Serpent's Vow

By LightofShadows

4.3K 130 17

He helped lead the rebellion that ultimately drove the false gods from the Earth and bury the Stargate, but h... More

1: Game Start
2: Planning Stages
3: Accomplice
4: Revelations
5: Meeting
6: Ultimatum
7: Indirect Contact
8: Get Out
9: Survivor's Guilt
10: Explain
11: Truth Hurts
12: Briefing
13: Scouting the Gate
14: Illicit Tour
15: Truce
16: First-ish Contact
17: Conditional
18: Generating Questions
19: Cascade Failure
20: Unexpected Luck
22: Asgard
23: Indirect Aid
24: Medical Debrief
25: Driving Force
26: Preparation
27: Duality of Existance
28: Circumstances of Existence

21: Flash-bang

129 5 4
By LightofShadows

Daniel wasn't sure what to do about the thing that looked like Kaiba  currently standing guard by the door. It hadn't said a word since it  appeared. It? He? Kaiba had called it Cloning. Was that its name? Was it  a shapeshifting creature? If so, what species was it and where the hell did it come from?

Blue  eyes glanced curiously at him and Daniel blinked. Cloning's eyes  weren't quite the same as Kaiba's. The color was right but they weren't...  They just didn't seem... right. Wow, that was not a great description but  it was the best Daniel could come up with. It wasn't a visible  difference so much as a... feel difference. Kaiba's gaze was  always wary but curious. This blue gaze was more curious and lacked the  hard edges of Kaiba's glacial ice.

"Um, hi," Daniel said, raising a hesitant hand in a half-hearted wave. "I'm Daniel."

Cloning tilted its head in acknowledgement but said nothing.

Okay. Maybe it couldn't speak.

...and this was getting awkward. Guess it was time to go back to the Mirror.

Adjusting  his grip on the remote control, Daniel grimaced and sighed. A twitch of  the dial and the reality reflected on the Mirror's surface changed yet  again. It was familiar but no one stood on the other side and the lights  in the room were out. Keep searching.

Change. Nope. Change. Closer but still nope. Change. Change! Wow. Daniel had not been ready to see that. He did not want to think about Jack in a clown suit. Why had that even happened?! What could have possibly convinced Jack to do that? What... You know what? Nevermind. Don't question it.

He would have nightmares about that though. He shivered and adjusted his glasses.

Next  world. Boring. Next. Not right. Next. Closer. Next. Woah! The Mirror  was outside? And moving? Oh, it was being loaded on a plane. Not right.  Next.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed but the distinctive  sound of Jaffa boots marching towards him would knock him out of any  funk. Startled, he whirled around to see Cloning crouched by the  doorway, the golden bladed rod gripped tightly in his right hand. Daniel  hesitated. Should he keep looking through the worlds? Each change made  noise. What if he was caught? The Goa'uld could not be allowed  to get control of the Quantum Mirror. He could only imagine the havoc  they would cause by traveling between realities.

"Jaffa! Kree!"

Damn!  He didn't have to look over his shoulder to know he'd been found out.  At least he hadn't been shot yet. The sound of metal striking metal sent  jolts of adrenaline racing through his system. Cloning must be keeping  the Jaffa at bay. But how long would that last?




This  time, Daniel couldn't resist. He turned and saw the bodies of two,  fully armed Jaffa splayed out on the floor. One's throat had been cut  and the other twitched pitifully around a bleeding, gaping hole it his  abdomen. Their staff weapons were discarded on the ground. Was that one cracked?! How did that-

A  flash of gold drew Daniel's attention to the bloody golden rod in  Cloning's hand. No way. But gold was a soft metal. It wasn't exactly  preferable for weapons or armor. It was decorative and useful, but not  for warfare. How could a solid gold rod, even with those identical  blades on either side of the rod's spherical top, possibly break a staff weapon? Unless it wasn't solid gold but gold plated perhaps?

But  there were no dents in it. Actually, there wasn't much blood on it  either. How did... It was drenched two seconds ago. Where did all the  blood go?

As Daniel watched, the blood still splattered on the  golden rod's surface began to fade like fog on a window in a cool  morning. It was the strangest thing. The rod looked, well, shinier than  before. Why was that?

Cloning stiffened, flipped the rod so he  held the handle like a knife, and darted out into the hallway. The sound  of a blade sinking viciously into flesh met Daniel's ears and he  gulped. Metal clanged and more booted feet rushed down the hallway  towards the room. Daniel had no doubt Cloning could handle himself, but  anyone could get overwhelmed by sheer numbers.

Daniel could fight  if push came to shove, but he would much rather talk. Talking he could  do, fighting he could... passably do. Besides, if he kept working with the  Quantum Mirror, he ran the risk of accidentally revealing to the Jaffa  and, by extension, the Goa'uld how to use the technology. And if he  found the right reality, then what? Leave it open until the gang  returned? Escape through the Mirror alone without Jack and Teal'c and  Kaiba? No, the latter was not even remotely an option.

"Jack's going to kill me," he muttered under his breath.

With  a huff of frustration, Daniel switched off the Mirror and quickly  scanned the room. There wasn't any good place to hide the remote where  it wouldn't immediately be found except for the crates. So he pried the  top of one of the wooden crates open and tossed the remote inside before  dropping the lid shut.

Then he drew his gun and stepped warily  towards the doorway. Pressing his back against the wall, he leaned  around and peered out into the hall. Cloning was handling the situation,  but even Daniel could tell he wouldn't last much longer with martial  arts and his rod alone. Odd. If Cloning was identical to Kaiba, then why  wasn't Cloning using a kara kesh? Daniel knew Kaiba had one.

Unless  Cloning only mimicked Kaiba appearance and physical ability at the time  of replication. That was more up Sam's alley than Daniel's but if it  was true, then this was probably the right decision. Daniel lifted his  gun and stared because holy shit! 

Cloning had literally just tossed a Jaffa back down the hall hard enough to slam him against the wall without a kara kesh. That was impressive.

Still. He missed one.

Daniel  raised his gun and fired at the Jaffa stalking Cloning from behind. It  wasn't a headshot. Actually, it wasn't a good shot at all, but it was  definitely a lucky shot. The bullet pinged off the Jaffa's armor before  deflecting into the soft unprotected area underneath the warrior's  raised forearm. The Jaffa grunted, flinching back, and staggering  briefly before his head suddenly rolled off of his shoulders.


Daniel  gulped. He'd seen a lot, especially over the past few years, but a  beheading wasn't... Well, it certainly wasn't a sight he could remember  seeing. Nor was it a sight he ever wanted to see again.

The sound  of a staff blast rang down the hallway, an energetic hum compared to the  loud pop of gunfire, followed by a hoarse cry of pained surprise.  Cloning stumbled back towards Daniel facing where the blast had come  from. One hand was pressed against a shoulder which wasn't bleeding but-

It  wasn't bleeding. Why wasn't it bleeding? Staff blasts tended to  cauterize wounds, true, but they still bled and burned the fabric and  skin around the wound leaving scorch marks. None of those tell-tale  marks were visible. Daniel blinked and stared at the wound in confusion.

It  looked more like a computer error. It fizzled and blurred before  resettling in the form of Cloning's trench coat. That was new.

Cloning's  eyes flashed gold and the Jaffa cursed, preparing to fire once more.  Except this blast wasn't aimed at Cloning. It was aimed at Daniel.  Orange gold energy blazed across the expanse towards him. Daniel had  just long enough to comprehend the fact that this was going to hurt  before he was pushed aside and Cloning was suddenly there and gone!

Where  Cloning had been was just sparks and shards that shimmered and fizzled  like the last embers of a dying firework. Then Daniel was alone and  Jaffa rushed into the Quantum Mirror room.

He wasn't stupid. He surrendered. The Jaffa didn't kill him. Jack, however, was going to kill him.


Seto  flinched in annoyance when he felt Cloning's defeat. He was too far  away to make it back in time to save Dr. Jackson. He clicked his tongue  in frustration and slammed the bladed top of the Rod into the head of  the nearest Jaffa he'd subdued. He had deliberately drawn the Jaffa's  attention, luring them away from Dr. Jackson and the Quantum Mirror and  into a deadly game of cat-and-mouse.

Unfortunately, Seto's luck  decided to be exceptionally bad today. Honestly, all he'd wanted to do  this morning was destroy a couple interlopers and go home to rest and  prepare for his return flight to Japan. Now he was the interloper and not at all pleased with the scenario. Obelisk have mercy on his sanity. He wanted to burn something.

Why the hell not.

He  didn't have a full circle of Shadowmancers like the Shadow Court in  Ancient Egypt to back him up and absorb the magickal backlash so he  would need to be careful. But one brief burst shouldn't be too big of a  problem as long as he kept the Rod on his person. The backlash would  give him a headache, but if it made him feel better right now and helped  him burn off some excess energy and stress, then it would be well worth  it. Besides, if Ra saw fit to watch over this little misadventure, then  Dr. Carter was already through the Chappa'ai and convincing the Asgard  to help.

With Cloning's defeat, Dr. Jackson was likely  captured. Apophis may be an idiot but he wasn't entirely stupid, however  oxymoronic that sounded. Seto recognized the golden glyph on Teal'c's  forehead. Not only was Teal'c once one of Apophis' Jaffa, he had been  the System Lord's First Prime.

Whereas common Jaffa had the glyph  of their respective System Lord tattooed on their foreheads, the First  Primes had the glyphs cut into their foreheads with molten gold poured  into the wounds. It was a permanent mark of possession and slavery,  though very few First Primes or Jaffa in general saw it that way. To  them, it was a symbol of power, influence, and loyalty, something to  achieve and respect. The fact Teal'c was so obviously against  the System Lords now even though he had once held the prestigious  position of First Prime of Apophis was enough to garner Seto's grudging  respect.

Teal'c was quiet but thoughtful and shrewd. If Teal'c was  still Apophis' First Prime in this world, then the Jaffa under his  command would be trained to be just as thoughtful and shrewd. If  Apophis' Jaffa knew what they were doing, then they wouldn't kill Dr.  Jackson. The man was obviously a scholar and scientists were less likely  to be killed outright and more likely to be captured alive and forced  into servitude.

Seto liked Dr. Jackson. The thought of the glasses  nerd who was passionate about languages and history forced to work  under the Goa'uld he despised rubbed Seto the wrong way. He highly  doubted Dr. Jackson would survive the experience; either due to suicide  or being caught selling vital information to Apophis' enemies. Seto had  no doubt Dr. Jackson was clever enough to figure out a way to pull that  off.

However, with Dr. Jackson captured, Apophis would have  leverage against Col. O'Neill and the male interloper Kawal-whatever.  Seto did not like Kawal-whatever but he was not about to let Dr. Jackson suffer under Apophis' oh-so-gentle care. Besides, he hated Apophis. The least Seto could do was give the bastard System Lord the scare of his life.

"Jaffa!  Kree!" he shouted into the dark hallway. He didn't have to see the  Jaffa to know they were there waiting for him to approach their  position. "Throwing your cannon fodder at me will do nothing but add to  your pathetically high body count." He twirled his Millennium Rod  loosely in his hand before slipping it into his belt loop. "Kek mattet!  The best warrior amongst you against me. No weapons. Just hand-to-hand  combat. Defeat me and I will submit to you and your snake of a god  Apophis without further resistance. However," he smirked, flashing his  eyes a brilliant gold, "if I win, my challenger's life is mine to do  with as I please."

The ringing silence that answered his challenge  was telling. He snickered. "What's the matter?" he taunted. "Does  Apophis only keep cowards as his advance guard? Show yourself. Unless  you wish to surrender before we even begin."

The angered grumbles  of the hidden Jaffa were audible to Seto until, finally, one lone Jaffa  stepped out from behind a fallen piece of debris. The Jaffa's dark eyes  gleamed as he deliberately powered down his staff weapon and handed it  to another Jaffa.

"I accept your challenge, hashak," the warrior boldly declared.

Seto  hummed in approval, choosing to ignore the insult. Careful to keep his  movements in full sight of the Jaffa, he removed his Millennium Rod from  his belt loop and removed the kara kesh from his hand. He held them  both out to be inspected before setting them down on a crumbled chunk of  metal by the hallway wall. Then he removed his trench coat and the  protective leather case that held his Deck and lay them by his discarded  weapons and waited.

Satisfied, the Jaffa withdrew his holstered  zat'nik'katel and boot knife. When he held out his arms as proof he held  no more weapons, Seto nodded in approval. Then Seto smirked, hooking a  finger at the Jaffa in a taunting command to approach.

Visibly fuming, the Jaffa sneered. "I demand to know the name of the hashak I am to defeat!" he barked.

"Fight me first," Seto countered arrogantly. "Win or lose, I'll tell you my name."

The  Jaffa did not visibly approve of that offer. Nevertheless, he  approached and settled into a fighting stance. He was well built,  muscular, and clearly experienced in hand-to-hand combat. Strength alone  would do Seto little good in this duel. Pity. Good thing Seto had spent  thousands of years studying various forms of martial arts and building  up his endurance. His skill, agility, and speed would be his greatest  ally in this fight. The Jaffa's armor was a double-edged sword. It would  make it harder for Seto to land powerful hits but it would also slow  the warrior down.

"Begin!" the Jaffa commanded an instant before he swung at Seto's unprotected face.

The  debris scattered across the corridor provided both obstacles to avoid  and launch pads from which Seto could brace and pounce. He dodged the  Jaffa's next attack with a swift side step, ducked another wild grab,  and swooped underneath the Jaffa's outstretched arm. Just as he moved  past the Jaffa's unprotected armpit, Seto pressed the fingers and thumb  of his left hand together like a white crane's beak and jabbed the  vulnerable spot.

Planting his left foot on the ground, he pivoted  so he faced the Jaffa's back. He fisted his hands with the index knuckle  raised just slightly above the others and struck. One jab at the  Jaffa's shoulder joint, one near the Jaffa's left elbow joint, and a  sharp kick at the back of the Jaffa's right knee cap. The warrior's  metal weave shirt offered some protection from the effects of the jabs  but the Jaffa still staggered.

Well, Seto had wondered how the  jabs of his favored style of hand-to-hand combat would work against an  armored Jaffa. The answer was they were indeed effective, but not as  debilitating as Seto would have preferred. The metal weave of the Jaffa  warrior's under-armor acted like chain-mail. It offered just enough  protection to prevent a fully blocked chi path, but it obviously still  hurt. A small smirk worked its way onto his face. Perhaps something with  a bit more force was needed after all.

Spreading his feet and  bending his knees slightly in a grounded stance, Seto raised both hands,  fingers pressed together like a cobra's head. Over the years, Seto  studied numerous forms of martial arts before settling on his personal  style: a combination of snake and crane kung fu with a dash of Dim Mak  against his more formidable opponents. Those styles focused on speed,  agility, balance, and accuracy; all things Seto excelled at.

The  Jaffa turned and executed a series of punches and attempted tackles. At  first, Seto merely dodged, winding his arms and hands around the Jaffa's  attacking arms like a snake coiling around its prey. Once Seto was  certain his opponent was suitably furious, he grinned and began boldly  attacking.

Seto blocked a punch with the flat back of his hand,  wound his arm around the Jaffa's, advanced into the Jaffa's guard, and  struck once with a stiff, flat, snake-like hand. Blood rushed from the  screaming Jaffa's gouged eye socket but Seto didn't pause or gloat. He  pressed his advantage. Another strike at the side of the Jaffa's  vulnerable throat, this time with his fingers and thumb pressed into a  crane's beak. Then another strike at a vulnerable joint, then another,  then another, then another until he felt the Jaffa's muscles loosen and  given in his hold. Stepping back, he allowed the warrior to slump to the  floor in a screaming, bleeding mess.

"You asked me for my name,"  Seto said, allowing the distinctive echoing quality indicative of a  Goa'uld to return to his voice as he knelt by the defeated Jaffa. "I am  Nephthys and Earth is mine by hereditary right. You are trespassing."

Without  waiting for a response, Seto formed the crane's beak with his hand once  more and struck the defeated Jaffa in the throat shattering the  warrior's hyoid bone. Leaving the Jaffa to suffocate at his feet, Seto  stood and faced the other Jaffa.

"Kree Jaffa! I am the victor," he  declared. "You," he pointed to the Jaffa still holding the dying  warrior's staff weapon, "return to your snake Apophis and inform him he  has trespassed on the territory of Nephthys. This planet is mine by  hereditary right as decreed by Ra himself. If Apophis does not leave  freely, then I will kill him with my own hands."

Probably not. The Asgard would no doubt take care of that for him. But it sounded impressive and it felt good to say.

The  terrified Jaffa Seto singled out hesitated, obviously torn between  obeying Seto's command to warn Apophis of Seto's presence and the desire  to avenge his fallen comrade. After a moment, the Jaffa spat at Seto's  feet in defiance before turning and racing away to warn his false god.  Several other Jaffa turned to follow, only to skid to a stop when a wall  of violet-veined darkness blocked their path.

"How many Jaffa  does it take to send a message?" Seto wondered aloud, striding over to  his discarded kara kesh and Millennium Rod.

One deep breath.

Pull  the Shadows to him as both a personal shield and a catalyst. He  replaced the kara kesh on his left hand, the silvery metal gleaming  eerily in the Shadowy darkness.

Two deep breaths.

Feel the electricity sparking just beneath his skin, begging to be let loose. Standing once more, he lifted the Millennium Rod so the bladed top hovered level with the collar bone.

Three breaths.

Feel  the dissonant discord between the positive and negative, the white and  the black, the bright and shadow. Keep them separate. Keep them just  close enough to be tantalizing but just far enough apart to be  uncomfortable.

"One," Seto said, closing his eyes.

Deep in his mind, a dragon roared at the same time he breathed out a fourth time, whispering two, soft words in Japanese.

"White Lighting."

Incandescent  white light blazed through the subterranean fortress in an instant of  heat, light, sound, and power. Had Seto's eyes been open, he would  likely have been momentarily blinded and disoriented. As it was, his  ears were ringing so loudly everything else was muffled as if it was all  filtered through a wall. He wobbled, his internal gyroscope thrown off  by the incredibly loud sound and abrupt release of pent-up power.

Instinctively,  he opened his eyes to aid in regaining his balance. He blinked and  staggered. With nothing to reach out and brace against, he collapsed to  one knee breathing hard. His hands reached up to gingerly cover his  ringing ears. He would heal the damage in a few hours but damn it it hurt now. He couldn't hear anything over the ringing.

Focus.  Breathe, calm down, relax, and use the Shadows. They wanted to be his  eyes and ears. They could function as his senses while he recovered.  Besides, he could feel the Shadowy wall drop away leaving him in the  natural darkness of the subterranean base.

Until a flash of light  and the tingle similar to transport Rings sang along his nerves. He had  just enough time to gasp in surprise and stagger to his feet in an  attempt to dodge befo-

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