Didn't see HER coming

By kyligirl

51.1K 2.3K 355

This is a story of my INCREDIBLE life! *Note the sarcasm people* My names Eve and I don't know what I'm here... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 (part 1)
Chapter 36 (part 2)
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (part 1)
Chapter 38 (part 2)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (part 1)
Chapter 44 (part 2)
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51 (part 1)
Chapter 51 (part 2)
Authors Note❤️

Chapter 15

950 40 11
By kyligirl



"Ouch!" ....

'Noooo' I cringed as I saw my next victim go down. "Whoops, my bad. Again." I muttered to myself.

"Hey! Watch yourself, you b*tch!" Cortney yelled.

"Sorry." I said looking at the ground. Looking up I saw every girl in the game glaring at me, Ariel a mess laughing so hard tears coming out of her eyes, and coach's mouth open. She quickly composed herself though, and blew her whistle. Everyone cringed.

'Ugh, that thing is going down!' I heard Ariel's voice in my head.

I looked over and saw her glaring at coach's whistle. I shook my head at her behavior.

"Alright everyone, we're done for the day. Hit the showers or whatever." She sauntered off into her office. I quickly looked over at the boys. Lash stood there smirking at me. Shaking his head he walked towards his group of friends, but not before he winked at me.

Rolling my eyes I made my way over to one of the many water fountains in the gym. Wolves need to stay hydrated too. Taking big gulps, savoring the crisp taste going down my throat, I hadn't heard someone come up behind me.

"Sport technicalities?" I sighed.

'I can already hear the smirk in his voice.' I stood up straight and looked him in the eyes. 'Yep, there it is.'

"No Lash." He chuckled.

"Well technically speaking," He looked towards the volleyball court. "You should have hit that ball at least once over the net without injuring either yourself or someone else." I snorted.

"Well, technically Lash, I didn't ask for your opinion." I put a hand on my hip. He nodded.

"This is true, but that never stopped me before."

"Yes well, like you said earlier today we WERE friends once, but that was a long time ago." And with that I pushed passed him into the girls locker room. I weaved through all the girls, ignoring the snickers and the glares from everyone I hit in the head. Walking to my locker I kept my eyes forward. When I opened it a piece of paper fell out and I heard snickers and giggles behind me.

'I know imma regret looking at this, but here goes nothing.'

Unfolding it I saw is was a drawn picture. A picture of... Me and Ariel kissing and hugging! The words at the bottom stated that "the reason the future beta always stands up for the pup is cause they're gay mates." I couldn't help but gasp at the words. Everyone started cracking up and I felt my eyes start to betray me.

'Well, this is humiliating.' I sighed. 'But what's new?'

I growled and crumpled up the piece of paper and shoved it in my pocket. I didn't wanna risk it getting into the wrong hands.

'Like the ones who drew this.' I thought.

Brushing it off I started stripping. 'These clothes are too hot for wolves to wear! It's like being put in a oven!' I was never too into changing in front of people. Most girls have the beautiful bodies and the sexy undergarments. Not me... I'm normal. I was about to grab my other clothes when all of a sudden I was shoved to the floor. My head slammed into a locker before hitting the ground. Groaning I opened my eyes but everything was blurred.

"Having fun down there, pup?" Oh I'd know that voice anywhere.

'The queen b*tch of the school and my life.' I groaned as things cleared. Looking up I saw Lydia and her posse.

"What the hell!?" I yelled. Everyone went quiet cause they weren't used to me fighting back. "What is wrong with you!?" Lydia just laughed.

"Tryna be tough for once, pup? That's real cute." I slowly started to get up. Being cautious that I was outnumbered I knew I shouldn't start something I couldn't finish.

"Look, what do you want?" I asked annoyed holding my head. She laughed.
'No she cackled.' I thought smugly.

Out of no where that bitch slapped me and I stumbled back.
'Wow, being slapped twice in one day. NEW RECORD!'

Tears started brimming in my eyes as leaned against the lockers for support. My head was pounding so hard I thought I would collapse any minute now. "Sorry, I just thought you should wipe that smile off your face. Now your listening and I'm speaking." I nodded shocked.

"Did you enjoy your drink, omega?" And in that one sentence it clicked what this whole thing was about.

'Why is everything around here about him!?' I couldn't help but think.

"Lash." I whispered to myself.

"Yes, Lash." She stated putting her hands on her hips angrily. 'Curse our werewolf hearing!'

Let me fill you in on the she devil standing before me. Lydia Byron...

That b*tch has been a thorn in my side from the first day I met her. When me and Lash ever tried to be alone she was attached to his hip. Lash used to rant to me about how annoying it was that he couldn't be on his own in peace. Time changes, things change, and people change. There is something you all should know about this queen biatch... She is Lash's girlfriend.

Yes, you heard me. His girlfriend. Lydia is the daughter of the current beta of our pack. Beta Scott and his mate Danielle. They are nice people and Danielle was actually an omega before she found Scott to be her other half. So she actually married into her position of authority. Beta Scott has been a Beta to Alpha Grey for many years. Now that Lash is of age to take the title, he had a right to choose a new beta or keep the old one. When he promised Ariel the title of second, at the aging ceremony, Beta Scott will step down. He and his mate will always be introduces as Betas though. Same with Lash's father. He will always be Alpha Grey.

'As sad as that is.'

Just like in the stories how the quarterback of the football team and the head cheerleader are always a couple. The Alpha's son and the Beta's daughter is the same issue. Lash and the slut have been dating for about 2 years now. Lydia now thinks that Lash and her are perfect mates, and that she's gonna be the future Luna of the pack.

'That's all the b*tch talks about.' I thought annoyed.

Looking at her furious face now I knew what she was thinking. She always saw me as a threat from the very beginning, but as an omega how wrong she is. An Alpha and omega can't be mates. It just isn't done. Rules you know.

"What about my drink, Lydia?" I shrugged. "Can I not quench myself after gym class now?" She growled.

"I saw you and Lash talking this morning, then by the water fountain now?" She stepped forward and grabbed my throat. Her grip was tight and I couldn't breathe as she pushed me up against the lockers. I felt her claws extending and I knew she could kill me right here right now if she wished.

'Which she probably does.'

"You crossed boundary lines, pup." She snarled and spit hit my face.


"Lash is mine and you better not forget it. Disrespecting your future Luna is trial by fault and I can have you banned from my pack." By this time I was about to faint from deoxygenation.

Everything happened so quickly but then Lydia hand was gone and I was on the floor gasping for breath.

'God damn she's got some grip, I'll give her that.' I thought clutching my throat.

My head pounding I felt arms going around my waist as I got help standing. Lydia was getting up from the
floor and I saw that right under her eyes was a bruise starting to form. Livid Ariel stood in front of me protectively; snarling at the b*tch.

"Everyone in my pack stay here and everyone else GET THE FLIP OUT!" Everyone scampered away and everyone in the Lash pack looked at the floor in respect of Ariels anger. I couldn't help but tap her on the shoulder. When she looked back at me worried I chuckled.

"Get the flip out? Why don't you just say fu.." She covered her ears.

"LA LA LA! You know I hate cussing!" I rolled my eyes and slid down to the floor holding my head tryna stop it from exploding.

"Hey b*tch, did you just punch me!?" Lydia screeched. Ariel shrugged.

"Well it was not the wind!" She chuckled. "Now Cortney, truthly what just happened here?" Cortney stepped forward looking at the floor. I looked at her with sympathy. No one wants to be the one called out by Ariel, it's scary.

"I want to know why my friends head is bleeding, why she's crying , and why this pup had her hand around her throat." Cortney nodded.

"Yes Alpha. It all started with a picture that someone put in the omegas locker and it upset her. Then while she was changing Lydia came in here and shoved her. A argument broke out and that's where you walked in." Ariel nodded. Turning to me she helped me up again but all I wanted to do was sleep for 4 years.

"Eve, is that what happened?" I nodded.

"Pretty much." I mumbled.

"Thank you Cortney, you may leave with everyone else but Lilly."

"It's Lydia." Lydia snapped but Ariel payed her no attention. Nodding in respect everyone left but Lydia and her posse.

"You can send your followers out of the room." Ariel growled lowly. Lydia huffed but waved her girls away. Growling lowly they both left.

'They are lucky they aren't in the pack.' I thought to Ariel through mind-link.

'Yes. They are.' She thought back, not taking her eyes of Lydia.

"Let me tell you that when.." Lydia started to rant but Ariel cut her off.

"No, no I don't wanna hear about your "When I'm future Luna," speech. We have all heard it a million times." That shut her up. "I'm going to go about this calmly cause there is only 2 more periods of school left and it's been a very long day." Still Lydia said nothing. Ariel turned to me and held out her hand. "Eve, I'd like to see the photo Cortney was talking about." I shook my head.

"Listen, Ariel. It's nothing and honestly I feel so weird standing here half naked in front of you two." Ariel waved it off.

"We're wolves we are used to being naked in front of one another." I head Lydia grumble something like "Well some of us are wolves." She smirked at me from behind Ariel.

"The picture please." Ariel demanded putting power in her voice. Sighing I took the crumpled paper out of my gym shorts and handed it to her. She quickly looked it over and I started getting my clothes on so I wouldn't feel like a helpless baby.

Crumpling the picture up again Ariel put it in her pocket. "Who drew this picture?" Ariel asked folding her arms across her chest.

"How should I know??" Lydia screeched. Fully clothed I leaned against the lockers for support.

'Man, am I tired.' I thought pressing my hand to my head. Looking at my hand I saw red blood dripping.

"Uh, Ariel?" I said.

"I'm guessing you had something to do with this." Lydia cackled.

"Why? I'm not the only one who hates the b*tch." Growling Ariel stepped closer.

"I'm gonna say this one more time, it's been a long day so I suggest you be honest with your Alpha right now!"

"Ugh, girls." I interrupted but no one cared.

"Oh, you think your all high and mighty cause you have the Alpha title, but I'm Lash's girlfriend and future Luna of this pack."
Growling Ariel shoved her backwards.

"Lash's girlfriend or not I am his SISTER! And at this moment Alpha over you so show some respect you ungrateful pup!" They were both in a stand off of wills, but soon I saw Lydia waver. She could be banished here and now and I doubt she wanted to take any chances with my angry bodyguard.

"Ariel, a little help.."

"Not now Eve, I'm scolding." Ariel snapped.

"As punishment for your outburst and for harming another pack member, you will be helping with the preparations for the party tonight."

'Uh-oh' I thought.

"WHAT!? I can't! I have a million things to do before going! My hair and everything.. That's what omegas are for!" Lydia screamed.

"Then today your position is changed to omega. Take a bow." Lydia snarled.

"You'll regret this! When I'm Luna..."

"IF your Luna and I don't care. I don't wanna hear another peep outta you for the rest of the day!" Lydia backed down.

"Yes, Alpha." Ariel snarled and waved her off. Turning to me she saw all the blood and gasped.

"It's not as bad as you think." I mumbled.

"You need to go to the nurse, ugh I can't carry you!" She sighed frustrated. Lydia scoffed behind us. Ariel turned and glared at her. "Your free to go any day now, and just for the record," Ariel growled. "Even if Lash chooses you for his mate, if you think just cause I'll be having the Beta title that you'll be over me... You got another thing coming, Layla."

"It's LYDIA!" She screeched.

"I don't care!"

Lydia gasped and stomped her foot before storming out of the locker room.

'Ariel did never remember her name.' I thought to myself smugly.

Just then the bell rang. "Ugh great, just great." Ariel snapped.

'Sorry.' I thought at her.

She shook her head and smiled at me. "It's not your fault, Eve. That girl really sets my teeth on edge." I nodded understandingly. Putting my arm around her neck she helped me limp to the gym.

'I didn't even know I hurt my ankle till now.' I thought through mind-link.

"Why aren't you talking vocally?" She asked out loud, closing the locker room door.

'Cause I'm too tired to speak.' I thought at her.

Just then in the gym, surprisingly Lash and the boys were still here. Lash came running up to us. "Hey, what happened?? I saw Lydia and she..." Trailing off her looked at my state. "What the f***!? What happened!?"

Ariel glared at her brother. "Language. And what's her name hasn't been a good girl lately, Lash." He sighed.

"Her name is Lydia, Ariel."

"Oh my god, I DONT CARE!" She growled. "Now Eve hit her head and its bleeding and I need to get her to the nurse but I can't carry her."

"The bells already rung. Go to class. I'll take her." He stated. I was quickly handed over to his arms.

"Thanks bro! Feel better, Eve. We will talk about what we were talking about in the locker room later at home." I waved her off and I heard her running footsteps go.

"Look this isn't necessary, Lash. I'll just go home and clean up." I gathered up the strength to talk. Suddenly I was picked up bridal style.

"Nonsense. You can barely walk and your bleeding everywhere."

'Wow, that does a lot for a girls self esteem.' I thought sarcastically.

"I'm taking you to the nurse right now. One cause your hurt and second cause if I don't my sister will kill me." I chuckled softly at that. I don't know if it was the rocking motion of his body, or if I was just too tired to keep my eyes open. I ended up falling asleep and the last thing I remember hearing was..

"Don't worry. I got you."

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