The Moon's Criminal

By camila_cabregui

28.5K 984 526

"I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all dis... More

You Thought
Is This Love?
Coming Home
um... hi
"you have to help me"

The Moon

6.2K 129 67
By camila_cabregui

Love comes in all shapes and sizes. And sometimes it's disguised as something else. It's natural for me to think about disguises because I've been running from the law my entire life, disguising who I truly am. We did one stupid thing, the heist. We got caught and have been on the run for years.

When I say we, I mean my friends and partners in crime, Normani, Hayley, Zayn, and Lucy. Each and every one of our "faces" have been on the most wanted list for years. During the heist, we were trying to rob one of the most expensive necklaces in the world, ranging around 15 million dollars. Yes, we were so stupid, going in there with no plan. But hey, we all needed money for different reasons.

This now brings me to the next part of my, oh so shitty, fantastic life.

"Alright people," I spoke from the front of the camping RV, "were going to a grocery store, take anything you want, within reason."

Hearing the hoots and hollers from behind me, I knew they were getting suited up. Even with the smallest conquests we go on, we make sure to have a good time with it.

People call us sadistic, I mean they're right but-

When Hayley parked the RV, the cheering got louder and I knew we were ready. Putting on my signature skull bandana and pulling my black sweatshirt hood over my head, I jumped out of the van. And I can't forget my baby, my gold handgun in my pocket. Hayley will stay in the RV while the rest of us go inside, our precious get-away driver.

"Hey." Hayley called to me, making me turn around to face her, "get me some tampons while you're in there? It's that time of the month and someone used up the rest of them and didn't get more." She glared at Lucy.

With a laugh, I responded "Yeah, babe. I got you." I blew her a kiss and waited for everyone to get out. When I knew everyone was out, I started to walk. I always lead the group. Looking to my left and right, I see all my criminals in their respective masks. Normani has on a Donald Trump party city mask with the word "PIG" painted on it in big red letters, Lucy has on a broken doll mask and Zayn is wearing a monkey mask. I'm the only one in a bandana, and that's how it has always been. I prefer making eye contact with people.

Opening the door, hearing the bell go off, I slowly put my hand on my baby, the gun no one is allowed to touch but I. My heart starts pounding, it's always the start of these things that scare the shit out of me.

Seeing a family eyeing me suspiciously, I quickly pulled out the gun and shouted, "Get on the fucking ground! Give me everything you have or I swear to god you will never leave this place alive!"

I looked around and saw my minions getting to work, Razor going toward the counter to get the cash register money, Ghost going toward the food, and Jester going toward the family, all of their guns raised and cocked.

We got those names from the press, Normani's 'Razor' for her sharp reflexes, Lucy's 'The Ghost' because she seems to disappear around the cops, and Zayn's 'The Jester' because after every bad thing we do, he makes sure the police know about it through the form of a joke spray painted on the side of the building or on someone's dead body. Hayley's called 'Wings' because she's the best get-away driver I've ever known, and she seems to make us fly out of there. I'm called many things in the press, like 'Mad Hatter' or 'The Grim Reaper', and I love it. It's like my being feeds off of the people's fear and adrenaline.

Taking a deep breath, I looked over at Jester and saw him interrogating the family of three, all girls, but one of them caught my eye. She was cowering in fear, and covered her ears from the harsh noise of Zayn's voice, but I could see most of her face, and she was breathtaking. She looked around my age, brown hair and a sharp jawline. But I couldn't see her eyes, and that made me upset.

"Jester," I called, and he immediately turned to me, "bring that one over to me, please." I asked in a sickening voice, pointing to the girl who looked at him in fear.

Grabbing her roughly by the arm, I automatically chastised him. "Be careful with her! She's our prized jewel." Now he gently ushered her to my side with a hand on her back, the other still holding his gun.

She was a little shorter than me, making the top of her head the only thing I can see. She hasn't looked up at me, shaking in fear. I smirked, gently putting two fingers under her chin and lifting her head. When her eyes finally connected with mine, it felt like something ignited inside of my veins. The coffee colored eyes filled up to the brim with fear made my heart pound.

"Karla, no!" The eldest of the three shouted, getting off the ground only to be pulled down by the little girl that's still on the floor. Smart kid.

"Your names Karla, huh? I like it. It's sexy." I smirked, still looking down into the eyes attached to the girl in front of me. I could see the immense amount of fear in her eyes, but I also saw something flash in them, but it was too quick to decipher.

It feels like time stops, the only thing in focus is her.

"I've called the police! Get the fuck away from my daughter you bastard!" When I looked out of the beauty's eyes, I found someone new in the room, a man, looking in his mid fifties, the father that was probably taking a giant shit in the bathroom while this was going on.

I just laughed, tightening my grip on her chin.

When I heard the sirens in the distance, I dropped the girls chin and shot off two warning shots into the store's roof. "I swear to god," I yelled, "if I see any of you again, you will regret getting out of here alive. Let's go, guys!" With that, I ran out of the store. But then half way to the car, I realized I forgot something. Looking behind me, I saw the rest of my crew booking it to the RV with hands full of money and things we needed.

"Goddamnit, Hayley, you're lucky I love you," I sighed out, running back into the store, the sirens growing closer with each step I took.

"Grim, what the fuck are you doing? Are you fucking stupid?" I heard Lucy call after me, fury laced in her tone.

I ignored her and ran as quickly as I could into the store. I heard the bell shake violently above me when I burst through the door, only to see the family we tormented earlier on the floor, crying, all hugging each other. Damn, I wish my family and I were like that. Not anymore, anyway.

When they heard the bell, they looked up and found me, Karla looking directly into my eyes yet again. There was a new fire in her eyes, anger. Keeping eye contact, I walked right up to them, and grabbed the box of tampons out of their cart, and ran out of the store without looking back.

Running out to the RV was not easy when cop cars were pulling up next to me, behind me, just everywhere.

"Freeze!" they yelled, but obviously, I kept going. Hayley started the RV, starting to slowly move down the road and getting faster the longer it took me. I looked toward the RV doors and saw Normani holding the door open. "Let's fucking go, Grim!" I heard the police starts firing rounds of bullets at me, but somehow like an action movie, each and every one of them landed around my feet.

Right when my foot stepped on the step to get up into the van, Hayley took off down the road, automatically losing the cops. For a few seconds, I just stood there, feeling the harsh wind against my face and I breathed deeply. This is my life, it has been and forever will be. I closed my eyes when I felt someone pull me into the van.

"What the fuck dude!" I opened my eyes and found Zayn yelling at me. "You went back for god damn tampons?"

"Hey!" I raised my voice, automatically shutting him up, "Hayley asked me for them, and I fucking got them! You don't have periods. No uterus, no opinion, fucker!"  When I finished, we all broke out into boisterous laughter.

"Alright, good point." Zayn said in between chuckles. "But hey, that girl that you scared the shit out of in the store, what was that for, Laur?"

After searching my mind for a couple seconds, I shrugged. "I don't know, I think it was because she was hot." But truly, I don't know why I was so entranced by that girl. She wasn't anything more than someone at the wrong place at the wrong time, but I couldn't get her out of my mind.

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