The counterfeit child

By MarthaSwanson

9 0 0

you heard tales of a special identity very special showing up in the town winterval you live . then.... More


CHAPTER 1 destruction of the name

9 0 0
By MarthaSwanson

on cold Wednesday night Olivia was watching Netflix with her dog max sitting right beside her. she got so caught into her show that she did not realize how late it gotten. The clock struck midnight. man, it so late but I want to finish this episode really quick then I will go to sleep she taught to herself. it was a very stormy night. she heard on the news reporter reporting what the weather would be look like for this current and the weekend weather that it would be raining for a couple of days in the town of Winterval. she was watching her show as a huge crack of thunder echoed through the sky.

Olivia jumped little cause the sudden thunder has frightened her but then she just went back to her movie and pets her dog max. max heard a noise and sat up alert on the couch. Olivia looked at the dog confused " what wrong boy, there no one here besides me and you . he calmed down as Olivia pet the dog to try and calm him down then she went back to watching her show. after 30 minutes the dog lowly growled and gets up and walk to where he heard the noise.

Olivia called out to her dog, but her dog did not listen she ignored him and went to finishing the show she was watching. When she finished the show, she turned off the TV and went to go get ready for bed. she looked around to see if the dog was, but the dog was nowhere to be found. she called out and finally decided to see where the dog was at. she started searching the kitchen nothing then the kitchen not there either. she started to get worried cause max is usually loud dog but there not even a peep it so quiet that you could hear the crickets chirping. it like that dangerous quiet that something not right.

she continued to search as but after a while no luck of find her dog. she started to worry that she could not find max anywhere. she frantically searched everywhere nowhere to be found. she went to her bedroom and she sat on the chair by the table and laptop. he not anywhere to be found , I am starting to get worried I mean a dog does not just disappear into thin that not possible , and he could have not got out cause all the door and windows are closed and locked she taught to herself. She laid on her bed for a while decided to take a break from searching and fell asleep while checking Instagram on her phone.

she was woken up by a low growl she got up stealthy and looked around her room but there was nothing here maybe max is back from wherever he was or maybe he was here the whole time she taught. she slowly got up quietly open the door hoping that low growls were her dog max. she slowly walked in the dark hallway. walked at sneakily as she could be hoping to not get caught by whatever growled in the night. as she was turning the corner of the hallway a huge bang of thunder shook the house which made Olivia screech a little in fear but when she realized what she did so mentally slapped herself and said it just a thunderstorm breathe dont be a baby now geesh.

the growling got louder as she slowly got to the end of the corner. she quietly peeked her head around the corner it was her dog but something was off about her dog, she could not put her finger on it but something was not right. max was staring at the backdoor growling loudly. his eyes were glowing purple. b-but his eye are brown how are they purple she said to herself . she walked out of the hallway from hiding and she walk towards max but taught it would be a good idea to keep her distance since he was acting so weird.

they were a couple feet apart not to far but not to close. a good distance if he tried to attack her she could run but close enough to be if he does not attack. she called out to max " max you ok dog ? max slowly turned his head looked Olivia dead in the eyes , looked back at the back door kept growling. she sigh frustrated max move let me see what you are barking at since you want to leave me for hours making me worry so much then you pop up at of nowhere and your are growling at some door "she mumbles max did not budge so she had to push him out of the day. after 5 minutes she successfully oved max away from the door the doorbell run.

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