Neptunia: Pirate King and CPU...

By AlliedStar224

13.1K 154 57

Luffy, after an adventure of a lifetime, has attained his dream of finding the Onepiece and becoming King of... More

Disclaimer and Plan
Chapter 1 The King Of The Pirates
Chapter 2 Welcome to Gamindustri And Planeptune
Chapter 3 Save Lowee
Chapter 4 Peaceful Lowee Is Back
Chapter 5 So Is He The Male Protagonist Here?
Chapter 7 Noire Has Friends!?
Chapter 8 Living Peacefully
Chapter 9 Novel and Relationship
Chapter 10 Festival

Chapter 6 Lenbox? Leabox or Leanxox... No, its Leanbox!

1.2K 15 2
By AlliedStar224

DISCLAIMER: Idea Factory / Compile Heart & Eiichiro Oda

Written by: Arysta101/arystarrs

Seen now there is a horse carriage going through a forest, they head to a place that seems far away. There were many people on the horse carriage, there were several women and one man

"Hey Luffy bro, calm down," said a young pink-haired girl

"I want to know about your friend named Vert," said a black-haired man looking out the window at the trees

Blanc only watched Luffy, who had been looking at the window,  impressed with this new world. Luffy can see that the technology in this world is very different from his world

"I didn't know trees could be like that" Luffy said pointing to the trees

"What is your world like?" Asked Uni.

"My world is a pirate world "Luffy answered honestly

Uni heard Luffy's words then fell silent while imagining a world full of water and ships. Uni heard that pirates are thieves in the ocean, they always hijack other ships

Uni then looked at Luffy and saw his characteristics, Uni was surprised because Luffy was not at all like a pirate at all.

"Have you ever heard of pirates, Uni?" Nepgear asked

"Hmm, I've heard about them," said Uni looking at Luffy. "I only know their characteristics" added the Uni

"Are they great people?"

"Do they have power like Mr. Luffy?"

Ram and Rom looked curious about pirates, they are amazed to see Luffy so they want to know what pirates are.

"Hmm ... They don't seem to be great people," Uni explaining

Ram and Rom look surprised to hear that pirates are not good people, but why Luffy is so great and cool. Blanc watched the two younger sisters look very curious about pirates

She also had read several books and found something about pirates. Blanc feels that they are criminals for hijacking other ships in the ocean, but Blanc sees Luffy is not like a general pirate who does things like that, coupled with his innocence.

Neptune looks surprised because it seems they are actually interested in Luffy, even though she is the main character here but why does Luffy look like the main character

"Hey all of you, I'm the main character here, why do you look so curious about Luffy?" Neptune scowled

"Neptune, you are easily offended, aren't you bored if you always become the main character in this series, we also need another main character," Blanc said wisely

''Who? Luffy? "Neptune asked

"No, me" Blanc replied proudly

Everyone there was shocked to hear that, it turns out Blanc is also eager to be the main character. Neptune was only dumbstruck at the words of Blanc

"Heheheh" Nepgear seemed to just laugh when she heard they wanted to be the main character

"Mr. Luffy, is being a pirate fun?" Asked Ram

"Hmm yeah, I can travel around the world, unique places and meet some interesting people," Luffy said

Throughout his life, Luffy has seen a lot of races, he is never tired of meeting other races to see their unique quirks. He had seen all the races in his world so he now felt confused about meeting anyone else.

Luffy uses his immortality to roam the world again. He refused to have a wife, Boa Hancock because he knew that Hancock would be in danger for him being the pirate king, he didn't want  anything like that

"Wow, it must be very fun," Rom admired seeing Luffy

Luffy just smiled seeing the two little girls in front of him happy to hear the story, they reminded him when he was little where he heard the story of Shanks' adventures that made him so excited

Blanc smiles seeing her two sisters look so happy, this is the first time Ram and Rom are happy to hear adventure stories. IF and Compa just looked at this casually, IF was tired of dealing with this trivial matter

"Hey, we arrived," Nepgear said

Luffy who heard it then looked at the window to see the place called Leanbox.

Seen here is a place like a city, it looks white and green. There is a gate

"Stop!" Said the guard there

"Inside this train are the CPU's from Lowee and Planeptune," said the carriage carrier

"Oh, please come in," said the guard

The gate then opened so that the horse carriage entered the Nation. Luffy saw the contents inside the Nation and was amazed to see that there was a tall building like Planeptune but it was green, some roads were seen floating in the air and there were seen a few vehicles on the road.

Luffy is was amazed to see that. The CPUs and the two humans who saw Luffy just smiled because of Luffy's innocent nature.

The train stopped at a place like the station. They all then got off the horse carriage

"We've arrived," Neptune said

"So this is Laenbox," Luffy said

"This is Leanbox, Luffy," said IF

'' Lenbox ''

'' Leanbox ''

"Leabax "



"Leanbox!" Shouted IF tired of telling

"Wow, calm down Iffy," Neptune said, calming IF

IF then took a breath to calm herself. Luffy looks at the buildings, there are many shops that are more advanced than his world, Luffy also sees the residents wearing green clothes there

"Hey, they all wear clothes like that person at that time," Luffy said

"Right, the clothes are the same, Luffy," Nepgear said

Luffy then thought that it seemed like the person he met in the forest with Neptune and Blanc was someone who really came from here

"Now where is that person named Vret?" Luffy asked

"Right, Vert, she must be at the Basilicom," Blanc said

"Then we go there," Luffy said excitedly

"Do you know where the road is?" Asked IF

"No, I'm new here" replied Luffy innocently

They all sighed except for Ram and Rom who were seen laughing. "Then let's go, I'll lead," Blanc said

"Hey, I'm the one who leads," Neptune said, not to be outdone

"Why are you so angry, I just want to lead the way," Blanc said, responding to Neptune

"Never mind you two, this is not the time to lollygag. We still have assignments, 'said IF telling them

Neptune and Blanc were then calm themselves together. IF smiled at seeing the two of them calm down, IF then looked at Luffy who still looked impressed with this Nation

"Well, Luffy, it's time to go," said IF

Luffy who heard IF then nodded and headed towards them. They walked towards the Basilicom 

Luffy is still looking around amazed by everything here. Luffy saw someone riding something like a vehicle, someone walking with friends or their family

Uni looks pensive thinking of her sister who seems to be alone in Lastation. She should go home after this but her sister always says to help them

"Uni, are you okay?" Nepgear asked

Uni was shocked to hear Nepgear calling her. "I'm fine Nepgear" replied Uni

Nepgear did not believe Uni. Nepgear knew that Uni was thinking of her sister

"Uni, after this we will go to Lastation," said Nepgear

Uni was shocked to hear that


"Yes, we will go to Lastation to meet your sister," Neptune said

"There are some things I want to talk about with your sister, so don't worry," Blanc said

Uni looks happy to hear that, she doesn't feel worried anymore because she will soon be at Lastation

"Hey is that the place?" Luffy then pointed to a place shaped like a city very different from Neptunes Basilicom and Is a tower like Blanc's.

"Yes thats Vert's, Basilicom," said Blanc

They then decided to go inside. Just like Basilicom in general there were many guards there, Luffy then walked towards one of the guards

"Hey, do you know where Vert is?" Luffy asked directly

The guard was then surprised to see Luffy suddenly searching for where their Goddess was

"Luffy!" IF then pulled the collar of Luffy's shirt

"Aw aw, what's up Iffy?" Luffy asked, feeling annoyed when IF pulled the collar of his shirt from behind

"You don't just say that," said IF

"It's true. You might be caught 'said Compa

"Luffy bro, you don't seem to understand what good manners are," Neptune warned Luffy

"That's rich coming from someone like you Neptune," Blanc said, looking at Neptune

'' Blanc. Come on, why don't you ever support me. We are friends, you know, '' said Neptune looking at Blanc

Blanc sighed at the words of Neptune. Neptune is a CPU that cannot be relied upon in building her Nation, but it is not bad for advancing its Nation's trust and very rarely is there a rebellion in her Nation

"Excuse me, we want to meet Vert-san," Nepgear said

"Oh, you are from the Planeptune and Lowee, then please," said the guard, asking them all to enter the Vertical Basilicom.

They use the elevator to go up the same as Planeptune. Luffy looks so happy with what happened in this new world. When above, there is a very large room

"Wow, the room is huge," said Luffy

"Yes, one of the rooms must be full of collections of extras belonging to Vert," Blanc said

Luffy just nodded in understanding. They then walked through several rooms, Ram and Rom were seen opening one by one  to see what's inside while the others just let their behaviour

"Wow, she's really a fan of extras," Nepgear looked at one of the rooms opened by Ram

"Not only extras but also games," Neptune said

"Game !? Did you just say game !? "asked Luffy

"Nep!" Neptune was shocked to see Luffy in front of her and almost made herself fall back but Neptune stood her ground

"Yoo Luffy bro, why are you in front of me suddenly?" Neptune asked

"Shishishi sorry, I just heard you say the game," Luffy said with a smile apologizing

Neptune just nodded understanding.

"So you like games, Luffy?" Nepgear asked

"Yes, I really like games, it makes me not bored" Luffy answered with a smile

They all nodded understanding. They then saw at the end of the hall there was a room that looked like Vert's room

"Well, this is Vert's room," Neptune said

"Luffy, you better not look at her chest," Blanc said

"How come?" Luffy asked

"Blanc has something she doesn't like from Vert," Neptune said

"What is that?" Luffy asked curiously

"You will know later," said IF

They then knocked on the door to call Vert. But the door is not open, they are all confused to see it. IF then taps again but still there is no answer

"Did she leave?" Luffy asked

"I don't know," said Neptune

IF then tried to open the door and was surprised because the door was not locked. "The door is not locked, do we just go in?" Asked IF to her friends


Ram and Rom then immediately broke through the door to enter, IF was shocked to see that the two of them immediately entered. Blanc sighed at the two sisters

"Sorry, I didn't know that they will do that," Blanc said to her friends

"Never mind, they are still small children," Luffy said innocently

"Actually they will continue to be children, Luffy," Nepgear said

Luffy is confused to hear that, Luffy only knows that the CPU is the leader of the Nation. He doesn't know all about CPU's at all. They then entered the room because the door was opened.

Seen in a room that looks messy, there are several books falling, there is dust on the floor, to the extent that food is also visible there

"This place is a mess," said Uni, seeing it

"Right, this has not been cleaned for several months." Nepgear looked at the room

"That's because Vert is so lazy to clean it," Blanc said

They then heard a sound from another room there, there was another room in the room. Out of curiosity they then headed to the room to see who made the sound

Seen there was a woman playing a video game, she was wearing a headset while holding an analog stick. The woman is characterized by long yellow hair, wearing clothes like a green dress, wearing white gloves.

Luffy thinks that he seems to be Vert. "Is she Vert?" Asked Luffy

"Right, she is Vert," said Neptune

Vert is seen playing video games without noticing that she is now being watched. Luffy and the others are just dumbfounded by this woman in front of them

'' Woy Vert '' called Neptune

Vert then feels that if she is being called, Vert then turns her face aside to see Luffy and the others

"Oh you," Vert said, realizing they were here

"Have you been playing video games, Vert?" Blanc asked

"Yes, that's how it is, today there is a massive event so I have to get a prize at that event," said Vert

Vert then saw those who were so busy and was surprised because they suddenly came to the Basilicom. Vert remembers that Lowee was attacked by monsters so she decided to order some of her soldiers to help Lowee in fighting the monsters

Vert is surprised because Blanc and the others are here, they should have repaired Lowee's damage because of being attacked by the monsters

"Is Lowee calm?" Asked Vert

"Yes, I thank Noire, you and Neptune and her friends," Blanc said gratefully

Neptune and the others seemed to just laugh proudly, Vert smiled at the words of Blanc

"Well, I'll play my game again," said Vert

"Wait, Vert, we want to talk to you," Neptune said

"Speaking? What about? "Vert asked

"About the attack of the monsters to Lowee," Blanc said, glaring at Vert

Vert who was sharply gazed at by Blanc was just astonished. Has she made a mistake?

Now it looks like Vert and the others are sitting except Luffy, Ram and Rom who are seen playing Vert's game console

"Hmm, I understand," said Vert holding her chin

"Are you also involved in this?" Blanc asked with a sharp look

"I have no idea in this matter," said Vert

They looked at Vert saying that in honest words but Blanc still looked at Vert with an interrogative look. Neptune who saw Blanc then sighed

"Blanc, I think she's being honest," Neptune said

Blanc then closed her eyes while thinking about this, Vert could not have done that because they had been friends for quite a while added Vert sent her soldiers to help her Nation fight monsters

"Okay, I believe in you," Blanc said

Vert smiled at Blanc

"Thank you, I didn't know that a flat person like you could understand," said Vert

Everyone was shocked to hear Vert say flat. Blanc looks angry at the words of Vert

"What do you mean flat?" Blanc asked with a sharp look

"Ara, it seems like I said a forbidden word," said Vert teasing Blanc

"I asked what you mean by FLAT!" Blanc shouted, looking angry towards Vert. Vert looks just smiling

Luffy who saw it was just confused. Luffy then looked at Nepgear

"Hey Nepgear, why is Blanc so angry at the word flat?" Luffy asked innocently

Nepgear sighed when they seemed to be fighting

"Blanc has one thing she doesn't like about her," Nepgear said

"What's the thing she doesn't like about her? What is it? "Luffy asked

Nepgear then brought her face towards Luffy's ear to whisper something

"Blanc-san really doesn't like that her chest is so, flat," said Nepgear slowly hoping that Blanc didn't hear it

Luffy seemed to nod in understanding, he had no problem with Blanc's flat chest. Luffy has seen a lot of large women's breasts.

'' Nepgear! What have you whispered to him ?! 'Blanc shouted angrily towards Nepgear

"He ... I ... didn't whisper anything" said Nepgear

Blanc looked at Nepgear with a sharp look. Nepgear sweats very much and doesn't stop. Luffy who saw her was just confused

"I don't understand why she is angry," said Luffy

Vert then looked at Luffy and realized that there was a man in the Basilicom.

"Who is he?" Asked Vert

'' He is Luffy, he is our new friend '' Neptune said heading towards Luffy

"Ara, you seem to have found a male friend" "Vert saw Luffy

Vert sees Luffy wearing a purple t-shirt that Neptune seems to give, he wears purple jeans that Neptune seems to have given too, he has black hair, has black pupils, and has a thin body

"Hmm, is he your taste?" Vert asked

Neptune and others were shocked to hear that.

"Yes, you know, he is indeed a man who is dashing, but he can be counted on," Neptune said

"Neptune, you don't seem to know what this woman means," said Blanc, pointing towards Vert

Neptune understands the intent of Vert. Luffy is not a man who is too handsome or handsome but she is amazed by Luffy who seems to be great at fighting

"Don't get me wrong, he is a person who had a great role in saving Lowee," Neptune said

Vert looked at Luffy again and wondered if he could fight the monsters

"Is he the person?" Asked Vert

"You mean?" Blanc didn't understand

"I heard from one of my soldiers that there was a man who fought the monsters empty-handed," said Vert

"Yes, he's the one," Neptune said. Vert looked at Luffy again thinking once again whether he was the right person. Blanc sees Vert like that sighing understanding Vert's confusion. "I know for sure you don't believe it," Blanc said

Vert nodded towards Blanc. Vert heard from her soldier that the person could stretch his hands like rubber

"Can he flex his hands?" Asked Vert

"Yes he can" replied Neptune

'' Can you show me '' asked Vert

''Of course, I can. Luffy bro, come here '' called Neptune to Luffy

Luffy then hears he's being called and then walks towards Neptune and the others. He was confused about why he was called

"What's up?" Luffy asked

"Can you stretch your hands," Blanc asked

"Sure "Luffy then flexed his hand aside to take a drink beside him and then pulled it, Luffy then drank the drink.

Vert who saw him was shocked to see what had happened, she saw a man stretch his arms and then take a drink and drink it

"Gosh, I really don't believe what I saw," said Vert

"Yes, we also thought that, when we first saw it," Neptune said

Blanc nodded in agreement with Neptune. Luffy then returns to the console and then plays with Ram and Rom, Nepgear only sees them playing games with Vert's console

"Okay, so you think that the attack from Lowee is because of someone's behavior," said Vert who then drank her tea

Vert is seen thinking about this. The defence system in each Nation is not likely to be immediately exposed to the virus, she thought that someone would enter Blanc's Basilicom and enter the virus

"Blanc, do you have anyone new to your Basilicom?" Asked Vert

"No, I've never seen a new person working on my Basilicom" replied Blanc

Vert then returned to drinking her tea, she wanted to help something like this because her Nation was also exposed to slander

"Okay, what should we do now?" Asked Vert

"We're going to Lastation, we have to talk about this with Noire," Neptune said

Blanc nodded as soon as the others. Luffy is seen still playing games with Ram and Rom.

They were all seen talking to each other casually, the CPUs were talking to each other while the candidate CPUs were looking at Luffy playing the game

"Wow, that was very difficult," said Luffy, he was seen losing

"You should have taken a life when the monster fainted," said the Uni giving advice

Nepgear looks smiling because they look so familiar now. "Here, let me show you," said Uni, taking Luffy's controller.

Luffy is now watching Uni play. The candidate CPUs looked amazed to see uni playing very well, Luffy thought that he had to practice playing this game so as not to lose to Uni

"Look, it's very easy," said the Uni proudly.

"Wow you are great," said Luffy

"Right "agreed Ram

Uni's cheeks then turned red because she was embarrassed to be praised by them. Uni has never been praised like this, her sister is a serious one and very rarely praises her hard work at all

"I-It's still nothing," said Uni proudly and embarrassed

Luffy looked smiling seeing Uni like that while the other candidate CPUs looked smiling and also saw the nature of the Tsundere just like her sister

"Well, it's time to go to Lastation," Neptune said, telling Luffy and the CPU candidate

Uni then looks happy because she will meet her sister, she is worried about leaving her sister alone

"Then we'll leave now," Neptune said

They all then got ready to go to Lastation, Luffy and the two candidate CPUs from Lowee looked gloomy because they still wanted to play games again. Nepgear then looked at Luffy

'' Come on Luffy, we have to go now '' said Nepgear

Luffy and the two CPU candidates then stood up and followed them from behind. Luffy sees that it looks like they will meet new people again

"Where are we going now?" Luffy asked Nepgear

"We will go to Lastation, where Uni's sister lives," said Nepgear

Luffy nodded in understanding. Luffy then realized that Vert was seen living here alone different from the others who had an older sister

"Does Vert not have a little sister like you?" Luffy asked

Everyone then heard him, they all then looked at Luffy who felt unconscious that he had said. Vert also turned to see Luffy

"What do you mean, Luffy? Of course, I have younger sisters like them '' said Vert with a smile

"Really, I want to see her," said Luffy

Vert looked at Nepgear. ''Here! She is my younger sister '' said Vert hugging Nepgear

Nepgear was embraced by Vert, she seemed unable to breathe because her face hit Vert's large chest, but Nepgear felt soft. Neptune who was watching was then was angry because Vert suddenly hugged her sister

"Hey Vert! That's my sister! "Neptune shouted

"It's really a pity, you don't have a sister so you like to delude that Nepgear is your younger sister, " Blanc said looking at Vert

"Ara, you turned out to be someone who likes to spread the shame of others, right, Blanc?" Said Vert looking at Blanc

Blanc just sighed in resignation. Vert did not give up at all to make Nepgear her sister, not just Nepgear but all sweet little girls.

Luffy who saw her looked surprised, he thought that Nepgear was Neptune's younger sister but why did Vert say that her sister was Nepgear?

"I'm confused," said Luffy

"Phew, this is hard to explain to you at all, Luffy," said IF

"Poor Nepgear" Compa saw Nepgear still hugged by Vert

Nepgear tried to get out of Vert's arms. "Vert-san, I can't breathe, "said Nepgear who looked short of breath

Vert then removed Nepgear and smiled at Nepgear who looked dizzy because she did not have enough air in her brain. They then head to the elevator to go downstairs.

When below they saw there were people who seemed very busy talking about something. Neptune and the others then head to the crowd

"What's this?" Vert asked the resident

"Oh Vert-sama, we have a problem," said one resident


"Right, someone just said that he would blow Leanbox"

Vert was then shocked to hear that a crazy person wanted to blow up her own Nation

"This is bad, this person seems to want to make the same thing happen with Lowee," said IF

Blanc then looked angry, she was eager to find this person and beat him up. Vert is wearing her serious face now and thinking calmly about this

"Where did you see this person?" Asked Vert

"There at the northern part of Leanbox," said one resident

'' Then you better take the children to the shelter, I don't know if he really wants to blow up Leanbox. As Leanbox CPU, I will not allow that, 'said Vert firmly

Luffy smiled at Vert's ambitions. Vert then turns to see Neptune and the others

"Friends, sorry. I have to take care of this first, 'said Vert

"Then we'll help you," said Luffy

Vert was shocked to hear Luffy's words

"Right, Vert, we are friends," Neptune said

Vert then smiles seeing her friends. "Thank you all," Vert said happily

"Well, let's go find this person," Nepgear said

"Good, now I will beat this person so he won't walk again," Blanc said with a growl

"Wow Blanc, too sadistic," Neptune told Blanc

They all then ran north in Leanbox to find the person

On the north side of Leanbox, you can see someone wearing green clothes, the Leanbox resident. He held a huge ball, he smiled while waiting for someone

This person is a man who seems unhappy with what happened in Leanbox

"Hey, who are you?" Asked one of the residents of Leanbox

''I? I'm a resident here, 'said the man

"What will you do?" Asked one of the residents

"I want to destroy all Nations, everyone, all CPUs!" The man shouted angrily

The residents of Leanbox were shocked to hear that. The residents think that this person seems to be stressed out so he doesn't know what he is talking about

"Come on CPUs, I want to destroy you!" Said the man angrily

Then come Neptune and the others. The man then looked very happy that he they had come.

"Finally you're here," said the man

"If I ask, who are you?" Vert asked the man

''I? I'm the one who will bring destruction to all CPUs, 'said the man in an aggressive tone

Vert saw that he was indeed one of her residents. Neptune who saw the man felt that he was the same as the man in the forest with Luffy and Blanc

"Hey, he was the one at that time," Luffy said

The man then looked at Luffy and was surprised because Luffy was not a CPU.

"Hey, are you a CPU?" Asked the man

''CPU? No, I'm not a CPU, "replied Luffy

The man then looked towards Neptune and the other CPUs.

"Why are you doing this?" Vert asked the man

"Because I hate CPUs, we don't need them," said the man

"Isn't the CPU responsible for guarding the Nation?" Luffy said to the man

"No, A Nation is still safe without a CPU," said the man

"This man doesn't know what he's talking about," Neptune said

Blanc and Vert nodded in agreement with the words of Neptune. Nepgear thought that he held something, Nepgear thought that it seemed like a bomb

"Looks like he's holding a bomb," said Nepgear

The man smiled at the words from Nepgear. "Yes, I brought a bomb to detonate Leanbox," said the man

All CPUs and residents of Leanbox are shocked to hear that. The man smiled at their reaction

"Hmm, isn't that too small to blow up the Leanbox?" Neptune said to the man

"Hahaha, you don't understand what I mean, loli CPU," said the man

Neptune then gets annoyed to hear that she is called the CPU loli. Indeed she is very small and like a little girl but she is a CPU, a CPU does not grow like a normal human

"I will only blast this wall so the monsters can enter," said the man

"Didn't you say you wanted to blow up Leanbox?" Luffy asked the man

IF then realized that Luffy had managed to say Leanbox, it was a miracle Luffy did it. She was tired of teaching Luffy

"It's just an illustration," said the man

"It's not cool at all," Neptune said, hearing it

The man was annoyed to see the CPUs now seemed to be lowering. The man smiled again

'' Okay, say goodbye to this Nation '' said the man who then threw the object in his hand towards the wall behind him

The wall was then destroyed because it suddenly exploded quite large. Vert was shocked to see that the Nation's wall was easily destroyed

Dogoo's then arrive. Neptune and the others were seen with their weapons

"He can talk to monsters," Blanc said

"Cool but strange power, "Neptune said

Monsters began to enter the city and get ready to destroy it. Neptune and Nepgear then ran forward to attack the monsters using their swords

Blanc ordered her sisters not to come forward, she took out her hammer and then came forward to fight the monsters. Ram and Rom stand guard from behind while removing their sticks

Vert pulled out her spear and stabbed one of the monsters, Uni assisted  Vert from behind using her rifle. IF was also seen helping Vert attack the monster

Luffy seems to be behind with Compa who doesn't seem to dare come forward

"Compa, you just wait here and treat the wounded. I will come forward to defeat that person, '' said Luffy

Compa nodded understanding. Luffy came forward to attack the person, the person who saw Luffy just smiled and told the monsters to attack Luffy. Luffy saw two monsters beside him, then kicked the two monsters

Luffy sees a monster in front of him. '' Gomu-Gomu no Pistol '' shouted Luffy who attacked the monster

Luffy saw a monster behind him then turned around. " Gomu-Gomu no Muchi " shouted Luffy kicking the monster behind him

The man is surprised to see Luffy defeat all the monsters easily

Luffy is then in front of the man, Luffy is getting ready to attack the man but there is a monster protecting him.

'' Gomu-Gomu no Bullet '' Luffy then hit the monster's stomach so strongly that the monster bounced backwards

All the monsters have been defeated. The man was shocked because he didn't know that they could defeat all the monsters

'' Tch, how dare you give us weak monsters'' Blanc said arrogantly

"Doesn't it look like you're tired of fighting monsters at Lowee, Blanc?" Luffy said

"Shut up, Luffy!" Blanc shouted angrily

Neptune and the others just held back laughter seeing Blanc angry with the words of Luffy who was so deep

Vert looked sharply at the man because he dared to attack her Nation

"Are you really a Leanbox resident?" Asked Vert

"No, I can't be a resident of a CPU," said the man in a furious tone

"I don't understand at all. Do you have a problem, bro? '' Asked Neptune

The man looks silent in question by Neptune.

"Don't be happy because you saved this Nation, there are still other Nations" said the man

"That won't happen again, Lowee now has a new defence system and has been repaired around the wall," Blanc said

"Don't underestimate Planeptune" Neptune said proudly

The man was seen smiling. "Isn't there one more" said the man

Everyone was shocked to hear that because there is still another Nation, Lastation where Noire is. Uni then remembers her sister

"Onee-chan," said Uni unconsciously

Luffy looks at the man sharply because he has disturbed him. Luffy doesn't like the person in front of him who hates without a cause. The Leanbox guards then came to that location

'' Catch him '' command Vert

The guards then arrested the man for his actions. The man was seen smiling madly at what was about to happen

"We must immediately go to Lastation," said Uni

'' Alright Uni '' agreed Nepgear

"Then let's just use my transportation device," said Vert

They all nodded in understanding. Luffy thinks that this meeting with Noire will be different


Neptune: Hey back with me, Neptune. Do you know why this chapter has an ending that is a cliffhanger? Because the author is so lazy

Author: I'm tired of not being lazy, don't you know Neptune, it's very difficult to do three fanfics at once but that doesn't matter to me

Luffy: Hey do you have food, I'm so hungry

Neptune: It's in the refrigerator but remember, don't take my pudding

Luffy: I understand

Author: Thank you for reading, in this chapter Luffy still doesn't have the skills. You know that Luffy has a longer adventure, Luffy might have an adventure in Gamindustri. Let's just watch Luffy's adventures in the next chapter

Luffy: There is no food in the fridge, so I just eat pudding

Neptune: I told you not to eat my pudding!

Author: Oh don't forget to leave a Review even with a foreign language, I really appreciate all of your reviews. See you in the next chapter ... Hey, Luffy get me some pudding too

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