Two Worlds | Tony Stark [1.5]

By -dancingunicorns

11.4K 416 33

Colliding worlds, hammers and abs. What could go wrong? Athena thought. More



1.5K 74 6
By -dancingunicorns

Athena regretted using so much mascara that morning. She could feel the heavy rain clump her lashes together, making them unusually heavy. Without thinking, she had rubbed the back of her hand against her eye in hopes of relieving the sensation. She only succeed in making herself look like a raccoon.

"You got a bit of something there." Clint gestured around his own eyes, initially he looked serious but on closer inspection Athena could see the amusement in his eyes.

Athena rolled her eyes and did not nothing to undo the damage under her eyes. She could see a commotion in the tunnels below them, only shadowy figures that seemed to be thrown around the place by a single one. She held back a snort as an agent was kicked out from the tunnel, landing in a pile of muck. She had a good view from up here.

"Barton, talk to me." Athena heard through the ear piece in Clint's ear.

"Do you want me to slow him down, sir? Or are you sending in more guys for him to beat up?" Clint asked as he lined up his shot. Athena grinned at his snide comment she liked him.

"I'll let you know." They heard Coulson say. Athena moved slightly, causing the bucket move. Clint looked at her in slight annoyance but then rolled his eyes at the look of boredom on her face.

The two watched slightly as the man - she was presuming it was a man by the figure - neared the hammer. The man- maybe, probably - was knocked down by an agent and soon another fight commenced. The fight ended up outside the tunnel, the two men - it was confirmed now that she could see him - rolled in the mud like two dogs. Clint followed the fight with his bow, his aim never wavering. Athena nodded, impressed, as the man jumped into the air and kicked the agent to the ground with both feet while still landing on his own two feet. He kicked the agent again, wiping his mouth with his dirty hand and made his way towards Mjolnir.

"You better call it, Coulson. 'Cause I'm starting to root for this guy." Clint said, following the man with his bow.

The man ripped the tunnel open and approached the hammer. Clint warned Coulson that it was his last chance but Athena held out a hand and stopped him, telling him to wait. She narrowed her eyes as she noticed the appearance of the man. Long blonde hair, built figure and impressive fighting skills. Could it be...

Athena's heart broke as she watched him struggle to lift the hammer and then scream up at the sky. He fell to his knees and Athena sighed as agents swarmed in like bugs to arrest him.


Athena had showered and changed into fresh clothes, no longer looking like a raccoon. Clint had been kind enough to let her use the shower in his quarters, stating that he had to go and call someone - she didn't question him.

She walked slowly to the interrogation rooms, observing the blonde man slumped on a chair. Coulson stood in front of him, his back straight and his hands clasped in front of him. Athena stood plainly in sight as she watched the interrogation.

"You made my men, some of the most highly trained professionals in the world, look like a bunch of minimum wage mall cops. That's hurtful." Athena watched as the man - she had a suspicion on his identity - reacted to nothing. He looked miserable, hardly listening to the agent before him.

"In my experience, it takes someone who's received similar training, to do what you did to them. Why don't you tell me, where you received your training? Pakistan? Chechnya? Afghanistan?" Athena noticed that the man looked like he wasn't listening at all.

" You know, you strike me more as the soldier of fortune type. Where was it? South Africa? Certain groups pay very well for a good mercenary like you. Who are you?" The man looked at Coulson then, his startling blue eyes showing pain and confusion. Athena walked towards the door, intending to go in after Coulson.

"One way or another we'll find out what we need to know. We're good at that." Coulson reached into his pocket as something beeped. "Don't go anywhere."

As Coulson walked out, Athena walked in without asking for permission. Coulson looked like he was going to protest but then looked to decide against it.

As Athena walked in, the man looked up at the sound of her high heels. She took out her phone and pressed a button, hacking into the systems and disconnecting the sound system so that they had privacy. The man's eyes seemed to light up at the sight of the blonde woman, a happy laugh escaping his lips.

"Lady Athena!" The man exclaimed with a particular accent. "It is so good to finally meet you!"

His words were full of enthusiasm and his face lit up, starkly different from what it was only seconds ago. Athena crossed her arms. "You must be Thor, Son of Odin. Correct?"

Thor had stood up by now and had gently taken her hand, to kiss it gently. Raised like a true Prince, Athena thought. Thor smiled wholeheartedly. "I am, Milady. I have heard so much great things about you from father."

"Yes, Odin. I never had the pleasure of meeting him either but my father met him on more than one occasion." Athena smiled at Thor.

"You must be here because of Mjolnir." Thor realised, his face lighting up again. "You are here to help me lift it."

"What makes you think I can lift it?"

"Because you are the powerful Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy, of course!" Thor enthusiastically claimed. "You must be worthy."

"I am worthy of a lot but the responsibility of ruling Asgard lies with someone else." Athena replied seriously. "You are still young, Thor. You still have a lot to learn and I can only assume the reason you are here is because Odin sent you."

Thor looked away, seemingly embarrassed. "My father banished me here -"

Athena held up a single hand and stopped him. "I don't need to hear the details. Take this opportunity to learn."

Athena turned her head to listen outside the four walls they were in as Thor sadly shook his head. "But I am not worthy."

Athena frowned at him. "And you'll never be with that attitude. Get yourself together, Thor, and figure it out."

Athena hadn't realised that she had leaned forward but found herself straightening back up when she had finished talking. The door behind her opened and Clint Barton stood in the doorway with a bored expression plastered across his face. "Times up, blondie."

Athena gave Thor a wink before heading out the door, unaware of a visitor appearing in front of Thor as the door shut close after her. Clint casually walked beside Athena and smirked. "Did you know that they had to come and find me, and ask me to get you out of that room? They're terrified of you."

Paused in her steps and thought about they way the agents seemed to be always scurrying around the place. It never occurred to her that they were scurrying away from her. She snapped out of her thoughts as Clint spoke again. "Either they're terrified or in love. I personally don't see it."

Athena smirked at the archer. "That's because you've never slept with me."

Athena walked on, leaving a stunned archer behind her, who then shouted at her. "I thought you were meant to be one of those virgin goddesses!"

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