camp rock, why don't we ✔

By loserseavey

8.2K 205 349

in which a girl goes to summer camp, and gets caught in a lie that could ruin her life More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six

chapter five

190 8 16
By loserseavey


"Mitch, I have some news." My mom stopped me as soon as I walked through the front door. I followed her voice into the kitchen, where she was focused on making supper.

"What is it?" I asked, mainly to let her know that I didn't just ignore her and I was with her. I leaned against the counter, biting my lip as I waited for her news. I didn't know what it could be, hopefully no more bad news. I've had enough, and summer hasn't even started yet.

"Well... You're going to Camp Rock!" She suddenly shrieked, catching me off guard. My eyes widened, and I practically choked on my own spit.

"What?!!!" I asked, slamming my hands down on the countertop.

"I said you're going to Camp Rock!" She spoke again, as if I actually didn't hear her the first time. "Well, technically, we're going to Camp Rock! Your letter's right there!" She pointed toward the opened envelope on the dinner table, and I wasted no time in going over to it, pulling the note out of the envelope.

I scanned my eyes over the words over and over again, excitement coursing through my veins. I just can't believe it, I surely didn't think I would get in. Phoebe, Griffin, Aubrey and I have been waiting the past few days for my acceptance letter but it never came, we just assumed that Aubrey's dad couldn't get me in and I would just have to wait to see them until they got back, but this is actually quite amazing.

"Mom, I haven't even packed yet," I mumbled, turning to see her staring at me, a giant smile on her face.

"That's fine, it's only six, you have all night after dinner. The letter came earlier but you were with your friends so I didn't bother calling you, I figured you'd have just wanted to see it when you got back. I'm already packed, so if anything I can help you after supper." She explained, turning back to the food as if she didn't just tell me the most amazing news.

"This is, this is great mom!" I smiled at her.

"I'm glad you're happy. Although you will have to help out. Aubrey's dad told me that my catering business was able to be hired onto the kitchen staff, basically giving you a discount to Camp Rock. Therefore, you'll have to help out in the kitchen, you won't be just free to do whatever all the time with your friends." She explained as she pulled some plates out of the cabinet.

"I need to go to phone Aubrey and Phoebe, I'll be back for dinner." I ran over to her, kissing her on the cheek before running into my room, grabbing my phone and dialing a group video call with my two best friends.

"What is it, Mitch?" Aubrey asked as soon as all of us were in the video. Phoebe was eating, like normal, and Aubrey was wiping her makeup off.

"So I just got back home and guess what?" I asked excitedly, causing both of them to look at the screen.

"Tell us!" Phoebe demanded, and I quickly nodded as I gathered my thoughts together. She hated it when people said things like 'guess what' or something like that, when we can easily just tell her what's going on.

"I'm going to Camp Rock!" I squealed, causing the two others to get excited.

"Still definitely not excited about this camp but I am excited about the fact you'll be there with me!" Phoebe noted, bringing up yet again that she doesn't even want to go to this camp.

"That's great, Mitchie!" Aubrey exclaimed.

"It really is, I'm getting in with a discount as long as I help my mom out in the kitchen, as her business will be working for the cafeteria for Camp Rock," I explained, setting my phone on the vanity.

"Wait, if your mom will have her staff at Camp Rock what about her catering service here?" Phoebe asked. "My mom loves her restaurant."

"Well, I'm pretty sure she has enough staff that will be taking over the building here, while me, her, and some of the others will be helping at Camp Rock. I'm sure they also have other staff at Camp Rock." I shrugged. "I don't know all of the details, I just read the letter and my mom told me some stuff before I came in here to call you."

"Well, I'm glad, Mitch. Now we don't have to worry about being separated for the summer." Aubrey explained, grabbing her brush and brushing her hair, throwing it into a somehow perfect messy bun.

"I know. You know, I was just thinking about how useless it was that I let you get me new clothes and bought me new makeup and such to replace my old stuff because I wouldn't even be doing anything except working with my mom for the summer before now." I shook my head with a smile.

"Not to mention, she dyed your hair. Still looks great, by the way." Phoebe complimented, before taking a drink of her soda.

"Well, ladies as much as I would love to stay and chat, we will be seeing each other tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep. I'm waking up extra early to shower and get ready, not to mention I will have some last-minute packing to do. Mitchie, I'm going to talk to my mom and daddy and see if I can just hitch a ride with you and your mom since your mom won't be driving back and such. I'll text you the deets." Aubrey spoke, and I just nodded, taking my hair down from its regular ponytail.

She hung up the phone, leaving Phoebe and I on the call alone. It was kind of weird she was going to sleep now, considering it was only about seven o'clock, but then again this is Aubrey we're talking about.

"Why are you guys so excited about this camp again?" Phoebe asked, as I grabbed my brush and began to brush the hairspray and tangles out.

"I mean, I love music. And I heard summer camps are very fun, I just think it'd be a nice change." I shrugged, wincing once I hit a big tangle.

"You're changing quite a bit, Mitch. Don't you think?" Phoebe asked, looking into the camera with a worried expression. Her sudden sarcastic and playful tone was gone, and she was now quiet and not even munching on her food from before.

"I don't think it's bad. Aubrey is right, I always complain about wanting more confidence and such, yet I don't do anything about it. Not saying I needed the hair change or new clothes or makeup, but I feel like the hair helped. Besides, I think I look better blonde." I put my brush down. "I needed new makeup anyway because my other makeup expired."

"As long as you don't change, personality-wise I guess I'm fine with it. Just don't turn into a clone of Aubrey. I love her to death, but I can only handle one of her." Phoebe shook her head with a smile.

"Well, we can only handle one of you." I joked, before hearing my mom call me for dinner. "I gotta go. See you tomorrow."

"See ya, Mitch." Phoebe spoke, before I hung up the call and left my phone on the vanity, making my way down the hall to where my mom had already set the dinner on the table.

"Casserole. Yum." I mumbled as I saw the food, sitting down in my usual seat as my mom grabbed two water bottles out of the fridge, handing me one and sitting down herself.

"So I suggest you pack after this, then get to bed because you'll have to wake up early to shower and get ready." My mom spoke a bit after we began to eat supper.

"Alright. Aub says she wants to ride with us tomorrow." I told her, and her smile got bigger.

"I'm fine with that, is dinner okay?" She asked, motioning to my food.

"Perfect as always, thanks mom." I mumbled as I quickly finished the last of supper, standing up and putting my plate in the dishwasher after rinsing it off. "I'm going to go pack and go to bed. What time should I wake up in the morning?"

"Well, it's a long drive so I suggest about five or six at waking up just to be sure, I'll be leaving no later than eight." She stated, and I just nodded before walking down the hall to my bedroom where I would be alone until the morning.


"You really put yourself together this morning, M." Aubrey complimented me as she walked into the house, her bags filling the doorway as her mother and father tried to climb around them.

"Thank you again for driving Aubrey up there, Alice." Aubrey's mother, Audrey said. They were really creative on Aubrey's name, I know.

"Oh, it's no problem! Thank you, Anthony, for helping my Michelle get into Camp Rock. She really wanted to go more than anything else in the world." My mother gushed to Aubrey's father, and he just smiled his usual small smile at her as he kept his posture.

"It was nothing. Thank you for agreeing to help out in the kitchen, Alice." He nodded his head toward her, and I turned my attention back to Aubrey.

"I'm so excited, Mitch! I heard that Jack Avery is definitely going to be there." She squealed quietly, trying not to gain her father's attention by talking about boys. He's very protective of her, and besides Griffin, I've never known another boy to ever step into their house. While they were home, at least.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Aub, you've already said that. I don't care that some stuck up popular boy is going to be at the camp. I wanted to go due to enjoying music and making new friends. Not to look for a boyfriend."

"You've never even had a boyfriend, how would you know whether you're wanting one or not?" She asked. "Besides, last time I mentioned him I said I heard he was going to be there, it was still a rumor. I now definitely know that he's going to be there. I have my sources."

"I never said whether I wanted one or not, Aubrey. I said I wasn't looking for one. There's a difference." I mumbled. "Look, we should go. My mother said she wants to leave no later than eight and we still need to get all of your things in the car."

Aubrey looked over at the parents, seeing they were still caught in conversation. I knew my mother would take back what she said about leaving at a certain time when it came down to talking to two of her best friends, but I just didn't want Aubrey to grill me any further about 'heartthrob' Jack Avery, or whatever you want to call him.

Sure, he's attractive, but looks don't get you everywhere in life. I've seen the way he reacts in the hallways at school. He's popular, and doesn't even know of my existence. He only pays attention to super pretty rich girls, girls like Aubrey. No offense to her, she's my best friend and all but she gets way more attention than Phoebe and I because on top of having money she's also got gorgeous hair, eyes, and perfect skin. Aubrey is the epitome of perfect.

The two of us gathered her things and took it out to my mother's minivan, putting them in the back where mine and my mom's things were already packed neatly. My mother insisted on throwing them in there since there were only three of us riding together, but my OCD and organization side got the best of me and before I knew it I was making sure our things were separated and neat, and that there was more than enough room for Aubrey's too.

"I still don't see why you need things so organized all the time. Just shove it in there and you're good." Aubrey commented as I shut the trunk.

"You sound like Phoebe," I remarked with a roll of my eyes, leaning my back against the passenger door.

"Well, maybe she's just rubbed off on me." She shrugged with a smirk, before sighing. "I'm just giving you crap. I'm excited you're coming with me is all. We have to make lots of new friends and such. Like Jack Avery, for example."

"Is there anyone else you could talk about being friends with? Anyone but him." I crossed my arms, looking down as I kicked a rock that was on the driveway.

"What is your deal with Jack? I've caught you staring at him enough times to know you don't exactly hate him." I saw her smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"I don't stare at him. Sometimes I am looking at him, yes, but I'm observing. I'm very observant." I shrugged. "I just notice his actions towards others, I notice how he reacts to different types of people."

"And how is that, exactly?" She asked.

"He winks at any pretty popular rich girl he sees, only talks to his friends and quite frankly only seems to care about being the main center of attention," I spoke. "Not saying he does, it just seems like it. Why would I want to be associated with someone like that?"

"People change." Was all Aubrey got to reply with, before the adults walked out of the house and toward the van, where Audrey and Anthony began to say goodbye to their only child.

"Okay, honey bear we will come visit you at the last nights performance, I expect to see you shining on that stage," Anthony spoke, pulling his daughter in for a hug before kissing the top of her head and pulling away.

"Of course daddy." She smiled at him, before giving her mother a hug.

"Take care of my daughter, Mitchie, I expect you to keep her in check and away from boys," Anthony spoke as he stepped in front of me, and I nodded at him with a smile.

"Always, sir." He pulled me in for a hug, before rounding the front of the car and making his way to my mother.

"It's okay if you talk to boys, Mitchie. Just don't let her run off with them, that's when you step in." Audrey chuckled as she gave me a quick hug also, and I nodded with a smile before turning and opening the passenger door.

Aubrey and I got into the van and waited for my mother to say her last goodbyes to her best friends, before my mom finally got in the car as the couple made their way to their own car and drove off, waving goodbye one last time.

"You girls ready?" My mom asked, a giant smile on her face.

Sometimes I think she's more excited about Camp Rock than I am, honestly.

"Of course, when am I not?" Aubrey joked, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she got comfortable in the seat behind my mother. She probably sat there so it was easier for the two of us to talk because if she were right behind me it would hurt to turn my neck for that long.

"Great! Let's get going then!" My mom buckled up, turning the car on and quickly backing out of the driveway. She wasted no time in hitting the highway, and the closer we got to Camp Rock, the more my nerves got the best of me.


it's going to be hard to repeatedly change the pov each chapter like i want to, i'll still be putting it in different people's point of view but mitchie is the main character, therefore most chapters WILL be in her pov. i just decided to switch it up when i can, that way the story will still make sense :)

edited: september 10th, 2019

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