Love At First Sight ?

By Hardepp

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This is a story about Carl who tries to find his one and only true love. But Carl falls in love not once or t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Five

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By Hardepp

The charity event ended a bit late but we manage to help out and it was a good day. I asked Adam "Hey bro,can you drop me off at the school compound?".

Adam agreed to send me at the school compound. I thanked Adam for giving me a lift and started to walk home.

I was walking home when I felt like someone was following me. I turned around and saw someone about 500 meters away from me.

I didn't know who was it but it then started to run towards very fast and I didn't move from there.

As it came towards me,I moved away from my spot and it hit the post which was behind me.
I heard the moaning sound which was familiar and realize that it was Rita trying to scare me.

I quickly went to her and said "I am so sorry I didn't know that it was you". Rita then said "It is ok I am fine". I then replied "I don't think so". Rita then said "How would you know".

I then replied "Because you are bleeding through your nose. You got hit pretty hard come inside the house and get you treated".

I then brought Rita inside the house and took the first-aid kit and stopped the bleeding. I said "Alright you are good to go Rita".

Rita the replied "Thanks but promise me you won't tell anyone about this". I then said "I promise I won't tell anyone".

Rita then replied "Great because if you tell anyone I will kill you". I then said "What are you going to tell everyone at school then?".

Rita then replied "I will just tell them that I dropped from bed face first". Rita then went back home and I went to bed.

The next morning,it was a very a nerve-wracking morning because it was the qualifying round for the 100 meter track and field school team.

After all competing with people better than me,I could take my mind of.

Rita was also selected to represent the school for the girls track and field team.

I and Rita walked to school early then we usually do so that the coach could brief us with a few tips and hints.

As we were walking,Rita asked "Carl are you nervous about the qualifying later?". I then replied "I am scared actually".

Rita then said "Don't worry I am very sure that the both of us will qualify".

I then replied jokingly "I don't know what hit me but I think you just motivated me".

Rita then said "How about we bet about it". I then replied "Bet about what?". Rita then replied "If I win,you will treat me a cup of coffee and if you win,then I will treat you a cup of coffee. Deal?".

I then replied "What if the both of us win?". Rita then replied "We both treat each other for coffee".

I agreed to it and as the conversation ended,we reached the sports complex.

I started to focus on my competition and ignored everyone. The night started and my turn was first.

I went to the starting line to get ready and in position. Everyone lined up side by side and were ready.

It was very intense because the coach and the whole school relied on me to win but I didn't let pressure get to me.

As soon as the official fired the gun, I ran quickly as possible without even looking anywhere except the ground without realizing the finish line.

Before I knew, I had finished in first place. I turned around and saw the competitors behind me still running.

I didn't know I was that fast. After the competition had finished,all of us were heading back to school and Rita came running towards me and hugged me saying "Thank you so much for training me and because of you i finished in third place".

I then said "Congratulations Rita". Rita then said "How did you do on the track?". I then said "I won first place".

Rita then said "Congratulations Carl". I then said "Thanks now let's go home".

We reached school at noon and me and Rita were heading home from school.

Rita then said "So what do you want to do after you teach home?". I then replied "Take a shower and sleep until tomorrow".

Rita then said "Yeah I am not going to let that happen". I then replied "You just recovered from sickness you should be resting".

Rita then said "Yeah not gonna happen". Rita then continued "How about this,at around 8 pm you come over to my house and we can go to the mall for coffee together". I then replied "Alright".

It was a tiring day and I wanted to lay down on my bed but I had to take a shower and get ready so that I and Rita could go to the mall for coffee.

Apart of me was saying no but she did her best to qualify for the next round of the track and field.
At sharp 8 pm,I was standing in front of Rita's house and as I was about to knock the door when Rita opened the door. I was shock to be honest.

Rita was wearing a long blue jeans and a red top.

Rita looked very stunning and beautiful and for a moment I couldn't stop looking at her.

Rita jokingly said "Hey I know i am beautiful but stop starring at me". I then said "Sorry about that but you look very beautiful tonight.

Rita then said "Aw thank you so much". I then said "Shall we go?". Rita said "Of course. You look quiet handsome as well Carl".

I then said "Thanks for the complement" and we walked to the mall while having a few personal conversations.

We reached the mall and we headed straight for the coffee shop.

As we took our coffee,we sat near the wall facing each other. Rita said "Carl thank you so much for the coffee".

I then replied "No problem besides we night kind of celebrating since we made it to the next round".

Rita said "Yes but I feel like we are not  more then just celebrating". I replied "Are you proposing that we are on a date aren't you Rita?".

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