he really did hate it he wouldn't go, that's how Michael works. Something must be going right because he is still going to therapy. Michael walked over to his guitar and played the typical riff he warms up with. "So are we ready?!" He shouted and strummed down on his guitar playing a loud note that almost every rock band starts off their concerts with. All the girls in the room laughed and we all nodded, Michael then began softly strumming the beginning of our audition song.

Abigail began singing along and Ashton looked over his drum set and jokingly told her to shut up. Once we finished our third or fourth play through we decided to take a break. We all sat down Autumn turned to us, "So, what are you guys going to wear?"

Shit...we haven't even thought about that yet. "Do we need to dress up? I just wanted to wear a band tank." Michael shrugged and Autumn nudged him.

"C'mon you've gotta dress to impress babe!" She giggled.

Melody nodded, "Dress like you would for a dinner party that was being held at a casual restaurant!"

Everyone gave Melody a weird look but Luke nodded, "That makes sense!"

I cleared my throat, "Yeah sure whatever works for you..." I looked at the three girls who were all sitting in different seats a decent distance from each other.

I smirked, "Since you all think we should get dressed up why don't you three go buy us an outfit?"

They all exchanged looks with each other before looking at me, "What?" Autumn's eyes widened and she looked at Michael who shrugged.

"It'll give us the chance to do some last minute perfecting while also getting our wardrobe done!" I explained.

I got an intrigued look from Abi but she slowly started nodding, "I guess that could work?"

Autumn crossed her arms looking at Melody who sighed to herself, "Fine. Only because you four are helpless." Melody grumbled.

Autumn still hadn't budged, "You expect me to go walk around somewhere that I've never been to before with people I just met a few days ago?"

Michael shrugged, "Yeah," she shot a glare. "Hey! I think you need some girl time ok?" Once again she rolled her eyes but she gave in and nodded. "I think you all need this, you're going to be spending time together so you all might as well get along."

All three girls just crossed there arms, "So you want us to go buy you things to bond?" Abigail questioned and I saw Autumn smirk but she quickly tried to hide it.

"Yup!" I laughed and Autumn and Abigail both rolled their eyes. I think they're a lot more similar than they think they are.

Abigail put her hand out, "So you expect us to pay for it too?"

"And how do you expect us to get there?" Melody groaned, put of all three of them she's the least excited.

"I have a car," Abigail offered, "I need one of your cards,"

We all looked at Ashton, "Woah woah guys why me!?"

"You have the most money!"

Ashton sighed standing up, "Point taken, you'll all pay me back right?"

"Of course!" Luke smiled and Ashton gave Abigail his credit card.

"Don't spend too much okay?" Ashton gave Abigail a kiss on the cheek and she nodded.

"No problem babe," she turned to look at the other two girls, "You guys ready?"


"Ready as I'll ever be." I slightly growled before following Abigail up the stairs, "We will be back!" I announced and the boys all said their goodbyes.

We got to the top of the stairs and I looked Abigail with a slight frown, she's so pretty. She had this long silky like blonde hair, and she didn't even have to wear make up to get her eyes to look large. They just glowed, I can see why Mikey dated her. I swallowed after reminding myself that she is my boyfriends ex, and I shouldn't like her. We were waiting for Melody to make her way up the stairs after probably talking to Luke.

"We good?" Abigail sassed slightly towards Melody who just frowned, and I started to crack a smile but stopped myself.

"Yeah let's just go!" Melody responded trying to not sound annoyed but it was pretty obvious. This is going to be a long ass mall trip.

I wonder what the malls are like in Australia, I know there is a major difference between my malls and American malls. All the malls in America are huge and there are so many! We only have one super big mall in London. Abigail plugged in her phone just before moving the car, and music softly played through the speakers and it wasn't only something I knew but something I loved. "Is this All Time Low?" I questioned and Abigail nodded.

"You've heard of them?! That's amazing!!" She squealed, "I LOVE them!! They're my all time favorite band!"

I nodded, "Yeah! They're super talented I love their music!"

Abigail's loud voice echoed through her car, she can be very loud but not in a horrible way it's more funny to me that she gets so excited, Ashton must agree if he's dating her. Meanwhile, Melody just had an emotionless face while she stared out the back window. "So who are you guys' favorite bands or artist?"

I thought for a few seconds, "Well at the moment I'm obsessed with Falling in Reverse! But all time favorite has to be Metallica, because they're classic but can still rock modern charts." I laughed at my own sentence, but it was the truth.

"My mom loves Metallica!" Abigail responded showing that she was interested in what I said.

Abigail spoke back to Melody while I looked over my seat, "What about you?"

Melody looked up, she was thinking, "I'm really not sure...that's a tough question! I listen to so much!"

"Same!" I stuck my hand in the air and we all laughed. "From metal to my dad's music, it's a weird jump I know."

"That's good though! You have a wide variety!" Abigail concurred, "I'm a country girl deep down, but I don't tell most people."

I swallowed, ew country...but I chuckled, "Yeah country is one genre I really don't listen to."

"Now-a-days it's such a hated genre! I don't know why but hey more concert tickets for me!" Abigail laughed and I clapped my hands together before raising them in the air.

"You understand me!" I laughed pretty obnoxiously but Abigail joined in.

"Concert tickets all around!" Melody preached from the back which got us all laughing for even longer. Maybe this isn't so bad? We all seem to get along when we are by ourselves! Then again around the boys it's a different story, I can feel small amounts of jealous run through my veins even thinking about what might have happened between Michael and Abigail.

"Hey Autumn you coming!?" Melody called from outside the car. I just turned and looked at her almost in a daze. "Autumn??"

I shook my head but got out of the car, "Yeah yeah sorry I was zoned out."

"We noticed!" Abigail coughed out and I tensed my fist until Abigail turned and looked at me with a concerned look, "You alright?"

I eased up and smiled, "Yeah thanks." I felt Melody tense up now but I didn't want to start anything; basically I'm going to have to be the middle man on this one aren't I? We walked into the mall and I was immediately drawn to game stop, "Guys can we go here??"

They both gave me a weird look, "Do you have money?" I started playing with my hands, "So you're going to torture yourself?" Melody laughed and I shrugged, I just really like looking! Yeah I normally convince myself to buy something even though I shouldn't be spending my money on games.

"Wait you have money issues?" Abigail sounded confused, "Isn't Harry Styles your dad? Doesn't he have millions of dollars?"

I shrugged, "Yeah so? He never gave me everything, well he never just handed me money. I always have to earn that." I kind of rolled my eyes, in a sense of acquiring material things I was pretty spoiled.

"Same way with my family." Melody shrugged; now Abigail and I shared the same look towards Melody, "What?"

"You have money??" I blurted out and Melody put her hands in the air.

"Yeah? My dad worked on Broadway, some TV shows, stuff like that, movies too." I stared at Melody now really looking at her face.

"Wait what's your last name?" I asked holding my stare.

Abigail groaned, "Just tell us who your father is!"

"My last name is Radcliffe," she shrugged, "why my dad decided to retire to Australia I have no clue but that's why I'm here!" Melody laughed, "But I always have to work for my money you know? I was raised well even though I'm an only child."

"Your dad being a broadway star and such really does explain your name." I pointed out and both Melody and Abigail started to laugh. "It's really pretty too!"

"Why thank you!" Melody smiled walking towards a big clothing store, "How about here?"

I looked at the department store and nodded, "That looks like a good place to start!"

"So what kind of look do you think we should do?" Abigail asked giving the ties a disgusted look, "I don't think they need to dress SUPER nice."

"But we don't want them to show up in their pre-ripped shirts!" Melody joked.

I thought for a few seconds, "How about band t-shirts but with a blazer?"

"Not ripped right??" Abigail branched from Melody's joke and we all laughed.

We walked over to some nice blazers, "So we get blazers from here and shirts from-"

"HOT TOPIC!" Abigail and I yelled in unison cutting Melody off. For the first time I turned and looked at Abigail with my eyes wide actually feeling a connection with her. Maybe we can get along?

"I LOVE that store!!" I blurted out and Abigail nodded.

"They have all the classic bands I need!" Abigail exclaimed, "They're the only store I can find All Time Low shirts since they're so old at this point." She frowned, "I wish I could've seen them live."

"That's how I feel about Metallica...but you know half of them are dead so...awkward." I explained, "I grew up on them just like my mom did so I really like them but at least she was able to go see them in concert, even if she had to drag my dad there."

"So how 'bout these blazers?" Melody broke Abigail and I from our moment so we could focus on the reason we were there.

I quickly picked out a black vest-blazer that had some white outlining, perfect for Michael to wear with a Metallica whiskey in the jar shirt. Now I was on a mission to find something for Calum, the idea of Calum in something red peaked my interest and I grabbed a grey blazer with red linings, not sure what band shirt we will pick out for him but I think red will look great on him. I carried both blazers over my shoulders until I found Melody holding a white blazer with a light blue interior and cuffs. "That'll look great on Luke!"

"Yeah and he really like Blink-182 so he can wear it with one of their shirts." Melody glowed looking down at the blazer she picked out.

We both walked over towards Abigail, "So how about Ash?"

"I don't know what to get him!!" Abigail exclaimed as if it was the worst thing that had ever happened to her. "Damn! Why is this so hard???"

"Well Ash likes to wear his bandana and it's blue so why don't you get like a darker blue? It'll look nice on him." Melody suggested and Abigail tapped her own head lightly.

"Yes! You're so smart!" Abigail took off running towards the blue blazers that were in the corner of the room.

"She's pretty loud isn't she..." I nodded and Melody continued, "And really outgoing..."

"Well I guess that's how you know she's actually meant for Ash." I concluded but added a shrug at the end, "I never really got to know Ashton, so I'm not too sure."

"Ashton is complicated that's all I can say, his mind and heart are basically on lock down. No one but the boys really know what he's thinking. He normally only talks to Luke actually, I guess it's because Luke is such a good listener." Melody blushed slightly then became serious again. "He's a tough one to crack, but the right person might just be able to."

I nodded, "I feel like Calum is pretty similar when it comes to feelings he doesn't seem very open."

Melody shrugged, "He's one of those guys you really have to get to know."

"Yeah, Calum tends to keep to himself in general and doesn't talk about his feelings." Abigail rejoined us holding a dark blue blazer with black outlining. "So even if you do know him really well he won't tell you anything, Michael and I have known him for practically 10 years and he still doesn't tell either of us anything."

"Oh...alright." My mouth slanted a little and I just started thinking about Michael again. He isn't very open either is he? He never told me about his alcoholism...but it's kind of obvious now since he can't hide it anymore. We don't even know if he's getting better because he won't talk about therapy; I'm sure he's getting better. My mind kept contradicting itself as I walked to the check out counter, I didn't even realize that the two girls I was with were trying to talk to me. I was just completely zoned out while I worried about Michael, why am I freaking out? I just have a feeling something isn't right...but I don't know what it is...

"AUTUMN MY GOD!" I felt my body start to shake. I blinked and my eyes met with Abigail's blue ones that were WAY too close to my face.

"Hi?" I pulled away from her and she rolled her eyes.

"We are going to hot topic now." Abigail sassed slightly and I gave her a look lifting my eyebrows just glaring at her slightly.

"Hey Autumn are you alright?" Melody came in and I just nodded walking towards the exit.

"Hot topic is this way." Abigail pointed towards the opposite direction to a different exit.

"Oh sorry..." I mumbled and followed the blonde girl around the department store until we reentered the mall and I saw hot topic. The one in this store is HUGE! I wanted to run in like a kid in a candy store...but I'm poor...

Melody went right over to the section that had Blink-182 and quickly picked out a usual blink shirt that had a few different colors in it that would bring together the lighter blue blazer. "That's perfect!" Abigail exclaimed and I just nodded going right for my favorite section, the classic rock/metal. I looked over the shirts knowing exactly which shirt I wanted but I was practically drooling over all the shirts, I wanted every single one of them! Iron maiden, Metallica, Guns N many good bands such little money.

I forced myself to grab the shirt I wanted and pulled myself away. "Hey Autumn how's this for Calum?" I looked at the Green Day American idiot shirt and nodded with excitement.

"That's perfect! It'll match great!" I practically jumped with joy. "what about ash?"

Abigail blushed slightly, "I was thinking this All Time Low shirts, it's just black and white so it'll pop against the blue? Does that work? I'm not the most stylish." She laughed rubbing the back of her neck.

I nodded, "That's a great idea I love it!"

We all met up again to pay, I kept looking around the store with a huge grin, "We need to come back here when I have money." I chuckled and Abigail bumped me jokingly.

"Sure! We will probably have a lot of time to chill out if the boys make it on the show because they will stay in the X factor house." Abigail giggled and I saw Melody sigh to herself from the corner of my eye but I wasn't going to say anything.

"Yeah! We can totally hang out!" I clapped my hands together just before we all walked out of the store. "They have so much Nightmare Before Christmas stuff in there too...I just want to buy the entire store you know?"

Abigail was nodding quickly, "Hell yeah I know. I feel that."

Melody agreed, "Yeah its definitely one of my favorite stores!"

"Yup then we are definitely all hanging out then!" I smiled and we all nodded going back to the car with everything we had picked out.

Melody cleared her throat while we were on our way back to Ashton's house to deliver the clothing, "I really hope they all like what we got."

I cracked my knuckles, "They better like it."

We all laughed just as we pulled into Ashton's driveway, we all practically ran into the house and down into the basement where the boys were all sitting on the couch watching TV, "We are back!" It's really convenient that Ashton lives by himself because no one is there to hear us yelling and such.

Ashton was the first to stand up and greet Abigail, then Luke to Melody giving her a big kiss that could sweep any girl off her feet. I frowned slightly walking towards the couch and then I giggled seeing Michael focused on his DS playing Pokemon, "You gonna catch them all?" I joke and Michael's head turned to me with a weak smile.

"Hell yes." Michael looked up and I kissed him from over the couch. He grumbled slightly into the kiss before pulling away and patting the seat next to him. I walked around and say next to him, "So how was shopping?"

I shrugged, "I don't have money to buy the entire hot topic store." I laughed now and Michael leaned his head on my shoulder.

"I feel you." He murmured into my neck, his light breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine and his hand started tracing circles up my leg, "I want y-"

"Come look Mikey they did so well!!" Ashton cut off Michael's words and his hand slide down my leg before standing up. I gulped, he isn't normally that forward...

Michael took my hand and pulled me up from the couch taking me over to the bags of clothing we had. "So who's is who's?" Michael asked sounding a little more withdrawn than usual. His eyes locked with the black and huge vest blazer I had picked out and he nodded, "That's mine isn't it?" He looked over to me and I nodded, "You know me so well babe."

"This is yours too Mikey," Abigail threw him the Metallica shirt and his face lit up.

Michael gave me a confused but very happy look, "How'd you know I loved them?"

I shrugged, "I didn't but I like them so that's what I went with!"

"ITS PERFECT ABI!!" Ashton yelled picking up Abigail and twirling her around, "You know what you're doing!" Abigail giggled and I winked at her.

Calum fake punched my arm, "You did well Autumn, thanks." Calum looked his outfit up and down a few times, "I'm gonna get on the show with just my looks in this baby."

I rolled my eyes and hit my hip against his, but with his height I basically just hit his thighs. "You're such a loser Cal."

"Just stating the truth!" He laughed again bumping me back. "So why don't we just chill a little bit before the big day tomorrow?"

We all agreed to watch a movie together, so we all took a couch. Luke, Melody and Calum sat together on the large couch pretty much piled on each other meanwhile Ashton and Abigail had the couch-chair thing so she sat on his lap, leaving Michael and I alone I'm the love seat. "Do we have to?" Luke and Melody both complained.

"You got outvoted so a horror movie it is!" Ashton chirped.

"Yes!" I cheered in unison with Abigail.

"How about The Conjuring? I heard that one is actually scary." Ashton asked being that he was the one controlling the tv.

"I've seen that but it was really good so I'll watch it again." I smiled and Abigail nodded.

"Same! It was really good though!" I looked over at Abigail who was practically glowing; okay she can't be that bad if she loves horror movies. Ashton quickly put on the movie and Calum ran over turning off the light.

The movie began and Michael almost immediately put his hand back where it was before he was interrupted. "Hmmm." He hummed in my ear.

"Michael shh." I rejected him slightly which normally worked but he wasn't backing off this time. I gasped feeling Michael nibble at my neck, "Mikey..."

"You know after tomorrow I might not see you for a while..." He mumbled against my neck.

"SHHH!" Ashton hushed us and Michael brought his voice lower, which caused his voice to get deeper as well.

"Babe...c'mon." He whined slightly and I didn't know how to react anymore, I don't know if I'm comfortable enough to do this with Michael...I'm not saying I don't WANT to but with everything that happened. "Autumn..." He was groaning now against my neck and his hand kept inching closer and closer with every circle he traced on my leg.

"Michael please...just..." I began then felt my phone vibrate from under me, and it was an immediate relief. I pulled away from Michael after taking out my phone and seeing it was my father, "I'll be right back." and walked up the stairs answering the phone. "Hey Daddy what's up?"

"WHERE ARE YOU!?" My dad exclaimed and I was taken back at first.

"I'm still at Ashton's? I asked you this morning?" I responded in an obviously confused voice.

My dad cleared his throat, "I want you home because I need to leave early tomorrow and I want to see you before I go to bed." He muttered out.

"Dad we are watching a movie I'll see you when you come home! It's just auditions!" I exclaimed raising my voice a little and I heard my dad sigh.

"I know but then I'll be traveling after tomorrow." I frowned hearing how upset my dad actually sounded.

I cleared my throat, "How about we go out to dinner as a family tomorrow night before you leave?"

I could feel my dad's smile through the phone, "Sounds perfect honey, remember I won't be gone forever! We will be back in Sydney for filming in just a week!"

I laughed, "Don't worry Daddy I'll be sure to party it up while you're gone."

My dad chuckled a little bit, "I'll make sure I have your mum on high alert then! I'm sure Damon will agree!"

"I think Damon would come party with me let's be honest." I sassed and now my dad laughed a bit more.

"Okay that's true, just don't over do it ok?" My dad's voice became genuinely concerned again.

"I know Daddy I love you." I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see it.

"I love you too Autumn, you're my lovely baby girl." My dad commented in his usual cheesy voice.

"C'mon dad!" I just laughed at him.

My dad cleared his throat again signaling he was going to ask me something important, especially because he took a deep breath before he spoke. "How about you invite Michael to dinner tomorrow night?"

My eyes widened, "Wait really?!"

I heard my dad sigh, "Yeah, I want to get to know him a little more before I go away for a week and you're going to be with him."

My heart started racing but in a good way, "I'll ask him Daddy...thank you."

My dad chuckled, "Why are you thanking me?"

"You're actually giving Michael a chance...that means a lot." I admitted.

"Well you care about him a lot and if I didn't you'd probably go and see him anyway so I'd rather know about it than not know." My dad sassed me back and I rolled my eyes but I'm glad he's being honest.

"Either way I love you Daddy!" I chirped, "I should get back to the movie, so I'll see you tomorrow ok?"

"I love you too Autumn, goodnight." My dad responded and we both hung up.

"So he actually likes me now?" Michael's voice came out of nowhere and I honestly jumped not expecting it.

I put my hand to my chest, "Damn it Michael you scared me."

He snickered, "Good." He walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "So he likes me?"

I smirked now, "Nah he just wants to get to know you a little better before he leaves for a week."

His interest seemed to peak, "He's leaving for a week? That'll be fun won't it?" He pulled me closer against his body which I didn't even think was possible.

"You're so horny tonight Michael." I blurted out and pulled myself away from him and I could see his cheeks start to glow red in the dark.

"I uh-" he started but stopped himself and I just laughed. "What's so funny now?" I smirked and kissed him lightly.

"Let's make a deal," I started and Michael raised an eyebrow, "If you guys make it tomorrow you can do whatever you want to me." I winked and I watched Michael's confused look change to a smirk.

"Oh really? Anything?" I nodded and Michael pulled me into a firm kiss but I pulled away. "Oh you're going to pay for that."

"You've got to make it first." I winked and started walking back downstairs, "Let's go finish the movie alright?" Michael nodded and we both walked downstairs.

We finished the movie then watched some romantic-comedy that Luke and Melody are obsessed with, they have a weird taste in movies but I just sat through it cuddling with Michael. After that movie I drove myself home, and just passed out in my bed.


After the girls left we all sat down on the couches, "So tomorrow..." Luke released a large breath of air.

"We just have to give it the best we've got," Calum shrugged pulling a blanket over himself, "We should probably go to bed we need to get up early tomorrow."

I groaned and Ashton just laughed, "I'll make breakfast!"

"Fine I guess I can wake up." I chuckled, looking at each of my bandmates, I never thought that this is what I would end up loving and wanting to pursue. Ever since I was younger I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, well expect for a power ranger but that was never technically an option.

"Goodnight guys," Luke muttered out cuddling up with his pillow.

There was a mixture of different responses from each of us saying goodnight to each other, but after it was silent and the lights were off was when it seemed the loudest to me. I was suddenly so nervous, tomorrow can make or break our career as a band. My heart stopped, and I have dinner with Autumns family tomorrow night so if it doesn't go well tomorrow...I don't know how I'll be around her family. That's when it hit me, what if he's our judge tomorrow?

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