The Journey To New Jersey (Di...

By Sodasis_101

12.9K 311 207

After the war, Jim and Claire are traveling to a New Jersey to find a new heart stone. Jim learns to cope wit... More

Yellowstone Nationa Park
The plan
Jim's new Heritage
The Call
Strickler and Barbra
Mary and Darci
Recievers and Retrievers
Authors Note! PLEASE READ
A Cry For Help
The visit
The Amulet
The General
The Gas Station
The Sewers
A Small Gift

The Undisguised Trollhunters

821 16 7
By Sodasis_101

As promised, a much longer chapter. Also please remember that the locations here in Yellowsone are made up... also there is some mild swearing. Not bad though.


Jim put the mask on. In a flash of blue light, he turned into his normal self. And he was happy. It was nice to have all fingers again. He was way shorter than his troll form. He still felt all of his instincts though screaming in his head, like growling at everything that agitated him. Even the littlest things made him angry as a troll. Or when his instincts told him to go catch that rabbit that scampered away from him a few seconds ago. It was a lot harder to hold his instincts back and not lash out, or chase after the rabbit or what ever set him off. The mask didn't take away all of his trollish factors unfortunately, but it was better then nothing. It was way better then nothing.
"I almost forgot what being human felt like." Jim said. Claire smiled and replied;
"Yeah, but I miss the horns. And the teeth... And the ears."
Jim didn't even know what to think. Did she really like his troll form more then his human self? He smiled.
"Thanks Claire."
They where getting close to there first stop. The Visitors Center. They needed a map, so they can get back to the trolls location, and go find their way to the popular tourist attractions.
The building was nothing big. It had a faded sign resting on the wall near the entrance. The Center looked like a cabin you would spend the night at when you go camping the woods. The couple walked inside. Once they where in, they looked around. There was nothing much, just a few post cards that had pictures of bares, buffalo, gizers, and many other photos.
There where also a few birds incases in glass around the wall.
Jim had to remind himself that they where dead, and they where not food. There where also black and white pictures stung on the walls that had different photos of people and animals. Claire took Jim's hand. A wave of warmth filled him. They walked up to a woman. She looked fairly young. Probably in her thirties. She wore tan shirt, pants, hat, and brown boots. She had a badge that read;
Ranger Anderson
"Hey kids. What can I help ya with?" She asked kindly. Claire responded with a friendly smile,
"We just need a map. Do you have any of those here?"
The ranger nodded.
"Sure do. Lemme grab you one." She bent down and picked up a map. Then she stood to her full height and swiftly handed it to Claire.
"So," the ranger began, "what brings you to Yellowstone?"
"Well, uh we came here with a group of friends. We'll be here for about a week." The ranger nodded at Jim's remark.
"You should go check out Old Faithful. It's opposed to erupt at two thirty. So in about an hour. It's quite a show. It's about a half mile here. If you take the trail south it will lead you right too it."
"Oh trust me, we'll get around to it." Jim said. "Thanks for the map."
"Your welcome, and have a good day."
They walked out of the center wile waving goodbye. Jim was filled with joy now that he can walk in sunlight. It was a large weight lifted off his shoulders.
"Look, there's a bench over there, we can make plans for today over there." Claire announced. Jim nodded happily. They made there way over and sat down. Claire lashes the map out on her legs.
"I think where hear at Oakwoods visiter center. It's right by the Oakwood campsite. Our camp is somewhere near the site." Jim nodded in agreement to Claire's remark. He made a mental note that they should be wary or the camp site when they come back.
"So what do you want to do Claire? We have all day."
"I kinda wanted to stop by one of the stores quick, and buy a new shirt. This one is kinda dirty." She motioned to her shirt. Jim nodded once more in agreement. After all, maybe he could find a shirt or hoodie as well if he gets his armor off. But that's an If.
A gush of wind filtered through the trees forcing them to sway uncontrollably. And Jim couldn't help a smile that spread on his face. For once in a long time, he was happy. Jim was glad he could keep his troll half to himself.

But unfortunately for Jim....

He spoke too soon....

"What about this one?" Claire asked holding up a pink shirt that had Yellowstone printed on it.
"Meh not your stile. Like at all." Jim replied glancing at the shirt rack. "I mean they have red, blue, green, and pink. But no black or purple. I gotta emit. I am disappointed."
She chucked at his remark. "Blue will be okay. It looks fine."
Jim shook his head in disagreement. "Nah. It's too dark. You'll look like me."
"Is that a bad thing?" She teased.
"Metaphorically speaking, yes." She elbowed him on the side.
"Oh stop. Your being way to hard on yourself."
"Am I though?" Jim asked.
She just rolled her eyes at his reply and shook her head with a smile.
"Okay then, what about a jacket. They have black ones since these colors aren't good enough for you." She teased.
"Ouch, just trying to help you out." He answered quickly.
Claire was about to say something before a couple of teens walked up to them. Jim thought they where here to shop or look around, but he guessed wrong. There where three boys and two girls. And just seeing them didn't make Jim happy. They where going to continue on or own business, and continue looking at cloths. But they of corse, they had to stop Claire.
"Hey you look familiar." One of the boys hissed.
"I guess I have one of those faces." She said like she was questioning her own answer.
"No!" The one girl snapped her fingers. "Your that one girl from Arcadia! I saw a video, I could have sworn it looked just like you. You had a staff and everything right?"
"C'mon Claire lets go." Jim urged before something bad was to happen.
"I-I am sorry you must have the wrong person." She said and began to walk off with me. A teen in a black and white checkered jacket out a hand on her shoulder. He was about Steve's size. Jim, with all effort held in a growl.
"Your with those freaks huh?" He asked. And Claire furrowed her eyebrows.
"There not freaks, there trolls. And I am. What are you going to do about it?"
"Don't try me freak." The boy said.
"Hey back off." Jim snarled. Claire put a hand on his chest knowing full well Jim will loose his fuse and catastrophe will strike.
"Ohh!" They all chimed.
"I wouldn't do that if I where you." Claire said glancing at Jim.
"I'm trembling I'm so scared." The other boy said. They laughed. Jim growled. And it was a deep shocking one a human couldn't produce. The teens jumped back a bit.
"Hey that was a good one. Do it again." They all laughed again. And Jim lost it. Without thinking he tore off the mask off. They all jumped back in fear. He grabbed the boys by there hoods of there jackets and literally drug them outside. They where screaming in terror, but Jim ignored them as well as all the other terrified looks people gave. He tossed them out of the store and didn't look back. Then he ran to Claire snatched the mask and yelled;
"We gotta go now!"
"Right back at ya!" She said. And they ran. Jim placed the mask back on once more hiding his troll self. But they still ran. Once they where a good distance away hidden deep in one of the trails, Claire began to yell,
"What the hell was that for!" Jim drooped his arms over the walkway.
"I'm sorry. I want thinking. I couldn't help it." He said.
"Your damn right you where the thinking! Jim, people saw you! You can't do that in public!"
"You know what?! You try and become half troll and see how easy it is to hide your emotions! Until you know what its like to have instincts constantly screaming at you to lash out and destroy everything in your path, you have absolutely no word in this!"
Claire, scarred of his outbreak, she tried to say something, but he just shook his head and walked off.
He was right. she didn't know anything about his new instincts. She new nothing. She didn't have a clue what it would be like she shook her head and ran for Jim.

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