Too Much?

By siclarapo

494 1 0

"Most of us are cursed to die because of too much. Too much power, too much curiosity, too much arrogance and... More

By Any Means
Credits, Notes, Clarifications, Etc.


26 0 0
By siclarapo

"Blaise, wake the hell up!"

Blaise gave a jolt, then proceeded to wipe his lips to check if he'd drooled. Pansy glanced cautiously at the librarian, conscious if she had heard her raise her voice a little. When she realized Madam Pince is way too far to hear her, she spoke to her companion in a lower voice, "Bloody hell, Blaise-"

"I'm all awake now, okay?" Blaise whispered back, slightly annoyed. "It's's too quiet-well, of course no one's in the right mind to go here at this time. Who would exchange Hogsmeade to a visit at the stupid library?"

Pansy glared at him, so he threw his arms in the air in defeat and grunted, "Fine. Have you finished the essay, St. Parkinson?"

Pansy recognized the sarcasm, but decided to brush it off. "Of course. Now if you don't mind, I'm leaving this place. You can continue sleeping if you want to."

"Certainly not!" answered Blaise, as Pansy began rolling up the parchment before strolling out the library. Blaise trotted beside her, yawning as he did so.

"Are we going to Professor McGonagall's office to fetch your boyfriend?" he asked after they ascended to the fourth floor corridor. Pansy shook her head. "No, I'm heading to Professor Flitwick's office to hand him Draco's essay. You go and fetch Daphne, and I'll meet you at the Three Broomsticks."

"But you said Draco himself must pass his homework to avoid suspicio-"

"Oh, I've changed my mind, alright. In fact, I regret doing this as well," Pansy cut him off, waving the parchment. "This is the first and last time that I wil do someone else's essay again."

Blaise failed to surpass a grin as hd looked at her skeptically at the corner of his eyes. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, now if you don't mind, Daphne is waiting, and the common room is that way." She pointed to the direction of the staircase leading to the dungeons, and Blaise headed unto it without complaining. She ascended to Flitwick's office, where the small professor is busy sorting the parchments with his wand.

"Good morning, Professor," she greeted at the open door. Flitwick stopped waving his wand and looked very surprised to see her. "Ms. Parkinson? Came to correct something in your essay? Ms. Granger went here as well and-"

"No, sir." It is not Pansy's nature to interrupt teachers, but being compared to Granger is the last thing she would like to hear. "I came to hand over Draco's essay, sir. He's in detention with Professor McGonagall, and he can't come over to meet the deadline."

"I see," replied Flitwick, waving his hand to collect Pansy's parchment. "That's very kind of you, Ms. Parkinson. I never expected that from-er-nevermind-surely you have no other business of coming, eh? Or is there anything else that I can do for you?"

Pansy flashed him her most charming smile before shaking her head. "No, sir. Thank you."

"Very well, very well. Off you go, then."

Pansy made a slight bow before turning her heels at Flitwick. As soon as she did, however, she rolled her eyes in disgust. "He did not expect it from me, eh? They really think we're that evil don't they? Argh-shut up!" She waved her wand dismissively at Peeves who started chanting, "Pansy is so funny, her name sounds so silly!"

She reached the front doors in no time, and some time later, found herself inside the Three Broomsticks, where she searched the area for her friends. Daphne waved at her and she approached them warmly in their table. "Got anything for yourselves, yet?"

"No, we're waiting for you," Daphne answered. Pansy placed her hand on her chest, pretending to be touched. "Aw, that's very nice of you-very well, I'll go get our drinks then."

"Wait-" Blaise held her wrist as she half-rose from her chair. "She hates you, remember?"

"Of course, I remember it well," she replied, casting a mean look at the counter. "But I am bored, and a little teasing would do no harm, would it?"

Blaise let go of her and shook his head disbelievingly. Daphne let out a small chuckle and watched intently as Pansy walked her way to the counter, her head held higher than the usual. "I think I'm gonna love this," she whispered to Blaise, who nodded approvingly in return. "Yeah me, too."

Soon after, Pansy was already leaning at the counter, batting her eyelashes. "Three butterbeers, please," she said sweetly, in hopes to annoy Madam Rosmerta as usual, who often refuses to accommodate her thinking she is 'so full of herself, yet possess very little beauty.' Madam Rosmerta turned to face her after a while, and she was so ready to take the mickey out of her when, to her surprise, Rosmerta greeted her warmly. "Good morning, dear. Pardon me?"

What?! Pansy was already screaming inside her head as she looks at the owner disbelievingly. She greeted me a good morning, and called me 'dear?!'

"Is everything all right, dea-"

"Three butterbeers." Pansy's voice suddenly sound annoyed. "At that table-" she pointed to their table briskly where Daphne and Blaise are forcing themselves not to laugh, "-and I want it quick!"

"Right," Madam Rosmerta replied-if Pansy heard it right-rather dreamily. "I'm going to the bathroom, then."

"What?!" This time, Pansy really shouted. "I said bring me some butterbeers you-hey, don't turn your back on-"

Pansy pulled Madam Rosmerta at the elbow and she stumbled, dropping on the floor a familiar, golden coin. Pansy reached out to take it, but Madam Rosmerta slapped her hand. "Don't touch it!" she snapped, before snatching it on the floor and heading to the bathroom. Pansy noticed that she was also carrying a small, brown package before disappering inside. She was about to follow her when Daphne held her back. "Hey, just let it. She's mad."

"What's up with her-ouch-watch it!" she yelled at the two Gryffindors, Katie and Leanne, who bumped into her on their way to the bathroom. Leanne stopped to face her, but before Pansy could put up a fight, Crabbe and Goyle caught her attention. They appear to be lurking at the other side of the counter, and ran to exit the place as soon as they saw her. Pansy motions to follow them.

"Wait, where are you going?" Daphne called after her, and she turned around briefly to reply, "I'll just squeeze something out of those cronies. You two wait here-I'll be right back."

Pansy was gone before Daphne could even stop her. She stared at the door, slack-jawed. "Since when did Pansy called Crabbe and Goyle, 'cronies?'" Blaise shrugged his shoulders as usual. "Oh, I don't want to know."

Outside, Pansy tried her best to run after the two, but they were too far for her to reach. She reached out for her wand, aimed it at Crabbe, and paralyzed him. Goyle stopped to help him, but was disarmed immediately by Pansy.

"What are you playing at?" Goyle yelled in desperation as Pansy approached them. She held her wand threateningly at Goyle and replied, "Come with me. Let's have a little chat."

"Look, it's not our fault that Draco refuses to talk to you! We know nothing! And if we do, there's no way we're going to tell you!"

"Actually, there is," Pansy replied calmly, whipping her short, black hair away from her face. "I'm speaking your language."

And soon after, Pansy found herself frowning at the piggish Crabbe and Goyle who began gobbling a mountain of candies she bought for them at Honeydukes. For a moment, she thought maybe she was wrong all along; maybe Draco is not really up to something with the two-considering their piggish behavior and can be absolutely deemed useless-and was just growing tired of their 'game' or...her? Pansy dismissed the idea on her head. That's exactly what Millicent want, and she would not give her a reason to celebrate.

"So, what are you doing with Draco these weeks?" she began, laying her first card on the table.

"Nothing interesting," Crabbe answered, while he busy himself in unwrapping another box of Chocolate Frog. "He wouldn't tell us what he's up to-but he keeps giving us vague orders, see?"

"Like sneaking up a cauldron of Polyjuice Potion?"

Goyle choked on his food, but nodded. "Well...well, yeah..."

"What for?" Pansy asked, failing to hide her disgust while she watch Crabbe swallow a Chocolate Frog in one bite. Goyle shrugged his shoulders. "We don't know, yet. Right now, he just told us to keep a close eye on the package-" But Goyle was not able to finish when Crabbe gave him a violent nudge on his side.

"What package?" she asked, then suddenly, the sight of Madam Rosmerta holding a brown parcel flashed into her mind. "Don't tell me-"

But before she could continue, the door of the store opened to reveal Blaise and Daphne who are panting, but looked very happy to see them. "There you are! Been looking for you since the two Gryffindors left the place-you see, one of them is floating in the air right now, outside. She looks like she's been possessed or something. Bit of a scandal, really," said Blaise breathlessly with a grin.

"Yeah," Daphne added, smiling at Blaise. "You must've seen her face. Potter and his trio are horrified. They don't seem so lucky today, eh? Looks like they'd lose a Chaser because of a stupid package."

Pansy stood up, looking very intrigued. "A package?"

"Yeah, that's what we heard," answered Blaise. Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other and failed to surpass a small grin.

"Where are they now?" Pansy asked, unable to contain her curiosity.

"Well, they brought the Chaser to the castle, of course. I don't reckon she's dead, but I hope she's good as one until the opening match-hey where are you going?!"

Pansy ran out of Honeydukes and headed to the castle while Daphne was speaking, so she wasn't able to hear it's last words. She caught up with Potter, Weasley, Granger and the girl named Leanne, who was stopped by Professor McGonagall. Pansy hid herself in a corner and listened to their conversation.

" my office, now. It's okay Filch, they're with me!"

Pansy heard the scrambling of their feet, and then they're gone. She went out and ran to the entrance as well, but she was stopped by Filch and his Security Sensors.

"Oh, come on now, Squib! Just get over it!"

After a few moments, Filch finally let her in, and she took the other staircase leading to McGonagall's office. She hid in an empty corridor, waited for the four to pass by, before crouching near the door to eavesdrop.

"Why is it when something happens, it's always you three?" McGonagall sounds very distressed, and Pansy tried her best not to giggle.

"Believe me, Professor McGonagall, I've been asking myself the same question for six years." Pansy recognized the anxious voice of Ron Weasley.

Not long after, she saw Snape coming, so she ran and hid again in the deserted corridor. She waited for a few moments before crouching back outside the door.

"What do you think, Severus?"

"I think Ms. Bell is lucky to be alive." Snape's low and cold voice gave away his identity.

"Are you sure Ms. Bell does not have the package when she entered the Three Broomsticks?"

Another voice answered, and Pansy thought it might be the Leanne since she was with Bell when she entered the place, "I told you, she said she was just going to the bathroom, and when she returned, she already have the package. She said she needs to deliver it to someone in the castle."

Pansy held her breath-Madam Rosmerta!

"To whom did she intends to bring it, Leanne?"

Pansy wished she misheard it, but she was sure Leanne's answer is quiet clear-"To Professor Dumbledore."

She heard Leanne being dismissed afterwards, so she immediately left the corridor to the descend the stairs, where she bumped into Blaise and Daphne.

"Hey!" ejaculated Daphne in surprise. "What happened?"

"Well-" She wasn't sure how to start, she is just beginning to put everything together. Draco's unusual behavior these weeks... Crabbe and Goyle's confession...the Polyjuice Potion...the package...their postponed date...

Wait, hang on, Pansy whispered in her thoughts, he was supposed to ask me to go to Hogsmeade with-

"Well, good day."

Pansy gave a start, before turning to face Snape who happen to be standing behind her. Daphne and Blaise gave their greeting, but Pansy is too preoccupied to respond, "We-I mean-"

"Now what are the three of you doing here in a day like this? Ms. Parkinson?"

Daphne and Blaised turned their eyes on her curiously. Pansy stuttered, "Well, we were-I mean I was-I was making rounds and they're just accompanying me-"

"Making rounds?" Snape leaned a little closer that Pansy have to step back. "How noble of you, however-you realize it is too early to make rounds, don't you?"


"You should stop being a disgrace to your House by being more clever in giving excuses for eavesdropping-detention, in my office. Eight in the evening." Snape turned away from her and dashed in the corridor so quickly that she was not given time to protest. Pansy grunted loudly in disgust.

"What was that all about?" Blaise asked, baffled. "You were eavesdropping?"

"Yes," she answered stiffly, descending the stairs as fast as she could. "I just wanted to know what's up with that Chaser girl and I've already been granted detention by my own Head of House."

"Well," Daphne struggled to keep up with her pace as they walk down the corridor. "What happened to the Chaser? If I'm not wrong, her name is Katie."

"Yes, that's right, and she happen to have received a cursed-well, I don't know what's in the package-"

"Package?" Blaise looked more bewildered than ever. "You mean-"

"Yes," Pansy filled in. "That Leanne said she went out of the bathroom with the package. It's definitely the same package Madam Rosmerta was holding. Then she got cursed before she was able to deliver the package to the proper owner."

"Proper owner? And who's that?" Daphne asked. Pansy hesitated for a moment. "Professor Dumbledore."

"That's sick! It can't be true!" cried Blaise, who abruptly stopped walking because of shock. Pansy heaved a sigh and halted in front of him as well. "But it is. That's what I heard. Maybe that's why Snape is furious. It's supposed to be some sort of a confidential matter-"

"What's with Crabbe and Goyle, then? I mean, why did you chase them for? And treated them sweets?"

Pansy temporarily hates Daphne for asking, because she is still not sure if she could tell them. Surely, it is clear that it was Draco who asked them to look after the package and to ensure that it'll be delivered to Dumbledore. But she got no proof but the words of those two bloke. Besides, Draco also mentioned about a special task the Dark Lord asked him to do. If that's it, then there's a reason why her boyfriend is very disturbed these past weeks. Pansy felt her heart sank. If he's not telling it to Crabbe, or Goyle or her or Blaise, then there's a reason for him to do so. One wrong move would mean expulsion, or worse-death. The Parkinsons are known ally of Death Eaters, so Pansy know the danger it will brought you if you gave the Dark Lord any reason to be angry. The news about Draco's father suddenly flashed across her mind- Maybe, this is His way-

"Pansy, are you alright?" Daphne touched her arm and she gave a start. Blaise looked at her in evident concern, "You look upset."

"I-I just asked Crabbe and Goyle whether-whether-" Pansy felt a twinge of guilt and looked away. "Whether Draco is-you know-breaking up with me."

Daphne heaved a dismal sigh and motioned to hug her, which she politely refused. Daphne ended up patting her back, and Blaise did the same. Pansy nodded to them awkwardly, before something caught her eye. She saw Draco walking in the other end of the corridor, before disappering to a corner.

She whispered his name under her breath, before running towards the direction where he disappeared. Daphne was supposed to follow her again, but this time, Blaise held her back.

"No, let her go. It's her boyfriend," he said, before turning to the opposite direction. Daphne thought she detected bitterness in his tone, but brushed it off. With a final glance at Pansy, she hurried off to follow Blaise.

Pansy, on the other hand, came to a halt as soon as she realized that Draco went to the boys' bathroom. She waited for him to come out, but he didn't. Pansy took several cautious steps, while slowly peering inside. "Dra-"

She was cut short when she heard a voice-a girl's one. It sounds gloomy and echoes faintly above the sniff and the sound of a heavy breathing. Pansy took a deep breath before peering inside.

Draco was standing in front of the mirror, staring intently at his reflection while clutching the either side of the sink tightly. He has taken off his cloak, loosened his tie, rolled his sleeves up his elbows and ruffled his hair. Pansy saw his face dripping wet, and the water flows noisily from the faucet he'd left on. He somehow appears to be out of breath; his elbows are quivering slightly as Moaning Myrtle floats gloomily behind him.

"What's the matter?" she asked dismally, and Pansy recognized her gloomy voice that she heard outside at once. "Tell me, so that I can help you. . ."

"No," he whispered in a coarse voice; strained with panic. "You can' one can help me. . ."

Pansy has never seen Draco behave this way before-he looks more paler than he was as he crouched to wash his face hastily again-as if he's trying to remove something desperately from his face. The water splashed all over his front, soaking his uniform, but he didn't stop; Pansy was worried for a moment that he might drown himself that she took a step forward without thinking.

As she did so, however, Draco sensed her presence. He stopped abruptly to take his wand who rests quietly at the next sink and aimed it at Pansy before yelling, "Leave! This is the boys' bathroom!"

"I know, I'm not stupid," she replied, before she could even help herself. Trying to make up with what she said, she took another step-"Look, Draco, if you could just tell me-"

"No, I can't! No one should know-don't you understand?! I have to do this!" he cried, waving his wand recklessly as he did so.

Pansy took another step and gulped, staring at the tip of his wand with caution, "Draco, you should know that I definitely have no plans of dueling with you."

Draco heaved a deep sigh before slowly lowering his wand. Pansy exhaled in relief. Not long after, Draco bustled to grab his cloak before marching outside the bathroom so abruptly that Pansy can't think of another way to stop him aside from stepping literally on his way. Draco walked into her, nearly knocking her over.

"What?! I said-"

"Oh, I heard you the first time alright!" exclaimed Pansy, before drawing her wand and aiming it at his clothes. Draco gave a jolt at first, but Pansy held him steady with a glare. "Aer Calidus," she whispered, and a steam of hot air issued from her wand. Slowly, she dried his clothes before looking up to meet his eyes.

Gray and somber; she thought it looks more colorless than it actually is. Pansy felt her heart was slightly squeezed for the first time.

"I know about it," she said, after a few seconds. "And I can offer you help-"

"You can't!" Draco replied dismissively. "How many times do I have to tell you that you don't unde-

"I understand what He asked you to do! I even got a detention for knowing that," she mumbled the last words and looked away. "Look, I'm not a Death Eater-there's no way I am going to steal your glory-"

"You don't know what you're saying." Draco walked past her and headed outside when he was stopped again by Pansy's voice.

"Filch can't detect potions," she stated, so fast as she was afraid Draco would miss it. "I know it, I saw several first years smuggle love potion right under his nose. You can brew a poison-I can help you do it. Crabbe and Goyle are horrible-I can't believe you are that desperate to rely on them."

"Why are you doing this?" Draco asked him scathingly. Pansy looked stung and stared at him the same way. "What the-of course, I am your-"

Moaning Myrtle, who happen to be watching and listening the whole time, gave a small gasp. Pansy glanced at her briefly before continuing, "Because I am your friend."

Silence. They looked at each other for a moment, both unsure of what to feel, of what to expect after that. However, Draco was the first one to break, and to walk out the scene.

"I thought you're his girlfriend..." Moaning Myrtle said dreamily, drifting around Pansy as if she's examining her every angle. Pansy looked at her haughtily, "Then you should think better."

She was supposed to get out when the ghost stood in her way. "But a girlfriend is better than a friend!"

Pansy let out a small chuckle as she speak. "I don't know what are you taking to be that stupid, but I must say that it's working," she snapped, before marching right through her and storming out of the bathroom.

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