By mamyblew2

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34 3 0
By mamyblew2

✍🏽 ţʏקıňɢ
_~*(englιѕн novel)*~_


          (Abdulrahman Maryam)


_Is all about the mischievous,dirty,naughty village boy_


Ahmad suddenly stopped as his father's house came into sight. He Purposely wandered to the grassy side of the road and broke off a stalk of grass and started peeling the leaves,thinking meditatively. He did not want to go home,where he would see his faultfinding father. Sometimes, he wondered whether Mahmud (his daddy) was his biological father or whether he was an adopted child. As he could not think out where next to go, coupled with the intense heat of the sun,he started walking home.

He was about to carry his food from the cupboard in the kitchen when his father shouted from his room:

"Who is in that kitchen? Ahmad! Make sure you fill those pots with water before you touch the food"

Ahmad was stopping over the plate when his father rushed out from his room into the kitchen.

Before he could rise,he had been shoved aside as his father carried the two plates that contained the food and went back to his room,muttering something to himself.

When Ahmad regained his balance, he turned and looked disdainfully at the position of his father's room for a while.
Then, he went to the corner of the kitchen where water pots and cans were kept and selected a four gallon jerrycan. As he was walking across the inner compound,he pulled a rag from a rope tied between two orange trees,which he would use as a pad to balance the can on his head.

"Ahmad,his mother called from the window of her room".

"Good Afternoon,mama' Ahmad greeted as he stopped".

"Good Afternoon my son,Where have you been since morning?"

"I was hunting with my friends"

"Then where the games you killed"?

"Must one killed a game any time one hunts?"

Nothing annoyed Ahmad like being caught telling lies,Actually he did not hunt,He had been dawdling at musa's house.

As he noticed that his mother was calling him for nothing so important to him,he stepped forward to go when she called him again,she was more serious this time.

"What is it? he retorted and stopped again.

Saratu,his mother ,was always protective of him. She was quite sure that Ahmad was not doing anything valuable since he left in the morning to put the sheep to pasture,but she did not want to argue withe him.

"Come back and take your lunch before you go down to the stream,she kindly said to him.

"Not now,He insists i should get the water first" he said and left immediately.

Instead of going straight to the stream,Ahmad dropped in again on Musa's place.

That was the very compound his father forbidden him to enter, due to their infamy for crimes. When he entered the compound,he observed that the boys are not longer at the cycle ,he concluded they had shifted to the room.

Ahmad and Musa had been there since morning as Lawal who had just returned from Lagos had been entertaining them with anecdotes.

Ahmad dropped his can at the right extremity and headed for the block that contained the rooms.

Before he reached the threshold,Ahmad saw Musa come out from the room and entered the corridor that led to the kitchen area.
He carried two empty plates that his brother used for their lunch.

Ahmad climbed up to steps and intended to follow Musa when Lawal's wary eyes spotted him through the transparent curtains. He was told to come inside the room.



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