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Troy was the youngest one in the family he was only 11 years old but his abilities had long flourished and he... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6


125 2 0


"My sons' for the longest your mother and I have kept this secret from you. We did not keep it from you to hurt you but to protect him" He spoke to his sons with his final few sentences.

They listened closely while trying to wipe their tears away from their eyes. Their mother had fallen first along with their grandfather.

For over 7 centuries they had hidden the secret safe and now just when they had truly believed that Lord Lucifer had truly gone from their very own existence he had returned to finish off what he had once began and what he once promised he would do to them. Unfortunately as much as they wished he had truly died he was back and he wanted revenge but most of all he wanted to know the locations of the ancient relics.

Troy was the youngest one in the family he was only 11 years old but his abilities had long flourished and he had used his special powers so well that anyone who knew him would swear that he was an adult. Devon was 16 years old and also very gifted, when he was first born and only a few hours old he set fire to the bed beside him where he slept he was a powerful fire dragon and Troy was the best wind dragon any Dragonian's had ever seen. Dragonia was located in a parallel dimension to earth. They lived a peaceful life but the family past was a best-kept secret.

The myth of a family of dragon hybrids was well known on different worlds except for earth. The only knowledge of any type of dragons was thru mythology but earth was about to learn that dragon's were very much real.

Troy lay next to his dying father and cried his little heart out wanting for his father to heal, to stand up and stay alive. In final few weeks of hiding from Lord Lucifer nothing could predict the events that would lead up to the present and the future. Troy watched as Lord Lucifer wiped out his family one by one. Troy watched as his father tried his best to stop Lord Lucifer who now by unknown knowledge had possessed ambrosia. Ambrosia the food of the gods rumored to be a myth now proved to really exist. Lord Lucifer was no longer a Lord but a god.

Devon wiped his eyes again for the 6th time and watched as his dad would struggle to speak but most of all struggle to breath properly.

"Take care of troy, you two are all alone now, you will need each other for this one last favor" father spoke as he spat blood into the air.

He coughed every 40 seconds and could feel his life passing by, his heart rate slowing and he began to wonder if there was more he could have done to stay alive, to protect his family but that was all to late. It was now time that they learned one of the families' worse secrets. A secret so horrible to them that every day of their lives they begged each other for forgiveness and hoped that they had done the right thing in this life time.

"In my hiding place across the valley of death, you will find the secret room that you boys are forbidden to enter. Go there and collect the pendant of worlds. Travel to a different world known as earth. There you will find a young man, he should be," he coughed up more blood and gasped for air.

Devon took his father's hand and slowly caressed it assuring him that he was there and that he wasn't leaving him. Father took a breath and continued.

"On earth look for a young man named Dean. He is your older brother" Father said.

Their hearts stopped beating and the entire ambience that was loud and clear was now gone. They were unsure of what they had just heard and wondered how that could be possible.

"I know it is a great big shock to find out that you have an older brother but there is no time anymore, Lord Lucifer will get the information he wants and head for earth. Your brother has the ancient crystals that Lord Lucifer searches for. You have to prevent Lord Lucifer from reaching your brother and killing him. If Dean is killed all hope for any life is gone" He said.

"Wait, how, a brother, why didn't you say something about this before" Devon asked confused but looking towards the sky. Troy hadn't spoken a word in a while but shed more tears once he saw his father's eyes closed. Devon looked down at his father to ask again about all of this but it was too late his father had passed and they were the last two survivors of this horrific ordeal. Devon cried harder and wanted so much to learn more but now there was nothing more to learn. He knew that it was up to him and his little brother to save his older brother from destruction.

"Come on were leaving," he told Troy but troy did not want to budge.

"Troy come on there is nothing we can do anymore they are gone, we have to do what dad asked of us to do" he said showing true leadership.

Troy stood up and stared at his father's lifeless body one last time before finally taking his brother's hand and walking away from him forever. They walked towards the valley of the death in search of their father's secret room. For over an hour nothing was said to one another not even a peep came out of the boys. They began to feel the affects of emotional drain ness. Troy wanted to rest and sleep but every time he tried to stop Devon would grab his wrist and move him on. Devon had so many unanswered questions and he now hated his father for hiding such a huge secret but most of all hated his father for leaving him, he really as a matter of fact hated his entire family.

(How could they die so quickly all the stories they had once shared with me of their younger days when mom and dad and nana and papa were alive, how could they be killed so quickly) he thought to himself. 4 hours had passed and they finally made it to the valley of the death.

The valley of the death was named after the last huge war they had on their home planet in which all but 5 remaining warriors were left alive. The government had spent so much resource and money trying to defeat it's enemies that when the war was finally over there was no money left to bury any of the fallen warriors of Dragonia. The foul stench of death was in the air; its vigorating smell was enough to make anyone want to vomit. The worse thing was that all the skeletal remains were still there where they once had fallen to their deaths. Devon took a step forward while holding Troy's hand but he stepped backwards.

"Come on Troy we have to cross the valley of the death in order to get to where dad said" Devon informed him.

"No, I don't want to go. It smells bad and it scares me" Troy explained.

"Look I don't care what it smells like and there is nothing here that is going to get you, we don't have a choice" Devon replied.

"No, don't make me I don't want to go across the valley it's to scary" Troy explained.

"I'm sorry it's scary for you but we have no choice" Devon explained.

Devon became quiet and looked at his younger brother then knew what he was going to do.

"Come here, jump on to my back I will carry you across the valley okay" Devon mentioned.

After a few minutes of hesitation Troy jumped on to his brother's back, closed his eyes and held on while Devon moved forward. The journey thru the valley was going to be a long one. Devon watched his every step trying to avoid from stepping on skeletons and walked around creatures that lived in the valley. It seemed like an eternity but after 5 long miles of walking they finally made it unaware that Lord Lucifer had followed them. He wanted to kill them both but he knew the only way of getting information was to follow them.

(They had to know something) he thought to himself as he watched them closely. He knew it was all worth waiting for when he finally followed them to the secret room that the boys' father had mentioned of.

Troy jumped off and looked at the entrance to the room. He wondered how a room like this could be so easily hidden when it was in plain sight. He watched Devon walk up to the door and try to open it. The door wouldn't budge thou, near the door they found a code panel to unlock the door but, they were never given the code.

"Great how are we suppose to get in there now?" Devon asked.

"Try a code" Troy replied.

"Okay, I get that but, what type of code moron" Devon replied.

"I don't know just guess" Troy replied.

Devon studied the code panel hoping for some clue to unlock it when an idea hit him.

"Okay I got it, stand back I'm going to melt this code panel off" he said.

Troy took a few steps back and watched as his brother used his powers to burn the panel. The intense heat from his hands was at 200 degrees Fahrenheit but it wasn't enough to melt the code panel off. Their father had built the devise to prevent even his sons from getting in. Devon stopped and back up and stood next to his brother.

"What happen?" Troy asked.

"Umm let me see, Uhhh it didn't work" he sarcastically said.

"Well do something else" troy mentioned.

"How about you do something mister I'll bark the orders but not help out" Devon snapped back.

"What do you want me to do?" Troy asked.

"Go knock on the door that always works" Devon replied in a smart ass way.

"Okay" Troy said.

He walked over to the door and knocked on it 3 times before the code panel was activated.

"Please enter your birth date" the panel said.

Devon's eyes had grown big he couldn't believe his little brother had gotten the door to work this far. He ran over to him and tried to help.

"Who's birth date shall we use?" Troy asked.

"Try mom's" Devon replied.

Troy punched in the birth date but access was denied.

"Move" Devon said pushing his brother aside.

"Hey watch it" Troy yelled.

He stood at the code panel trying to think of what significant birth date to use that would open the door. He punched in a second set of number but access was denied. He tried two more before Troy once again intervened. Troy looked at the code and just out of curiosity punched in his birth date.


Troy looked back at Devon and gave him a ha ha I got it you didn't look. Devon smiled and pushed Troy out of the way. He opened the door and they both walked in. Lord Lucifer made his way closer to take a better look.

Once inside they started looking everywhere for the pendant of worlds. After searching they found the pendant in two spots.

"It's broken" Troy said.

"How are we going to use it then" Devon wondered.

He grabbed the other half of the pendant out of his brother's hand and when he placed them close together they began to glow. He placed the pendant together make it whole as one, which activated the portal. The pendant then separated until they were put together again to open another portal. Troy grabbed a half of the pendant and placed it around his neck just like a necklace, Devon did the same.

"Okay trust me, let's go" Devon said.

Troy took his brother's hand looked back towards the door as to see his home world one last time and preceded thru the portal. Lord Lucifer wasted no time in following them before the portal closed. Within matter of minutes they were quickly transported from their world to earth. The portal opened up high in the sky and the boys fell out into the sky. They were falling at a fast rate but they quickly thru their dragon wings in the air and stopped themselves from flying.

"Wow Devon this world is amazing look how far up we are, look over there" Troy said pointing left and right at all the amazing sites.

"I know all this is amazing but we don't have time we need to get moving we have to find Dean" Devon said. They quickly flew away from the portal but as Devon stopped to make sure the portal closed Lord Lucifer appeared.

"No" Devon said out loud.

"Oh no" Troy cried out.

Lord Lucifer was quick and quickly caught up to the boys as they tried to fly away.

"Going somewhere?" he said.

Both boys ignored him not wanting to speak.

"Thank you for bringing me to where I need to be, now all I have to do is find your brother and I will destroy Dragonia and this world. My name will come to be feared over time," He said.

"I don't know how but I will find a way to stop you" Devon said.

Without even having a chance to fully blink his throat started to collapse in as he tried to assess the situation with his eyes. Lord Lucifer had wrapped his hand around his neck and began to squeeze tightening Devon's throat.

"Stop it your killing him" Troy shot out.

Lord Lucifer turned and smiled at Troy knowing that the little runt was unable to do anything to save his brother. Devon somehow managed to break free and kicked Lord Lucifer in the neck.

"Let's see how you like that," he uttered out while trying to gain control on his breathing.

Lord Lucifer wasn't pleased he instantly rammed into Devon sending him flying backwards. He whipped thru the sky out of control and as he tried to gain balance he slammed into the tail of an airplane that was in route from England to New York.

The passengers in the plane jerked hard one way and then sat back up they knew something was wrong but didn't know what. They became scared and very nervous. The captain of the plane quickly announced an emergency landing was being called for the plane was going down. He advised the passengers to get ready for a crash landing since they were in between the countries and over the Atlantic Ocean.

"Mayday, Mayday I repeat flight 755 is requesting assistance. Unknown failure plane is preparing for an emergency landing." The captain radioed out requesting for help.

Troy flew at Lord Lucifer in an effort to push him but was stopped by Lord Lucifer.

"Pathetic, you are no match for me young boy" he said.

He pushed Troy back a few feet. He was getting ready to try and attack again when Devon appeared from nowhere. Troy hadn't realized it until it started going down. He closed his eyes and opened them again unsure of what he was seeing was truly real.

(Could it be a metal bird) he thought to himself but then he noticed the flames coming from the back and the metal bird plunging quickly downwards.

"What is it?" he yelled out towards his brother

"I don't know but I injured it, you have to help the bird" Devon yelled back.

Troy wasted no time and flew towards the metal bird hoping to stop it from falling before it hit the ground. He flapped his dragon wings as hard as he could downwards in hopes of catching up with the metal bird while his brother stood and tried to stop Lord Lucifer.

Lord Lucifer wasted no time in ramming into Devon once again sending him back but this time as Devon flew back he used his powers to engulf Lord Lucifer in fire. The fire was very intense but no way powerful enough to stop Lord Lucifer. From the sky a battle was fought and only a few people could really see what was going on the rest that would look up would only see dots or they would imagine seeing something in the sky that they could not identify. After ever so quickly flying downwards towards the bird he finally made it and grabbed what he could of the back end but it wasn't slowing down.

"Hang on friend we are sorry we injured you, I'm here now to help you" Troy called out.

Trying to pull the bird back was proving no good so he decided to try to stop it from the head of the bird. As he dropped down he was surprised to see people inside the bird. This baffled him he was unsure what was going on but he continued to the head. When he finally arrived the Captain and the copilot of the plane greeted him. He stopped for a second startled but didn't really have too much time to try and figure it out. He placed his hands on the head and started to push the velocity of the fall was starting to slowly slow the plane down but it was no way enough to prevent it from crashing. His second idea was to use his powers, he mustered enough strength and flew a few feet in front of the plane and with his powerful wings he started to flap them towards the plane creating a very powerful wind that worked at slowing the plane down. Troy grabbed the plane and with the rest of his strength pushed hard on the plane finally gaining control of the situation. He was to far away to see his brother or Lord Lucifer but he was close to the ground. He finally had a grip on the plane and directed it to dry land. Winded, tired and sore from the ordeal when he finally helped the metal bird land he collapsed from exhaustion.

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