Not him | taekook short story

By plutosvk

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A story in which two enemies by the name of Jungkook and Taehyung happen to go to the same New Year's Eve par... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Part 5

4.9K 187 194
By plutosvk

"Hey, I think we should head back now don't you think?"

The men had spent hours just sitting there and talking about anything and everything. They went from talking about their childhood to even memories with their lovely friend Park Jimin.

"Sounds good, I'm just gonna go pay," Taehyung said as he got up from his seat.

"No, no it's ok, let me pay it's the least I could do," Jungkook retaliated.

"Jungkook just sit down I'll be back," and with that, Taehyung left to go pay the bills.

Jungkook just stared at Taehyung silhouette as he walked towards the front desk. It was undeniable that the boy looked like a god. One thing that Jungkook denied the whole time they were at the café was the fact that Taehyung looked ethereal.

His face was like the shape of a god.

His eyes reminded Jungkook of the moon.

And his lips.

His lips were the perfect shape.

Jungkook was in a trance that he knew he should snap out of, but he couldn't. There was just something about Taehyung that he couldn't let go of.

What was it?

Jungkook is waiting for something to click into place, but it didn't seem to be happening.

He snapped out of his trance the moment he heard Taehyungs footsteps walking back to the table.

"Ok everything's set, let's go,"

"O-ok," Jungkook stuttered as he spoke.

Taehyung grabbed his coat from the seat and walked towards the door, Jungkook walking close behind.

"Hey, Taehyung? I just wanted to say thank you,"

"For what?"

"I don't know I just had a good time and you also paid for me which you shouldn't have but you did-" Jungkook was rambling.

"You're rambling," Taehyung pointed it out. Jungkook looked at Taehyung, his eyes wide before looking down at his feet in embarrassment. His cheeks turned a shade of pink. Taehyung noticed this gesture.

"I should be the one saying thank you, I had a good time today," Taehyung spoke, his voice sounded sweet as honey.

The sound of his voice was just enough to make Jungkook happy. He nodded at the older and together they left to go to the car.

The whole ride to Jungkook's place was filled with conversations and stories with side-stories that fit into them. The boys really built a mutual respect for each other even though in reality,  they hated each other just a day or two ago.

They pulled up to Jungkooks house mid-conversation as they were laughing.

"Oh my god! you did what last year!" Taehyung did not believe the words that were coming out of Jungkooks mouth.

"I fell asleep on top of her..." Jungkook tried his hardest to muffle his laugh but it was no use.

"I would have never thought that you, Jeon Jungkook would fall asleep while having sex," Taehyung spoke in disbelief.

"Yea well, I was really tired ok? And I was drunk!"

"What happened to that whole cocky personality you had going there? You're literally like a different human being," Taehyung wasn't wrong. Jungkook was a total bitch to him the other night, but Taehyung suddenly likes his presence?

"I don't know, I guess you just didn't know the real me?" Jungkook replied

"I mean I thought you were a total bitch!" Jungkook said.

"What! Me? Why would I be a total bitch?" Taehyung was jokingly offended.

"May I remind you that you pushed your drunk girlfriend on the floor?" Jungkook was laughing until he noticed Taehyung gaze on him. He turned his head to face the older and let's just say Taehyung didn't look too happy.

Taehyung was staring into Jungkooks soul for about a few seconds before bursting out into complete laughter.

"Oh my god, I fucking hated that bitch! She was so annoying," Taehyung explained.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung in shock of his sudden change in mood.

They talked for five more minutes before Jungkook realized it would be better to go inside.

"Hey you should come inside, we have more things to talk about,"

Taehyung turned his car off as he got out of the car. He locked it and walked up to the front door as he waited for Jungkook to open the door.

Jungkook let Taehyung into his home before he stepped inside. They took their coats and shoes off and head towards the living room to sit and chat for a little while longer.

"Tea?" Jungkook asked as a kind gesture.

"We just came from a cafe," Taehyung grinned. Taehyungs grin made Jungkook feel small. Taehyung had some sort of effect on him.

"Umm.. ok that's fine," Jungkook felt small. Taehyung made him feel small for some reason. He has this aura around him that made Jungkook feel inferior to him. The grin was the cherry on top.

"Hey man, you good?" Taehyung laughed. "You seem as if I make you nervous," he smiled at the boy.

"Oh yea I'm fine," Jungkook looked around, avoiding eye contact as he took a seat on the couch beside Taehyung.



The air around them became awkward. They had suddenly run out of things to talk about.

The silence between them lasted another few seconds before Jungkook brought up the courage to speak up.

"Taehyung?" he asked

"Yes?" The response came right after.

"Does this mean we're friends now?" Jungkook asked, his voice soft

"I mean I don't see why not," Taehyung replied looking towards the boy.

The two looked in each other's direction and the moment they got a glimpse of each other's eyes, they were fixed into a state of mind. They were there, sitting, staring into each other's eyes. At that moment, both of their minds went back to the night of the party... the night of the kiss.

Their heads replayed the scene as they stared into each other's eyes. Both of them remembering the feelings and emotion that was put into that kiss and wow it was amazing.

Their eyes were both filled with lust, they were being attracted towards each other.

Just like a magnet.

Jungkook started moving closer to Taehyung. Not knowing why. His body was in a state where he could not control it, it controlled itself. It was telling him to move towards the ethereal man.

Jungkook kept moving closer and closer and all Taehyung did was sit there and watch as he was captivated by Jungkooks features.

His eyes, oh my god Jungkooks eyes. They were so beautiful. When Taehyung looked into his eyes he felt soft. Jungkooks eyes glistened. They could hold the whole solar system in them. They sparkled under the dim living room lights.

As Jungkook moved closer towards Taehyung, Taehyung stood still. It was as if he was waiting for something to happen.

And then it happened.

He was right there.

The two were separated by only a few inches. One movement and their lips would be touching.

Both the boys were eager as their lips craved for each one anothers touch, something they both had undeniably been craving since the last time.

Taehyung started to lean in, about to give in to his craving. He was centimetres from Jungkooks lips when something clicked.

what am I doing?

His thoughts intruded his mind and he startled the younger by quickly pulling back.

"I-I'm so sorry— I think I should leave now!" Taehyung jumbled his words as he stood up and hastily ran towards the door of Jungkook's house.

As Taehyung ran for the door, Jungkook shook his head, realizing what just happened. Then he got up and ran after Taehyung.

"Taehyung, wait!" he spoke loudly. Jungkook got up and ran towards the older.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to leave, I really shouldn't have done that, please don't hate me-" He spoke, arms in a begging position.

"Hey, hey, don't worry I won't hate you..." Taehyung looked Jungkook in the eyes, instantly becoming softer. "I just umm- I need to go home,"

"I understand, I'm really sorry... that won't happen again,"

The air between them felt awkward as Jungkook broke the eye contact, looking down at his fingers. He was picking at his nails. It was silent for a few seconds before Taehyung did something Jungkook didn't expect.

Taehyung walked closer to Jungkook and when Jungkook didn't expect it, he moved his fingers under Jungkooks chin and lifted it up so that he was looking Taehyung in the eye. Then Taehyung proceeded to hold Jungkook left cheek with his right hand. 

Jungkooks face fit perfectly into his palm.

"It wasn't your fault love, it was just as much my fault, so don't beat yourself up for it. I'm ok and so are you right?" Jungkook nodded his head to Taehyungs response.

"Great! see everyone's ok. I want to get to know you more, but I just need to go home and think through some things ok?" Jungkook nodded again.

Taehyung gave Jungkook one last reassuring look before releasing Jungkook from his hands and walking towards the door. He turned the doorknob and stepped out, but just as he was about to let the door shut, he looked back at Jungkook.

"I'll talk to you later," He spoke before he shut the door and left.

Jungkook stood there for a few seconds before letting out a breath and walking back towards the living room. His mind was blank, but the moment he sat down, the motion of falling back into the couch made him realize something.

Jungkook was good at pretending. He was good at pushing things aside to the point where he will forget, but when this memory hit him, it made his eyes go wide.

He likes Taehyung. He does. He can't help himself. 

He sits back in the chair as he let the words come out of his mouth.



"Fuck," Taehyung let out as he walked into his apartment.

He draped his jacket over the sofa as he loosened the buttons of his shirt.

He didn't know what happened back there but, all he knows is that he can't deny the fact that he does like Jungkook.

Not like friends.

He liked Jungkook in a romantic kind of way.

"Why the fuck do I have to like him," Taehyung groaned as he threw himself on the couch.

Taehyung just got out of a dumb relationship, he didn't want to be thinking about another person.

He also JUST became friends with Jungkook, someone whom he hated not too long ago.

But Jungkook just wouldn't get out of his head.

He was looking at the ceiling, his mind blank, except for the thought of how the two men almost kissed for the second time.

He laid there for five minutes, in the same state of mind when an idea popped into his head. He didn't know how well this would turn out, but this was the best thing he could think of.

He sat up quickly and grabbed his phone.


Hey Jungkook? I have an idea, I need
you to meet me somewhere yea?

He didn't get a text back instantly and it made a flood of panic go through his head. All he could do was stare at the screen. But alas, the three dots showed up signalling that Jungkook was texting.


Umm... yea sure where do u
wanna meet?

Taehyung took a second to think before replying to the message.


You know what, stay at ur
place, ill come over. Be there in


Ok, see you.

The moment Jungkook replied, Taehyung jumped up from the couch, grabbing his coat and basically sprinting out of his apartment complex and into his car. He turned his car on and sped out of the buildings parking lot and onto the street. He never realized that he lived relatively close to Jungkook, but he managed to reach his house on time.

It had only been about half an hour since the two saw each other, but their circumstances really changed things.

He parked the car and practically jumped out of it, walking swiftly towards Jungkooks front door.

Jungkook was sitting in his living room, knees up to his chest as he anticipated Taehyungs arrival. He kept checking his phone until he heard the doorbell ring.

He quickly reacted by running towards the door.

"Hey Taehyung, I'm glad you-"

He opened the door halfway before Taehyung barged in with a straight face and grabbed Jungkooks hand, pulling him towards the living room area.

"Woah, Taehyung, slow down!" Jungkook yelled as he almost tripped over every piece of furniture he owned.

The moment Taehyung heard him, he stopped and looked towards the boy, his face softened.

"I'm sorry, but follow me I wanna talk to you," Taehyung answered. He tugged Jungkooks hand as he walked towards the couch at a normal pace, their hands still interlocked.

Jungkook felt something rise in his stomach when Taehyung grabbed his hands, but he couldn't tell if he felt weird or if they were butterflies.

Taehyung sat down on Jungkooks couch and tugged at his hand to tell him to sit down.

"I need you to hear me out," Taehyung spoke, his tone serious.

"Ok? Just tell me what it is," Jungkook was unsure of what he was gonna say.

"Ok, I'm just gonna assume that you feel the same way as I do,"

"About?" Jungkook questioned.

"Jungkook, I'm talking about... the kiss," Jungkooks eyes slightly opened, giving the Bambi eyed boy bigger eyes, which was not helping Taehyung.

"I think that we both enjoyed that kiss and I'm just gonna be honest with you, I haven't been able to get it out of my head," Taehyung looked at Jungkook hoping he would be able to read his emotions, but he couldn't. Jungkook was in a frozen state.

"Hey, Jungkook-"

"I feel the same way," Jungkook blurted out, interrupting the other.

 The moment Jungkook spoke, a smile started to become apparent on his face. What he quickly started to notice was the fact that Jungkook seemed to be in an anxious state.

"Ok, ok that's good we are on the same page. Jungkook, what we shared that night was something that I have never experienced before in my life and I want to thank you for it but, its been driving me crazy," Taehyung looked towards Jungkook, who was now looking towards Taehyung.

"Taehyung, I don't know where you're heading with this, but all I want to say is that it has been making me go crazy. I've never had the craving for something like that in my entire life," Jungkook replied his voice calm.

The two men didn't quite comprehend what was happening. Everything was moving so fast, but they just went with the speed everything was moving at.

"Jungkook I have an idea but if you aren't ok with it just let me know, I'll respect your decision,"

"Ok?" Taehyungs voice changed, causing some confusion.

"Just tell me what you want to say," Jungkook looked Taehyung in the eyes, and the other returned the eye-contact.

Taehyung paused for a second, giving himself a second to realize what he was about to say.

"Kiss me again," He said quickly, to the point where if Jungkook wasn't paying attention, he wouldn't have heard.

"W-what?" Jungkook was stunned. He thought Taehyung was gonna ask him to not be friends.

"I said kiss me," Taehyng repeated. This made Jungkook question the situation he was in right now.

"Taehyung, are you listening to yourself?" Jungkook asked.

"Goddammit, Jungkook kiss me so that we can see if what happened that night was something real or if it was just a feeling that we had in the moment."

What Taehyung said was actually starting to make sense in Jungkooks head. Maybe Taehyung's thought process was a good way to go about things.

"So if we see fireworks, then we will know and if we don't then that's it?" Jungkook took the words right out of Taehyung's mouth.


"Taehyung, I don't know about this.." Jungkook felt unsteady but then he felt a pair of hands wrap around his own.

"Jungkook, I'm here ok? And plus what's the worst that can happen?" Taehyung managed to calm the other down by using only a few words.

"Ok then," Jungkook looked down towards his hand that was still being held between Taehyung's.

Suddenly, Taehyung released his hands from Jungkooks hand, causing the younger to look up. The two were staring into each other's eyes

"Umm... how are we gonna do this?" Jungkook asked as tension began to fill the space between them.

They reached a point where they agreed to the plan, but they didn't know how to get into it. It's not like they're dating so kissing a person they used to hate, created friction in the air.

"I think we just have to do it," Taehyung replies as he scratches the back of his neck.

The two stare at each other, knowing that they need to do what they're here to do, but the awkwardness is what is stopping them. Well, it was stopping them until Taehyung started to lean in closer, making sure to keep his eyes on Jungkook.

Taehyung reached for the back of Jungkooks neck with his right hand as he let his left arm rest on his shoulder. Taehyung slowly began to pull the younger closer towards him and Jungkook wasn't resisting.

The two men kept getting closer and closer until finally...

Their lips touched.

And it wasn't what they both expected. Their lips lingered on one another's for a few seconds before they both pulled back staring at each other.


They didn't feel anything.

 neither of them.

 They looked at each other with a blank face, and even though neither of them saw fireworks, they both felt like something was unfinished.

"So I guess that's it then?" Jungkook asked carefully, hoping that Taehyung felt the same way he did.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a fond smile on his face. They both expected something else, they expected more. Honestly, they both really did expect to see fireworks due to the fact that when their lips touched the first time, it was like a feeling of sudden euphoria.

"I guess that's it!" Taehyung spoke and they both let out a breath-filled laugh, an awkward one.

"I'm gonna go then, thanks for this Jungkook, really, I think we both needed this... closure," Taehyung spoke with a slight frown, but alas, he kept a small smile on his face so the younger wouldn't feel upset.

"So... friends?" Jungkook asked, voice perking up at the end of the sentence.

"Friends," Taehyung spoke, sounding happy with the result, even though he was a little letdown.

"Here, let me walk you out," Jungkook got up and so did Taehyung. 

Taehyung, who was now pretty familiar with the place walked himself towards the door, and Jungkook just followed, not saying a word. Taehyung slipped on his shoes and put his jacket on, not zipping it up and hiding his hands in his pockets.

As Taehyung was getting ready to leave, Jungkook couldn't help but think. He obviously thought about the kiss, but he just leaned against the wall, arms crossed over each other, staring towards the ground with his big eyes. 

The moment Taehyung finished getting ready he looked up and noticed how Jungkook was standing.

"Are you ok?" Taehyung asked Jungkook.

Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts.

"Oh yea, just thinking," He replied nonchalantly, a smile suddenly appearing on his face.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds deciding on what to say next. Jungkook was about to speak before Taehyung interrupted him.

"Hey, Kook? Thanks again, this was probably really weird for you but thank you for helping me out I appreciate it," Taehyung spoke, the sincerity evident in his voice.

Jungkook smiled at him.

"You're welcome, you sure everything's good?" Jungkook asked, his body visibly stiff.

"Everything's good," 

Taehyung then walked up to Jungkook and with open arms and gave Jungkook a hug. The younger was taken aback at first, but then he warmed up to the older's touch and nuzzled his head into Taehyungs neck. 

The hug didn't last long, but it felt complete.

Taehyung then let go of Jungkook and head towards the door. 

He grabbed the doorknob.

The moment Taehyung grabbed the doorknob, it hit Jungkook. He couldn't let Taehyung go, he needed to stop him, finish what they'd started. 

He wasn't going to let Taehyung go without feeling like what they did had a conclusion to it.

As Taehyung opened the door, Jungkook suddenly spoke.

"Taehyung wait!" He said softly.

The moment Taehyung heard the youngers soft voice, it was enough for him to turn his body around and run up to the boy, doing something he never thought he would do again. 

He connected their lips again.

And this time, they both most definitely saw fireworks.

Their lips moved together so perfectly, it was almost as if it was always meant to be. 

At this point, Taehyungs arms are wrapped around Jungkooks slim waist, pulling him closer while Jungkooks arms were around Taehyungs neck. 

The two were attached to each other as if they were a single entity. They couldn't get enough of each other, similar to the first time this happened. The craving was there again, and all they craved for was the taste of each other's lips.

Taehyung was the first to pull away, gasping for air, while Jungkook was breathing heavily upon their release. 

"Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, still breathing heavily.

"Taehyung I saw them, I felt it," Jungkook spoke happiness filling his face as he smiled.

Taehyung had a wide smile on his face upon seeing the younger so happy.

"Jungkook please kiss me again," 

And with that, the two connected their lips as another set of fireworks blew up. They both smiled into the kiss, making the feeling bittersweet. 

The found it, they felt it, they saw what they wanted. The saw the fireworks that they wanted and the finished what needed to be finished. 


That night, Taehyung decided to stay over. The two walked up to Jungkooks bedroom, hands interlocked with one another as Jungkook lead the way. Jungkook got in bed and Taehyung decided to join him. The two laying there when Jungkook felt a warmth enclose around his waist. He looked down and saw Taehyung laying there, tightly curled up next to him.

The moment Jungkook saw this he smiled.

"Goodnight Taehyung," Jungkook spoke quietly as he wrapped his arm over Taehyungs.

"Goodnight Jungkook,"

The two went to sleep.


Epilogue next chapter!

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