Wind and water (a percy jacks...

By VioletPage

13.2K 253 58

Percy and Rachel are best friends, what happens when Rachel realizes that she likes Percy more than just a fr... More

Wind and water (a percy jackson love story)
I hate myself for it!
Ms. Dobbs.....Whoa what?

I'm a what?

2.1K 88 46
By VioletPage

Percy POV

"This is a pen" I tell Grover as we walk into my apartment, Gabe was there and he had some friend's over.

"Get me a beer women" Gabe demands.

"Sally," Grover says "Percy needs to leave. NOW!

"She isn't going anywhere" Gabe says grabbing onto my mom. I slap his hand away, he turns to me and is about to fight. But Grover steps in and slams a crutch on Gabe's foot, and then over the head. Knocking Gabe unconsious.

"Mom lets go!" I yell distracting her from Gabe's unconsious body.  We rush into my bedroom and begin stuffing my clothes and posessions into a bag.  Rushing into the car Grover looks nervous.

"Sally we have to get Rachel" Grover instructs as my mom pulls into the street.Once we make it to Rachel's apartment, I push the button for her to buzz us in.

"Who is it?" her voice shaking.

"Percy," I respond confused, she never did this. She usually just lets us in.

"Anyone with you?"

"Grover and my mom" I respond.

"Okay hold on" she says and then buzzes us in. Scared to see what we might find we quickly rush up the stairs. I rap on the door and it slowly creaks open. Rachel is standing there holding two swords, covered in blood.

"What happened?" Grover demands, Rachel doesn't respond she just drops the swords and throws her arms around me. She then breaks down crying.

Rachel POV

I faught for mu life, the entire time I was in my apartment. Now I am safe, Percy is here, I am safe.

"What happened?" Grover demands again.

"Hellhounds and furies" I sob into Percy, who rubs my back to calm me down.

"How could we let this happen?" Grover sighs shaking his head.

"Will someone please explain what is going on?" Percy says still holding me.

"I will explain everything when we get to the car" Salls says ushering us out of the door. Once we start driving, Percy and Grover begin fussing over me. I just slap their hands away and stare out the window.

"So where are we going?" Percy asks, turning my attention to Sally.

"To camp, a camp designed for special people, people like you Percy." Sally says looking out the windsheild.

"What? Am I crazy or something?" Percy asks.

"Percy if you're crazy then I am insane" I smirk, then zone out I keep staring out the window when I feel Grover tense up beside me.

"SALLY WATCH OUT!" he yells. Sally swerves to avoid hitting whatever was in the road. She did a good job avoiding whatever it was but flips the car in the process.

"Percy" she calls weakly.

"Mom" he responds. If I didn't feel the pain when we flipped I sure did now, there was glass in my hair and everywhere on my body cutting up my legs.


The creature slams into the car. I glance over at Grover and it seems that he is taking his pants off.


"Svaing your life" Grover responds as if it were obvious.

"YOU'RE HALF DONKEY!?!" Percy yells.

"Actually, I'm half goat" Grover kicks out the window. The glass shatters and Grover climbs out he then turns and pulls me out. Then Percy, then Sally. While he is doing this I turn around and get a good look at the beast.

"Oh crap!" I breathe "We need to move. NOW!" I grab my bag and Percy's hand then start running. When we reach an arch way the words 'Camp Half Blood' appear. Percy tries pulling Sally through but something seems to be stopping her.

"I can't! I'm not like you" she calls.

"I'm not leaving you behind" percy says still trying to pull her through.

"You have to" she says then the beast comes out of the trees and grabs Sally.  Percy and I run back throught the arch, Sally's like a mother to me and I can't lose her. Suddenly Sally Disappears in the beasts's hand. Percy's anger sparks and looks around for a weapon.

"Click the pen" Gover yells to Percy.


The pen turns into a bronze sword.

"Grover! What do I do?" I asl deeply concerned about Percy's health.

"Rub the bracelet" he says again as if it were obvious.

"Gee why didn't I think of that?" I remark sarcasticly, rolling my eyes. Quickly glancing at Percy I rub the owl. The center begins to glitter and two swords come out of it.

"Percy watch out!" I yell slashing my sword through the air and hit the menatar, in what I believe to be it's knee. The menatar then turns its attention to me giving Percy the perfect chance to stab it. The menatar charges at me, I do the first thing that pops in my head, I jump to the highest branch i could reach. Looking down I notice that it was a pretty high jump, doing a quick calculation in my head I come up with the answer that I jumped at least 50 feet.

"Rachel you can come down now!" A voice called from the bottom of the tree. Jumping down I see that it is Mr. Brunner, except he wasn't really human.

"Ummm what's going on?" I as confused wondering why Mr. Brunner had a horse's legs instead of being in his wheeelchair.

"Gorver take Mr. Jackson to the infirmary" Mr. Brunner instructs, "Rachel you will follow me" and with that he walks through the archway. 

Following him I ask "Mr. Brunner-?" but he cuts me off.

"Her it is Chiron" he smiles at me.

"Chiron, what is this place?" I follow him, helping Grover carry Percy.

"This is Camp Half-Blood, a camp for demigods" Grover answers.

"Me? A demi god?" my jaw drops.


A/N: Hope you all liked it !

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