By FloFlower0

52.6K 4.6K 50

Sandra, a poor girl meets a divorcee...... More

Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 32

1.1K 118 1
By FloFlower0


"I know Kyle ain't your son..."

I wake up to this text one early morning as I prepare to go to work.  Sandra has already left to school after dropping Kyle.
These days,  mother and son, as I refer to them,  are inseparable.

"If you don't want the boy to know that he's not your son,  send a million bucks into my account and I'll seal my mouth! "

Another text pops up.

Who's this nincompoop who thinks he can spoil my morning?

"Whoever you are,  I don't have your time.  Kyle is my son and nothing can change that....not Eben your threats. I'm not paying any dime into your fucked up account.  Get it?"

"I know you very well Oscar.... That boy is mine... But I don't need him. All I need is money and I'll never mess you up! "
I decide to call so that I may put sense into the guy's thick skull.

"Who are you?"
I ask immediately he answers the call.

"I'm someone you don't want to mess with! I'll send you my account number.  If you don't pay that money into my account,  you'll leave me no choice but to claim him back... "

"You'll do no such thing mister... You already told me you don't love him?"

"I hate him the same way I hate you... I'll fight for his custody,  or better still,  kidnap him AMD sell him to human traffickers... Try me Oscar! "

He threatens.

"Who are you? I hope I'm not speaking to a ghost! "

I ask for the umpteenth time.

"I'm your worst nightmare...  Your wife cheated on you with me and we sired a son together...  I might also take your current wife if you aren't cautious. I'm sending my account to you... Be a good boy and do as I say, or else... "

"Or else what coward? "
I cut him short..

"....wait for the worst!"

"Do your worst ghost.... Ain't afraid of you bastard..."

"We shall see... "

He disconnects the call and a message pops up on my screen.

It's an account number.

The name Simon Ashton is written after the account number...

"Sasha's husband! "

I exclaim,  to no one in particular.

So he cheated on Sasha with my wife no wonder Sasha wanted to revenge so much?
Now I get it!
Where did he shift to anyway?

The last time I saw him was over six years ago when he threw Sasha out of their home.
Since then,  he shifted and disappeared into thin air.

Oh God!

Why now?

I pick my phone and call my detective friend.

"Hello Oscar.. "
He answered,  sounding bored from the other end.

"Hello Cyrus... Long time... How have you been?

"I'm fine... Just overworking my ass out on a certain case."

"Oh,  that's nice... I'd like to get information about a certain person."

"Send me the details friend,  I'll work on it soon... "

"Thanks Cyrus.. "

"Anything for you friend..."

I send him Simon's account number,  phone number and a photo I extracted from social media years ago.

I hope against hope that he traps him and stops him before he makes real his threats......
The following days are tough,  jungling between ensuring Kyle and Sandra are safe and going to the office.

Cyrus is doing his best to track Simon's phone but the signal keeps on disappearing.

"I've kept on checking my account and it's still zero.  You're testing my patience Oscar... It seems you don't love your illegitimate son... "

Simon calls me one afternoon..

"Do your worst mister.... You won't succeed and as for my money, to won't get a dime... Trust me.. "

I scoff over the phone.
He's really getting into my nerves.

"Let's see if you'll be able to run that your big mouth the moment you receive your dear wife's head in as a parcel!"

"What? Dare not touch my wife or else you'll rot in jail..."

"You've put extra security for your illegitimate son and forgot you have a wife...?"

The mention of my wife's name gives me goosebumps.

I'm about to have a panic attack.
I get out of my office running,  startling everybody.  I place a call to Sandra immediately I ignite my car.

"Hello,  honey where are you? "

I ask immediately she picks the call.

"I'm in the middle of a lecture honey... Anything the matter..? "

"Yes honey.  Don't get out of the lecture hall before I arrive please... "
I plead with her over the phone.
"Honey... "

"I'm on my way. Get back to the hall now! "
I command, swallowing dryly.

"Okay.. "

I drive like a maniac towards the University.

Immediately I park at the students' parking lot, I half close the car as I run towards Sandra's class.

Before I can disappear from the parking lot, my phone vibrates in my pocket.

I pick it out and read the message.

"She might be lucky now,  but not before the day ends... Batman! "
I look around only to a car being driven carelessly and fast out of the parking lot.

I want to note the number plate but I'm too confused to do so.
All I want is to find out if my baby is okay.

Sandra is standing outside the lecture hall, chatting with a few friends.

She pounces on me immediately she spots me and hugs me like her life depends on it.

"You sounded scared over the phone.. "

She asks me.
We can hear some throats being cleared behind us but we don't care.

I pull her hand without explaining and pull her towards my car in the parking lot.

I pull her into my car and immediately she sits on the passenger seat,  I take the driver's seat and help her bed to my aide and kiss the life out of her..

She entangles herself from my snare and looks at me suspiciously.

"What's it honey?"

I explain everything to her and she's equally scared even before I finish narrating to her.

"I'll call my mechanic to pick your car and drive it home.  I can't risk you driving all alone."

I insert my key into the ignition and as I reverse out of the parking lot, we're startled by a huge blast,  and breaking of glass.
I stop the car immediately and we all get out,  all eyes towards where the explosion came from.

We can see smoke coming out of a car in the parking lot and ally of students are already there, discussing and shouting.

I hold Sandra's hand and we walk toward the place and before we arrive there, a lady throws herself at Sandra and hugs her, weeping on her shoulders....

"What's the matter Annabel? "
Sandra asks her, looking confused.

Annabel happens to be Sandra's best friend.
She wipes her tears and points towards the mess of a car...

"Thank God you're alive... Your car.. "
I don't even give he time to finish her sentence.

I cruise through the crowd and I'm shocked when I come into contact with the remains of what used to my wife's Prado...

"What the hell?!"

Sandy is beside me,  wailing loudly,  several students looking at her like she has just escaped from hell.

"This man has crossed his boundaries.. "
I say to no-one in particular.

"Let's go darling."

"My car.... Oscar.. "

Sandra is crying uncontrollably.

As I swerve out of the parking, my mind is preoccupied, thinking about what would have hapenned if Sandra was in that car...

This man has crossed boundaries already.
I won't let him win..

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