Saying Goodbye (Sterek Book 2)

By IceQueen51

896 14 0

This is a sequel to Perfect love, go read that Story first to better understand this story. It's been five y... More

Heartbroken Part 1
Heartbroken Part 2
Heartbroken the finale Chapter
Finale Planning
Meeting Halfway
Life Changing Events
Keeping Stiles Alive
Fearing The Worst
Calling For Help
Stiles Last Words
Heartbreaking News Part 1
Heartbreaking News Part 2
Painful Memories and Fears
Coming to a Conclusion
Letting Stiles Go
Forgiveness and Saying Goodbye
Goodbye Stiles
Last Message From Stiles Part 2
The Funeral
The Twins Are Home
Author's Note

Last Message From Stiles Part 1

26 0 0
By IceQueen51

Scott POV

It's two weeks since my mom gave us the heartbreaking news two weeks since Stiles died and it still feels unreal i expect to see him walk thru the front door of my moms house or to hear my phone going off with his ringtone but then i remember he isn't there anymore my best friend, my brother is dead and everyone is a wreack the pack hasn't talked to each other at all since it happened i have been crying non stop for these two weeks and tomorrow is his funeral i feel sorry for sheriff Stilinski now he has no one he lost his wife and now his son to i can't even imagen how he must feel Stiles didn't even get a chance to see his two beautiful daughters again and to intruduce them to his dad i feel sorry for those girls they lost their dad at a very young age they are only 4 years old they turn 5 in 5 weeks and Stiles won't even be there with them.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when my phone goes off with a message from Derek on the group chat and i catch a glims of Stiles name and it reminds me i still have to remove his number from the chat but i push that thought aside and look at the message.

Derek: hi guys can you all please come to my loft there is something i need to ask you please.

Me: sure i'm on my way see you soon.

I put my phone away before the others can answer i get up and grab my helmet and keys for my bike i leave the house and head to Derek's loft when i get there i see almost everyone is already there so i go inside about ten minutes after i arrived Lydia, Parrish and Jackson arrive and Derek clears his throat.

Derek POV

As everyone arrives i clear my throat and they all look at me "the reason i asked you all to be here is because the day Stiles died Melissa gave me this DVD and said that Stiles left spesific instructions that we only watch it after his death almost like he knew he wasn't going to make it and that same day when i was in his room he asked me in the letter he wrote that Jessica should also be here i don't know why so let's watch the DVD and maybe we will understand" i say putting the DVD into the player and turning on the TV the DVD starting immediatly.

Hi guys if your watching this it can only mean one thing i'm dead and your all here because i asked Derek to bring you together to watch this your probebly wondering whats going on since i'm clearly in my room in our house near the campus of Stanford and yes everyone is getting ready to hit the road to go back to Beacon Hills i had a dream last night and i knew it wasn't just a dream but kind of like a premenition i besiclay predicted my own death.

Lydia you felt it to i know you did that's why you screamed two days ago you knew but didn't say anything and i don't blame you i saw the accident happen and i saw my self die i saw us passing Theo, Liam, Corey, Mason and Hayden and i saw the pickup swerf in front of Theo's car and everything and i saw myself waking up a few feet away from the car i saw it all but i didn't say anything because i knew it would sound crazy so i stayed quiet.

Please don't be mad it was my choise not to say anything and just so you know Scott did offer me the bite but i said no so please don't be mad at him for not giving me the bite i didn't want it now there is a few things i want to descus with all off you first and for most i asked Jessica to be there because i have something i want to say to her and yes i know she is a werewolf to but to start from the begining.

Jackson i forgive you for everything i know why you were a jerk to me for all those years and i understand you were scared to atmit to yourself that your gay and you have feelings for me i know i've seen the way you looked at me and i knew so i just want to say i forgive you and i love you to and thank you for beeing there when Derek broke my heart i wouldn't have been able to work thru it if it wasn't for you now go out there and live a happy life you will meet the right one for you he is out there and you will find him but don't ever forget me okay i love you Jackie Goodbye.

Lydia and Parrish were to begin i know you might not be together anymore but know one thing in my eyes you were meant to be and i know you will find your way back to each other Lydia don't be blind to what's right in front of you follow your heart and you will be happy Parrish don't ever let her go do you understand me don't give up fight for what you love okay i love you guys and don't cry to much Goodbye Lyds and Parrish keep an eye on my dad okay Goodbye Jordan.

Aiden i know your probably mad at me for what i said but the right one for you is out there she might be right under your nose but you don't know it yet but don't stop looking she is waiting for you and will wait for a very long time keep an eye on everyone for me okay goodbye Aiden your a good guy don't forget that.

Danny and Ethan what am i going to do with you everyone can see your maid for each other go for it and don't let the other go do you understand me if you break each other's hearts i will haunt you both understand and just keep each other safe and alive i know your going to miss me but i had to go there was nothing else anyone could do so just live your lives and when you here anyone talk about supernatural just think of me and what i would say okay well see you both again when i see you Goodbye Danny, Ethan take care.

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