Heart (Depth Sequel)


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Cairo's just been told to retire. Why? What caused this? How will this affect the rest of her life? More



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Cairo's POV

"Baby they're ready for you." Lindsey says.

Lindsey then grabs my hand and we walk into the conference room at the LA Lightning FC stadium.

When I walk in I notice the teams I played for have put my trophies next to the podium.

On one side is the NWSL trophies and awards. On the other side is the trophies from the USWNT which include two World Cup trophies, the two olympic medals, my golden boots from the 2019 and 2023 World Cups, and my golden ball from the 2019 and 2023 World Cups.

I also notice everyone I played with in the NWSL or from the National team is sitting in the audience which is nice.

"Thank you all for coming today." Jill says then looks at me and I nod at her. "Cairo Horan has an announcement to make...Cairo." Jill says then sits on the USWNT side of the podium as I stand at the podium.

"I am here today to announce my immediate retirement from LA Lightning FC and from the United States Women's National team." I say and I hear some gasps and a lot of people mumble.

"May I ask why you are retiring?"

"I have a heart condition that is forcing me to retire."

"Is that what caused you to faint on the field?"


"Mama." Isabella says and makes grabby hands so I pick her up.

"Hey Bella Boo." I say.

"You still hurt?"

"Yes baby. Mama's still hurt."

Isabella kisses my heart again and it takes everything in me not to cry.

"All better Mama"

"Thank you baby." I say then kiss her face a couple times making her giggle. "I need you to go back to Mommy okay? After this Mommy and I will take you out for pizza."

"Otay." Isabella says then I set her down and she runs to Lindsey. I then look back at the press corp.

"What condition do you have?"

"Long QT Syndrome."

"How long have you known.

"Since I was fifteen, but everyone else found out after I collapsed."


"Next question."

"How are you feeling right now?"

"Right now I'm pretty shitty, excuse my language. But I have a loving wife who is my rock right now, I have a daughter who is very loving and is brightening my mood everyday, and I have an amazing support system."

"Is Lindsey going to keep playing?"

"To my knowledge she is. She isn't the one with the heart condition."

"What are you going to do now that you are retired?"

"Well I have a business I will run. I could go teach at a university, I also have my coaching badges so I can do any of those three, but most importantly I will be a Mom and a Wife."

"Do you wish you would have told somebody about your condition?"

I try to answer, but nothing comes out. I look over at Lindsey, who has Isabella sitting on her lap, then I look back at the person who asked me the question and sadly nod my head.

There's a moment of silence where everyone just stares at me. I look over at Lindsey and she her keeping Isabella entertained for the moment.

I fucked up so bad.

After seeing the two loves of my life happy I can't help, but imagine what they would feel like if I hadn't made it to the hospital yesterday.

Right before someone asks me a question I put my head in my hands then lean my head onto the podium. After a minute someone pulls me away from the podium and into a hug. I immediately recognize the perfume the person is wearing.

I love my wife.

"Alright there will be no more questions. Thank you for coming today and have a safe trip home" Jill says.

My wife breaks the hug then wipes the tears from my face.

"Guess what?" Lindsey whispers and smiles at me.


"I love you." Lindsey says then kisses my nose.

"I love you so so much Lindsey...I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." I say then Lindsey puts her hand over my mouth.

"Please stop...just please stop."


"Cairo stop apologizing. You did nothing wrong...camp is over so let's go enjoy our time with our friends."

"We need to do something first."


"I need to clear out my locker...I'm not stepping foot in there ever again after today."

Lindsey nods then we step down from the stage and go out into the hall where all our friends and family are. Lindsey walks over to them as I walk to the locker room. After walking for a little bit I finally arrive at the locker room so I head inside.

Once inside the locker room I grab a trash bag for me to carry my stuff out then walk over and stare at my locker. For some reason, in our lockers somebody from the Lighting put our statistics from the NWSL on the back of the locker. Before today I always thought it was stupid, but now I think it's infuriating.

"Breathe baby." Lindsey says and hugs me from behind.

I don't know how I didn't hear her come in.

"I'm trying." I say through gritted teeth.

Lindsey stops hugging me then she stands in front of me and cups my face with her hands.

"Just focus on me for right now." Lindsey says.

I close my eyes then take a deep breath.

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know baby." Lindsey says then softly kisses me.

"I can't do it."

"I'll pack for you." Lindsey says then walks towards the locker room door. "But there's someone here to see you."

Lindsey opens the door and a few seconds later my favorite little girl comes running into the room.

"MAMA." Isabella shouts and runs at me.

"Hi baby." I say with a smile and pick her up then rest her on my hip.

"What's Mommy doing?" Isabella asks and points to Lindsey.

"Mommy's just doing some cleaning up."

"Then we get pizza?"

"Yes baby."

"Are aunties coming?"

"I don't know." I say then walk us towards the door and see all the girls standing around talking. "But you can ask."

I set Isabella down and watch her as she runs over to the girls. When she gets to the girls Mal picks her up then looks back at me and gives me a thumbs up letting me know she'll watch her. I then walk back into the locker room just as Lindsey finishes putting my stuff into the trash bag.

As Lindsey puts the last thing from my locker into the bag I stand in front of my locker and stare at it.

"What's going through your mind babe?" Lindsey asks.

"How can Isabella be proud of me? We've always taught her that she can overcome any obstacle yet when I get thrown an obstacle my whole world stops."

"Cairo you know Isabella is proud of you. All of us are."

"Lindsey just-"

"Baby I don't know what you want me to say here."

"Yell at me." I seethe and try not to raise my voice. "Tell me how fucking stupid I am for hiding this. Tell me how big of a disappointment I am. Tell me-"

Just as I'm about to continue Lindsey wraps me in her arms then we sit in the locker with me in Lindsey's lap.

"You need to breathe Cairo." Lindsey says and strokes my jaw.

I follow her breathing and eventually I'm not angry anymore.

"Now I can't do any of those things because you're not stupid for keeping this a secret. You've always been careful to let people in to your life. I also can't tell you that you're a disappointment because I'm so so proud of you."

"How?" I whisper while clutching my wife's shirt.

"Because you are the best wife and the best mother and there is nobody in the world I want to be by my side then you." Lindsey says then kisses me. "I love you and I'm not going anywhere Cairo."

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