Resident Evil: The Umbrella T...

By RobertDeffenbaugh

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Before Oswell E Spencer made his own version of Umbrella and after Umbrella was destroyed. Two Children Born... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 0 1/2
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 1/2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 1/2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 1/2
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 1/2
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 1/2
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 1/2
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 1/2
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 1/2
Chapter 10
Chapter 10 1/2
Chapter 11
Chapter 11 1/2
Chapter 12

Chapter 3 1/2

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By RobertDeffenbaugh

Robert Cain and Rosie Cain shooting...

Irvin: I got two ex-Umbrella Corps in sight.

Oscar: Robert Cain and Rosie Cain.

Irvin: Should I put them in a body bag?

Oscar: No, go after Susan and Otis.

A few minutes later...

Susan: It's great you are back.

Otis: I hope you are ready for this.

Irvin: I am, today Umbrella dies.

Otis and Susan get into position...

Irvin plants the bomb...

Otis, Susan and Irvin escapes...

Twelve minutes later...

Oscar knocks Irvin unconscious...

Narc: I'm surprised you trusted this clown.

Oscar: I was testing him.

Narc: He blew up an Umbrella Facility!

Oscar: Don't worry, we will recover what we have lost.

Narc: I hope you are right.

A few minutes later...

Armpit firing a Bazooka from his Forehead...

Irvin: That dude has a Bazooka on his Forehead.

Susan: This will hurt a lot.

Otis: We will stop this maniac.


Badger: There's a beast in the Kitchen that sneezes out pointy things like a Porcupine.

Eric: We can fight it together.

Badger: Where is Vince?

Eric: He isn't our problem right now.

Badger: I hope you are right.

Eric finds a light switch...

Eric: I found a light switch.

Badger: I hope nothing bad happens when you turn it on.

Eric turns the light switch on...

Eric: It's fine.

Badger: The Bombs should be here somewhere.

Eric: I'll help you find them.


Vince: I'm alone in a creepy lab with dogs barking in cages, I found some medicine in just in case we get sick.

Robert Cain: Who are you?

Vince: Umbrella?!

Robert Cain: Ex Umbrella, I now work for BSAA.

Vince: Are you alone?

Robert: Why does it matter?

Vince: We are here to stop Umbrella.

Robert: I am too, my father's research on the Q Virus.

Vince: You are the Q Virus?

Robert: Yes, my father injected my mother.

Vince: I'm after Mister Bower's Umbrella Corps.

Robert: How's that going?

Vince: We are destroying Mister Bowers.

Robert: Goodbye S.T.A.R.S. unit.

Robert leaves...

Vince gets all the medical supplies and runs to the Van...


Badger activates the bomb...

Badger: We got six minutes left.

Eric: Let's leave now.

Badger and Eric leaves...

Badger: Vince, it's great you left when you did.

Vince: I'm sorry I left.

Badger: All that matters is you got out in time.

The Lab explodes...


Mister Bowers: Please tell me someone has a plan.

Adolf: One of our drones spotted their main base.

Mister Bowers: Bring a lot of men to destroy them!

Cobra: I brought in professionals.

A few minutes later...

Donald Turner: The J Virus will not be denied!

Donald Turner meets Mister Bowers...

Mister Bowers: I need your help killing S.T.A.R.S.

Donald Turner: I am a professional killer.

Mister Bowers: Excellent.


Irvin: Eric, get the guns ready.

Eric and Badger gets the guns ready...

Badger: Are you alright?

Eric: I'm fine.

Eight minutes later...

Diana Cain: I heard you are now Jefferson's errand boy.

Eric: Don't push me Diana.

Diana Cain: Why won't you work for me?

Eric: Because Jefferson is more organized.

Diana Cain: Are you almost ready to destroy S.T.A.R.S.?

Eric: Why do you care?

Diana Cain: Jefferson was once my husband, we just have different methods on the Q Virus's research.

Eric: Yeah, the Q Virus is a total failure.

Diana Cain: Then join me for success.

Eric: You don't have anything to do with the Q Virus.

Diana Cain: I combat that evil.

Eric: Evil?

Diana Cain: I created a cure for the Q Virus.

Eric: Humanity is doomed, it's time to put them in their place, Jefferson Cain is our salvation.

Diana Cain: Get out of my sight you filthy worm!

Eric runs away...


Irvin and Susan shooting...

Otis hiding in a broom cabinet...

Otis opens the cabinet and starts shooting...

Armpit laughing...

Armpit: That tickles!

Irvin: Time to take this seriously.

Otis finds a Bazooka...

Otis: RPG!

Otis fires at Armpit...

Susan: How did you find a Bazooka?

Otis: It was in this Cabinet.

Eric: Hi squad.

Susan: Why are you here?

Eric: I needed to clear my head.

Otis: Umbrella is getting more organized.

Eric: Yes, I heard the J Virus will be coming after us soon.

Susan: We should split up.

Leprechaun: I got you where I want you Pinheads!

Leprechaun grabs his Machete...

Otis: A Leprechaun with a Machete?

Leprechaun: Die!

Otis and Eric shooting at the Leprechaun...

The Leprechaun dies...

Otis: Get going!

A few minutes later...

Irvin transferring Data to his cellphone...

Susan: The J Virus is going to be a big problem.

Irvin: Hopefully Umbrella will be destroyed soon.

Zombies pounding on the door...

Biggie crushes the door with his fist...

Biggie: Time to eat S.T.A.R.S.!

Susan: We got a situation over here!

Irvin: I transferred all the data.

Susan: Good, I need you!

Biggie picks up Susan...

Susan screaming...

Biggie: I'm going to eat you in one bite!

Irvin shoots Biggie...

Biggie drops Susan...

Irvin: I'm going to take you down!

Biggie laughing...

Biggie: Small words coming from a Potato Salad.

Irvin shoots Biggie...

Biggie laughing...

That tickles little Potato!

Irvin and Susan starts shooting...

Biggie turns into seeds...

Susan: I was a little worried.

Irvin: Well we got what we came here for.


Mud: My squad is about to destroy their hideout.

Oscar: The Boss wants the Zombie Baby in position.

Mud: That's fine by me.

A few minutes later...

Badger and Vince shooting...

Badger: We are highly outnumbered!

Vince: We need backup now!

Toro and Cardio firing...

Mud: I have returned to put you all in a body bag!

Toro: Screw you traitor!

Toro throws a grenade at Mud...

Mud blows up...

Cardio: Good job now let's clean up.

Cardio and Mud runs around shooting Umbrella...

Baby Zombie shows up and farts...

Cardio and Toro gets infected...

Baby Zombie laughing...

Otis shoots a Bazooka...

Baby Zombie blows up...

Otis: Yeah!

Eric: That's how we deal with Zombies!

Otis and Eric meets up with Badger and Vince...

Badger: It's good you four arrived when you did.

Vince: This place isn't safe anymore.

Otis: We will tell the others it's time to move out.

Eight minutes later...

Umbrella Scout: We got them in sight.

Mister Bowers: Fire!

Irvin shoots the Umbrella Scout...

Irvin: This place isn't safe for us anymore.

Susan: We knew this would happen.

Irvin: Yep.

Susan: Who's our next target?

Irvin: Oscar is our next target.

Susan: The car is ready to go.

Susan drives to Oscar's location...

Irvin takes a nap...


Jefferson Cain: Now is the time to prove your loyalty.

Eric: Don't worry, I will save Oscar.

Twelve minutes later...

Irvin: It's over Oscar!

Susan: Get your hands up.

Oscar: Now is time for you two to go to sleep!

Eric throws knockout gas...

Irvin and Susan unconscious...

Eric rescues Oscar...

A few minutes later...

Jefferson Cain: You did very good.

But you didn't kill the S.T.A.R.S. members.

Eric: I'll take care of them.

Eric runs to the hallway...

Narc: They escaped.

Eric: Not for long, I'll be dancing on their graves soon.

Narc: Don't disappoint Umbrella.


Irvin: Eric betrayed us.

Susan: Let's kill that piece of garbage!

A few minutes later...

Narc: It's good you arrived S.T.A.R.S.

Irvin: Where's that coward traitor?!

Narc: He's going to destroy your puny friends.

I'm here to deal with you and throw your corpses away.

Susan aims a gun at Narc...

Susan: I don't think so.

Irvin: Surrender Narc.

Narc: Umbrella will destroy you all!

Narc pulls out his Shotgun and starts shooting...

Susan shoots Narc in the head...

Irvin: That will show Umbrella we aren't playing around.

Susan and Irvin leaves...


Vince: Irvin and Susan told me what happened.

Otis: What are we going to do about it?

Vince: We must stop Eric.

Badger: Let's get ready than.

Nine minutes later...

Vince: This is Eric's location.

Otis: A Sewer Umbrella Lavatory.

Badger: Let's go inside and kill Eric.

Vince, Otis and Badger walks to the Lavatory...

Eric calls for backup...

Eric sits down and waits for S.T.A.R.S...

Vince: You got a lot to answer for Eric!

Eric: Because I left S.T.A.R.S.?

Badger: No, you betrayed us working for Umbrella?!

Eric: I don't know what you are talking about.

Otis: Don't lie to us!

Eric: Look, I'm sorry I left S.T.A.R.S. I just want a normal life that has nothing to do with you or Umbrella.

Vince: He's stalling us, Umbrella is on their way.

Eric: Oh no, I must get out of here!

Badger: You called Umbrella on us!

Eric: I don't see a Phone in this abandoned Lavatory.

Badger: You are under arrest!

Eric: I should have never joined S.T.A.R.S.

Badger: Get your hands up!

Eric gets his hands up...

Otis handcuffs Eric...

Umbrella kicks the door down and starts shooting...

Otis, Badger and Vince returns fire...

Eric escapes...

All the Umbrella backup dies...

Mon helps Eric escape...

Otis: Eric escaped!


Martez wakes up...

Mister Bowers: Good morning Martez.

Martez: Umbrella!

Mister Bowers: I saved your life Martez.

Martez: Why?

Mister Bowers: To prove the Q Virus can be cured.

Martez: I thought Jefferson Cain created the Q Virus.

Mister Bowers: He did, I took a sample from his office.

Martez: I'm not killing my son for you.

Mister Bowers: I'm not asking you to kill Irvin.

Martez: What do you want from me?

Mister Bowers: I want you to work for Umbrella.

Martez: I'm not going to infect people for you!

Mister Bowers: I got a few people that need a cure.

You cure them and I'll consider letting you go.

Martez: How to cure them?

Mister Bowers gives Martez instructions...

Mister Bowers: Just follow the instructions.

Mister Bowers walks away...

Martez enters a room full of infected Umbrella Soldiers...

Martez cures all the Umbrella Soldiers...

A few minutes later...

Kev gives Martez his Samurai Edge...

Kev: Mister Bowers keeps his promises.

Martez: No strings attached?

Kev: No strings attached.

Martez leaves...

A few hours later...

Irvin: Thanks for always being here for me.

Susan: I respected your father.

Martez: Irvin!

Irvin: Dad!

Irvin runs up to Martez and hugs him...

Susan: I don't understand, how are you alive?

Martez: Umbrella cured me and let me go.

Susan: That doesn't make any sense.

Martez: What's important is I'm back to lead S.T.A.R.S.

Susan: We are glad to have you back.

Irvin: We are ready to destroy Umbrella sir.

Martez: Irvin, we won't destroy Umbrella.

Irvin: What do you mean?

Martez: Umbrella saved my life, we no longer have to fight them, they are not our enemy anymore.

Irvin: What will we do now?

Zombies arrive...

Martez: Zombies!

Martez and Irvin shooting at Zombies...

Susan shooting at Zombies...

Otis shooting at Zombies...

Badger and Vince shooting at Zombies...

Susan: We aren't safe here.

Martez: We must take an Umbrella Bunker to use as our hideout, there are three of them in all.

Irvin: I guess all six of us will go there.

Martez: When we get there, we will split into three groups, I'm going with my son, you four will choose which way you want to go.

An hour later...

Irvin: We are now in the bunker.

Susan: Be careful, this place has many Umbrella troopers.

Eight minutes later...

Oscar: You thought you could come into my office!

Irvin: No one will save you this time.

Irvin shoots Oscar in the head...

Martez: He was the boss here.

Irvin: It's now ours.

Martez: It is indeed.

Irvin: I'm going to end Umbrella.

Martez: I'm fine with that.


Umbrella shooting...

Susan: We are doomed!

Otis throws grenades...

Otis: I'm not giving up that easy!

Susan: I'm hoping Irvin is having more luck that us.


Eric: S.T.A.R.S. took a base away from us.

Mister Bowers: You will bring a team to stop them.

Eric: I understand.

Eric and his team gets suited up...

Mister Bowers: I need you to give Eric some backup.

Mon: It will be done sir.

Mon calls his squad...

A few hours later...

Martez and Irvin tied up...

Martez: Stay calm son, we will get out of this.

Mon: Shut up!

Umbrella Captain: The others are being escorted to execution, these two will watch from a distance.

Mon drinking coffee...

Mon: You can have the pleasure to execute these Pinheads, Mister Bowers will promote us after this.

A few minutes later...

Robert Cain rescues Susan and Otis...

Susan: I thought we were dead for sure.

Robert Cain: My sister will rescue Badger and Vince.

Susan: What about Irvin and Martez?

Robert Cain: We will rescue them now.

Otis: Goodie.

Susan: Lead the way.

A few minutes later...

Umbrella Captain: Any last words?

Irvin: Yeah, Mister Bowers is a dead man.

Umbrella Captain aims a gun at Irvin's head...

Otis shoots the Umbrella Captain in the head...


Mon shoots Badger in the head...

Mon: You are next Vince.

Rosie Cain shoots Mon in the head...

Vince crying...

Rosie Cain: Everyone else got out safely.

Vince: I'm going to kill Mister Bowers!

Rosie Cain: You will have plenty of chances later.


Irvin sweeping the floors in the Bunker...

Martez: At least we still have the Bunker.

Irvin: Yeah.

Otis: Susan and I will be hunting down Umbrella.

Martez: We will work as a team, for Badger!

Susan: It's been an honor working for S.T.A.R.S.

Irvin: We will stop Mister Bowers.

The next day...

Jefferson Cain: It has come to my attention that you got a traitor on your team that abandoned his post and got Mon killed, you are ordered to kill Eric immediately.

Mister Bowers: Why should I do that for you?

Jefferson Cain: It's because of Eric that S.T.A.R.S. is still breathing, do your job and execute the traitor.

A few minutes later...

Loin: I don't take pleasure in killing Pinheads like you.

Eric: Why am I be executed?

Loin: You betrayed Umbrella that's why.

Eric: Excuse me?

Loin: You abandoned your post and got Mon killed.

Eric: I will escape and it will be you that will die.

Loin: Save your anger for when I kill you.

Eric: Why should I?

Loin: Accept your fate boy.

Ten minutes later...

Robert Cain shoots Loin and helps Eric escape...

Forty minutes later...

Irvin: Eric betrayed us, why should we trust him?

Robert: Umbrella wants him dead for abandoning his post when Umbrella was going to execute you all.

Eric: I left to save your life.

Irvin: Why?

Eric: Because I don't kill my Prisoners.

Thirteen minutes later...

Susan running into a Factory...

Omar: You must be a member of S.T.A.R.S.

Susan: And you must be Jefferson Cain's pet.

Omar: You shouldn't talk to me like that.

Susan: I'm not afraid of you.

Omar: Umbrella will succeed and you will all die.

Susan: That is where you are wrong.

Omar: The Q Virus is stronger than you think.

Susan: I'm not impressed.

Omar injects himself with the Q Virus...

Omar: You will worship me!

Omar picks up Susan and throws her...

Susan picks up her gun and starts shooting...

Susan: It's time to show this experiment power!

Otis runs inside shooting...

Otis: I got your back Susan!

Susan: Now this just got fun.

Omar escapes...

Otis: Omar escaped.

Susan: At least we got everything we need.

Otis grabs the data...

Forty minutes later...

Jefferson Cain: We are tired of your failure.

Mister Bowers: Don't worry, soon our enemies will die.

Jefferson Cain: They better be soon or I will kill you.

Mister Bowers: There's no need for threats.

Jefferson Cain: Our work is very important for Umbrella.

Mister Bowers: I know this, you hired me to keep Umbrella on top, I'll have S.T.A.R.S.'s heads real soon.

Jefferson Cain: This is your last chance before I turn you into a Grasshopper!

Eight minutes later...

Mister Bowers: Jefferson Cain is getting very inpatient.

Omar: I can bring Umbrella Agents to deal with S.T.A.R.S.

Mister Bowers: I'm counting on you to end this.

Omar: It will be done sir.

Eleven minutes later...

Irvin: I don't trust you Eric.

Eric: Tell me something I don't know.

Irvin: It's now up to you to download the virus.

Eric: It would be my pleasure to kill Umbrella.

Forty minutes later...

Eric downloads the Virus...

Umbrella Factory blows up...

Irvin: Now to take over Umbrella Prison.


Otis shooting Umbrella Soldiers at Umbrella Prison...

Vince shooting Umbrella Soldiers at Umbrella Prison...

Otis: I got plenty of Ammo!

Vince: I got plenty of Dynamites.

Umbrella Soldiers returns fire...

Umbrella Warden: We are under attack!

Mister Bowers: Don't worry, Umbrella has your back.

A few minutes later...

Omar: It's our job to kill these S.T.A.R.S. members.

Omar's team runs inside and takes cover...

Vince: We are outnumbered!

Otis: Don't worry, we got an advantage point.

Otis using his rifle...

Vince continues to fire...

Umbrella Warden gets shot in the head...

Omar: Dam!

Umbrella Agent #1: We lost his location abort!

Omar: No, we finish this now!

Omar shoots Vince...

Vince screaming...

Otis shoots Omar in the head...

Vince: I need a medic!

Rebecca Chambers helps Vince...

Otis: Who are you?

Rebecca Chambers: I'm Rebecca Chambers at your service.

Otis: I wasn't informed of your existence.

Rebecca Chambers: Well things are changing now that Umbrella has a third party.

Otis: A third party?

Rebecca Chambers: Just some Pinhead named Oswell E. Spencer that is trying to erase Umbrella's History and take credit for the foundation of Umbrella.

Otis: Who else knows of this?

Rebecca Chambers: Just me and you.

Vince: Thanks for patching me up Doctor Chambers.

Rebecca Chambers: I must leave, I'll see you soon.

Twelve minutes later...

Wesker injects Rebecca with a virus...

Rebecca's memory of Jefferson Cain gets deleted...

Wesker: It is done Oswell.

Oswell: Good, now get rid of her.


Martez: We got Umbrella on their knees.

Susan: It's time to really hurt their corporation.

Susan plants a bomb connected to all Umbrella locations...

Martez and Susan escapes...

Six minutes later...

Mister Bowers deactivates the bomb...

Mister Bowers: Not clever enough S.T.A.R.S.!

Jefferson Cain: Good job saving Umbrella.

Mister Bowers: Have I proven myself to be worthy?

Jefferson Cain: For now, we'll see how this plays out.

Twelve minutes later...

Robert Cain: Umbrella found the bomb.

Irvin: What does this mean?

Robert: It means we failed to end Umbrella.

Susan: This isn't over yet.

Robert: I know.

Otis: What now?

Irvin: We wait for an opening then we bomb all Umbrella locations, we won't rest until we destroy Umbrella.

Everyone clapping...

Otis: I expected this determination from you.

Twelve minutes later...

Susan plants the bomb...

Susan: This time Otis will be shooting if Umbrella comes anywhere near his scope, today Umbrella dies!

Irvin: I hope everything is set.

Susan: We put mines near the entrance so even if they do manage to sneak past the scope they will die from the mines.

Irvin: Smart thinking.


Eric: Boss, we all need to enter the bunker.

Mister Bowers evacuates Umbrella...

Mister Bowers: Let's run for it.

All Umbrella employees runs inside the Bunker...

All Umbrella buildings blows up...

Jefferson Cain: I want you to pack your things Mister Bowers.

Mister Bowers: Why?

Jefferson Cain: We lost everything because of you.

Mister Bowers gives Jefferson Cain Q Virus samples...

Mister Bowers: We didn't lose everything.

Jefferson Cain: I expect results from you.

Mister Bowers: This is far from over Jefferson Cain.


S.T.A.R.S. celebrating...

Irvin: He returned to Umbrella.

Susan: We all knew he was a traitor.

Martez: This was a huge victory for S.T.A.R.S.

Irvin: It sure was father, Umbrella is in ruins.

Jefferson Cain: It turns out a guy named Ozwell E. Spencer created a Time Machine to go to the past to destroy my Umbrella.

Mister Bowers: I'll find him and his goons and turn them into Potato Salad.


Wesker: Dam, a few heroes from our side went into the time machine.

Ozwell: That just means we can prevent their existence.

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