Book 1: Indra's Return ✔️

By Luna_Uchiha1

451K 8.9K 2.8K

What if Indra was reborn in the Bleach universe. What if his father, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, decided to give him... More

Indra Kurosaki
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Christmas Special
Pairing Selection Results~!
Author's Note!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
important Author's note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Second Book~!
Book 2: Sneak Peek
Book 2: Teaser
Second Book Is Out!!

Chapter 23

5K 113 24
By Luna_Uchiha1

Indra's Kamui Dimension

"Why are you so excited, Master Indra?" Kodzuchi said.

Indra picked up the white bishop and smirked. "Because something tells me that this piece will make its move today. And as the bishop makes its first move, the fun finally begins." He chuckled.

"Will you inform Aizen-san?"

"I might." he smirked. "I wonder if he found anything on the clue I gave him. it would be interesting if he found out, though."


Soul Society - Prison

"Oh, A white butterfly just flew in." Uryu said absentmindedly. "How cute...Heh-heh...I wonder if it's spring here."

"He sees a butterfly and talks to himself." Ganju deadpanned. "He's cracked...You can go chase after it, if you want, Uryu."

"D-Don't tease me!" Uryu said flustered. "Who chases butterflies, anyways! Anyway, I wish you wouldn't call me by my first name. I don't remember being on such friendly terms with you!"

"What?!" Ganju shouted. "I don't remember being On friendly terms with you, either!"

Chad looked at the two silently.

"In that case, don't use my first name." Uryu retorted. "Anyway, you're acting too friendly."

"Being friendly is part of the Shiba clan legacy. You got a problem? Stupid fool!"

"I've never heard of such legacy!"

"Shh!" Chad said.

"What / What's wrong?" Uryu and Ganju said.

"Can't you hear that?"

everyone looked turned towards the direction of the commotion.

"Now that you mention it..." Ganju trailed off.

"What are you doing?! He's gone mad! Gone mad!" A voice shouted.

"Don't you think they're steadily headed this way?" Ganju said quietly.

"It reminds me of a scene out of a typical samurai drama..." Uryu said nervously.

"It's stop--!"

Suddenly the roof crashed down. Uryu and Ganju jumped back in surprise.

"W-What? What's going on?!" Uryu exclaimed.

"What is this?!" Ganju shouted.

The trio looked at the figure in front of them in horror. Kenpachi Zaraki looked at the trio stoically while the others freaked out by his appearance.

"Y-You're?!" Ganju exclaimed nervously. "Za-Za-Za-Za-Za-Za-! Kenpachi Zaraki, Captain of Squad 11!" Ikaku and Yumichika stepped next to Kenpachi. "Oh? You! You're the weird bowl-cut narcissist!"

A tickmark formed on Yumichika's temple as he gripped his zanpakuto. "And you are? I'm sorry, but I don't remember ugly faces."

"What did you say?! Let me tell you after I got bandaged up, everyone tells me I've gotten more handsome! And besides, how could you recognize me with my face covered?! Idiot!" Ganju retorted.

"So, he doesn't deny being ugly..." Uryu said.

Uryu's eyes widened when he saw a familiar orange haired girl step out. "Miss Inoue?!"

"Ishida! Sado! Ganju! You're all safe?! I'm so glad! Yachiru! Please stop that!"

"Fall! Fall down!"

Idiots. A voice whispered from the shadows.

Kenpachi narrowed his eyes at where a certain someone was hiding.



With Aizen..

A disguised Aizen stealthily entered the library and started looking around. The name that he gave me sounds old, so it should be in the old books if it is here.

Aizen looked at the spines of the books when suddenly something caught his eyes. He looked at the symbol and smirked. I think I found it.

He opened the book and started reading it. His eyes widened when he reached the section about the sons of the sage.

Hagoromo Otsutsuki or better known as the Sage of Sixth Path had two sons, Indra and Asura Otsutsuki. Indra, the eldest son, was a prodigy quite the opposite of the younger brother, Asura, who was the drop-out brother. Now what Indra only possessed was the sharingan. Indra was the first person who invented Ninjutsu that the Shinobi used. Later on, Indra was denied the place as the heir to Ninshu, and instead, Asura became the next leader. This made Indra furious. Years later, the two brothers fought with each other —a battle of Gods is what the people called it. Indra Otsutsuki became the Uchiha Clan ancestor, and Asura Otsutsuki became the Uzumaki and Senju ancestor. When Hagoromo Otsutsuki was dying, Indra approached his estranged father, boldly telling him that his cowardly approach to peace would only bring about greater wars, which Indra would take advantage of to destroy ninshū while vowing to do so in as many reincarnations as necessary. As a result of this, the Uchiha and the Senju have been on constant war with each other.

Aizen looked at the two pictures before the text, and his eyes widened. He turned to the next page, and his breath hitched at the note.

"I applaud you for managing to find this book. Now you know who I am. I wonder what you will do with this information. Remember if you tell someone in any way even using loopholes, you will die. After all, dead men tell no tales. Looking forward to our next meeting, Aizen Souske."

- Indra Otsutsuki

As soon as Aizen read the last word the book caught fire, he quickly dropped the book and not a minute later the book was turned to ash.

"Otsutsuki Indra..." Aizen smirked. "Interesting."



With Indra..

Indra moved the Black Queen a step forward and smirked.


With Byakuya

Byakuya looked silently at the shrine in front of him.

"Master Byakuya It is time." A shinigami said as he bowed. "Please get ready to leave for the Sokyoku."

"All right...I'll be going, Hisana."


With Shunsui

"Captain! I was looking all over for you? Don't just lie there."Nanao said as he glared at the sleeping figure of Shunsui. "You must hurry and prepare yourself!"

"Nanao I have a little problem." Shunsui said. "Will you hear me out?"

A tick mark appeared on Nanao's temple. "What is it?"

"You see, I put this blade of grass in my mouth thinking it'd make me look cool, but I guess it was poisonous or something. The inside of my mouth is burning."

"Spit it out!" Nana exclaimed as she snatched the grass from Shusnui's mouth.

"Nanao...What do you think I should do?"

"Why are you asking me?"

Shunsui took off his hat slightly and looked at Nanao from the corner of his eyes.

"No matter what I say you always do just as you please," Nanao said. "Don't worry. I'll walk a few steps behind you, so I don't get caught up in trouble."

"Oh, dear...Then I'll be the only one again who gets scolded by Old Man Yama."


With Kenpachi and the others...

"Huh? What?"

Everyone looked at the empty field in front of them with annoyance.

Yachiru blushed darkly.

"Uh well, How should I put it? I guess finding the right street takes luck..." Uryu said nervously.

"Sure, you could run into dead-ends ten or twenty times before finding your way, right?" Orihime continued.

"See? Didn't I tell you?" Ikaku said with annoyance. "That's why I said I didn't want the Lieutenant to lead us!"

Yachiru glared at Ikaku and jumped on him, biting him on the head.

"Ouch!" Ikaku shouted in pain. "Hey, Lieutenant! Whoa! She's biting! She's really biting me!"

"I would pay close attention to what's in front of you Shinigami."

Everyone flinched at the cold tone and looked towards the source where a certain smirking brunette was standing next to Kenpachi.

I didn't even notice him step next to me. Kenpachi thought grimly.

"Hn, pay attention, Shinigami."

Kenpachi looked where he was looking at and clicked his tongue. "Yeah. Sneaking around like that you should be ashamed. Show yourselves. Captains shouldn't go around disguising their Spiritual Pressure like that."

"You've got some nerve talking like that. Are you aware of what you are doing?" A voice said.

Everyone gasped in surprise as who appeared except Indra who was looking at them stoically.

"Where were you running off to with the Ryoka?" Kaname said. "Did you lose your honor when you were defeated, Zaraki?"

So this is the other accomplice of Aizen. Hn how interesting. Indra smirked.

"C-Captains Komamura and Tosen Lieutenants Iba and Hisagi!" Aramaki said as he trembled.

"Don't lose your head, Aramaki!" Yumichika said. "We still outnumber them."

"I-It's not a matter of numbers!"

"Quit whining." Kenpachi cut in. "Who said I'd let you fight? Four to one. That's not really enough to test my sword on.

"Four to one, you say?" Komamura said. "Are you saying you'll take on the four of us yourself I know how good you are. But, I think you're being a little too sure of yourself, Kenpachi Zaraki!"

"You talk too much." Kenpachi said as he gripped his zanpakuto and unsheathed it. "Just hurry up and fight already! I'd rather have all four of you at once...Maybe if you attack me from all four sides, then one of you might actually chance of cutting me!"

"Uh, Captain Zaraki...What should we do?" Aramaki said.

Indra's eyebrows twitched at his idiocy.

"You'll just get in my way. Get lost!" Kenpachi said.

"Hn, in other words, get away. I don't want you to get hurt."

A tick mark appeared on Kenpachi's temple. "Don't put words in my mouth Ryoka!"


"Come on, Mustachio...Kenny looks so happy. You mustn't get in his way!" Yachiru said as he looked at Aramaki.

"'Mustachio?' You changed my nickname?" Aramaki said.

"Kenny! We'll go on ahead for search for Icchi, okay?!"

"Yeah...I'll be right there." Kenpachi said.

"Okay, Chubby Chest, Sadist, Muscles, Gorilla, Pencil Neck! Let's get going!" Yachiru said.

"Oh, but Pencil Neck? Is she talking about me?" Uryu said.

"Hn who else would that be...Pencil neck." Indra said with a sadistic expression.

Uryu shivered. "Never mind!"

"O-Ouch, Yachiru! You're going to pull my arm out!" Orihime shouted.

"Running is awesome!" Yachiro exclaimed ignoring Orihime.

"I'll be right there, huh? Are you trying to provoke us? Or do you really believe it? Either way, it looks like you've lost not only your honor but your sanity, too, Zaraki. And why are you still here, Ryoka?" Kaname said as he looked at Indra, who was leaning on the wall.

Indra smirked. "Hn."

Kaname's eyebrows twitched at his response.

"Sanity?" Kenpachi said. "Sorry, but I've never had such a bothersome thing from the start!"

Indra's smirk widened at his response.


With Orihime and the others...

"Yachiru, wait!" Orihime said. "Yachiru!"

"Huh?" Yachiru said.

"Are you sure it was okay to leave Mr. Zaraki by himself?"

"Of course! No matter who his opponent is, there's no way Kenny would lose! And he's not alone, sadist is with him!"

Why does that not sound good? Everyone thought.

"Yachiru..." Orihime said.

Man! She fears nothing calling the Lieutenant by her first name? Aramaki thought.

"Right? What do you think of that, Third Seat Madarame?" Aramaki said. "Huh?"


With Kenpachi and Indra

"Captain, in this situation..." Iba said.

"Please allow us to go first." Shuuhei continued.

"Stupid I told you four to come at me together, didn't I?" Kenpachi said. And don't you join the fight either!" Kenpachi said as he looked at Indra.

"Hn." Indra smirked when he saw Kenpachi's eyebrows twitch.

"I knew it! Underestimating us!"

"Huh?" Kenpachi said as he looked at Ikaku and Yumichika standing in front of him. Indra sighed in defeat. Imbeciles.

"In that case..." Yumichika said

"There's no choice but for us two to go, right, Captain?" Ikaku continued.

"Wait a minute! Why aren't you on your way with the rest of the group?" Kenpachi said.

"Listen up, you there! Don't you dare expect that you mere Lieutenants can go up against our Captain! I should be enough for someone like you, damn it! Right, Captain?!" Ikaku said as he looked at Kenpachi with a thumbs up.

"I'm surrounded by simpletons." Indra muttered as his eyebrows twitched.

"In other words, you two want in on the fight. Oh, well I'll give them to you, so take the fight elsewhere. If you get in my way, I'll kill you two first."

"Roger!" Ikaku and Yumichika said.

"Well, well. Fight, don't fight...take us on, don't take us on... In the short time, I haven't seen you, you've gotten arrogant, Ikkaku!" Iba said.

"A coward who transferred to another squad just because he couldn't become a Lieutenant in ours has no right to lecture me about how to talk, Mr. Iba!" Ikaku said smugly.

"Ikkaku..." Iba growled.

"Anyway, save it for later. We're changing locations. You see, I don't want my Captain to kill me." Ikaku said.

"Same here." Yumichika said. "I'm getting out of here too. You don't mind, do you?"

"Do whatever you want." Shuuhei said. "It won't matter." As soon as he said that they flash stepped away.

"Well, now We can finally get down to business, though there's only half as many of you now. But I guess it's probably good enough to wake me up at least." Kenpachi said.

"You still talk," Komamura said as he revealed his zanpakuto. "That's why I say you're just too arrogant! Here I come!"

"Take two steps back, Komamura," Kaname said. "I will break all his limbs. Suzumushi Nishiki Benihiko." hundreds of blades went towards Indra and Kenpachi.

Dust covered the area as Kaname stood next to Komamura.

"It's over." Komamura said. Not even Kenpachi Zaraki could survive that. Much less that, Ryoka."

A chuckle made the two gasp in surprise.

"What? Is that all you've got?" Kenpachi said who had swords in his body because of the attack.

"Hn. What useless power that was." an unharmed Indra said as he was sitting on the ground with swords buried to the ground around him watching them with amusement.

"N-No way! How can they still be standing after being hit by my Tenken and Tosen's Benihiko?" Komamura said with a shocked expression.

"Good grief...I take back what I just said. This won't even wake me up." Kenpachi said.


With Renji and Ichigo...

Renji sheathed his zanpakuto. "Well, I guess I'll be going.

"Yeah..." Ichigo said absentmindedly.

"Hey, Miss Yoruichi...Will he really be okay? We're out of time...Can he really attain Bankai today?" Renji said.

"Are you ready, Ichigo? One more time! Let me warn you I won't hold back just because time is running out."

"Of course not! I don't intend to let you do that either!"

"Renji..." Yoruichi said without looking at the redhead shinigami.

"Huh?" Renji said.

"Do you remember the first time you stood up and walked?"

"Huh? Of course not? How could I remember?"

"If you don't remember it, it just means you're not conscious about it. If that's the case, what made you stand up?"


"Human beings are born knowing how to stand up. All birds know how to fly. And fish know how to swim. That's instinct. Because it is a natural instinct, they all attempt to obtain that power without hesitation. That is what I am reminded of. He probably knows instinctively that he has that power. That is why I believe that he can master Bankai!"


With Indra...

Indra Flash stepped away and appeared on one of the buildings. He sat down and looked at the sky with a nostalgic gaze.

"Otsutsuki Indra." A voice said.

Indra looked towards the shadowed corner from the corner of his eyes. "So you've come just as I predicted." He said and stood up and walked towards the figure. He put his hand on his shoulder and disappeared in a swirl.


Indra's Kamui Dimension

"You have questions." Indra said. It sounded more of a statement than a question.

"Correct." Aizen said.

Indra hummed. "It is to be expected."

"Are you really Otsutsuki Indra, son of the Sage of Sixth Path?"

Indra scowled at the name. "I don't know what's so special about the geezer. After all, I was the one who invented the hand signs the shinobi did. That old man only taught Ninshu."

Aizen raised an eyebrow at his disrespect to his father but said nothing.

"Useless teachings." Indra scoffed. "Humanity will never choose peace, only war. That is their disease. Everything solves with war. And he thought by teaching Ninshu to those pathetic people would bring peace." he narrowed his eyes.

Aizen flinched at the pure hatred in Indra's eyes.

"Sentimental fool. Teaching them Ninshu was not bringing peace but giving them a tool for mass destruction. And when I finally wanted to destroy that damned thing from anyone else learning it should they use it for harm. What does he do? He calls me a power-hungry fool and takes my right as heir. When, in reality, I always spoke the truth. If you look at the history books ever since his teachings spread around the continent, the people have been killing each other for their selfish and greedy mean."

"You are, indeed, correct." Aizen nodded.

"As for your question, yes I am Indra Otsutsuki and Indra Kurosaki. In other words, Indra Otsutsuki and Indra Kurosaki are one and the same."


With Ichigo...

"To have fought this much, and still be standing is admirable," Zangetsu said as he looked at panting Ichigo. "But the fact is that you have yet to attain Bankai. Do you wish to continue, Ichigo?"

"Why do you even bother asking such a stupid question? I don't have time." Ichigo growled in annoyance. "Come at me with everything you've got!"

"Very well! Come, Ichigo!"


Somewhere in Soul Society

A man looked around and sighed. "This place is so big! How am I going to get there on time?!" He scratched his neck and looked around and saw Soul Reapers passing by him. "I guess I'll start where those people with black robes are going. "


Indra's Kamui Dimension...

Indra smirked when he felt the new presence enter Soul society and moved the white bishop one step forward. "The bishop has made its move. Soon..."

i wonder who the biship is that has gotten him excited. Aizen thought.

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