By KennoRandmeeMacapoli

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You only knew few survivors of the Raccoon City incident. The city that was infested and succumbs by the T-vi... More



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By KennoRandmeeMacapoli

SEPTEMBER 28, 1998


"Yes, Mom if it's not for that huge traffic back there near the raven's bridge I would have arrived on time for Ely's graduation" Tanya told her mom on the phone as she was driving her car going to Raccoon City.

Tanya in her angled lob cut hair, 19 years of age was the youngest sister of Ellaine. She was invited by her sister for her graduation and was now very late.

"Welcome to RACCOON CITY! " reading the signs she just passed. "Mom I am here alright, No mom there was a an accident near the bridge a man's car was hit by a dump truck, the driver was like crazy, police said and they said he came for Raccoon city" she continued talking to her mother.

She took the mop and read it again unsure of what directions she will go. She flip the map upside down looking for Raccoons auditorium.

"It's near the central park" she murmured. "What mom? No, I was looking at the map, well I have to call you later okay once I meet Elly, and I have to look for a gas station my car is almost empty" she said to her mom. "Okay Mom bye love you!" the she put back her phone on the car's desk.

She was looking all over to find a gas station and she saw that the city was so quiet it's like a ghost town, and it seems like there's been a war or a great damage happened to that are it was all a mess. Shortly after she find what she was looking for a gas station. She parked her car, get out from it and walks towards the gas station.

"Hello! Anybody here? I would like to pay for the gas" she said as she went inside the gas station. She looks all over and saw that this place also is a mess. There was papers scattering on the floor, there broken drinking glasses and as she went further, she was shocked in fear as she saw some blood stained on the floor. "Oh my God, hello?" she continued, still no one answered her. She saw that the kitchen door was open so she decided to take a look inside. She slowly opened the door and slowly walked in, and then she heard something it's like someone must be eating or chewing something. She looked near the cooking area and saw a man sitting behind it's back like it was eating something. "Hello mister I need to pay for the..." she was about to continue when she was shocked in terror when the man look behind her and was holding an arm of a person. "Oh my God!" she screamed. The man stood up walking towards him, the man had a bloody mouth and a eye white yes, his making this weird moaning sounds like it was hungry ready to feed for her. "Don't you come any closer I tell you!" but the man couldn't comprehend her and instead it jump towards her aiming for her neck, she was struggling while the man grasping for her neck to bite her. "No please! Stop! Help!" she was shouting. It seems like no one heard her and with all her forced she kicked the man so heard and she loose free. She run very fast outside the kitchen but someone grabbed her from behind, another man wearing a jumper shirt, grabbing her arms was about to bite her but she manage to reach the empty bottled bear and slap it to the undead's face. But it seems it wasn't hurt by it, it continued walking towards with its mouth wide opened. "Please stop!" she just said helplessly as she stood behind the counter's desk. All of a sudden she heard a gunshot and she saw a hole on the man who was about to attack her and it drop dead on the floor.

"Are you okay?" the man in a police uniformed with a RPD print asks him.

"Yes" she replied weakly and still shaking out of fear.

"Are you bitten by them?" the police asks but Tanya just stood in fear looking at him. "Miss I said have been bitten by them?" he asks making his voice a little louder.

"NO!" she just replied.

"Come to me now, if you want to live" he said to her and the guy with a blond slick black hair went on first and opened the door for Tanya. "Come on, let's get out of here" he said and without hesitations Tanya hurried and wet outside.

"OH MY GOD! THERE ARE ALL OVER!" she shouted when she stepped out and saw more of those things who attacked her.

"Get inside the police car now!" the guy ordered her, and he shoot the undead who were near them one by one in their heads.

Tanya went inside the police car near the driver set. "Let's go now!" she shouted to the police man who was shooting the undead who walks towards their car.

"Hang on tight!" the police man said to him as he turned the car keys on but then there were few of the undead slamming the cars , they were so wild forcing thereself to get in.

"Oh no! Oh my God!" Tanya kept shouting.

Then the police man started the car and accelerated away from the gas station hitting the undead with the police car.

"Oh no! This can't be? How can this be" Tany a was hysterical and just keep on crying.

"Hey that's enough okay "the police told her.

"No this isn't happening! This can't be happening!" Tanya continued to cry.

"HEY! I SAID SNAP OUT OF IT!" the police man shouts at her and she was relaxed. Tanya wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for shouting you" the police man said.

"It's okay I needed that one" Tanya said and try to be still and be relax.

"My name is Jake Sobber,RPD and you?" he asks.

"Tanya, Tanya Grace" she replied.

"Tanya, a very nice name" he said to her.

"What happened here?" she asks.

"I don't know little girl but I guess we should leave town now, it's a disaster here" he answered.

"No I can't leave now" she insisted.

"And why is that?" he asks her.

"I have to look for my sister she's here and she's waiting for me, Can you bring at the central park at the Raccoon's auditorium?" she replied.

"No, I absolutely will not!" he strongly disagree.

"And why not, my sister is there" she argued.

"That place was swarming with those zoombies I've been there trust me and if your sister is there she might be dead by now" he answered.

"No she can't be she's waiting for me there, and she can't be dead, because she a STARS member!" she explained herself.

"A STARS member huh" Jake said looking at Tanya.

"Yes, ring any bell?" she asks.

"Yeah, I know those guys, there one of the best" he replied.

"Okay then if you believed in that, then bring me to her, and once I 'll meet my sister we can go on separate ways" she said to Jake.

"I can't believe I'm doing this, okay I'll take you to her, but first we should need more Ammo" he agreed with her.

"More ammo?" she asks.

"Yes little girl trust me at this point in time you wouldn't last long in this city without a lot of ammunition" he replied to her and drive fast as he could to reach the nearest gun shop.

While there were traveling further inside Raccoon City, Tanya saw the place that it was all chaos. There were burned police patrol cars, closed shop, empty cars and broken windows from every homes and buildings. The both of them were quite as they saw the destruction and unorderly of the city.

            "Here we are gun shop, just what we need" Jake said as he pulled the car in front of a gun shop.

"Are you sure it safe here?" Tanya asks.

"Right now little girl the word safe isn't commonly present in this place" Jake replied with a blunt affect.

"It's locked" Jake said as he tried to open the door. "Let's see if it's open at the back" he told Tanya. They went to the back of the stores and found out that it's locked as well.

"Are there any other gun shops here?" Tanya asks him.

"I know the guy who owns this, I wonder if Bert had left the town" he said as he continued on trying to open the door.

"Hey, do you know the word sneaking out during your grounded days?" she asks Jake as she looks at the glass window above them.

They have managed to enter the gun shop as they climb up and broke the window glass. The place was dark and quiet like any other place in Raccoon city. The two of them surveyed a look of the store, observing and listening if someone or something might be in the store.

"It's all quiet, maybe Bert left his store" Jake said.

"And leave all this precious stuff here" Tanya told him.

"I don't really know" Jake said as he turned his flashlight on.

"I saw a switch" Tanya said and tries to turn it on, but nothing happened. "It seems like the power is out here" she looked at Jake.

"Never mind that let's go down and grab what we can get" he told her and they went down the store.

As they went down the store was still in order. They were no signs of infiltrations of those undead creatures. Jake, immediately get a huge black hand bag, and took some of the hand guns, rifles, shot guns and some of its ammo and put it inside the bag. Tanya was also looking some of the guns inside a glass casket. She saw some gloc 19 and the walther P99 AS and some other heavy guns.

"Hey little girl what are you good at?" Jake ask her as he saw Tanya examining the guns.

"I don't really know, about this" she replied.

"No I mean what are you good at it, do you know how to use guns, arrows, bows, martial arts... cheer leading...?"

"Hey! I know stuff I took up Kendo and Samurai classes two years ago in Tokyo" she strongly said.

"Well that's quiet amusing" he responded.

"And don't call me little girl, I know how to handle myself" she told him pretending to be brave about what she said.

"Yes, I can see that, for at this moment in time, we all have equip the best of our abilities, about what we know, this is survival Tanya, and you should know that too" Jake explained to her.

I also know that, but my top priority is finding my sister and I am willing to do whatever it takes just to survive and find her" she said with determination.

"Brave young lady" he smiled at her. And then Jake saw a samurai sword hanging beneath the shelves of some grenade. "Well Tanya this must be your lucky day" he said to her as he gets the samurai and throw it to Tanya and she catch with her right hand.

"This could come in handy" she said as she unsheathe the sword and examines it.

"Okay lets hurry up then so that we can find your sister" he told her as he took some of the granades and put it inside the bag. All of a sudden they've heard a stumbling sound above them.

"There someone upstairs" Tanya whispered.

"I'll go look at it" Jake said.

"And I'll go with you" she told Jake.

Slowly they went back upstairs with their flashlights and take a look at the surroundings but there's no one there but again they heard the sound.

'It came from that room" Jake said pointing at the door near the stairs. I'll go on check it" he continued.

"Be careful" Tanya said to him.

Jake slowly held the door knob and slowly opened the door then all of a sudden he friend Bert jump at him and the two of them fall on the floor.

"Jake are you alright?" Tanya asks as she came running towards him.

"I'm okay, I got Bert" he replied as he held his friends and saw that it has an oozing wound on his left arm. "Bert are you okay? Talk to me man" he said to his friend.

"Jake? Is that you?' Bert looked at him, he looks tired and weary.

"Bert what happened to you?" Jake asks.

"You have to get out of this town right now. It's dangerous here" Bert said to Jake in his weary voice.

"No, Bert we'll take you with us" Jake demanded and tries to make his friend stand.

"No, you have to go the two of you, those things got me, and there are others, other more dangerous things out there" Bert told them.

"What other things?" Tanya asks fearfully.

"I just meet and assisted a young woman named, Claire, Claire Redfield, she was looking for her brother here in Raccoon City, then someone attacked us, that thing was like being sent to hunt her down, and I saw it Jake that creature, saw it's eyes it was death I saw" Bert said and then he cough and cough and then make it out his last breath.

"Bert come on man! Don't you give up on me BERT!" Jake tries to awaken him up.

"Jake, we have to go his dead" Tanya told him.

"No, he's not, he's my friend we have to help him" Jake insisted.

"Jake, please, he's gone there's nothing else we can do" Tanya told him with symapathy.

"Okay, we have to go now Bert" Jake told his friend and a tear fell down in his eyes. "Let's go!" he said to Tanya as he wipe his tears from his eyes.

When they turned their back to Bert to go down the stairs they suddenly heard a voice from Bert, he was breathing and they heard a low moaning sound. When they look behind them they saw Bert, was standing looking at them in his white eyes staring blankly at them.

"Bert?' Jake asks but his friend never replied.

"Jake he has turned" Tanya told him very worried.

"No way, Bert it's me!" Jake told his friend, but it seems it doesn't know him it continues to approach him.

"You have to shoot him now!" Tanya told Jake but he was very reluctant.

"No I can't!" he replied with his hand shaking as he was holding the gun.

"Now you have to shoot him!" Tanya told him once again but he was too hesitant and then suddenly Bert jump towards Jake and was to bite him and but Jake was able to hold him of.

"Bert stop it it's me!" Jake told Bert as it was still struggling to bite him. Then with all his strength hi kick Bert in its abdomen and he falls down on the floor. But Bert stands again. "Bert! Please stop I can't hurt you!" Jake was still hesitant to shoot his friend.

But with a quick movement, Tanya cut off Bert's head and it stumble on the floor and there was a blood splash on Jake's face. Jake looked at her with a shocked.

"Sorry I have to do it!" Tanya apologizes as she wiped her samurai sword with her handkerchief.

"Your quiet tough with that sword" Jake to her as he was still confused of what had happened.

"I told you I was good at something and I am not a little girl anymore" Tanya replied still wiping her sword and when she's done she threw her handkerchief away.

"You don't have to do that for me" Jake told him.

"Listen I understand, how you feel it's your friend, but for the moment right there it was not your friend anymore, Bert is gone, because you also told me, that we have to survive, and for the moment right there I have to choose the living and the dead" Tanya explained to him.

"I'M sorry if I doubted you earlier, you can have my word, I'll make you safe until we found your sister" Jake told him.

"Yes, we have to keep each other safe now" Tanya smiled at him.

The two of them headed down stair, and went outside to the police car and Jake drive the car and they were silent as they travel going to the Raccoon Auditorium .

In just 15 minutes they have arrived at the central park and they saw that they are some zoombies rooming around the area.

"We have to get out from the car the auditorium is just right over there, we can walk and we can pass through this undead" Jake told Tanya.

"If that so, I can do it, and thank you" Tanya told him.

"Don't thank me yet, you haven't see your sister yet" Jake replied with a smile. "Lets move!" After Jake said it, the two of them got out from the car as fast as they could and run going to the auditorium. They run fast passing some of the undead and when Jake saw that they were dead near them he'll shoot them one by one through the head. Finally they have reach the auditorium, they entered the huge gate and Jake close it again to make sure the dead couldn't got in.

"Ah, Jake we have a problem!" Tanya told him and he heard a growling sound and when he look in front of them he can't believe what he have seen.


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