His Little Fae

By AidaBekar

1.8M 52.4K 13.1K

He wanted a Queen, she had no need for a King. He wanted his mate, she wanted adventure. He wanted her close... More

Coming soon
Unwanted Encounter
Prison Discussions
The King's Orders
Bad Decisions
Attempted Ambush
Upsetting Him
Foreign Lands
Terrifying Truths
Last Moments
Thank You
Small Signs
A Spiral of Tears
A Chance
Another Encounter
Unsupervised Adventures
Strange Visions
Your Mate is a Billionaire
(Not) Thinking Rationally
Fates Intertwined
Unconcealed Ardor
New Relations
Drunken Haze
Luna della mia Vita
Kitchen Escapades
Euphoric Illusions
Moonlight Exploits
Fiery Animosity
Mild Vexation
Incandescent Flames
Sorrowful Mourning (I)
Midnight Discussions (I)
Midnight Discussions (II)
Dead of Night (I)
Dead of Night (II)
Saccharine Showers
Buried Enmity (I)
Buried Enmity (II)
Come Home
Lying by Omission
City of Lights (I)
City of Lights (II)
Calm Before the Storm
Monody (I)
Monody (II)
Monody (III)
Laconic Heartache
Arduous Distractions
Ephemeral Nights (I)
Ephemeral Nights (II)
Melancholic Bloodlust (I)
Melancholic Bloodlust (II)
A Fae's Epiphany (I)
A Fae's Epiphany (II)
Faerie Hunting (I)
Faerie Hunting (II)
Seeds of Doubt (I)
Seeds of Doubt (II)
Fresh Marks
Seraphic Truths (I)
Seraphic Truths (II)
Doorways (I)
Doorways (II)
Doorways (III)
Empty Threats (I)
Empty Threats (II)
Loyalty (I)
Loyalty (II)
Drawing Near (I)
Drawing Near (II)
First Blood


22.3K 686 141
By AidaBekar

"The universe showered her with its praise and exalted her presence,

for in her blood ran the rage of humanity itself,

in her blood flowed a power so legendary it was matched only by the gods."

The grand hall was extraordinary to say the least. Large golden chandeliers lit up the entire area, giving it an almost ethereal glow as they reflected the marble floor. A luxurious set of floor to ceiling windows portrayed the falling snow outside, adding to the magical feel of the room. Long polished tables ran along the length of the vast hall, accompanied with elegant cushioned chairs filled with wolves who were talking and laughing amongst themselves. The fresh aroma of warm food wafted through the air, and I inhaled deeply, enjoying the vibe; however I was suddenly reminded why Livius hated arriving late.

A part of me was already beginning to dread coming down alone.

I watched as they all paused, the loud boisterous hall from before now pin drop silent, and I spotted Livius sitting at the head of the largest table in the middle of the room, most of the important members of the pack sitting around him.

He was so far away.

His pale blue eyes were wide with shock as he caught sight of me at the entrance, mouth slightly open as he slowly set down the fork he held.

Allowing my gaze to slide over the hall, I glanced over the many pack members.

Subtly inhaling a breath, I met their curious gazes head on and raised my chin in an attempt to make myself look as though I knew what the fuck I was doing.

My eyes widened, however, when one wolf got up, all the others following soon after, and in seconds everyone in the large room was on their feet, their heads bowed in respect as I flushed at their actions.

Shoving away the strange feeling that welled up in my chest, I quickly strode over towards their King, my heart beating erratically in my chest as my heels clicked against the gleaming floor with each hesitant step I took.

Snapping out of his reverie, Livius instinctively stood up, having been the only person still sitting.

He shocked me as he gently took my hand, placing the most tender of kisses on the back of it, before shooting me an amused smirk when he took in my flushed face, and the nervous arch of my brows.

Finally deciding to put me out of my misery, he pulled out the empty chair to his left for me, and murmuring a quiet 'thank you,' I hurriedly settled down as his eyes flashed with an unreadable emotion.

Livius stepped away from me, his warmth disappearing as he also sat down, and almost immediately everyone else did too.

Elle playfully raised her brows at me, her blonde hair pulled up into an elegant bun as the few loose strands framed her heart shaped face. Her mate, Jayden, simply grinned in my direction, whilst the two of them took their seats, the conversations restarting.

No one, for even a second, acting as though my being down here was out of the norm.

I smiled as Livius grabbed my hand, an untouchable happiness dancing in his eyes that made my heart swell with passion, "What are you doing here, love?" he murmured in questioning, voice barely audible over the continued conversations.

My smile grew as I met his gaze, my mind overtaken by an overwhelming sense of joy, "It got boring upstairs," I replied dishonestly, before nonchalantly waving my left hand, the other still caught in his grip.

He shot me a disbelieving look, before rolling his eyes and suddenly beginning to pile food onto my plate.

My jaw dropped in shock, any words of objection getting caught in my throat the moment he briefly glanced up to give me a warning look.

"Maria has been telling me you haven't been eating lately," Livius stated thoughtfully, gesturing towards the large amount of food on my plate, eyes urging me to finish it.

I gulped, "I don't eat much."

He simply blinked down at me, an unrelenting look overtaking his features, and I whined, "this isn't why I came down here."

"What part of 'pack dinner' did you manage to misinterpret?"

I scowled up at him.

To think I wanted to do something nice for this infuriating wolf.

Suddenly, I stiffened, immediately turning around as I felt a searing hot gaze on me. I looked around, eyes sliding over the several pack members, and never once settling on the owner of the wolf who seemed to be glaring daggers at my back.

Strangely enough, my gaze landed on Damien, who probably entered using another door. A knowing grin was plastered on his face and I gave him a pointed look before shaking my head and turning away.

To Livius' merriment, I hesitantly picked up my fork and slowly picked at the food before me. I wasn't going to lie, I was a picky eater. Everyone who knew me knew that, and Livius was gradually starting to notice.

You couldn't blame me, I was, after all, raised in a castle for eight years. As a child I had immediately grown accustomed to the mostly plant based meals made by the chef who worked at my home. Fae's were peaceful creatures. They did not have the primal nature of wolves, hence why they did not hunt, and my family was no different.

My mother may have been a wolf, but she just so happened to prefer plants over animals anyway. Shoving aside her wolfish instincts, she adopted one of a Faes known characteristics.

I was basically a vegetarian until I turned nine.

That's where shit started to go wrong.

Something my Mother and Father had clearly not accounted for was the fact that I was a half wolf. Eventually at some point, I'd have to at least try meat.

The mistake I had made, however, was choosing to try it out a local Burger King with a couple of friends.

That burger was disgusting. Even now, after almost five years I could still taste its peculiar flavor in my mouth.

To the surprise of my classmates, I ended up throwing up all the contents of my stomach, and when I got home Mrs. Valentina thought I was out drinking.

After finding out why I was nauseous, she simply blinked down at me, her face pulled into a frown, before she offered to whip me up something I was used to.

I haven't eaten meat since.

Wolf or not.

Even ff the most high quality chicken was served to me on a golden platter, I wouldn't eat it.

Correction; I couldn't.

And this plate in front of me was no exception.

I swallowed as I stared down at the meatball before me, not wanting to offend Livius by turning away, but also unwilling to eat something that I knew for a fact would upset my stomach.

"Livius," I whispered, setting my fork down as he almost immediately turned away from the conversation he was having with two of his unranked officials.

He frowned, eying the untouched plate, "what is it, love?"

I pressed my lips into a thin line, hesitant as to what I should say, and how I should word it. I couldn't allow his pack members to hear me, either.

A wolf that didn't eat meat?

Horrible first impression.

Shaking my head, heat rushed to my cheeks as I slightly gestured with my hand for him to lean in, causing him to furrow his brows in confusion and worry, before slowly bringing his head down to hear what I had to say.

I swallowed, "I don't exactly eat... meat," I mumbled sheepishly in his ear, biting my lip when he suddenly paused.

Please don't laugh.

Please don't laugh.

Please don't laugh.

I watched mortified as he threw his head back, a boisterous laughter resonating deep within his chest as a few heads turned towards us, their eyes widening at the sight of their strangely amused King, and blushing Queen, before quickly going back to their dinner.

My cheeks were flushed, eyes averted as I shyly bowed my head, my hair falling in front of my face as I turned away, arms crossed frustratedly.

Finally, my mate settled down, slowly running a hand through his silky hair before turning back to me, eyes boring into my own, "why didn't you tell me this earlier?" he inquired.

"I-," I began, voice quiet before clearing my throat, "I've heard it is uncommon for a wolf to not eat meat."

He chuckled, "it is."

I glowered up at him, eyes pleading as his gaze softened, "I'm sorry, ma reine, I should've known," he apologized, swiftly removing the plate from in front of me, and I sighed in relief.

His gaze slid over the huge assortment of foods, all of them seeming to have at least some kind of meat mixed in with them, "so what do you eat?" he asked incredulously.

I shrugged, "Like I said, I'm not hungry," I told him, my hand reaching out to take a sip of the water set out before me.

He was frowning again, "I told your mother I'd take care of you."

"And you are," I stated softly, my hand landing over his own, as I gave him a cheerful smile.

Livius' eyes briefly unfocused, his attention somewhere else, before he leaned down and pressed a light kiss on my forehead, "Nevertheless, what on earth possessed you into striding in like that?" he questioned, changing the subject.

I shrugged again, "You told me to come down when I was ready."

His eyes narrowed, "You didn't seem ready."

One of my brows shot up, "You don't get to determine that."

"I don't," he gave in, eyes relenting for a few moments before growing serious once again, "I'm simply saying that I could've helped you out back there."

"Why?" I asked, jokingly lifting my chin in an attempt to look queenly, "did I not look regal enough?"

"You looked so small," was his straightforward response.

"I know I'm short Livius, but you don't have to rub it in my face," I huffed, staring up at him.

"Why are you so tiny, though?"

"Don't ask me that."

"Why not?" he cocked his head.

"Because it's rude."

"But it's a reasonable question."

"I'm average," I whined, crossing my arms.

"No, you're like four feet or something."

"Now you're just being mean," I pouted, "It's not my fault you're so ridiculously huge."

"I eat meat," he shrugged.

"Don't start," I warned, raising a finger in his direction, causing him to smirk.

No one could deny that I was shorter than most. Even as a child, I was smaller than all the other kids, and Alexius used to tease me nonstop about it. I practically reached Livius' shoulder.

.... Or maybe just a little lower.

Selene snorted at my denial.

"Shut up," I told her, "this isn't only my problem."

"You humans are so small," she laughed, "If it weren't for your wolf side, you'd probably be four foot two, Alexandria. You should be grateful."

I internally scowled at her.

Blocking her off, I turned back to Livius. He seemed as though he was preparing to say something, his chin resting on his knuckles as he leaned forward, but just as he opened his mouth, a wolf stepped forward, a large platter in the man's hands.

My eyes widened when he set it in front of me, warm brown eyes staring down at me with nothing but awe and adoration.

He looked to be in his early thirties, his tall form cloaked in a spotless white shirt and pants, "Please excuse my lateness, your majesty, I was a bit caught off guard with your sudden request," he apologized as I blinked down at the plate in confusion.

I watched in silent shock whilst he swiftly removed the silver covering from the plate, revealing the most beautiful bowl of noodles I had ever seen.

The man's eyes sparked with hope, "Soba noodles with edamame and green onions, Your highness, I hope you don't mind the extra veggies."

He looked hesitant, "Please tell me if you'd rather have something else, I don't mind making it at all. It's just... the pack often prefers eating anything so long as it has meat, so the Alpha's request shocked me," the wolf rambled nervously, scratching the back of his neck when I narrowed my eyes at the meal.

He misinterpreted.

"Y'know what, my queen? I just happened to think of an even better recipe," he began, suddenly reaching for the plate, "please allow me to present you with something more worthy."

He paused as I turned to him, his movements faltering, "What's your name?"

The man gulped, "Elijah, your grace."

"Well, Elijah," I murmured thoughtfully, before allowing a bright smile to overtake my features, "I haven't even tasted this yet, and I already know its probably going to be the best meal of my life."

His jaw dropped, "My queen, please do not flatter me, I could've done better."

"Nonsense," I waved my hand, "I don't even understand how you managed to make this so quickly."

He shifted under my gaze, Livius' amusement only making him even more anxious, "Once again, please allow me to make you something better," Elijah murmured, cheeks flushing at my appreciation.

Was this how all wolves acted around the royal family?

"This bowl and I are now inseparable, Elijah," I huffed, "Any attempt to take it away from me would be treason."

Livius snorted, pale blue eyes suddenly watching us with renewed interest.

The chefs eyes widened, before he sighed, "Of course, your majesty, my apologies."

He was about to turn away with a seemingly downhearted expression, the fear of any disappointment tainting his features, but my voice stopped him, "It is plant based correct?"

Elijah nodded animatedly, "Just as the King ordered, your grace. I promise I did not sneak in even the smallest bit of meat, you have my word."

I smiled up at him, and his eyes widened again as he took in the kind expression, eyes flashing with memory, "Thank you," I told him softly, choosing to ignore the sad look that suddenly overcame his features.

"I will have to drop by the kitchens someday," I thought aloud, "my cooking is getting a bit rusty."

He smiled back, his shyness dissipating at my warm expression, "You are always welcome, Queen Alexandria, I look forward to it," and with that he bowed one last time to both Livius and I before turning away, a happy grin playing on his lips as he strode back towards the kitchens.

The moment he was gone, Livius' spoke up,"Well, that was rather interesting," he mused, "You're a natural, my love."

I eyed him incredulously, "Livius, he cooks dinner for the entire pack almost every day! I'm almost one hundred percent sure he was finally relaxing before you mind-linked him with this request," I exclaimed, feeling bad for the wolf.

My mate shrugged, "It was an honor."

"It was a disturbance," I retorted.

"All the more reason for you to finish up that bowl before it gets cold."

I scowled at his stubbornness before turning back to the bowl of noodles and slowly lifting the fork to my lips.

Letting out a content sigh, my lips pulled into a small smile at the warmth.

It brought back memories.

It's been awhile since I sat at a large table and ate dinner.

Livius watched me curiously, "Well? Is it good?"

Rolling my eyes, I paused before offering him a bite, watching interestedly as he eyed the fork, unsure as to whether he should hold onto his 'kingly pride' or give in to his mates offer.

I smiled as he leaned in, choosing to take it.

Through the corner of my eye, I could barely make out a few of his pack members watching us in slight wonder.

Disregarding them, my mate hummed in content, seemingly satisfied with everything.

I giggled, the sound slipping through my lips as he gazed down at me with an emotion I could barely make out, before he got distracted, his gaze drifting over my shoulder, and narrowing on someone far behind me, a warning look flashing in his eyes.

Instinctively, I turned to follow his gaze, my mind immediately wondering what exactly he was looking at, but I paused when he suddenly grabbed my hand, once again pulling it up to his lips, causing me to smile at his attempt to divert my attention.


I turned around regardless, only to catch the smallest glimpse of a pair of dark blue eyes, until the wolf turned away and went back to their conversation.

Glowering at Livius suspiciously, I chose to disregard what just happened and instead ask him another question that was plaguing my thoughts, "Why was Elijah so nervous?" I inquired, casually taking another bite of the warm food before me.

He shrugged, "He's your subject, Alexandria. Believe it or not, but it's not only you who's nervous about meeting others."

"Only difference is," my mate continued, lips quirking up, "you're queen."

I stiffened at the title before allowing myself to relax, "But that doesn't..." I trailed off.

"It was his first impression, mon amour, he wanted to please you. After all, I don't think anyone wants to be on the receiving end of your contempt," he explained.

"I could never hate anyone here, Livius," I smiled, eyes drifting over his pack members.

They were practically his family.

I could never find it in me to change the island of peace that he'd created for these people.

Glancing up, I was caught off guard as I heard my mates phone ringing. He pulled it out of his pocket, eying it with annoyance and glancing back up to give me an apologetic look, "I have to take this," he murmured, getting up.

"Try not to burn the whole place down," he added teasingly, and I glowered at him, the expression only lasting a few seconds until it melted into a content smile as he gently ruffled my hair before striding out of the lavish hall, his phone pressed to his ear.

And with that, I was once again left alone in a place entirely foreign to me.

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