Magi x Male OC Discontinued

By AnimeGacha7

611 22 3

The title says it all More

My Oc

What!? We can't leave you!!

291 11 3
By AnimeGacha7

The picture above is Ali in her human form.(With tan skin)

I walk down the hallway without making a sound. Until I'm greeted with the sound of familiar voices.

"Where is Ruuaksi, he is supposed to be here!" I heard Ali yell form inside the room.
I mently moan, this is gonna be a pain. I walk into the room where my king Autair is sitting on his desk looking exhausted. And Ali sees me enter the room and she runs up to me as I close the door behind me.

"Where the hell have you been!" She shouted.

"Hehehe... I slept in," I laugh nervously.

Ali started yelling at me for not being on time today while my king Autair sits in his seat laughing quietly to himself.

"Didn't I tell you to come here earlier than normal, but no your late!?" If I know anything, it's that Ali scary when she's angry.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean too!" I shouted back to her.

Then she got even more angry and started yelling louder. Ali has red hair and dark blue-greenish eyes, her skin was a tan color while my skin was pale, she has on a plain black and white dress and that's goes to her knees, its shows a little bit of skin. Her hair is short and has a black ribbon in it.

After a while of yelling

We walk to the front of my king's desk. Ali did a small bow and said

"Its good to see you this morning king Autair."

I did a full bow and said with my closed eye smile.

"Good morning, my king Autair."

"Good morning both of you." He waved his hand telling me I didn't need to do a full bow, I stand up.

"What is the reason you call us here, my king?" I asked him.

His smile fades from his face and turns into a frown, and became more serious, as soon I see this I know something is wrong. I instantly understand the situation. But before I could talk Ali did it for the both of us.

"What is going on king Autair."

Its was more like a demand then asking a simply question, I agreed with her of course. He looks our way

"Change your forms, please."

I looked surprised for a minute, but then I composed myself and walked to the door and lock it, I see Ali close the curtains. I walk back to the spot I was at and said some words in my language.

"Mūnraitosai Gekko..." After I say that I'm in my fox/demon form.(His real form)

Then I heard Ali said something in her language and then she was in her Real from. Ali is a Fariy princess, she has pink-redish hair in two pink tails and beautiful pink and black wings behind her back. She wore a dress that doesn't cover that much skin. The dress starts at the chest area and goes down to the legs. Ali has a small crown on the top of her head with a head band with a pink-redish rose.Her dress is black and dark pink and white half sleeves and a purple choker. And white leggings and light pink and white heels. She has a staff with a greenish crystal and white angel wings attached to the staff, the rest of the staff is golden. The both of us aren't human, the king we choose to follow is human. But as soon as I open my eyes, I was terrified at what I kings rukh were almost entirely black! The reason I couldn't see them before was because me and Ali me a promise when we decided to follow him that wouldn't look at his rukh without his permission so, we gave him a bracelet that stops us from seeing his rukh. We can see the rukh because we aren't human.

"W..what happened!?" I was so worried for my kings well being. I did notice that my king Autair was acting weird but I didn't expect this!

"Have a seat," He stated as he looked at the scar on my left eye.

Me and Ali walk to a chair in front of his desk and sat down.

"So," Ali was waiting for an explanation.

My king sighed and started to explain what happened.

"The reason my rukh our black is a very long story, but I'm going to make this short," Autair said.

"It's because of a person name Arba," Autair claimed.

"But isn't Arba one of King Solomon magi's," Ali was trying to hide the fear in her voice.

"Yes, well she use to be before she betrayed him to form Al- Thamen," King Autair sounded kinda sad.

"Wait does that mean," I jumped out of my seat and Ali and king Autair stared at me.

"Does that mean you had a fight with Arba and....." I went silence at the end of my sentence, but somehow my king heard.

" And lost, yes I did," He acknowledged.

"King Autair, why would you do that alone," she paused "You could have been killed!"

" I could not involve anyone because if I did they..... then they would have made the poison in Ruuaksi scar kill him," He answered.

I swear I could feel the blood in my body turn cold. I place my hand on my scar, and mentally start cursing. I am baka, how could I be so reckless that the woman who raised me was working for that bitch of an human being. UGH I can't believe this, I'm so useless. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I look up and see Autair in front of me.

"It's not your fault Ruu," He looked me in the eyes.

"But if I hadn't trusted Lily, then none of this would have happen." I tried to keep the tears in my eyes form falling out.

"Like i said before its not your fault, that wasnt the only thing they used against me..." He commented.

"W-what do you mean!?"

"I can't say, I'm sorry.."

"BUT why not your life on the line!?"

"It's the promise I made with Arba"


"I'm sorry, but this time is no longer safe for you."He quietly said.

"..." Me and Ali were silence.


"What was that sound!?" Ali ran to the windows and pushed the curtains open.

"!?" I look at the kingdom in horror.

The kingdom is on fire and is blowing up, you can see people dying. And people killing each other under the influence of dark magic. Black rukhs surrounds the entire kingdom! I feel my eyes darkened at the site. Ali is furious, it looked like she was about to break the glass before my king stopped her.

"There is nothing you can do for this kingdom now." He is in pain, Ali could tell as well which is why she dropped her hands down to her side.

"I have accepted my fate already." He declared.


"No buts, what I said is final!" He announced.

He turned and look both of us in the eyes, which showed determined. As he began to speak "But since they don't know about my power I can at least save you two."

My eyes widened "But if you do that, your body will exhaust yourself and-"

"-We can't leave you behind!!" Ali continued.

"Would you rather die with me?" He questioned.

"YES,"We immediately responded.

He looked taken aback before a smile replaced his frown, then he started laughing "Who could ask for better friends and allies."

We could hear footsteps coming closer and closer, we went into our fighting stance facing the door in front of our king.

Autair POV.

I watch them brace for a fight as they get in their fighting stances, I will used this as my change to created the time jump portal. The slams open with enemies who they immediately start fighting. I look towards my magic book and walk over to get it. Once I got it I turn it a specific page and wrote something down. After that I turn to another page and read what it had down. Then I walk with the book in hand to a corner of the room and start chanting the spell that will most likely take my life before Abra do.

"They just keep coming, one after another!!" Ali shouted

"Just keep going we have to protect Autair with our lives!!" Ruu yelled back

I finished the spell, but I can barely stand. Okay, now I have to call them over here and push them into the portal before they get suspicious.

"Ruu,Ali come here I have a way to escape!!" I tell but just loud enough for them to hear.

They turn around and stare at the portal, they knock the guys back and ran to me. Ali was the first one to come into my space. I grabbed her arm, said goodbye and pushed her into the portal. I then turn around and cast a magic barrier around us.

"Why did you push her in Autair." He asked?

"For her safety, and you will be joining her," I answer.

"But why can't you come with us if it's a safe place?!" He pled.

"I can't, and besides do you not see my rukh..."I pause " I don't have that much time late before darkness Darkness completely consumes me."

Ruu, he's trying to keep form crying. I'm sorry, but this is for you own safety.

"We can find a way-"


Silence... I walk up to him and hug him and he hugs back instantly. His face is in my chest, I can tell right away that he's crying. Please don't look like that it's making it harder to leave you. After a while I pull out of the hug. His face is a mess, I smile. I look at the book in my hands. Ah! I can give this to him, but before that. I rip out the page with the spell I just did.

"Ruu.."I look at him.

"..."He looks me into my eyes.

"Here, you can have this book," I place the book in his hands.

He stares at the book, after that he looks up at me. I give him a quick hug then I push him into the portal. But not without saying my goodbyes.

I did a close eyed smile,"Farewell my dear friend...."

Ruuaksi POV.

I hear someone calling me name. Who... That voice? It sounds so familiar.

"Wake up Ruu!"She called out.

Ali! I sat up quickly and headbutted Ali.

"Ouch!?" I yelp.

"Ow!"Ali squeal.

I started rubbing my head as Ali move back and I sat up. I start looking around, it seems we are in a forest somewhere. But this area doesn't look anything like what I've seen before.

"Ali where are we?" I ask.

"I honestly don't know, when I came too I was just here... She pause " Where's Austair!?"

I clench my teeth and look down " He push me in saying there is know way to safe him, but he gave me his book, I think as a Memento or to help us out."

"Wait where's the book!?" I look around until I find it next to me on the ground. I pick it up and read what it says out loud.

"The book of times," What does that mean.

"Right I see, well then will just have to live happily like he would want us!" Ali smiles sadly.

"Of course," I smile back sadly as well.

She stands up and helps me up as well. We look around our surroundings to see if we could see some type of town or kingdom. I was about to say we should walk around to see if we can find anything, but Ali cut me off.

"We should change back to our human selfs immediately!" Ali said as she had just realized that they were in their turn forms.

"R-right!" I replied.

After we change back into our human forms, we start walking through the forest and we eventually can to an openly. There is a kingdom with huge and small houses. And it leads all the way the the castle, I think it's a castle anyway. It looks so advanced, but we don't have that type of equipment yet.
..... AH!


I'm sorry, but this time is no longer safe for you."He quietly said.

..." Me and Ali were silence.


"What was that sound!?" Ali ran to the windows and pushed the curtains open.

FashBack End

"Ali..." I look towards her " I don't think were in the same time period anymore."

I hope you enjoyed, and I'm very sorry it took so long.

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