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๐‡๐ž'๐ฌ ๐š ๐ค๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐ซ Sสœแด‡'s แด€ สœแด‡แด€สŸแด‡ส€ ๐‡๐ž'๐ฌ ๐š ๐›๐š๐ ๐›๐จ๐ฒ Sสœแด‡'s แด€ ษขแดแดแด… ษขษชส€สŸ ๐–ก๐—Ž๐— ๐—๐—๐–บ๐— ๐–บ๐—๐–บ๐—‚๐—... More

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Hailey sighed as she let go of her spoon not really wanting to finish the soop she was given to by Jisoo who wouldn't even utter one word. Hailey looked down on the still full bowel of soop but she felt sick to her stomach and unable to eat anymore so she got and layed back down on the bed. Hailey could swear that she lost at least 10kg in those four days she's been locked up in her room with no human contact or anything but the four walls of her room and the windown beside her bed which also was securly locked and the red light that kept appearing and disappearing on her leg from the thingy.

Hailey groaned as pain shot through her lower half and ran to the bathroom and checked her underwear only to be met with a red dot making her groan loudly knowing she had no pads. She walked over to the door and knocked trying to get the bodyguard's attention but she was met with silence.

Hailey sighed knowing she had to do something about this. Taking a deep breath she screamed at the top of her lungs "KRIS HELP I'M BLEEDING" Before running to her bed and sitting under to cover trying to hide her soon to be soaked with blood pants.

The door flew open shocking Hailey that instead of unlocking it Kris broke the whole freaking thing and it fell under his feet as he stood over it panting gun in hand ready to kill whatever was in her way.

Wide eyed Hailey looked at him to see him lower his gun when he saw no danger. "Where are you bleeding?" He asked walking closer but stopped when she squealed and pulled the covers closer to her chest. "I can't tell you. Get me one of the girls" Hailey said blushing and looked down under the blanket to that the red dot was now spreading over her pants.

"Either you tell me or bleed to death" Kris said harshly making Hailey sigh and nod defeated. "I got my period. Now would you get me one of the girls so I can tell her what type of pads I use?" Hailey rolled her eyes and hid her face under the blanket trying to hide her blush.

Kris sighed shaking his head at her before walking out the door calking Lisa's name. The said girl run up the stairs "Yes sir" She said stopping in front of him. "Go see what Hailey needs" He said and walked past her not uttering anything else.

Lisa ran into her friend's room shocked to see the door laying on the floor and a blushing Hailey sat on the bed with the covers up to her face. "I got my period" Was the only thing that came out of Hailey's lips making Lisa laugh kinda able to imagine what happened. "I already know what to get" Lisa said laughing as she left the room.

Hailey sighed as two back blocked the door way instead of a door. She looked down feelings tears build up in her eyes. She really did lose everything, her father, her lover and now she was being forced to lose her friends because she didn't ast the way a mafia leader wanted her to.

She wiped her tears away furiously and layed back waiting for Lisa to come back with her pads. Hailey didn't really care if she stained the sheets with her blood even tho she hates the fact that a new maid comes to her room and changes the sheets everyday but seriously she didn't really care at the moment of she had to make them do it earlier that usual they were gonna do it anyways.

Hailey looked at the silk sheets she was laying on but she hated it she hated the fancy clothes that layed untouched in her closet and the fancy makeup brands that sat on her dresser that she knew she will never use. She hated this fancy life all she wanted was her normal life back with her father and lover.

Hailey always dreamed of how her life would look like in the future married to Marcus and they would have a small baby boy and a toddlar girl named after her mother that she used to love before knowing the truth, but all of that was gone in a second because of Kris, yes it was all Kris's fault but Hailey still couldn't get herself to hate him. Hailey never hated anyone in her lif not even her mother after learning the horrible truth but still she couldn't hate anyone her father didn't raise her like that.

After a couple of minutes Lisa came back with Hailey's pads and favorite chocolate that now lade on the desk untouched Hailey not able to at not even a small bite without throwing it back up.

Hailey looked up from her fingers as someone walked passed the body guards into the room to see who she remembered as Weny Chanyeol's wife. "Come on get up" Wendy said softly and pulled Hailey out of bed and past the bodyguards who followed their every step.

Wendy pulled Hailey to the living room where the rest of the boys and girls were except for Kris. "Welcome back Hailey" Lay said nicely and Hailey gave him back a small smile feeling tired and unable to speak. Hailey stood by the door and admired the scene in front of her. Suho and Jisoo sat beside each other with Mark on Suho's lap while SinB was on Jisoo's lap and they were all laughing as they tried to make SinB laugh which was working. Chanyeol and Wendy were playing with their sons hands and smiling at each other lovingly.

That's all Hailey ever wanted, a happy family that loved each other, the love of her life to be by her side and for them to love each other and their kids to death and would do anything for each other. Hailey felt tears build up in her eyes but she faught them back trying not to look weak in front of so many people but her expression didn't go unoticed by the girl that knew her better than anyone in the room, Lisa.

Lisa walked over to Hailey and placed her hand on Hailey's shoulder making the other girl jump and look at her with surprise. "He misses you too" Lisa said causing Hailey's breathing to stop for a moment as her eyes refilled with fresh tears. "He hasn't been sleeping well searching for you" Lisa continued as she watched the other girl's walls crash down as a sob left her lips and a few tears escaped her eyes. Lisa hated the state her friend was in but she had to tell her that he was still alive and loves her just as much as she loves him. Lisa always believed that if you didn't break something completely then you can't repair it so here she was trying to break the only peice left in Hailey so her friend can heal faster.

"He even continued planning the wedding and keeps telling people that he'll find you in time" Hailey was shocked to hear that because Marcus was the one who wanted to have a long engagment but he seems to be eager to marry her and is planning their wedding. "He even set a date" Everybody stopped moving at that point and were looking at the two friends not knowing what to do. "17th June" Hailey felt her walls finally crumble as she let out a loud sob. That was her father's birthday and everybody knew that she dreamed of getting married on his birthday from how much she loved him.

Hailey felt like she couldn't breathe and her face turned red and in a matter of seconds her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell into Lisa's arms after letting out a loud scream scaring the kids which made both Namjoon and JiEun burst out crying so both Wendy and Irene left the room away from the chaos that started in the room and to the kitchen trying to calm their kids.

All of the guys ran over to a struggling Lisa who was trying to keep Hailey up from the floor and trying to stop the flowing tears. Kai was the first one over picking Hailey up and ran up stairs followed by Lay and Chen, Chanyeol and Suho followed after them to make sure she was okay.

All the guys turned to look at Lisa demanding an explination "Why would you say that?" Xiumin asked but before Lisa could say anything Kris ran in looking at all of them confused. "Who screamed?" He asked searching their faces for an answer. "Hailey then she fainted" D.O explained. Kris's eyes widned "Where's she?" He demanded scaring even himself. He didn't know why he was so scared over her, maybe it's because of Sam. "Her room" Sehun was the one to answer but his gaze was still on Lisa who was wiping her tears away but it was no use because fresh ones took their place. They all watched as Kris ran up the stiars two at a time.

"I only said  the truth" Lisa finally answered the previous question getting the attention back to herself from the now empty stairs. "She had the right to know how her fiancé was doing" She finished sitting down on the couch as all the guys serounded her.

"He's not her fiancé anymore" Tao said angrily. "Yeah to you but not to the both of them. Do you even know what getting engaged even means?" Lisa shot back angrily glaring up at the older guy in front of her. Tao scoffed looking down at her with a glare "It means sharing your love with the world. Just because you took away her ring from her doesn't mean you stopped her from loving him or stopped her heart from beating for him" Lisa said standing up causing the guys to take a step back shocked at her words and they all watched as she stormed off.

"She's got fire" Sehun said making all the guys to look at him confused "I like fire" He finished earning disgusted look from all of them "You nasty" Luhan pushed him out of the way and walked up the stairs to check on the sick girl. "He's right that was disgusting" Tao agreed and followed the older male.

Hailey opened her eyes only to meet another ones that belonged to doctor mood Lay who immedatily started scolding her for not eating a lot and not taking care of herself. When he was done Hailey sat up and looked straight ahead not meeting anyone's eyes and just sat there like a statue staring at the wall in front of her. She was there with them with her body but her mind and soul were somewhere else with someone else.

"How's she? Why is she just staring at the wall?" Kris asked as Lay stood back up straight. "She's in shoke right now. She'll get better soon. When she's hungry and needs to use the bathroom she'll eventually get up" Lay said walking out of the soor.

Oh how wrong Lay was, Hailey stayed like that for three staright days not moving a muscle not even at night to sleep just staring ahead. Everybody was getting more and more worried each passing second. They wanted to take her to the hospital even Lay said that she should be taken there but they knew that they can't cause she was obviously reported to the police as missing all over the world.

On the fourth day all of them were sitting in the living room disgusing what they should do. "We could tell one of our drivers to take her to the hospital claiming that he found her on the street alone" Xiumin suggested but Kris shook his head like he did to every one of their suggestions. "Sam would be heartbroken" Was his excuse. He tried not to show how worried he was even from himself.

They all were shocked when they heard footsteps coming down the stairs and all of them looked up to see one of the bodyguards assigned on Hailey's door standing there "I heard water running inside the room" He said but he was told to go back up and wait beside the door for anything new.

They all sat in the living room trying to act as normal as possible  thinking maybe the guard was wrong. They all looked over to the door when they heard a throat being cleared only to see Hailey standing there looking at them with a stone face which scared all of them. Did they break her to the point that she was completely numb. She stood there with wet hair and only her bath robe on.

"Kris can I talk to you?" She asked not even waiting for him she started walking up the stairs. Kris looked around the room confused at the others and was pushed up from the couch by Luhan snapping him back from his confussion and shock. He almost ran up the stairs and into Hailey's room to see her standing there with her back to him.

"How are you feeling now Hailey?" He asked closing the door behind him so the others wouldn't hear their converstion since Hailey obviously didn't want them to. "I'm perfect" Hailey said in an almost robotic voice scaring Kris a little as she turned around.

"What do you want from me?" She asked looking at him with an almost lost puppy expression even tho she was trying to look tough. "What do you need from me to let me go?" She asked again before he  could answer. Kris looked at her confused as to why she was asking these questions.

"Is this what you from me?" She asked unknoting her robe and letting it fall in a pool at her feet to show her body fully naked. Kris looked away not being able to look at her like that even tho it wasn't his first time seeing a woman naked and probably not the last. He just couldn't look at her like this so he focused his eyes at her eyes that were holding fear in them. He walked closer to her noticing the shiver that ran down her spine as he got closer to her. He closed his eyes as he crouched down and opened them only for a second so he could see what he was grabbing. He grabbed the shoulders of her robe and stood back up keeping his eyes at hers as she watched him carefully with narrowed eyes. He placed the robe over her shoulder and closed it on the front and her hand immedatily held on the front while the other slipped through the sleeve.

Kris watched her silently knot her robe again securing it in a tight knot eyes not leaving each other's. "That's not what I want from you" He said after a couple of minutes in silence as they just stared at each other. "Then what?" She asked taking a step closer to him. "I don't know" He sighed turning around and left the room and the second the door closed he could hear her broken sobs. It was confirmed now Hailey was fully broken but for some reason Kris couldn't feel happy or proud of himself.

He walked across the hall to his room slaming the door so hard it almost fell off it's hings. Taking the first thing in sight Kris took a hold of his and Sam's picture on his dresser just beside the door and threw it across the room while a growl ripped through his lips. One thing after the other were smashed around the room until it was almost ruins and glass was covering the floor, Kris sat on the couch he had in his huge room with his throbbing head between his hands rocking back and forth.

Wasn't that what I wanted? Didn't I want to break her? Didn't I want her body? He asked himself still rocking back and forth before he leaned back fast and slammed his weight on the back of the couch causing it to move back a little. Why didn't I take her then? Why didn't I do what I wanted to her? He asked himself again feeling like his head was about to burst.

He kicked the table in front of him making it let out a loud squeak before hitting the door which caused a loud bang as the expensive vases and mini statues made out of crystals fell to the floor on the way and broke into a million peices adding to the already forming pile on the floor.

Kris sighed still not feeling relievd looking down at his hands. The door opened making him look back up to see Tao standing there looking at him shocked "Gege are you okay?"Tao rushed over to the older guy who just sighed and nodded. "I'm fine Tao" Kris said getting up and walked over to the door and he only stopped for a second "Get them to clean this up by tomorrow morning. Don't wait for me I'm going to the other house" Kris said before leaving competely.

Tao knew what was at the other house and why Kris was going there. The whores they owned were there and Kris usually goes to the sex hall in Korea when he's stressed or the other house in France. Tao shook his head in disapprovel at his boss who he saw as a brother. Tao left the room telling the maids to start working on cleaning the room as he walked back down stairs not missing the sobs from Hailey's room.

"What happened?" Chanyeol asked the second Tao joined them in the living room. "I have no idea" Tao shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the couch. "I walked into his room only to find it distroyed while Hailey was crying in her room. He even left for the other house" All the guys looked worried and so did the girls. They didn't know what was going on with their brother but they could only hope for it to end soon, very soon.

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