t h o u g h t s

By bbsteers

174K 6.2K 565

My escape from the world, in words. More

Is it stupid?
how to fall out of love
-from the last letter I ever wrote you
One Day Soon
emotionally disconnected
the future
abstract art
bigger picture
Dear Someone,
things i should tell her, but then again that'd go wrong
dear first love,
types of pretty
You can actually feel it
One million lovely letters
The saddest things in the world:
Video #1- Complainers, by Rudy Francisco
Five years old
Halsey - "A Story Like Mine"
The Future
Its okay to cry a little longer,
Frank Ocean,
A conversation with my therapist
Heres to life
You're not in love with her,
Date that girl
behind closed doors
Independent Women
- this is how I imagined it happening
You deserve it.
I didnt care.
Other Women Are Not Your Compeition
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
"Are you okay?"
under the yellow lights
in unsaid
scene thirty-one
eye catcher
Bloom For Yourself II
Slow down
scene fifty-two
scene nine
l o v e and c o m p a t i b i l i t y
the medicine
scene twenty-five
a lesson i learned the hard way
boys, your bodies are perfect too
radical illusion
i wrote this on a full moon, and it makes sense if you look at it that way
into oblivion
hidden message
girl whos in love
scene eleven
When will enough finally be enough?
call me at 4am
scene six
scene twenty
words from my dark place
scene fifty nine
parallel lines
almost is never enough
I fell in love with a Pianist
scene fourteen
love me in the light
scene two
o n e more
falling in love
scene fourty two
blackbear// 180426
scene twelve
be more
v o w s
why i cant text you back
loneliness is an illusion
quick fixes
true love
better together
mask off
how magic works
A letter to myself:
Digging deep
alone for 3 6 5 days
Scene eighteen
the bad in me
Scene seventeen
i n v e s t e d
anxiety annotated
Scene thirteen
Where we fell apart
Scene twenty-eight
The worlds library
de comp os iton
scene thirty
your enough and you will find someone too, even if it takes time
scene thirty seven
bad traits
are you happy?
scene eight
a letter i wish i could send to you
black lives matter
what i miss
a rant: my father
the girl who fed on nightmares
broken (girl without a heart)
colored nightmare
smiles are protection too
one more second with you.
temporary art
afraid of falling
lyrics from a song i wrote that i will probably never publish pt.2
your kind of rejection is even worse
the irony of asking whats wrong when you dont care
the horror of being selfless
wash away my sins
love is like a butterfly
when the sun shatters


785 31 5
By bbsteers

Vulnerability is seen as being weak. People who want to be perceived as strong think that having a closed off barrier on the mind is the way to be courageous and that in order to withstand something you must shield yourself. False. I don't care how strong you think you are, if you are not vulnerable then you are not strong. Being so sacred of letting emotions in that you shut everything out is not strength. Being able to shut down and try to aim for perfection does not make you courageous or an innovator. Being able to fail and stumble and fall and still get back up with the same amount of energy is strength. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever seen someone do something truly courageous and not show vulnerability? No. You haven't because in order to truly be brave you first have to feel uncertain. The definition of vulnerability is uncertainty. The ability to walk into a situation without knowing the outcome and doing it anyway is vulnerability. So try to sit here and tell me that you are truly joyful or loving or grateful without having shown vulnerability and I will shoot you down. It is not the person who scores first place or gains the prize that has won, but it is there person who tried the task despite the failures who has won. Half of the worlds problems could be solved if we were compassionate and grateful and vulnerable to one another. If you think you cannot have a difficult conversation and solve the problem you are wrong. You feel uncomfortable talking about the issue? Great. Because at the end of the day your comfort is not important in these discussions. Black lives matter, trans lives matter, me too, these movements need to be talked about and your comfort does not and should not factor into the conversations. The trans people should not have to be the ones to set the table to fix the issues they did not create. So fuck your myths of vulnerability and your avoidance or strength. The only way the world will change is if someone is brave enough to be vulnerable with it.

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