Girl bites back | {Klaus mike...

mrarseneau द्वारा

255K 3.2K 141

France Paris was my second home but New Orleans was my original home when I got a phone call from Marcel say... अधिक

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3.1K 46 8
mrarseneau द्वारा

Magnus pov

When I saw it was morning time I quickly ran to where I felt the new babies presence was. she was in the witches cemetery laying in a basket. I could see Marcel right behind me when he yelled my name "Magnus wait for me!! I have something that could possibly help!" so I waited for him I said "you were not killing Klaus at this very moment even though he hurt you and your guys but there is a baby's life on a line about to get sacrificed for more power to the witches and I know that one of your rules is no kids get hurt." he shook his head to agree. what on what I've said to him "Magnus you're right I shouldn't do this I should save the new baby with you Klaus can be dealt with later." We both ran in well Klaus , Haley and Elijah were thrown around from the witches because they were using their power against them all. I could see was that Haley got thrown left dealing with Genevieve, Elijah was dealing with Monique and Klaus was dealing with the other blonde chick that I did not know the name of. that Klaus quickly grabbed a metal steak off of the fence thrown at the blonde one that went throw her stomach then to the wall. this would mean she's dead and the power was severed. Marcel said "watch this Monique will be dead in seconds with this devil star you should know what it is." I then looked at him Watched him throw it and all I saw was Monique putting her hand down from about to stab Haley and Klaus's new baby. But to see there was cuts everywhere on her skin that was showing. But I quickly using my teleportation over to the baby I picked her up in her little blanket that she was rapped around in and I looked back at everyone is whisper to them saying "I'm taking her somewhere safe come and find me. when I'm done" With the words coming out of my mouth I just teleported with the baby to the compound in the front foyer. I quickly look at the baby closer to my heart so she would not see all these dying vampires. few minutes later Klaus enter with marcel by his side. " hey guys .... oh here you go Klaus here is your beautiful baby girl" I passed the baby over to him when I seen his world take a one hundred degree turn of reality. he held his baby girl close to his heart then reached and grabbed my hand. leading me to the baby room. when we got to the room Klaus spoke to me. "I want to thank you love , for saving my daughter from the witches. even thought you are one of them in some way. you are an angel brought down to me and my family I don't know how much I can thank you so much. you have had all are backs even thought you were here to run me out of town along with my siblings. so thank you Magnus Evans." we both just stood there watching the baby that had no name yet.

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"There is a third option .....  I grew up in a war zone. My parents thought they could protect me, But in the end they were slaughtered, and I spent my childhood alone and unloved. I made a promise to my baby and to myself that she would not grow up like I did. that she would grow up safe and loved, and yet here she is on her first day in this world with a grandmother that is on bent on sacrificing her and a mother that has to drink the blood of her own baby to survive transitioning into a hybrid and I'm the one that loves her the most. I think the only thing is to do is send her away while we stay behind and clean up the mess that we've made." Hayley was crying and so was i. " I have an idea it might not be the idea we thought of but Haley you're right we should send her away but with that she still has all your enemies that will be having a bounty on her head. But the idea that I've come to think about since last night was for me to die. Even though I am lived a long life I think my time is up. for your daughter to be safe and sound and made sure that no one will find her. I will be putting my magic and my powers into a beautiful necklace and bracelet for whoever is going to keep watch over her when you send her away. it will hide her from every supernatural beings. I will do this for my niece or whatever you want me to be to her I love you all. You have given me a family when I had known for a long time. You made me fight for my family when I haven't for a while. I know this day is supposed to be about the beautiful baby girl you have in your arms but I will have to die in honour of her safety but I do have one thing to ask from you guys to tell her that I love her so much that I died for her safety and hope to God that she will be loved more than all of us because we love her. you guys cannot change my mind on what I've chosen for her it will be done by tonight." I could see Klaus crying , Haley crying and Elijah crying on the choice I've made. with that Elijah was frustrated so he spoke on. "No this is in sane you heard Genevieve as long as she lives that baby will be hunted." "Not if no one knows that she lives." Klaus spoke out "What is it that you tend to do brother?" "Whatever it takes to save our family."

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Later on that day our plan went into motion Hayley took a little sip of the baby's  blood from her little baby finger. I went into another room preparing for my death that's happening tonight. I told Klaus  that I did not want a big party or anything big or anything at all for my funeral. I wanted to be hidden away from the witches that they could never find my bones and concentrate me for more power.  in the room when I was choosing out The two pieces of jewellery one was my beautiful necklace that my mother gave me when I was younger it was a leather necklace with a beautiful stone that had my families pack symbol on it. I also chose an bracelet  that I bought for a little girl I once knew in the 1970s. I firstly put half of my magic in to the necklace, I could feel my body draining and getting weaker but .all I had in my mind was I am doing it for a precious baby girl that has the world on her shoulders. She will never know what to do when she is older when she finds out about what went down on her birth. Lives were lost and people sacrifice to keep her safe. But we all loved her no matter what. Even if that means on sending her way just keep her safe. When the time came Klaus and I went into the car with little baby in there. I put the little necklace around her little neck. She gave me a beautiful smile and a giggle that lit up my heart. Hayley was right how could you love something so much that could possibly be killed and taken  away from her in seconds. I then got into the passenger seat while Klaus drove. I quickly grabbed Klaus  freehand that was sitting on his lap I held it  tight. It was about 10-20 minutes later when we arrived to this Abandon road when I see a car coming up and I felt the presence of Rebecca. I knew Klaus  would put her in great hands and Rebecca gets to live out her greatest dream of raising kids that she wanted for a while. When she arrived closer I quickly put the rest of my magic in the bracelet but just enough for me to make it back home and that was not a lot. I handed over my bracelet that I just put my magic in to. "Rebecca could you please wear this and keep the necklace that lays upon the baby's neck it will keep you protected and cloaked from supernatural beings they will never know where you are and all the enemies they're coming for her head will not know where she is but I do recommend when you find a home for you guys to stay in. I would like for you to walk around the house with the necklace and the bracelet around it, will cloak the house and keep you both safe." She knew right away when I said I put magic in the necklace and a bracelet. it is mine so that meant I was going to die. She quickly gave me a hug and I gave her one back the conversation went on about with Klaus giving  Rebecca to watch and protect her. I zoned back into the convo  when I heard the name of the little baby. her name was hope  andreya Michaelson. It was true on what Elijah said this baby is the  Michaelson's hope and my hope to find peace one day. When we were traveling back to the compound we really did not make it back to the compound. I told Klaus  to stop and put me over there when I die. it was beside a grand lilac tree and water. I thought it looked beautiful from a distance. I have been to that lilac tree and water area  every single time I've came to New Orleans. it was a place where I found sanctuary when times like this happened. So I got out of the car and slowly walked over but Klaus picked  me up bridal style and walked me over to the place I told him. to lay me down when I shut my eyes to die. He placed me down and I started to sing this song I always sang when I was a child. By the river Klaus Saw me got reborn. " are you, are you Coming to the tree? They strung up a man they say who murdered three strange things have happened you're no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree are you are you coming to the tree? We're dead man called down for his love to flee strange things did happen here no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree are you are you coming to the tree? Where I told you to run so we both be free ....." I could see Klaus 's eyes tearing up on the song that I was singing it brought back memories to his mind of us it was the song that taunted him when he was doing wrong ,it was the song that brought him joy and happiness and times of needed. He felt like he could not lose a soul like mine for a while. But he knew it was time. "Love ,I love you so much always and forever. I wish you could live longer and see the world more than you already have I want to see your laughter every single morning,or your smile every single time I see you but I know our times I've come to go but I do promise you I will do good for my daughter ,a good for the people that are around me. But if things get a little crazy I'll have to bring the beast out of me but I remember you to calm me down." Now I was crying to this moment in seeing Klaus heart getting torn apart of me passing away in his arms. " Klaus I one more thing to say to you I want you to carry this with you always and forever. I'm the girl that bites back do not ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my kindness for acceptance or my kindness for weakness I will always love you Niklaus Mikaelson always and forever." I could feel my time coming up so I quickly went up and kissed his lips for one last time then I closed my eyes to find my peace

goodbye to everyone I loved in this lifetime.

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Klaus pov
After Magnus said her last words to me I was crying so hard I honestly did not want her to leave me but she is doing it to protect her family and save my daughter. she will not be known as a simple person to this family she'll be known as hopes aunt Magnus. She died to protector her Niece. she will have lived a beautiful life. hope will know who she is ,what Magnus has done for her. I will make sure that her memory of life is going to be told ...... "so I love you Magnus Evans always and forever. I will do as you please but I will see you again One day." When she finally kissed my lips she close her eyes. Then her body started to flake off into beautiful blue ,orange and yellow butterflies floating away and it was beautiful to see her go in a beautiful way. but I could not control the tears are coming out of my eyes. "I love you Magnus Evans you're one of the best things that I have ever happened to me in a while."

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when I re-opened my eyes I see I'm in my village by the trees were I got reborn to the person I am today. "Magnus ..... is that you ..... ?" my body turned to see my beautiful mother and father standing there with tears down there eyes. "yes mom and dad its me ..... Magnus you're daughter that's been alive for too long!" they both ran to me with they're open arms. "oh wild flower we missed you so much" after we finished hugging we walked to the centre of the village to see my 2 brothers playing around. so I snook up to them and scared them. "hey boys!!!" I yelled and they jumped, " SISTER!!!! MAGNUS" the boys jumped into my arms with tears in there eyes. "I have missed you both hunter and Lucas every single day I was alive."

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